who am I?

where am I?

What the hell is that fifth question?

Therefore, when the other eleven members of the Qin Province faced the questioning of the two professors, they all expressed mournfully that the fifth question was too difficult for the concubine to do.

Then they asked each other, hey, everyone didn't do it well, and immediately, they were all relieved, it seems that this question is actually too difficult!

At this moment, the student named Wang Yang looked at Lin Xiao who was packing up the chess board, thinking to himself when did this guy come out, why did he play chess with the professor again?

So he asked Lin Xiao, "Have you solved the fifth question yet?"

Lin Xiao raised his head and glanced at him. After confirming that this person was asking himself, he replied, "It's done."

Wang Yang's eyes widened: "How did you do it?"

"First do this..., then do this..., and finally do this..., you understand?"

Lin Xiao explained the method to Wang Yang, but Wang Yang was still in a daze.

Walter, yo Sosa?

It does not make sense?

Finally, he gave up struggling and asked again, didn't he look stupid.

But he still expressed his admiration for Lin Xiao in his heart.

He gave up. Lin Xiao was able to write such a difficult question, but he didn't even have a clue. He could only stare blankly except for writing the word 'jie'. This is already a real gap.

He was unconvinced by Lin Xiao's full score in the competition before, because he thought that Lin Xiao was just lucky. After all, competition, although it pays attention to strength, also has a certain relationship with luck.

But now it seems that Lin Xiao scored 300 points in the league, probably because the papers added up to only 300 points, and he was able to score 267 points because he could only get 267 points.

This is the real gap.


The competition was completely over in this way, and it was a relief for the candidates, and the next step was to wait for the results to come out.

Most people are apprehensive about their results, but only a small number of people have a certain degree of confidence, and they are completely confident about entering the National Team.

As for Lin Xiao, after the exam, it was as if he hadn't. He was even in the mood to play chess with the two professors. Seeing that Lin's father and mother had finished the exam, they naturally took him to have a good time in Hangzhou.

When the members of the Qin provincial team saw him like this, they couldn't help feeling envious.

Is this the mentality of learning God?


Even Wang Yang was worried, because he felt that he didn't perform well, and he was even a little out of order, and he was still a little uncertain about whether he could enter the national team.

But no matter what, time passed quickly.

On November 11, they returned to Qin Province, and each went back to school or home. Those who should go to class continued to attend class, and then quietly waited for the announcement of the results.


Mathematical Olympiad test paper marking group.

There are quite a few teachers in the correction group responsible for this correction, and every question done by each student must be corrected by several teachers before the grade can be determined.

Of course, since there are only more than 300 contestants, it will not take long to correct the test papers, and it will not take a few days to correct the test papers.

Soon, on November 11, all the test papers were graded.

"Okay, let's count the results from now on. I will report the candidate number, and you will report the scores of each question, and then count."

The leader of the correction team said.

"It's Candidate No. 1 now."

"15 points for the first question."

"6 points for the second question."

"0 points for the third question."

"The fourth question is 18 points."

"0 points for the fifth question."

"0 points for the sixth question."

"The total score is 39 points."

"Candidate No. 2."

"21 points for the first question."

"18 points for the second question."

"6 points for the third question."

"The fourth question is 21 points."

"0 points for the fifth question."

"21 points for the sixth question."

"A total score of 87."

Hearing this score, the teachers in the correction team sighed with emotion: "This score is very good, probably in the top ten this year."

"Basically, I'm sure, I can get 89 points in the exam, I'm very talented."

The team leader interrupted their chat and said: "Okay, stop talking nonsense, we have to announce the results tomorrow morning, there are more than 300 people, everyone hurry up."

"Now count candidate No. 3."

"first question……"


As the results of each candidate were reported, the scores that determined whether these candidates were recommended or passed in vain also appeared one by one.

"Candidate No. 233."

"21 points for the first question!"

"21 points for the second question!"

"21 points for the third question!"

After hearing the three questions reported, the teachers in the correction group were shocked.

This is the first test paper with full marks for the first three questions!

But now that he has scored 63 points, it is very safe to win the gold medal. Even as long as he gets a few points in the next three questions, he will basically enter the national training team.

However, candidates who get full marks for the first three questions will only get a few points for the next three questions?

Obviously not.

"21 points for the fourth question!"

Everyone was in an uproar again, and it was full marks again.

What about question five?

The fifth question is the most difficult question in this exam. According to the results of the previous 232 candidates, the scoring rate is ridiculously low. Seventy to eighty percent of the students only scored 0 points, and a small number of people scored a little points, as for those who get full marks, they can be counted on one hand.

And can candidate No. 233 continue to get full marks?

"The fifth question...is also 21 points!"

"21 points for the sixth question!"

The score report staff for the sixth question followed closely behind the fifth question, as if they couldn't wait to report the result.

Full marks, full marks again, full marks!

The teacher in charge of statistics put an end to the report: "Candidate No. 233, the total score... 126 points, full score!"



"Team leader, can I see this student's information?"

someone said.

Others also asked.

In fact, these people are all teachers sent by famous universities, such as Shangjing University, or Qinghua University.

But now, the No. 233 candidate's score is undoubtedly the first in the Olympiad, and he is destined to enter the national training team.

Moreover, generally speaking, as No.1, there is a high chance of successfully entering the national team.

For these famous universities, students like this need to be competed for.

Therefore, they now want to know the name of candidate No. 233 in advance, and then tell their school to let their school find the student's contact information, and then naturally contact the student and his family immediately, so that he will graduate next year I go to school.

As for whether to look at the college entrance examination results?

Just kidding, as long as you enter the national training team, you can directly choose any major from Shangjing University and Qinghua University, not to mention that this is the No.

The leader of the correction team nodded. Although he could refuse, it was his right, but so many university representatives asked, it would be bad if he refused, because of the worldly way.

So he said: "Okay, then hurry up and watch."

Anyway, everyone will know who this student is after the statistics are finished, and it's okay to announce in advance now, not to mention, he himself really wants to know.

All the teachers began to look up the information of candidate No. 233, and at the same time they all made bets.

"I bet this student is from Lu Province."

"I bet on Zhejiang Province."

"I bet on Beijing."

"I bet on the devil's capital."


Chapter 29 Going to Beijing University is a lie to you

These people talked about the provinces with the best grades in the past. These provinces have good educational resources and a lot of investment. Naturally, such high-ranking students often appear.

At this time, they finally saw the information of candidate No. 233.

"It's Lin Xiao! From... from Qin Province? Jincheng Middle School?"

Everyone was stunned, why did Qin Sheng suddenly win the Olympiad?

In the past, there has never been a student from Qin Province who can get the first place in the Olympiad, and it is rare even to be in the top ten. Now there is a student from Qin Province?

Also, what's going on with this Jincheng Middle School, isn't this student even from Xijing?

But soon, someone realized it.

This can only show that this student has a terrible talent in mathematics!

Those who respond quickly, without saying a word, quietly send a message to their school.

Others who responded slowly also quickly sent the student's information to the school.

Therefore, the directors of the admissions offices of these schools, including Shangjing University and Qinghua University, all said to the admissions teachers under them: "In 3 minutes, I want to know all the information about this Lin Xiao!"


Jincheng City, Industry and Commerce Bureau.

As a stock-level cadre, Lin Guowen served as a member of a certain team of the Municipal Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

At this time, Lin Guowen was sitting in the office with a smile on his face.

For so many days, he has always had a smile on his face, and his colleagues all know the reason.

After all, with such an outstanding son, he is even going to participate in a national math competition, and he has basically decided what university he will go to next year, either Beijing University or Qinghua University.

As a result, the children of these colleagues' families are unlucky. Recently, I can hear parents talking about other people's children every day.

Even the director knows about this. After all, the seven-day long vacation that Lin Guowen asked for was approved by the director. A reward plan was customized, and the maximum reward amount was as high as 22 yuan.

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