He is Lin Xiao.

His height is not high, but at this time it makes everyone feel a kind of stalwart, and his age is not very old, even only 32 years old, but it is enough to make people of any age in this world bow to him .

After learning that Lin Xiao was coming to Geneva, the residents here spontaneously came to pick him up on this day, and even some people from France next door made a special trip to come over.

Everyone wants to see the true face of the savior with their own eyes.

So much so that the entire Geneva International Airport is almost overcrowded. Regardless of the fact that there are tens of thousands of people around the airport, this is mainly to not affect the normal landing of other flights. It is still full of people.

People cheered, welcomed, expressed their joy after rebirth, and then used this joy to repay Lin Xiao.

Standing at the forefront of the crowd were dignitaries from all over the world.

Basically, national leaders from all over the world came.

When these leaders heard the cheers behind them, they couldn't help sighing for a moment.

Throughout human history, there has never been such a person who can be admired and respected by all human beings in the world.

But now, Lin Xiao has achieved this.

This is simply equivalent to the emergence of a world-class saint. If he wants to establish a religion, he may be able to attract countless people to join. Christianity is a hammer. Now that the real savior is in the world, of course you must believe in the savior.

So from now on, such a person will stand above the heads of the world's political leaders.

However, Lin Xiao is still very young, and his physical condition seems to be very good. He might be able to become the uncrowned king of this world for five or sixty years.

Such people are the most troublesome for those who have representative capital behind them.

And it's not easy to kill.

Because in this world, no one would hate him.

Even people like Gandhi and Martin Luther King were killed by people who were hostile to them.

But Lin Xiao is the savior of all mankind.

Finally, they looked at the person standing on the gangway, waving to the surroundings, with a little regret on their faces.

On the gangway, I watched the grand occasion in the airport, and all of them came to welcome me. If I were an ordinary person, I would feel that this is the highlight moment in my life at this moment, and then I would smile and be proud of it.

First, it was the water gate with the highest welcome ceremony, and then it was warmly welcomed by countless people, and even leaders from all over the world came to pick it up.

This must be the most glorious moment a person can be.

But for him, he has become a little numb.

Because he went to any city recently, he almost had to go through such a scene.

After passing through the water gate, countless people greeted him, and finally when he reached the street outside, countless people lined the road to welcome him.

So this kind of scene basically won't let him feel the excitement in his heart.

The only thing that was a little different was the welcome from the leaders of various countries off the court.

But whether these people really welcome them or pretend to welcome them is another matter.

Maybe the leaders of those small and medium-sized countries are sincere, and in those big countries, he can see the scheming hidden in their hearts from their eyes.

He shook his head slightly, then took a step and started walking down the gangway.

When he came down, he shook hands with these leaders one by one, and finally waved to the crowd outside. After that, he walked to a black Mercedes beside him and closed the door.

And the leaders of other countries also sat in their special cars.

The convoy started to move. This huge convoy was full of top figures in the world, and then gradually left the airport, heading for the United Nations Office in Geneva, the Palais des Nations.


The Palais des Nations is the headquarters of the League of Nations, the predecessor of the United Nations. Although the newly established United Nations headquarters was snatched by the United States, the Palais des Nations is still the most important meeting place of the United Nations.

And as a car from the airport drove into the Palais des Nations, Lin Xiao and the dignitaries from various countries directly entered the Palais des Nations, the assembly hall.

Lin Xiao is not a representative of various countries at this time, so he does not sit in the seats of representatives of other countries below.

He came here as the chairman of the Community of Human Destiny, because he saved the earth in this capacity, and the Community itself has the same status as the United Nations, so he is next to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, Has his seat.

until everyone is seated.

A grand meeting was also officially held at the Palais des Nations.

In addition to the more than 1000 people present, more than one billion people watched the live broadcast.

Because almost everyone in the world knows that today, at the United Nations, the most important meeting will be held since the silver ring dissipated.

The Secretary-General of the United Nations first came to the front podium and began his speech.

"Hello, people all over the world."

"Seven days have passed since the outer silver ring dissipated."

"In the past seven days, until this time now, the number of disasters of the destructive level and above in the world has been reduced by more than 90.00%, and it has returned to the previous normal level."

"This also means that we are truly free! We humans have won the final victory!"

As these words were spoken, cheers broke out in the entire assembly hall. No matter how many times they heard such news, their hearts would be excited.

At the same time, in front of the TV or computer screen, or in front of the radio, as the translated voice came out, ordinary people all over the world burst into cheers again.

Finally, the disaster is completely over!

Everyone wept with joy, even those who had evacuated to the less disaster-stricken areas were filled with joy at this time. Although the area they were in kept them safe for such a long time, they couldn't stand it I always hear from the news that a huge disaster has occurred somewhere, and tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people have died there.

Therefore, they always think about the day when the end will really come. After all, Lin Xiao has already revealed that the disaster of the end will really come.

And now, they finally don't need to worry about these things anymore.

And the Secretary-General's speech is still going on.

"But whenever and wherever, please don't forget our compatriots who died in the disaster."

"That's a scary number, and what's even scarier is that we don't even know how accurate and precise that number is."

"This is a human tragedy that needs to be remembered by all of us."

His words were dull and made everyone feel distressed.

But then, his tone jumped again, and he said: "However, always dwelling on the pain of the past will only become a hindrance to human beings."

"So, my friends, let's gradually work our way out of that pain."

"In the new days, we have to show more courage to face it, because we never know whether there will be a few more silver rings in the sky tomorrow."

"If there is such a time, we who have experienced it once should have more courage."

"Of course, sometimes courage needs to have a source."

"And now, we've found a perfect source of courage."

"That is Mr. Lin Xiao, the chairman of the Community of Human Destiny Organization."

"He saved us and gave us courage in those dark times, so we hope he will continue to be our source of courage."

"Therefore, after discussions in our several meetings, and with unanimous approval, hereby, in the name of the United Nations and the Community of Human Destiny, Mr. Lin is officially awarded the lifelong honor of [Chief Scientist of Humanity]."

"I hope he can give each of us courage when we face any disasters in the future."

"Let us believe that human beings will be eternal!"

Applause broke out in the entire conference hall, and the leaders of these countries present witnessed this scene with their own eyes.

The people watching the live broadcast in front of the TV were shocked after seeing this scene, and then burst into cheers.

Human Chief Scientist!

What an honor that sounds like!

But it is worthy of the name, because it was this human scientist who saved their human beings.

Granting him this title is certainly appropriate.

Of course, at this time, no matter what Lin Xiao got, people wouldn't think it was too much.

Even if it is directly rewarding him tens of billions, it is not too much.

Just like that, everyone turned their eyes to Lin Xiao, expecting his response.

At this time, Lin Xiao also stood up, with a smile on his face, and then went straight to the podium.

The secretary-general gave up the seat to Lin Xiao, and Lin Xiao walked up, with the microphone on his face, and said, "Thank you to the world, thank you to mankind."

"It is my luck to receive this honor."

"The so-called saving mankind and saving the earth is not because I am so great, but because I am also a part of the earth, a member of mankind."

"To save the planet is to save myself."

"Since this disaster, we humans are not alone in this universe, and we already have proof."

"Whether the same catastrophe of extinction will happen in the future, I think, is still possible."

"But as Mr. Secretary-General said, if human beings need me as a source of courage, then I am willing to be the hope that every compatriot can grasp in despair and provide courage for compatriots."

"If there is no torch after that, then treat me as the last light."

"Since I have accepted this honor today, and I am also the chairman of the Community of Human Destiny, I should abide by such a mission."

"The destiny of mankind is a community. I hope we will take good care of this community and encourage it together."

Lin Xiao's speech ended, and once again received echoes from all over the world.

The representatives and leaders of all countries in the audience had to applaud Lin Xiao's words.

Of course, the leaders of those big countries were attracted by Lin Xiao's words that disasters may still come.

They had to worry, could this disaster really continue to come?

But there was no time for them to think about it.

Because the next is the time to officially award Lin Xiao the honor of Chief Human Scientist.

The representatives of the five permanent members and the secretary-general lined up one by one, then shook hands with Lin Xiao, and then Lin Xiao walked to a display stand next to him, and took off the certificate representing the chief scientist of mankind and a symbolic ring.

This meticulously carved ring is made of a precious pigeon's blood ruby, and is embellished with cornflower sapphires.

And if it is irradiated with ultraviolet light, it can be found that there are still words engraved inside the ring.

【Chief Human Scientist Lin Xiao】

Both Chinese and English are available.

There is another sentence.

【As you wish, human beings are eternal】

There is a smaller string of characters at the end, which is the name of the designer.

Gustav Makarich, the best gem designer in the world today.

Finally, Lin Xiao put on the ring, and took a group photo with these people with the certificate in his hand.

At this point, the process is over, and then the leaders of the five permanent members will make a speech, mainly expressing their feelings about the end of the disaster, and at the same time expressing their gratitude to Lin Xiao, and finally talking about the post-disaster reconstruction work in the world.

Finally, the meeting came to an end.

After that, there will be private meetings held by various major countries.

Lin Xiao also participated in this meeting.

The first question in this meeting was asked to Lin Xiao.

"Mr. Chief Scientist, you just said that there will still be disasters in the future. Is this true?"

All these leaders stared at Lin Xiao closely.

Lin Xiao smiled slightly, "Yes."


The leaders were all shocked immediately.

"When is the next time? Will it be the same silver ring disaster?"

Lin Xiao smiled and shook his head, "I don't know."

These people were all taken aback for a moment.

"You do not know?"

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