However, Director Cao still laughed out loud, and said, "Okay! I'm very confident. I said it today. As long as you do everything, the 22 yuan will be yours!"

"Also, you need to know that our city also has a reward plan for students with excellent results in the college entrance examination. There was a policy in the last college entrance examination. As long as you get the provincial champion, you will be rewarded with 10 yuan. The college entrance examination next year will definitely not be bad, and This reward does not conflict with the special plan prepared for you, which means that you can get a reward of up to 32 yuan, as long as you have this ability, it is all yours."

Hearing that there was still 10 yuan to take, Lin Xiao felt as if he had installed a V16 engine, the accelerator had been pressed to the bottom, ready to go, and he was waiting to release the brake.

At the same time, he was also quite pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect to have 5 yuan waiting for him after rejecting 32 yuan. Suddenly, he felt that everything he had done was worth it!

"I know, I will definitely work hard to get all these rewards!"

Lin Xiao clenched his fists and said.

"Okay! Then I wish you success!" Director Cao said heartily.

Principal Hu also said: "I also look forward to your success in the CMO. Lin Xiao, you are the pride of our school."

"Thank you Principal Hu, Director Cao."

Lin Xiao nodded heavily, "I will not let you down."


Chapter 24 What else can you say about your perfect score?

On November 11, Lin Xiao and his parents came to Xijing. On the second day, he went to the High School Attached to Xigong University to gather with eleven other contestants.

After gathering, I briefly congratulated them, held a farewell banquet for them, and then at eight o'clock the next morning, they took the high-speed train to Hangzhou, and after more than seven hours, they arrived in Hangzhou , and finally took the bus for a few 10 minutes, and they arrived at the designated hotel for the No.30 [-]rd National Mathematical Olympiad this year.

Because my parents have asked for leave with the unit and came with him, so after arriving at the designated hotel for the winter camp, he and my parents stayed in the same room. As for some students who come by themselves, they can only share the room up.

After putting the luggage in the hotel, the two leading coaches asked their twelve students to gather in the lobby of the hotel and took a group photo. This photo will be publicized on the relevant officials of the Qin Province. In the archives of these official agencies.

After taking a group photo, the coach held a simple meeting with twelve students in a room, which was also a cheer before the exam.

The two leading coaches are both members of the Qin Provincial Mathematical Society, and they are both professors of the mathematics department of two 985 universities in Xijing.

The coach from Xi'an Jiaotong University was called Huang Shi'an. He looked at the twelve students present and said, "Everyone, you are the best students in middle school mathematics selected from the whole province. And I have no doubt that even if you go to college, your mathematical talents will still allow you to succeed in mathematics as a subject, if you choose mathematics as a major."

"So, there is basically no need to say more about your knowledge reserves. I hope that you can all perform exceptionally well, and just get your best grades in the exam."

"In the past two days, you should also relax and keep your spirits up. In the past, some students often couldn't sleep because of excitement or nervousness the night before the exam. Needless to say, there is no need to talk about the exam the next day."

"So, you don't need to continue to cram in all kinds of knowledge these two days. You must have a good rest. This is the most important thing."

"Did you hear clearly?"

"Listen clearly!"

All twelve students responded.

"Well, let Professor Zhang tell you a few words."

Professor Huang pointed to another team leader coach, and then sat aside.

Professor Zhang said: "What Professor Huang said just now is more important to all of you. Of course, he said that you should not cram in knowledge these two days, but there are some things you should learn, and you still need to review them. "

"Then next, I will focus on each of you and briefly talk about what you need to pay attention to. However, I will only make an evaluation based on your performance in the league, and analyze where you still have shortcomings. This evaluation is relatively one-sided. Yes, but it can also reflect some problems, so you can take a look at these related content in the past two days, real questions and the like."

"Well, let's talk first..." Professor Zhang took out a small notebook from his pocket, and then said, "Chen Jian."

He looked up and looked around, and soon, a boy raised his hand, and he was Chen Jian.

"Well, let me take a look..." Professor Zhang flipped through the small book again, and then said: "I have read your test paper, and you scored 87 points in the test, which is relatively high. However, your question is still Obviously, you didn’t write question No.11 at all. This question is about algebra. Although it is difficult, it’s not impossible to write it down. Come on, come and have a look, this is your point deduction Point, oh, you didn't write any algebra questions in the second test paper, so you have to study algebra more in the past two days, and you can't take it lightly, otherwise, you will have no chance at all."

"Then look at the second test paper. Besides the algebra mentioned just now, your questions also have..."

Professor Zhang doesn't give face very much when he speaks, if he can't do it, he can't do it, and this Chen Jian is a kind of introverted boy. Hearing Professor Zhang's lecture, his face gradually turned red, and he lowered his head, as if admitting his mistake.

Of course, Chen Jian was not the only team member who was "disgraced" in this way. Basically, every student was scolded by Professor Zhang.

In this way, time passed, and he also mentioned No. 11 students.

"...So Wang Yang, although you got 267 points, you must have enough knowledge points, but you still need to turn your brain faster. Strictly speaking, doing math problems is also a logic game. You think too much , the easier it is to think of what to do.”

"Think about it, those contestants who won the special prize at the International Olympiad, why they can get the special prize, isn't it because they think more when doing the questions, so when they solve this logic game, Can find some more exciting ways.”

"Got it? Classmate Wang."

The boy named Wang Yang nodded, but he was still a little unconvinced on the surface.

His 267 points are No.2 in the Qin Provincial League, and he is ranked in the top [-] even in the country, so this time he is also confident of winning the gold medal and entering the national training team, so for Professor Zhang, he will Still a little dissatisfied.

However, next, this Professor Zhang should evaluate the No.1 person named Lin Xiao, right?

That guy from Jincheng actually got better grades than him. When he saw Lin Xiao was on top of him on the provincial team roster, he was very surprised. There are still people who can score more than 267 in the exam. ?

However, what puzzled Wang Yang was that after talking about him, Professor Zhang closed the little book and said, "Okay, the eleven people have finished talking, and the people I mentioned just now, follow what I said, Take a good look at the relevant knowledge in the past two days, and do some related questions. Before I came here, I also posted practice questions in the prestige group, and you should be able to do it in these two days."

"Well, then it's fine, you can go back to your room, Professor Huang and I have to go to Xuejun Middle School to hold a team leadership meeting, and we have to leave soon."

These students were stunned for a moment, aren't there twelve of them?

Is it wrong?

And one more person?

They counted again and confirmed that there were twelve people present.

And even more confused was Lin Xiao.

And me?

I haven't got in the car yet... Bah, I haven't been mentioned yet!

So he raised his hand weakly and said, "Professor Zhang, you haven't said anything about me yet."

Professor Zhang glanced over his head, waved his hand and said, "You are Lin Xiao? What can you say about your perfect score in the league test? You just listen to Professor Huang and take a good rest. If you perform normally, you can enter the national training camp In the past, there were basically no students who got full marks in the league and couldn't get into the training team, so don't tell me you can't get in, and there are also many people who finally got into the national team."

"All right, old Huang, let's go."

Professor Zhang looked too lazy to say much, which made Lin Xiao dumbfounded.

Do you despise me like this or trust me too much?

At the same time, the other eleven players present were stunned on the spot.


This Lin Xiao was actually No. 1 in their province with full marks? !

Chapter 25 CMO Exam Begins

Because the state requires that the grades cannot be published, although this policy is not fully implemented in each school, it is still implemented in this kind of national competition, so the grades that these students see are divided according to the number of prizes of.

Of course, on the list of winners, the order in front and back actually represents the ranking, which can be regarded as an unspoken rule.

Therefore, all the players present in Qin Province knew that Lin Xiao was No. 1 in their province, but they didn't know Lin Xiao's results.

As a result, after hearing what Professor Zhang said now, this guy is actually a big guy with full marks.

These eleven boys all looked at Lin Xiao. Some of them knew that they were just passing through the scene, and they couldn't help showing admiration in their eyes, while some boys felt that Lin Xiao could be replaced by him because of the male's natural reluctance to admit defeat. .

Just like Wang Yang, when he looked at Lin Xiao, he was surprised at first because he got a perfect score, and then he was full of fighting spirit.

Even if Lin Xiao got full marks, so what, after entering the national training team, there are still several months before the selection of national team players.

He felt that he had every chance to enter the national training team, and he might have the opportunity to compete for the position of the six members of the national team.

As for Lin Xiao, it may not be possible to successfully enter the six-man team in the end.

Of course, Lin Xiao didn't have the heart to care about what these boys were thinking.

Speaking of which, among these eleven people, five are from the High School Affiliated to Xijiao University, three are from No. [-] High School, two are from No. [-] High School High School, and one is from the High School Affiliated to Jiaotong University. They are all from Xijing University. There is some gap between the local city and him, a person who goes to school in Jincheng, so Lin Xiao doesn't have the energy to build a good relationship with these people.

So he didn't talk nonsense, and after saying goodbye, he went straight back to the room where he and his parents were.

However, when he returned to the room, he saw his parents fully dressed and ready to go out.

He froze and asked, "Do you want to go out?"

"Oh, let me take a stroll around Hangzhou with your mother, and go to the West Lake to have a look. Your mother said many years ago that she wanted to come to Hangzhou."

Lin Xiao: "Oh, wait for me, I'll go to the bathroom first."

"Don't go, stay in the hotel and study hard, and talk about it after the other exams."

Lin Xiao: "???"

You go out to play without me?

Who just said a few days ago that he was proud of my son?

However, Lin's father and Lin's mother went out directly. Before going out, Lin's mother smiled and said to Lin Xiao: "Study hard!"

Lin Xiao: "..."

It's still not my own!

But there is no way, everyone is gone, so I can only study.

He walked to the schoolbag he carried, and found the advanced mathematics that he brought with him, along with some papers of advanced mathematics, as well as pens and paper, and then he sat down at a table in the room and began to study stand up.

Yes, the CMO exam was about to start in two days, but instead of looking at the CMO league exam questions, he actually looked at advanced mathematics.

If the previous professor Zhang who had educated the other eleven candidates knew about it, he would have to give him a few sentences, even if it was high or low.

CMO does not test knowledge such as calculus. CMO tests are still the four major categories, algebra, combinatorics, geometry, and number theory.

However, for Lin Xiao, there is actually no need to do these questions anymore, just do it occasionally.

You know, in the past 20 days since the league results came out, he has been doing the real questions sorted out for him by Teacher Ding Ping.

There are more than 200 competition questions. According to the time of the competition, each question takes an average of one and a half hours. However, he has written all these questions, and the average time for each question is only half an hour.

In the process, although he also encountered some difficulties, in general, he really didn't find anything that could really stump him.

That is to say, some questions in the national team selection test are difficult. As for the IMO questions, it cannot be said that they must be more difficult than the CMO questions. Sometimes the CMO questions may be more difficult than the IMO questions.

Of course, difficulty is also a relative concept. After all, different people have different priorities, and luck is also a problem. Therefore, in the IMO competition, some people even scored 42 points, but only got 3 points. For this In this case, obviously you can't say 'I can do it if I go', after all, if you go, you may not even get 1 point.

You know, what is mathematics?

Math is:

What can't you do if you kill me?

Even if you beat me to death, I can't solve this problem!

All in all, Lin Xiao has full confidence to enter the national training team. As for the selection of the IMO national team, it will be in March next year, and there are still several months in between.

So, don't worry, play with high numbers first.

This is also to prepare for entering university in advance, although he directly advanced it by nearly a year.

In addition, he is now starting to study college mathematics, and because the world in college mathematics is more complicated than high school mathematics, this allows him to feel a sense of satisfaction in his brain when solving problems.

Of course, what he writes are the kind of questions that can be regarded as competition-level in college mathematics, such as the questions of college students' mathematics competitions. Otherwise, some ordinary advanced mathematics questions are not as good as the ones he is doing now. Olympiad question.


Time passed slowly like this.

This winter camp, in fact, does not feel like a "camp". On the first day, you will register, on the second day you will have the opening ceremony in the morning, and you will get familiar with the examination room in the afternoon. , the official game begins.

At nine o'clock in the evening on the day before the exam, the two coaches held a meeting for them again, which also relieved their stress and wished them good results.

After that, they went back to their room, ready to rest.

Of course, Lin Xiao also got encouragement and encouragement from his parents, although before they encouraged them, they were discussing whether to go to Lingyin Temple or Wuzhen tomorrow.

Silent all night.

At 300 o'clock the next morning, more than [-] contestants from all over the country took the shuttle bus to the examination room after having breakfast.

At [-]:[-], Lin Xiao entered his examination room and sat in his seat.

At eight o'clock, the No.30 third National Mathematics Olympiad, the first day of the exam, officially began.

The CMO is divided into two days, with three exams per day, 4.5 hours long, and an average of one and a half hours for each question, which is exactly the same as the IMO format.

And more than 300 students will also have a brainstorming session for geniuses here.

Why do Chapter 26 give sub-questions?

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