He sighed slightly.

"That should be enough of the questions I want to ask."

"System, how do I achieve biological immortality, not informational immortality."

"Sorry, this question cannot be answered for the time being, the reason: the host has not yet figured out whether it can achieve immortality based on biological principles."

Hearing the system's answer, Lin Xiao was helpless.

"Is it so smart?"

"Okay then, let me ask... Can I achieve biological immortality?"

"This question requires 5 truth points. The host has a prop [Super-Dimensional Question], which can reduce the required truth points to 15000. Do you want to use it?"

The sound of the system made Lin Xiao's brows twitch.

Then, he took a deep breath, and then said: "Use."

"15000 truth points have been consumed, the prop [Super-Dimensional Question]."

"Your physical body can achieve biological immortality, as long as you continue to make more achievements biologically."

After getting this answer, Lin Xiao showed a satisfied expression.

Being able to achieve eternal life, he will be able to gradually realize his various ideas.

In the same way, he can truly realize his biggest goal, and even the realization of this big goal will only happen incidentally in the process of eternal life.

The most important thing is that he can go further on the road of chasing the truth.

He is 39 years old, but he knows very well that it is still a long time before he wants to find the ultimate truth.

"Since there is a chance to achieve eternal life, then I don't have to worry about it."

Even in the biotechnology left over from the Martian civilization, they only almost achieved immortality, not real immortality.

At this point, he finally didn't need to worry about the future in his heart.

At this time, he suddenly thought of the question he wanted to ask seven years ago.

That is the history of the system.

He exhaled, and then said in his heart: "System, I will gradually figure out your origin in my eternal life, maybe..."

I didn't continue talking, because it might be useless to talk to the system.

Opening his eyes again, he said to Xiaomi: "Okay, let's get ready to go."

"Good host!"

Xiao Mi noticed Lin Xiao's expression seemed very happy, and asked curiously, "What happened to the master just now?"

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "I asked a question and got a good answer."

"what is the answer?"

"In terms of time, I will never leave you."

"Really?" Xiaomi asked in surprise.

"Of course it's true, otherwise, what have I been working on for so many years?"

"That's great!"

Xiao Mi is very happy, it knows that its lifespan is infinite, as long as its computer is always on, and in fact it has now transferred its main body to the tiny super quantum computer inside Jayden Armstrong's body , which will be enough to keep it powered on forever.

But it also knows that its master, as a human being, has a limited lifespan.

So now the owner told it the news, which made it very happy.

It will not leave its master in the future.

Lin Xiao also smiled slightly, and then said: "Okay, don't talk too much, let's prepare for the future plan."


"However, master, will we really be able to accomplish our goal by relying solely on biological research in the future?"

Lin Xiao: "Whoever controls energy will control all countries, and whoever controls food will be able to control all mankind."

"However, whoever controls the future lives of those who control energy and food will control both. Of course, this is only the first step. There will be other steps in the future."

"I just grabbed them all, and then put a knife on their heads. It's the same effect?"

"... Sigh." Lin Xiao sighed, "I don't know if it's right for you to control Jayden's body."

"That's what I thought!"


After another few days, the world has not yet passed from the sadness of Chairman Lin's announcement of his resignation.

The news of Lin Xiao's disappearance shocked the world again.

The dignified chief scientist of mankind is still missing?

Someone kidnapped him?

Or what?

For a moment, the world was plunged into a huge shock.

However, after searching all over the world for a long time, no one was found.

The citizens of the world are lost, and those in power are a little flustered.

Because none of them knew whether Lin Xiao's disappearance was an accident or a conspiracy.

They spent a lot of money and effort to drive away Lin Xiao, but he suddenly disappeared again?

Missed from their surveillance?

This had to scare them.

However, this global search lasted for several months, but the whereabouts of the chief human scientist were never found.

Eventually, human society gave up.

But regarding the status of the chief human scientist, he was permanently marked as "missing".

0.2% of people silently pray that Lin Xiao is completely missing and will never appear in front of human beings again.

And 99.8% of people don't believe that he will die.

Because he said that he will not give up on human beings, not now, nor in the future.

So people believe that when human beings fall into disaster again, he will return like lightning.

【End of the book】

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