After the director learned that this student was Lin Guowen's son, he publicly said that Lin Guowen had done a good job in education a few days ago.

Ever since, everyone in the overall situation also knew about the 22 yuan, which immediately made their colleagues envy Lin Guowen even more.

"Old Lin, you've been enjoying yourself for a few days, how are you still enjoying yourself?"

"Happy, happy, how can you not be happy." Lin Guowen smiled and continued to do the work at hand.

But at this time, his cell phone rang, and he looked at the number, it was from Shangjing.

He frowned, why did the people from Shangjing call him?

Typing it wrong?

With nothing on hand, he answered the phone on speakerphone.

Then I heard the other person say: "Hi, hello, is this Mr. Lin Guowen, Lin Xiao's father?"

Lin Guowen burst out, Lin Xiao?

What's up with him?

Is something wrong?

He quickly asked, "It's me, may I ask who you are?"

"Hello, Mr. Lin, I'm sorry to bother you, that's it. I'm the admissions office of Shangjing University. We hope..."

"What, what are you talking about, you are from the Admissions Office of Shangjing University?"

When Lin Guowen heard that he was going to Peking University, he stopped working immediately, picked up his phone again, and repeated a sentence.

And the colleagues around him couldn't help looking at Lin Guowen.

Going to the Admissions Office of Beijing University and calling Lin Guowen, what does this mean?

Even if they guessed blindly, they could guess what they were going to do.

This is to...

"Yes, I am Liu Qiuwen from the Admissions Office of Shangjing University. First of all, please allow me to congratulate you. Your child Lin Xiao got a perfect score in the No.30 Third National Mathematical Olympiad. This is equivalent to saying Lin Xiao It is definitely No.1 in this year’s Olympiad.”

Lin Guowen was stunned again.

His son won the first place in the country again?And it's full marks again?

But isn't the result out yet?

Out of the vigilance of an adult, he asked: "The results haven't come out yet, how do you know? You can't lie to me, right?"

The opposite party smiled and said: "Hehe, Mr. Lin, don't worry, we have a channel to know in advance at Peking University, and the results will be announced at 0:[-] tonight, and the test results are basically the same, so you can rest assured, really If it doesn’t work, you can look up my name and phone number online, and you should be able to find it.”

Lin Guowen immediately looked up the phone number on the Internet, and it turned out to be from the admissions office of Shangjing University.

He relaxed, and then said with a smile: "I've confirmed it here, please tell me, is there anything else?"

"That's right. Since your child performed very well in this Mathematical Olympiad, we now invite Lin Xiao to study at Shangjing University next year. What do you think?"

Lin Guowen said with a smile: "Of course I don't mind. Of course, it still depends on Lin Xiao's personal choice."

Hearing that there seemed to be something interesting, the person on the other side immediately said: "That's right, if Lin Xiao is willing to come to Beijing University, we can help Lin Xiao move his household registration to Beijing. In addition, we can also provide Lin Xiao with a high scholarship. This scholarship will also depend on Lin Xiao’s final results in mathematics competitions. For example, whether he can enter the national team in the future, and whether he can continue to achieve excellent results in international Olympic competitions after entering the national team, we can guarantee that the highest It can provide Lin Xiao with a scholarship of more than 50 yuan."

50 million!

The surrounding colleagues were shocked again when they heard this.

What is this called? This is called real learning to make money.

Previously, the Education Bureau's reward plan could provide Lin Xiao with a scholarship of up to 22 yuan, but now his school can provide a scholarship of more than 50 yuan at most. Isn't this close to 100 million?

With this money, they could buy a decent small house in the best location in Jincheng City.

These industry and commerce bureau colleagues are even more envious of Lin Guowen. Being able to raise such a promising child saved the earth in his previous life, right?

Lin Guowen was also persuaded by the other party's conditions, 50, and their family's savings have never exceeded this amount.

However, he quickly came to his senses. What the other party said was that his son had to achieve good results in the International Mathematical Olympiad in order to get such a high bonus.

Although he believed that his son had that strength, what if something unexpected happened?

However, at this moment, he suddenly saw another text message received on his mobile phone.

[Mr. Lin, I am from the Admissions Office of Qinghua University. Don’t believe what the Beijing University says, they are all lying to you]

Chapter 30 So are we

Seeing this text message, Lin Guowen suddenly laughed, and then said to the phone: "The teacher from the Admissions Office of Qinghua University also sent me a message."

When the other party heard it, he hurriedly said: "Qinghua's? Let me tell you, don't believe anything they say. This is their old trick."

Lin Guowen found it even more funny, you guys have a good understanding, you both said don't trust each other.

But at the same time, he also felt extremely proud. Qinghua University and Shangjing University both wanted to fight for their son, so what can we say?

In addition, he is quite confident, if the two families want to fight, then of course there is no rush, go back and ask his son's opinion.

So he said: "Don't worry, I personally prefer to go to Beijing University, but this matter also depends on Lin Xiao's own wishes, so let's talk about this matter in detail later."

The teacher of the admissions office of Shangjing University was a little happy when he heard Lin Guowen say that, at least Lin Guowen expressed his liking for their school.

In fact, what Lin Guowen said is just a routine. It is similar to expressing to the job applicant that he is more interested in him in an interview, and whether he can succeed afterwards is another matter.

Then hung up the phone.

And Lin Guowen's colleagues immediately surrounded him and said, "Old Lin, that's fine. You can choose a university randomly. Qinghua Capital University will contact you."

Lin Guowen waved his hands, and said calmly, "Whatever, I still think they are calling at this time, they are busy, so they can't call after get off work."


You can hold back Versailles, can you?

"Then let's change our son, do you think it's okay? Then I will answer the phone." A colleague joked.

Lin Guowen immediately said: "Get out! Don't even think about it."


Everyone in the office laughed.


At the same time, Tsinghua University is walking the 'Madam route'.

Yang Rong taught mathematics at Jincheng Primary School, and Lin Xiao was good at mathematics, so it was inseparable from the fact that her mother taught mathematics.

At this time, Yang Rong also received a call from Qinghua University.

Qinghua University originally wanted to call Lin Guowen, but Lin Guowen's line was busy, so they called the Admissions Office of Shangjing University by the way, and found that the other party was also busy, so they naturally guessed that it must be the rival of Shangjing University They took the lead, so they got the text message they sent to Lin Guowen.

But Lin Guowen couldn't get through, so they called Yang Rong.

As for their contact information, of course, there is no need to say more. The admissions offices of these two universities have great powers in terms of means and relationships. Can handle it.

So when Yang Rong hung up the phone, she was also envied by other teachers in the office. Qinghua University called directly. What kind of treatment was that?

Who wouldn't want to have such an outstanding child?

Of course, Yang Rong didn't agree directly, she also expressed that she would depend on Lin Xiao's opinion, if Lin Xiao was willing to go, then of course she would support it.

Lin Xiao, who is the person involved, was still taking English class at school at this time, but the head teacher, Teacher Wang, came in suddenly, stood at the door and shouted at him: "Lin Xiao, someone from the admissions office of Shangjing University is calling you. Yes, Qinghua's also called."

Obviously, Teacher Wang's words were heard by the whole class.

Suddenly, all the students "wow" and looked at Lin Xiao in shock.

Shangjing University and Qinghua University called together, and they both called the school. What is the concept?

Moreover, what did Lin Xiao do to make the admissions offices of these two national famous schools call together?

All they could think of was the National Mathematical Olympiad a week ago. Back then, Lin Xiao took a week off, and they all knew about it.

Their math teacher also mentioned this matter, and said that as long as they enter the top [-] in the National Mathematical Olympiad and become members of the national training team, they will be eligible to be recommended to these two schools.

However, the results haven't come out yet, right?

If the results came out, wouldn't the school have to directly pull up banners at the school gate?

Of course, it's meaningless to worry about whether it's true or not. The class teacher yelled directly at the door, so can it be fake?

Chen Ang patted Lin Xiao's shoulder immediately, and said solemnly: "Don't forget each other if you are rich."

Lin Xiao patted his hand away: "Let's just keep this pure classmate friendship, and don't get involved in that kind of dirty business."

Chen Ang: "..."

Then Lin Xiao stood up and walked to the door under the eyes of all the students. Of course, the English teacher didn't say anything. Given that Lin Xiao's recent English test scores were above 140 and [-], there was nothing to say. up.

What's more, now that the two prestigious schools have called Lin Xiao, it doesn't seem to matter if the grades are not good.

Soon, Lin Xiao and Mr. Wang came to the office. Mr. Wang pointed to the note and said, "The above are the phone numbers of Shangjing University and Qinghua University. You can choose one to call."

Lin Xiao touched his chin, which one should he choose?

Unexpectedly, the entangled question in elementary school is whether to go to Peking University or Qinghua when I grow up. Now that the form has been changed, should I respond to Peking University or Qinghua first?

If you call Beijing University back first, will Qinghua be angry?

The reverse is also true.

Lin Xiao couldn't help feeling helpless.

Hey, why do you all want to look at me?

Didn't I just improve my academic performance by a billion points?

Now I have difficulty choosing.

Finally, he hesitated and said, "How together? What kind of video conference?"

Mr. Wang couldn't laugh or cry at once. Your operation is very good. You are not afraid that the two universities will quarrel in front of you, and you may have to make an appointment offline.

The shortest distance between the gates of Shangjing University and Qinghua University is only two kilometers, so the chances of a fight are quite high.

However, Mr. Wang still nodded in agreement with Lin Xiao's proposal, because...he thought it was quite interesting.

After being a teacher for so many years, it was the first time that he saw the two schools calling together, and now he can still see them competing for students. This is really... so interesting.

So, he called the two schools directly and asked them to have a meeting together.

The admissions offices of the two schools also agreed, and then the online meeting started directly.

Then, the online meeting started to go wrong.

The teacher of the Admissions Office of Shangjing University is a female teacher, she looks quite young, she is also pretty, and she speaks nicely. When she saw Lin Xiao appearing in the live broadcast room, she immediately said with a smile on her face: "Student Lin Xiao, first of all congratulations to you In the just-concluded National Mathematics Olympiad, I once again achieved full marks, and it is quite rare for a student like you to get full marks in both the math league and the Math Olympiad."

"Of course, you may be wondering, how did we know that the results haven't been released yet? You don't have to worry about that. The results of the Olympiad will be announced at twelve o'clock tonight. Your results have already been released."

"So, based on your achievements, we, Shangjing University, now officially invite you to come to our Shangjing University in September next year. Shangjing University welcomes you."

Qinghua University: "So do we."

Chapter 31 You fart!

Shangjing University: "Besides, since you won No.1 with full marks in the Olympiad, we will initially provide you with a scholarship of 10 yuan and a certain amount of living allowance every month. If you continue to perform well in mathematics competitions, such as entering the national team, and then win the gold medal in the IMO, we will provide you with more scholarships."

Qinghua University: "So do we."

Shangjing University: "We will also provide you with the best teacher support in the country, and you can choose professors to tutor you."

Qinghua University: "So do we."

Shangjing University: "Don't trust Qinghua, the conditions they can offer are definitely not as good as ours."

Qinghua University: "You fart! Student Lin Xiao, we are willing to provide you with a scholarship of 11 yuan, and we will definitely go to Beijing more than them in the future."

Shangjing University: "We have already called your father, and your father also said that he likes our school, and your mother will definitely agree when the time comes."

Qinghua University: "You fart! Classmate Lin Xiao, we have already called your mother. Your mother said that she also likes our Qinghua, and she is going to tell your father about it when she goes back. Besides, don't you think that Qinghua's two Does a word sound better than them going to Beijing?"

Shangjing University: "You fart! Why is the name of our Shangjing University not good? You say Qinghua's name to people who don't know it, and you think why it came out of nowhere. And, Lin Xiao, our Shangjing University It was founded more than ten years earlier than Qinghua, and has more historical and cultural heritage.”

Qinghua University: "You fart! Our school is nearly half the size of yours."

Shangjing University: "You fart! At most one-third, why not leave the other half? Lin Xiao, you can see that they can't even count, so you can see how bad math is, so you should come to our school, and we at Shangjing University The ranking of mathematics subjects in the world is also higher than them."

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