4.5 hours, whether it is long or short, but for the students who take the exam, these times are not particularly enough.

Without him, the difficulty of CMO is not something that can be written casually. Three questions, 4.5 hours, seems to be very sufficient, but obviously for most candidates, they have to cry and complain that this time is too much. Less, simply not enough.

Moreover, this year is an odd-numbered year. According to past practice, the questions in odd-numbered years are more difficult, while the questions in even-numbered years are relatively easier. Therefore, the difficulty of this year's test questions is quite high. Can't get points.

According to common sense, as long as you participate in the CMO, you will get at least a bronze medal, but every year there are always so few candidates who can't even get the bronze medal, because they performed really badly in the exam, otherwise, if they get 0 points If you can get the bronze medal, isn't it a little too easy to get the bronze medal?

So in the examination room, every student was racking his brains to write the questions, so almost all of the more than 300 contestants this year fell into deep thought.

Except for a few students, such as Lin Xiao.

After Lin Xiao got the test paper, he didn't bother to browse through the following questions, so he wrote the first question directly.

The first question has two small questions, the first small question is instant kill, and the second small question, after a little thought, Lin Xiao also quickly solved it.

"Send the sub-question."

Lin Xiao, who came to this conclusion, estimated the time. He estimated that it only took three to ten minutes to solve it. I believe that for most contestants, it is not a big problem.

Soon, it was the turn of the second question. This question was a bit interesting. It was much more difficult than the first question. It directly combined algebra, three-dimensional coordinate system, and geometry.

But in essence, Lin Xiao quickly analyzed the routine of this question, which was nothing more than thinking in the order of one-dimensional, two-dimensional, and three-dimensional, so he quickly solved it.

"It's still a sub-question."

Then comes the third question. This question is a good one, because Lin Xiao came up with a very brilliant answer method. The answer is short and simple, but it is difficult to think about it, and there are quite a lot of pitfalls.

But all in all, he managed it with ease.

"It's all about sub-questions. This Olympiad is not difficult."

Shaking his head, he sighed in his heart: "I should be regarded as such a terrifying mathematics expert now, right?"

In this way, he finished writing all the three questions on the first day. He looked at the time and found that there were still two and a half hours. Three questions solved.

Looking back at the students around, most of them are still burying their heads and sketching on the draft paper. Some of them are still struggling with the first question, some are still solving the second question, and a small number of them have achieved the second question. Three questions, but obviously, the third question has a certain degree of difficulty. Most of the students who wrote the third question have not yet found their way.

You must know that these students are all mathematicians in the eyes of their classmates in their own schools, and they are all among the top 300 math geniuses in the country in the middle school this year.

But now they seem to have become those ordinary examinees, tortured by the test questions.

Only Lin Xiao, no matter what level of examination he is in, is not an ordinary candidate.

Now, he is used to doing this kind of competition questions, and there is basically nothing to say about taking this kind of exam. It is no problem for him to be a proposition group. What did the proposition person think in his mind when he came up with this question? He can guess it.

In the end, he took a rare half an hour to check it from beginning to end. After confirming that there was no problem, he stood up directly and handed in the paper.

There is no teacher Ding here to care if he submits the papers in advance.

After hearing the voice, all the candidates present couldn't help looking at Lin Xiao, with surprise and doubt in their eyes.

How did this person hand in the paper?


Or give up?

Some candidates were not affected by Lin Xiao, but were distracted for a short time before rewriting the papers, while some candidates became nervous and anxious.

However, these things are not what Lin Xiao should consider.

The invigilator was of course surprised when he saw that Lin Xiao had handed in the paper so early, and then he was even more shocked when he saw Lin Xiao's neat answers.

This student actually finished all the questions in only two and a half hours?

An invigilator looked at Lin Xiao's answer, and then quickly stopped his eyes to avoid being hit by IQ reduction, because he couldn't understand it at all.

These invigilators are all teachers of this school, not necessarily math teachers, of course they can't understand the questions of this kind of math competition.

He can only sigh with emotion, these people who are good at mathematics are simply outrageous one by one.


Lin Xiao handed in the paper and returned to the assembly point.

There were not even a few people at the meeting point.

He searched for a while, and finally found their two team leader coaches.

To his surprise, the two mathematics professors were actually playing chess, and he didn't know where the chess came from.

However, Professor Zhang is obviously not as skilled as Professor Huang. When Lin Xiao came over, he saw Professor Zhang knocking out Professor Huang's soldiers with a chariot, but he didn't notice that Professor Huang's horse was next to him, so he just drove away. , Killed him.

"Hey, I made a mistake." Professor Zhang was about to regret the move immediately.

Professor Huang immediately opened his hand, and said with a smile: "I have no regrets."

Professor Zhang couldn't help scratching his head, this was his last rook, it's all right now, it's gone, he only has one horse and two cannons left, but Professor Huang still has more chess pieces.

At this time, he raised his head and found Lin Xiao coming, his eyes lit up, he stood up and said, "Hey, Lin Xiao, you have finished the exam."

Then he pushed the chessboard and said, "Lin Xiao has come out, don't play anymore, this is a tie for us."

Professor Huang suddenly blew his beard and stared: "Hey, you old guy! I have two more cars than you, can it be considered a tie?!"

Lin Xiao next to him watched this scene and couldn't help feeling amused. He really didn't expect that Professor Zhang would have such a shameless side.

Professor Zhang also knew that Lin Xiao saw his scene, so he kept silent about chess and asked directly: "How did you do in the exam? Are the questions difficult?"

Lin Xiao said, "It's okay."

"Then how are you doing? How many points do you think you can get?"

Lin Xiao said: "I should be able to get full marks, right? The questions are a bit simple after all."

"Simple question?"

The two professors looked at each other, this year is an odd year, the topic should be more difficult, Lin Xiao said easy?

At this time, Professor Huang suddenly looked at the time and was stunned again: "Hey, isn't it two hours before the exam is over? Why did you come out?"

Lin Xiao: Little Bear Spreading His Hands.jpg

"I finished writing, so I came out."

"You're done in two and a half hours? Did you check?"

"I checked for half an hour."

The two professors looked at each other again.

It took half an hour to check?

As expected of a student with full marks in the league.


Chapter 27 Vegetable and playful

Originally, I thought that Lin Xiao finished writing in two and a half hours, but he also checked for half an hour, and finished three questions in two hours. To the two of them, this was unheard of.

It can even be said that since the Huaguo Mathematical Olympiad was launched, this kind of students belong to the kind that has never appeared before.

Maybe this also means that there has never been a student with more talent than Lin Xiao.

Of course, it doesn't rule out that this year's questions are relatively simple, as Lin Xiao said.

However, this will have to wait for a while after the exam, what the other team members will say when they come back.

There were still two hours before the end of the exam, which was quite a long time, so they played chess again. Naturally, the last game was ignored because of Professor Zhang's cheating, and the two professors started a new game.

However, Professor Zhang's skills were not as good as Professor Huang's, and he was completely retreating. But then Lin Xiao helped him play a few moves and skillfully broke the defeat back. Professor Zhang grabbed Lin Xiao and insisted on asking Lin Xiao to help him. .

In fact, playing chess and mathematics are also inseparable. Professor Zhang dared to play chess with Professor Huang, which shows that he still has confidence in his chess skills, but unfortunately, chess skills and mathematical talent are not linearly related, so Zhang In front of Professor Huang, the professor seemed a bit of a stinky chess basket.

However, Lin Xiao's brain development level is naturally higher than ordinary people after being systematically improved. In addition, the system's improved brain development level is all-round, not just for the improvement of a certain subject, just like his memory. Improved due to increased brain development, which other people obviously cannot do.

Therefore, Lin Xiao's chess skills are also exceptionally good. He actually played back and forth with Professor Huang. In the end, Professor Zhang simply gave up his position and let Lin Xiaolai play.

So time passed like this.

At 12:30, the bell rang inside the school, which also meant that the first day of exams was over.

There was the sound of pounding footsteps in the silent teaching building, and the examinees rushed out of the examination room, looking for their meeting points one after another.

And when the first team member from Qin Province found Lin Xiao and the others, he saw Professor Zhang standing beside him, saying to Lin Xiao, "Hey, get off here, get off here, and hit his horse."

However, Lin Xiao didn't listen to Professor Zhang's blind instructions, and raised a cannon to hold Professor Huang's horse's leg, and by the way, he finished the general's drawing of the car.

Professor Zhang suddenly realized that Lin Xiao's step was better, and Professor Huang said angrily: "Okay, Lao Zhang, don't talk about it, what do you call it in the language of young people, you are both good and fun. "

Professor Zhang retorted: "Then don't lose to Lin Xiao first."

"Just look at it." Professor Huang said, but seeing Lin Xiao's step, he felt troubled. If the car is gone, he will be completely at a disadvantage. When did this Lin Xiao put the cannon on? Where did you go?

At this time, he looked around and saw other team members coming, his eyes lit up, and he said to Lin Xiao: "Okay, the other students are here, Lin Xiao, let's count it as a draw."

Before Lin Xiao could speak, Professor Zhang expressed contempt for Professor Huang: "Are you embarrassed?"

Professor Huang asked back: "You still have the nerve to say me?"

Looking at the appearance of the two professors, Lin Xiao couldn't help but touch his forehead.

Aren't you two quite serious two days ago?

How can a game of chess be revealed?

But he is a young man, what else can he say?

The game naturally ended in a draw.

Then he cleaned up the chessboard there, and the two professors asked the team members how they felt after the exam.

And most of these team members said; "The first question is okay, the second question is a bit of a headache, and the third question is numb."

After hearing their answers, the two professors felt that this was normal, but Lin Xiao still said it was simple?

But Lin Xiao is a player with full marks in the league after all, so he may really think it's easy.

Doesn't this mean that he got all three questions right today?

The two professors thought about it carefully, and found it a bit unbelievable. The score of each question in the CMO is 21 points, which means that Lin Xiao has already scored 63 points. Around 60, isn't Lin Xiao stable?

This allowed the two professors to have a deeper understanding of the gold content of this super math genius who scored full marks in the league.

They even thought that maybe Lin Xiao would become a mathematician like Hua Luogeng and Chen Xingshen in the future?

For this problem, they can only keep looking forward to the future.

Oh, by the way, this math genius is also quite good at chess.


The first day of the exam ended like this, and there was still half a day in the afternoon for free activities. Lin Xiao naturally had nothing to do, and continued to study advanced mathematics in the hotel.

The next morning, the exam started as usual. Today's second question, which is the fifth question of this competition, finally made Lin Xiao feel challenged.

This question is very difficult. Among all the questions he has done, the difficulty can be ranked at the top.

This is probably the topic used to screen geniuses and geniuses among geniuses or geniuses who cheat this year.

Unfortunately, Lin Xiao is the genius who cheated.

So, after spending about an hour, he successfully solved this question, and after that, it was the last question, but the last question was extraordinarily simple, far less difficult than the fifth question. From this point of view, the fifth question It should be more appropriate to put it in the sixth question.

Now this kind of arrangement is likely to be the mentality of the proposition group to deliberately engage the students, because some students may not be able to do the fifth question, so they feel that the sixth question is more difficult and give up directly. Of course, this is also a kind of mentality for the candidates This kind of situation will appear in the IMO exam. If the mentality is not good, it is obviously not suitable for the international competition.

Of course, mentality and mentality are just so-so for Lin Xiao, anyway, it's not like he can't write.

So it was like this, it took him almost two and a half hours after he finished writing, and another half an hour for checking, and it took a total of three hours. With surprised eyes, he handed in the paper an hour and a half earlier and left the examination room.

When the two professors saw him come out, they didn't ask any more questions. Seeing his confident appearance, they knew that this year Qin Province would have a guaranteed entry into the national team. Maybe the national team would have a chance.

In their Qin province, no students have entered the national team for 15 years. Most of the places in this area have been taken up by strong areas such as Beijing, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Yuexiang, etc. The education in these places will not work.

Therefore, they all expected Lin Xiao to give them a surprise, and even the two professors regretted that they were not professors in Qingbei, otherwise, it would be great if they could accept Lin Xiao as their student?

In view of this regret, the two professors pulled Lin Xiao again and played chess.


Chapter 28 Six questions, full marks, full marks again, still full marks!

As the bell rang for the end of the exam, the two CMO exams this time came to an end. After handing in the test papers, the candidates basically looked confused.

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