Lin Xiao came back to his senses and realized that he accidentally said what was in his heart.

He quickly waved his hand and said, "Uh, teacher, I'm not talking about you."

"Okay, it's great if you have such an idea." Wang Anyou didn't take it seriously. If every student knew that studying is happy, how much trouble would they, the teachers, save?

Just like when he himself felt that learning was painful when he was a child...

At this time, Yang Rong inside said: "In addition, I think Lin Xiao's values ​​are also worth mentioning. Last week, several famous high schools in Xijing called, hoping that Lin Xiao could go to their school to attend classes. The high school attached to Xigong University even said that as long as Lin Xiao goes to their school, he is willing to provide a scholarship of 5 yuan, a monthly living allowance of [-] yuan, and free tuition and miscellaneous fees. "

Hearing the news from Yang Rong, these parents were stunned, and most of them even showed envious expressions.

5 yuan is already a lot of money for most families.

But Wang Anyou, who was standing at the door, became anxious when he heard that the school in Xijing had actually called Lin Xiao's family.

Damn, those gangsters in Xijing don't talk about martial arts morality, and actually engage in sneak attacks.

Their school has not received any news.

He quickly turned his head to look at Lin Xiao, and asked, "Lin Xiao, is this true?"

Lin Xiao nodded: "It's true, but I refused."

"I refused, that's good." Wang Anyou breathed a sigh of relief, but then he became confused. 5 yuan is definitely a very generous offer, but why did Lin Xiao refuse?

"Then why didn't you agree?"

Yang Rong in it just answered: "Because he feels that the education imbalance in our Qin Province is serious, so he wants Jincheng Middle School to have a provincial champion, and let our Jincheng Middle School be in this environment of unbalanced education. Can bloom a little different brilliance.”

Hearing Yang Rong's words, the hearts of the parents below were all moved.

How could a high school student have such awareness?

Can you refuse 5 yuan and a monthly subsidy of more than 1000 yuan, and then say you want to fight against this unfair phenomenon?

These parents are basically from Jincheng City, and they all feel the same about this phenomenon.

So, they applauded involuntarily, looking at the boy outside the classroom door, their eyes were full of encouragement, even a hint of admiration.

And Wang Anyou also heard Yang Rong's words, he turned his head to look at Lin Xiao, and there was a kind of excitement in the corners of his wrinkled eyes.

With such a student, as a teacher, as a class teacher, he can almost say "what more can I ask for".

"Student Lin Xiao, thank you, teacher." He patted Lin Xiao on the shoulder, and wiped away the touch of emotion from the corner of his eyes with the other hand.

Chapter 22 Rewards from the Municipal Education Bureau - I want them all!

For Lin Xiao, it is obviously a bit embarrassing to let others know his inner thoughts so openly.

So he was still a little helpless when his mother said it directly.

Of course, it's not a bad thing. Seeing the encouraging eyes of those parents and what Teacher Wang said to him, he also felt a sense of satisfaction. At least his own ideas can be recognized by everyone.

Then, this thing is right for him.

And in fact, sometimes, doing good deeds pays off.

After the parent meeting was over, Mr. Wang told the school leaders about the matter. After the school leaders learned about it, they immediately contacted those middle schools in Xijing and confirmed that the news was true, so they scolded the Xijing gang first. The school said a few words about school ethics, and then because of Lin Xiao's reason for not going to Xijing, he felt quite relieved and satisfied with him.

It is their blessing to have such a student in their school.

Therefore, the discussion about whether to give Lin Xiao more rewards and how much rewards to give also entered the conference room.

Principal Hu sat on the first seat and said: "Yes, I will definitely give it. If you don't give it, do you feel uneasy? They refused the reward of 8 or [-] yuan and stayed in our school. If you accept it with peace of mind, you think it is Of course, what do you think others will think of us, is there any good student willing to stay in the future?"

"Principal, of course we support rewards, but the question is, how much do we want to reward Lin Xiao? According to the school's budget arrangement and the balance in the account, it is difficult to provide Lin Xiao with a scholarship of more than five figures. We gave him a scholarship before. The reward of 2000 yuan, when he goes to participate in the Mathematical Olympiad, will also be provided by the school, and this part of the cost is more than the 2000 yuan rewarded."

Someone mentioned the current difficulties of the school.

All kinds of things in the school are planned. If the part exceeds the plan, there is not much at their disposal. After all, they also need to leave some money to deal with some emergencies. For example, the government may suddenly ask for some disaster prevention Drill, or ask to update some facilities such as fire protection and environmental protection.

So they really couldn't spend tens of thousands of dollars to reward Lin Xiao.

Especially now that it is approaching the end of the year, and the money in the account is even less, so their rewards are basically impossible to compare with the rewards given by those schools in Xijing.

Principal Hu fell into deep thought when he heard about the difficulty of the school. He also knew that a good woman can hardly survive without rice. In this case, it is true that there is no way to spend more money.

Finally he stood up and said, "Okay, I'll go to the director of the Municipal Education Bureau later and ask him to support me."

Hearing President Hu's words, everyone present was stunned. President Hu actually planned to go to the Director of the Education Bureau?

This surprised them, because they all heard that Principal Hu and the bureau chief had some quarrels in private. He had had trouble with education before, but now he is willing to bow his head to the bureau chief for the sake of this student?

Of course, if the Education Bureau agrees, then the reward for Lin Xiao will definitely not be bad. Maybe, because their key high schools in the city have the opportunity to produce a provincial champion, or a contestant in the International Mathematical Olympiad, they will also mention it. What do you pay attention to?

Everyone couldn't help admiring Principal Hu even more. They were almost retiring, but they still cared so much about the students.

"That's hard work for Principal Hu."

Principal Hu nodded slightly, glanced around everyone, and finally said: "Okay, let's end the meeting. In addition, I hope you remember a sentence, those who hold salaries for everyone should not be allowed to freeze to death in the wilderness."

Afterwards, he slowly stood up from the seat, ready to find the director.

Everyone in the meeting room looked at his thin back, thinking about what he said, and fell silent.

Probably, everyone has some sentiments in their hearts.


Time passed quickly, January 11th.

For most people, today is Singles’ Day and Double Eleven, and it’s time to buy hands.

For Lin Xiao, today is the time for him to go to Xijing, because he will leave for Hangzhou to participate in the CMO the day after tomorrow.

Since today was also Saturday, there was supposed to be a class, so of course he asked the school for leave.

However, the teacher told him to come to school this morning to see him off.

The school was so enthusiastic, so there was nothing to say, so Lin Xiao went to the school at nine o'clock in the morning.

When I got to school, I found Teacher Wang.

"Teacher Wang, I'm here."

Wang Anyou raised his head, looked at Lin Xiao, then stood up with a smile, and said, "Come on, let's go to the office building with me now, today Principal Hu and Director Cao of our Municipal Education Bureau are here to see you off .”

Lin Xiao was taken aback for a moment.

Forget about Principal Hu, why is the Director of the Education Bureau here?

After all, Principal Hu often sees him, and these students still feel that this respected old principal is very kind, but he still feels a little strange to such a big leader as the chief of the city bureau.

He couldn't help complaining in his heart: "Oops, I was fooled, I knew I would go directly to Xijing, what kind of bureau is not the director, I don't want to see him at all."

Teacher Wang: "In addition, Director Cao decided that in order to encourage your previous excellent results, the Education Bureau will set up a special personal reward plan for you. I will reward you with 3 yuan."

Lin Xiao's expression suddenly became serious, and he said, "Teacher, let's hurry up, how can we make Director Cao wait so long?"

Wang Anyou laughed and said, "You boy, just now I saw your expression was a bit reluctant, but now 3 yuan will make you bow down?"

Lin Xiao denied it categorically: "Is it because of money? I respect the leader, and Principal Hu is also waiting."

Wang Anyou: "..."

You like money so much, why don't you go when someone gives you 5 yuan?

Of course, he didn't ask, and continued: "In addition, if you get the CMO gold medal, you will have 1 yuan left, and you will have 1 yuan left if you enter the national training team. If you can finally enter the national team , to participate in the International Olympiad, no matter whether you win the gold medal or not, you will be rewarded with 5 yuan."

"If you lose in the competition and fail to enter the national team, don't worry. As long as you can get the provincial champion in the college entrance examination next year, you will be rewarded with 10 yuan. If you can be directly sent to Qingbei, you probably won’t take the college entrance examination, and you will be rewarded with an extra 2 yuan.”

Hearing that all the money was more than five figures, and even a six figure appeared behind it, Lin Xiao's eyes seemed to sparkle.

He refused the 5 yuan before and the subsequent 3 to 17 yuan. Of course, he also felt distressed for a while. In any case, he is only a [-]-year-old boy now.

Looking at it now, this wave is not bad!

From this point of view, isn't it more than that 5 yuan?

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, and he asked, "Teacher, can I have them all?"

Wang Anyou was taken aback: "What?"

Children only make choices, "I want all these rewards!"

Lin Xiao stretched out a hand, then held it tightly, and said, "If I won the first prize in the college entrance examination, entered the national team, and finally entered Qingbei, can I have them all?"

This counts, but 22!

At this moment, Lin Xiao only felt that his whole body was full of fighting spirit.

Get all the rewards given by those schools in Xijing before, it’s because of the generosity of their city’s Education Bureau, he’s going to settle the money!

Wang Anyou was stunned by the aura emanating from his body at this moment, and he said after a long while, "I don't know about can ask Director Cao when the time comes."

Chapter 23 Another 10 yuan!

Under Lin Xiao's 'running forward', he and Mr. Wang came to the principal's office soon.

The principal's room was not too big or too small, which complied with the relevant regulations. When Lin Xiao and Wang Anyou knocked on the door and entered, they saw a man who was about the same age as Principal Hu arguing with him.

"Old Hu, you are too. If you tell me about this kind of thing, I will definitely agree. Back then, I had conflicts with you, and it was not all because of fighting for more resources for our Jincheng education. The one you said Students, can I have that kind of ideological realm, can I not help? And look, if you came to me before, your school would not be so short of money, right? "

Principal Hu then said: "I admit, I should go to you, but you were the one who persuaded me back then. If you agreed, wouldn't our Jincheng High School be better?"

Obviously, the person arguing with Principal Hu is Director Cao of the Municipal Education Bureau.

When Director Cao heard what Principal Hu said, he said speechlessly: "What do you mean by being cowardly? You said that you want to go directly to the leaders in the province, so you can find them casually? If so many of our high schools all go to the leaders for resources, you Where do other leaders get so many resources? So I said that you can only be a teacher in your life, and you can't figure out the things about our work."

"Bullshit! I'm too lazy to tell you." President Hu stopped arguing with Director Cao when he saw Lin Xiao and Wang Anyou coming in. Obviously, he was not convinced by what Director Cao said just now.

Of course, although the two had conflicts, they came out of a village when they were young. Even though they had been arguing for so many years, Director Cao didn't deliberately target him because of it.

Principal Hu got up from his seat and walked towards Lin Xiao with a smile on his face.

"Student Lin, here we come."

"Principal Hu, thank you." Lin Xiao also smiled and said respectfully.

Teacher Wang also told him just now that Director Cao was able to set up such a special plan for him because Principal Hu personally asked Director Cao to ask for it. If it wasn't for Principal Hu, there must be no such reward.

"Hehe, you deserve it." President Hu smiled and waved his hands, then pointed to Director Cao who was coming from behind, and introduced to Lin Xiao: "This is Director Cao of our Education Bureau."

"Hello, Lin." Director Cao also said with a smile. He also admired such a good student.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he felt a blur in front of his eyes, and saw Lin Xiao appearing in front of him as if seeing a treasure in his eyes, grabbing his unstretched hand with both hands, and holding it together.

"Director Cao, hello, hello, nice to meet you."

Director Cao was stunned for a moment. Of course, he didn't know that Lin Xiao was interested in Qian. He thought that Lin Xiaolian had a good way of dealing with people and things, but he was not like Principal Hu, a teacher who could only teach.

He was even more satisfied in his heart, and said with a smile: "Hehe, I am also very glad to meet you. I have also heard about your matter from your principal Hu. Your grades are very good, very good. After all, you have the opportunity to get The champion, but this is not the point, the most important thing for people is to have their own ideals and aspirations, your ideals and aspirations are more worthy of appreciation than your achievements."

"Thank you Director Cao."

Lin Xiao nodded heavily, since he was just praising himself anyway, of course he had to be more receptive, especially in front of a person who was going to give him a scholarship of 22 yuan.

"Hehe, of course, now that you have ideals and ambitions, let's talk about your achievements." Director Cao nodded, "Based on your academic achievements, our Municipal Bureau has formulated a special reward plan for you."

He turned around, took a piece of paper from the side, and handed it to Lin Xiao, "Here, take a look."

Lin Xiao took it over and took a look. It was exactly the rewards that Wang Anyou had mentioned to him just now. He confirmed it again, and the details were basically the same.

After seeing him finish reading, Director Cao said: "Now you have received a reward of 3 yuan, and the 3 yuan will be sent to your bank account before the end of the year. Even better, you are going to Hangzhou to participate in the National Mathematics Olympiad the day after tomorrow, right? Then I wish you good results then."

"Thank you Director Cao, but Director Cao, I have a question to ask."

Hearing Lin Xiao's words, Wang Anyou felt helpless, this kid wouldn't really want to ask, would he?

"What's the problem?" Director Cao said.

"That's... can I have all these rewards?"

Director Cao was stunned for a moment: "What do you want?"

Lin Xiao nodded, rubbed his hands, and said embarrassingly: "If I enter the national team next year, win the champion of our province, and finally enter Qingbei, whether it is these rewards, I can do it." got it?"

Director Cao and Principal Hu next to him were stunned when they heard what he said.

Entered the national team again, and won the champion?

It is very difficult to achieve this. First of all, it is a threshold to enter the national training team through the CMO. There are 60 people in the national training team. These 60 people are the top 60 CMOs. There will be two stages of selection, and finally six people will be selected to enter the national team in late March next year. After entering the national team, they will prepare for the IMO.

Obviously, this requires a considerable amount of time on mathematics. Will Lin Xiao have time to spend preparing for the college entrance examination?

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