Her Royal Highness is being wanted, the king and queen have been captured by bandits, and the entire kingdom is leaderless.

Not only the aristocrats in the royal capital panicked, but even ordinary people panicked.

After Luo Ya received the news, she couldn't wait to contact her god.

Yuyi projected a ray of soul imprint to Luoya's room in Youshui Castle through black beads, and the main body was still sitting in the sunset collar.

"Brother Yi, the royal father and the queen mother were robbed by bandits and fell into crisis. Xiaoya has to go to the jade collar to rescue them."

Luo Ya remembered that her eyes were flushed, and she wished she could fly to her parents with her wings.

"Why panic, calm down first." Yu Yi scolded.

"I'm sorry, Brother Yi." Luo Ya's pretty face turned pale.

"You are the princess of the kingdom, and you are also the pillar of the Nether Water Territory and the Sunset Territory. Now everyone can panic, but you can't.

Once you panic, you will make huge mistakes.Not only will it not be able to save your parents, but it will also cause the situation to collapse, and there is no hope of turning over. "

"Yes, Brother Yi, Xiaoya knows his mistake."

"Well, it's best if you understand. You don't need to think about it. It's Edm's trick.

The king and queen don't wander off to the Emerald Collar to inspect and just happen to be caught by bandits.

Apparently Edm saw the Youshui collar and the sunset collar being subdued, and guessed our next plan.

He deliberately laid out the emerald collar to force him into a trap.

Although it is not clearly stated in the information, the bandit group definitely wants the king's seal in your hand, and captures you along the way.

Once the seals and bloodlines are collected, Edm can enter the forbidden area and get what he wants. "

Luo Ya hurriedly asked: "Brother Yi, the seal is not on me, how should I fight back?

The emerald collar must be gone, otherwise the father and queen will be in danger.

Whether as a child or as a princess of the kingdom, I must go to Emerald to get the redeemer. "

Yu Yi said in a deep voice: "I definitely want to go, but I have to make a plan first, and I can't act blindly.

After the preliminary integration of Youshui Territory and Sunset Territory is completed, experts from the two territories can be sent to sneak into the Emerald Territory to secretly search for news and make arrangements.

Then, dispatch the troops of the Netherwater Territory and the Sunset Territory to advance towards the Emerald Territory.

Using this to intimidate Edm, let the other party be cautious and dare not do excessive actions. "

"Okay, Brother Yi, I'll do it now."

"Well, let's meet up at the Emerald Collar with the army." Yuyi nodded, and the phantom disappeared.

He began to issue rally orders in the Sunset Collar.

The war machine of the sunset collar started to spin quickly.

In the name of the princess, Luo Ya made a proposal to the entire kingdom, asking all the generals to serve the king.

She also called on heroes and heroes from all walks of life to gather in the emerald collar.

Luo Ya's lore caught Edham by surprise.

The prime minister has no way to deal with Luo Ya's strategy of calling on the King of Qin.

After all, the other party is the princess of the kingdom, and in the name of rescuing the king and queen, she is plotting properly.

Those careerists who hold military power in the kingdom, and the reckless green forest bandits who are unwilling to be reckless, will not miss this feast.

As long as the king and queen are rescued, their prestige will be greatly increased.

Ambitious people who want to become kings themselves can also take the opportunity to get rid of the king and queen, disrupt the situation in the kingdom, and take advantage of the situation.

Whether it is a hero who is loyal to the emperor and patriotism, or an ambitious man who wants to become a king, none of them can refuse the call of Her Royal Highness.

Yu Yi taught Luo Ya's conspiracy, which completely disrupted the layout of the jade collar.

It is not that simple for Adam to achieve his goal.

"Bastard, when did the princess become so smart?" Edm was furious in the mansion of the Emerald Duke.

Several bloody corpses lay on the ground.

Everyone in the hall was trembling, afraid that they would become the next target.

The Emerald Duke took a step forward and said: "Master Prime Minister, according to the information heard by the subordinates, the princess has an extra young man wearing a mask under her command, and all the plans are from the other party."

"Huh? It's him? No wonder it's like this. The truth is watching the princess grow up. I know exactly how capable she is.

If he had known this earlier, he would have killed that young man in the first place. "

A gleam flashed in Edmu's eyes, remembering Yuyi who sneaked into his mansion back then.

"The truth can't be beaten passively, right? Even though the truth dispatched the royal guards to join the battle, we have no legitimate reason to go to war with the princess, right?

It is reasonable and reasonable for her to raise troops to serve the king. If we send troops to stop her, it will be a shame. "

Nordman stood up and said: "Father, the princess wants to rescue the king and queen. Not only can we not stop it, but we must also send the royal guards and the emerald collar army to cooperate."

"Oh? How do you say that?"

"Father, there are so many mountains and forests in the Emerald Territory, even if we send an army to do a sweeping search, I don't know how much time it will take.

It must take a lot of time to find the hiding place of the bandit group.

The troops who came to King Qin all came with the autumn wind in their arms to gain benefits.

If the target has not been found, the money and food consumed by the army will be an astronomical figure.

Under the huge consumption, the various lords will definitely not be able to hold on, and the team will easily collapse.

At that time, the general situation condensed by the princess will be destroyed by itself, and we can also easily win over those lords. "

"Hahahaha... This strategy is very good." Edm laughed heartily.

The Emerald Duke took a step forward and said: "Master Prime Minister, while the princess is sending troops to search, she will definitely send a team of strong men to act secretly.

We should also secretly deploy masters to stop those strong men and prevent them from finding the bandit group in advance. "

"Well, yes, that's exactly what it should be."

Nordman added: "We can also try our best to show the luxurious equipment and powerful lineup of the Royal Guards and Emerald Leaders, so as to deter evildoers.

And let those lords and generals be afraid, so they fall to our camp. "

"Yes, this plan is feasible."


The emerald lord Yang An and Nordman, you and I have made suggestions for Edm.

Strategies against Luo Ya were released one after another, waiting for the princess to get into the trap.

A day later, an army from Youshui collar and Sunset collar set out from the territory and slowly marched towards Emerald collar.

This time, Yuyi used half of the troops and half of the masters from the two territories.

The remaining half is enough to guard the territory and prevent accidental changes.

After the armies of the two territories were dispatched, the rest of the nobles, big and small, who held military power, were also ready to move.

Under various banners, they marched the troops in the territory towards the Emerald Territory.

Chapter 100

A few days later, the armies of Youshui and Sunset led to join forces.

Luo Ya wore a golden paladin suit and looked heroic, like a female general who has fought in the battlefield for many years.

Yuyi held a lupine in his hand and pretended to be a military adviser.

Inside the commander's tent.

"Brother Yi, what should we do next? Should we drive into the Emerald Collar, or stay there?"

Yu Yi shook his feather fan lightly, and said: "Wait! We need to gather all the princes from all walks of life, and then summon Shenlong... Ah bah... No, it's a big conspiracy."


A trace of confusion flashed in Luo Ya's eyes, not knowing what the so-called major event was.

"Xiaoya, don't you think this incident is a good time to integrate the domestic army?

Under King Qin's call, there will never be fewer troops coming for various reasons.

We only need to secretly control the leading general, isn't the army under him ours?

After the matter is over, put these troops back and gradually erode the territory where they are located.

Soon the noble territories to which those generals belong will become our forces.

At that time, we will encircle the capital with the power of the world, and even if there are many masters in the capital, we will bow our heads and bow our heads.

Besides, in the name of King Qin, didn't you call on the powerful people in the country to participate?

Once we subdue the strong ones who came, we don't have to be afraid of the masters from the capital.

Why not do it when you can do more than one thing? "

"Well, brother Yi is still thoughtful."

Luo Ya couldn't help nodding.

However, she still couldn't help worrying and said: "What if Edm sees that the situation is not right, what should I do if the so-called bandits tear up the tickets in advance?

When something happened to the king's father and the queen's mother, Edm could completely shift the responsibility to the bandit group and watch the fire from the other side. "

Yuyi shook his head, "The king and queen are the trump cards in Edm's hands, he will use them to control the Holy Angel Kingdom, and will not let them have any accidents.

Based on my guess, Edm not only won't prevent the army from entering the Emerald Territory, but will even send troops to help in order to gain fame.

He will secretly inform the thieves group and let the other party move their positions at any time, so that we can't find the king and drag down the coalition forces.

It's a pity that Adam doesn't know that we are also planning to control the leading generals in advance.

Coupled with the supply of food and grass from Youshui Ling, even if this matter is delayed for a year or so, there will be no problem.

As long as the coalition forces sweep the Emerald Lord over and over again, the one who suffers will definitely be the Emerald Lord. "

Luo Ya stared at her starry eyes, her Lord God is indeed powerful, and has already calculated everything.

The two sides are constantly seeing each other's tricks, and now it depends on whose calculation is better.

Luo Ya's army was stationed outside the Emerald Territory, and the follow-up troops also arrived one after another.

In the end, a total of dozens of lords' armies came, varying in number.

There are tens of thousands of people, and there are only a few hundred people.

In the name of the princess, Luo Ya hosted a banquet for the lords and generals from all sides in the Chinese army commander's tent.

The handsome account has long been set up to suppress the formation, and the formation to conceal the breath.

The two sides had a "friendly and pleasant" exchange, and Yuyi used the old method to control all the generals and lords.

Then there is their lieutenant general, the lieutenant general.

Since then, the dozens of generals and lords who came here have all become prisoners.

The generals looked bitter.

Her Royal Highness actually has a contract scroll, and it looks like there are more than one or two scrolls.

The contract scroll is a product of ancient times, and the production method has long been lost. Only one or two of them still exist in some ruins.

Everyone was helpless. It seemed that Her Royal Highness or the military adviser obtained the method of making contract scrolls, so they could spend recklessly.

After subduing all the generals, Yuyi did not ask Luo Ya to rectify the army, in order to prevent Edm from noticing the abnormality.

He just sent some middle-level cadres from Youshui and Sunset to join the newly conquered army.

On the one hand, it is to monitor, and on the other hand, it is to secretly rectify the army.

Since then, a large number of heroes from the rivers and lakes have come one after another.

Yuyi has long been near the military camp, preparing camps, arenas and other facilities for the many green forests and grasslands.

The camp is also set up in a large formation, waiting for the fish to take the bait.

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