"I guessed it, and I thought it would be very dangerous." Lin Xiao spread his hands and said.

"We repelled the opponent, wouldn't the opponent come to us? After all, it is a four-dimensional civilization, and they will let us go so easily?"

"Also, do you know how the other party arranged those ruins on our earth?"

"And I guess, it is very likely that it was done by the three-dimensional civilization controlled by them, and this three-dimensional civilization can also travel across the universe in the universe."

"So, the other party may arrive on our earth in a few hundred years, but it may also be decades, or even years."

"In short, when you are still alive, it is possible to face this crisis."

These leaders immediately became more fearful in their hearts.

The President of the United States immediately said: "Mr. Lin, now you have become our chief human scientist, I hope you will perform your duties well!"

Lin Xiao smiled lightly, "Of course, but the premise is that I am still the chairman of the community with a shared future for mankind."


The leaders immediately became entangled.

Only the leader of his own family is willing to support Lin Xiao.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xiao shook his head, "Okay, you should think about it carefully. If the community organization loses enough influence, I won't think about it either."

Then he turned and left without stopping.

In fact, he had already known from Xiao Mi that these people did not want him to continue serving as the chairman of the Community of Human Destiny.

Because his prestige is too high, this organization is likely to develop influence beyond the United Nations, and for those with vested interests in the United Nations, they are naturally unwilling to do so.

Including the honor they awarded Lin Xiao as the Chief Human Scientist, which was originally used to cancel his position as the chairman of the community organization.

Of course, even if Lin Xiao refuses, they can take various methods to reduce the functions of the community organization in the world.

The community organization has only been established for more than half a year, and its roots in the world are not deep enough.

So once it is targeted in the future, it will definitely become difficult to move forward.

But now, he has found such a reason that these people have to rely on him, so that he can continue to serve as the leader of the community organization, and then increase the influence of the organization.

Even if it's only a few years, he still has a way to increase the influence of the community organization.

It's an important tool in achieving his biggest goal ever, so he won't give it up easily.


The fact that Lin Xiao became the chief scientist of mankind spread at an extremely fast speed. There was no objection, only cheers.

After that, those leaders also temporarily gave up the idea of ​​removing the chairmanship of the Lin Xiao Community Organization.

For them, they are not afraid of ten thousand, but just in case.

Who knows if they will really encounter another disaster when they are still alive?

So just like this, the Community of Human Destiny Organization continued to become more and more famous under the leadership of Lin Xiao, and with the support of Huaguo's national power, it provided a huge force for the reconstruction of those disaster areas, so that the Community Organization The status in people's minds has also become higher and higher.

At the same time, Lin Xiao also became more noble in the hearts of all mankind.


Time flies by, seven years have passed.

Seven years is not long or short, but for human beings, it is seven years of renovation.

The volcanic ash in the sky has finally all settled, the temperature of the earth has returned to normal, and the environment has also been improved to a certain extent, especially the nutrients carried by the volcanic ash have made the earth's soil more suitable for the growth of plants, thus bringing It is another prosperity of living things.

The reconstruction of human cities has also been completed in sevens and eighties. Although it is still possible to see how terrible the disasters that this civilization suffered in the past, people's lives are already intact.

But in fact, in the first three years after the disaster, the world still suffered from insufficient sunlight, resulting in insufficient crops and poor development of animal husbandry. In addition, there were various impacts, such as respiratory diseases, etc., which made the world Humans of the world still endure famine and disease for a good period of time.

So that still suffered very serious casualties.

Up to now, the number of all human beings has dropped by more than 20 billion.

But no matter what, the future still fills people with hope, because the respected and great chairman of the community organization, the chief scientist of mankind, will always give them courage.

until today.

Lin Xiao announced his resignation from the post of chairman of the community organization.

Chapter 562 He Will Return Like Lightning 【End】

Modu, a brand-new organization headquarters of a community with a shared future for mankind, was established four years ago.

Its name is Human Palace, which means the common palace of all mankind.

This human palace was built under the impetus of Chairman Lin, and at his request, anyone is allowed to enter for free.

Of course, the number of tourists that can be accepted at the same time is limited, so as to avoid too many tourists and affect the normal operation of organizational functions.

In addition, what is more critical is that anyone can directly enter any conference room here, even if there is an important meeting to be held in the conference room, and these people can also express their opinions at the same time.

Although at the beginning, many representatives and staff members of the Human Palace were very dissatisfied with such regulations, but under the insistence of the chairman Lin Xiao, such regulations continued.

In Lin Xiao's words, that is, "there is no conspiracy or conspiracy in the Human Palace, so why not let others hear it."

Since then, all mankind has more trust in this organization, and more respect for Lin Xiao, the chairman of the board.

People believe that with the leadership of the community of shared future for mankind, their community of shared future will definitely become better.

However, at this time today, this human palace, which already has a holy place in the hearts of all human beings, suddenly broke out with huge noise and noise.

Such a sound, from the inside to the outside, until after that, a group of people came out of the majestic gate.

Among them, a person in the center walked forward with a blank face, and beside him was a group of guards to protect his safety.

Surrounding them were reporters with microphones in their hands.

"Mr. Chief Scientist, may I ask why you suddenly announced your resignation?"

"Mr. Chairman, why did you choose to resign?"


The same questions were asked one after another, and the faces of these reporters were even more sad. Perhaps it was this question that made them feel uncomfortable.

However, Lin Xiao didn't give any answers to these questions, and kept walking forward.

Until finally, he had come to the front of his car, and when he was about to get in the car, suddenly, another question was asked.

"Mr. Chairman Lin, are you going to abandon us humans?"

This question made Lin Xiao stop.

He turned his head to look at the reporter. This was a female reporter. It seemed that she had just started working not long ago, and she was very young.

For Lin Xiao, who is 39 years old this year, maybe he can become her uncle.

At this time, the female reporter's pupils were a little red, and tears were about to drip.

Of course, in fact, the other reporters around were also in similar moods.

Finally, Lin Xiao shook his head slightly and said, "I will never give up on you, nor on human beings, not now, nor in the future."

Then he turned around and got into the car.

The reporters present were still thinking about asking some more questions, but looking at the vehicles that had already driven out, they had no choice but to give up.

Then, they all fell into deep thought when they remembered what Lin Xiao said just now.


The news of Lin Xiao's resignation quickly spread throughout the world and caused a huge reaction.

Everyone didn't know what Lin Xiao's resignation meant, but one thing they knew very well was that they had lost the leadership of a person they all believed in.

Suddenly, countless people all over the world fell into a sad atmosphere.

At the same time, Lin Xiao also returned to his house.

"Master, according to my statistics, at least 13.21% of people around the world are now in tears because of the news of your resignation."

"35.12 per cent felt bad about it."

"45.51% felt dazed."

"67.36% are asking why."

"99.8% of people want you not to resign and to carry on with this job."

"Master, your every move can attract the attention of all mankind. You have achieved unprecedented achievements, and perhaps there will be no one to follow."

"Do you have any thoughts on this? Xiao Mi is listening."

Lin Xiao smiled lightly.


"Okay." Xiaomi could only say helplessly.

"After all, it's not really over yet."

Lin Xiao looked out the window. In that bustling world, there were still hidden disasters that had already taken root.

"Yeah!" Xiao Mi responded again and again, it was very clear about Lin Xiao's future plans.

"Okay, go and help me find out, the news has been announced, how do those people react."

"I'm healthy..." Xiao Mi responded, and after a while, it said: "They are having a celebration banquet now, very happy, in the new White House, the president just opened a bottle of champagne to celebrate Woolen cloth."

Lin Xiao frowned, and finally shook his head slightly, "It's indeed the reaction people like them would have."

"Master, will they abide by the agreement you made with them?"

"will not."

"Then why did you agree to them?"

"Because my position is too obvious, I need to change to a dark place."

"Then master, why don't you let me kill them directly."

Xiao Mi hummed and said, "I'll kill them directly from the front door to the back door with a mantis knife. They will definitely obey me."

Lin Xiao rolled his eyes, "You only killed their bodies, not their spirits."

"You can kill a person, but you can't defeat a person. This sentence applies to everyone."

"And if you want to completely disintegrate their spirits, start from their insides."

Xiao Mi still couldn't understand Lin Xiao's words, so she finally had to say: "Okay, master, I will listen to you."

"En." Lin Xiao nodded slightly.

"Then, master, we should be able to prepare the next plan, right?"

"No hurry, I still have a question that needs to be answered."

Lin Xiao said.

Xiaomi wondered, "What's the problem?"

Lin Xiao didn't respond, but closed his eyes and entered his mind.

"Open personal panel."

[Host: Lin Xiao]

[Truth points: 24000]

【Universal truth branch level】

[Mathematics: Level 11 (32/40)]

[Chemistry: Level 9 (12/15)]

[Physics: Level 10 (24/25)]

[Biology: Level 11 (13/40)]

[Materials: Level 10 (10/25)]

[Informatics: Level 9 (5/15)]

"There are so many truth points."

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