The place where the Sunset Territory is located is surrounded by mountains, and there are not many living areas, all of which are concentrated in the central area.

The territory is rich in various metal mines and material mines. It is a large-scale ore producing area, responsible for the ore output of more than seven layers of the Holy Angel Kingdom.

It is also the production place of various standard equipment.

It stands to reason that the people of the Setting Sun Territory rely on ore armaments and should live very well.

However, the life of ordinary people is not much better than that of Youshuiling.

The Lord of the Setting Sun is also extorting money, requiring each household to hand over a large amount of ore every year.

Pay if you can't hand over the ore.

If there is no money, the family is likely to be caught in the mine and spend their whole life mining until they die of exhaustion.

In order to complete the heavy ore tasks, the males in ordinary households have to dig in the mines day and night, so that they can barely make up the share of the annual handover.

In some families, there are not enough men, and women are also forced to join the ranks of mining, which barely prevents their children from being escorted into the mine.

Take Youshui Territory as an example. If there is no strong man in charge, ordinary residents want to rise up, and it is still possible to fight against the territorial army.

But in the Sunset Territory, ordinary people have no possibility of rebelling, unless a large number of powerful people join in.

Because the territory has the most luxurious and well-equipped army in the kingdom, not even worse than the Royal City Guards.

Facing an army whose equipment is not weaker than that of the Imperial Guard, how can ordinary people have room to resist?

Either complete the task assigned by the noble lord, or die.

There is no third option.

Everything in the Sunset Territory is still so bad.

Yuyi originally wanted to wait for Luo Ya to finish dealing with the Youshui leader, and then let her come over to subdue the setting sun lord together.

What he saw and heard along the way, as well as the intelligence collected from all parties, did not allow him to wait any longer.

Every day we wait, a large number of miners will die in the sunset collar, causing many families to be broken.

Moreover, since the closure of Youshui Territory, the prime minister of the capital, Edmu, has also become vigilant and has sent several groups of special envoys.

After all, paper can't contain the fire, and the loss of contact for several consecutive Bauds is enough to make Edm alert.

The lords of other territories will also strengthen their vigilance to prevent accidents.

What's more, it will take at least half a year for Luo Ya to completely rectify Youshui collar.

Yuyi can't wait that long.

Edm wouldn't let him wait that long.

After careful consideration, Yuyi decided to go it alone.

Subdue the sunset collar first, otherwise there will be no chance.

Inside the sunset castle.

Yuyi waited quietly in the hall, waiting for the sunset lord Hudson to appear.

He was able to enter the Sunset Castle after a series of arrangements, and he paid a lot of gold and silver treasures for this.

But the money was all brought from Youshui City, anyway, it's not his money, so don't feel bad.

stomping on...

A middle-aged man with short blond hair and a dignified face stepped out from behind the screen.

He sat on the lord's seat, looking down at Yuyi and Jiang Zhengyang at the bottom of the steps.

Just looking at his appearance, it's hard to imagine that a handsome middle-aged man would have such a cruel personality.

"You want to see the Duke? Why?"

"My lord, I am from a neighboring country, and I want to seek an official position in the Sunset Territory." Yu Yi stepped forward and cupped his hands.

"Hmph... why did the duke recruit you? What if you are spies?"

"My lord, don't be in a hurry to refuse. I have a treasure to offer you. It would be best if you like it. Even if you don't like it, there is no loss."

"Haha, that's interesting. This duke controls the resource-rich Sunset Territory. What treasures have you never seen? Even if there are treasures in the treasure house of the capital, there may not be as many treasures as this duke."

"Of course I won't take out ordinary treasures to fool the lord, after all we still want to hang out with the lord."

Yu Yi clapped his hands, and Jiang Zhengyang behind him took a step forward holding a jade box.

Hudson signaled the servants around him to take the jade box.

The jade box was opened, and a diamond-shaped crystal lay quietly inside the jade box.

The corner of Jiang Zhengyang's mouth twitched involuntarily. Although it was the first time he had seen this crystal, he had heard of it.

The lord of Youshui was cheated by it, and then even the strong people in the entire Youshui collar suffered.

Hudson looked at Yuyi with a gloomy face, and the meaning was obvious: "You just use this kind of garbage to fool me?"

"My lord, don't underestimate the crystal in the box. Let your subordinates use their spiritual power to penetrate into it, and you will understand its preciousness."

Hudson suppressed his anger and told his men to do the same.

After that things are very simple.

Hudson's men were shocked, and immediately reported the crystal's suspected godhead judgment.

Yuyi fudged again, which made Hudson accept the rhombus crystal suspiciously.

Hudson ordered his subordinates to take Yuyi and Jiang Zhengyang to the guest room for guarding, and wait for him to thoroughly investigate the origin of the mysterious crystal before offering another reward.

The Lord of the Setting Sun is not inferior to Luo Zhengchun in strength, and his ability to discern is not weak.

Yu Yi reads in the guest room leisurely, not worried about the ending at all.

From the moment Hudson accepted the pseudo-godhead, his fate was already doomed.

Three days passed quickly, and Hudson completed the first stage of the test.

He couldn't wait to walk out of the secret room, announcing that Yuyi and Jiang Zhengyang would be enshrined and enjoy super-standard treatment.

The corners of Jiang Zhengyang's mouth twitched even more, knowing in his heart that the Sunset Leader was about to fall.

Five days later, the next step was planned.

It was also in the hall where Hudson was first seen, the same formation, the same scene.

Many worshiping guests of the sunset collar were subdued reluctantly.

However, the shocking person this time is Jiang Zhengyang.

He killed several strong men whose strength had been sealed and who were unwilling to give in, and only then did he stabilize the situation.

Yuyi didn't make a move the whole time.

Jiang Zhengyang was helpless, he finally understood why Yuyi brought him to the sunset collar, he was here to be a thug.

After subduing the strong men of the Sunset Territory, the generals in the territory did not escape the fate of becoming puppets, and were subdued in batches.

From then on, the entire sunset collar fell into Yuyi's hands.

To be more precise, it fell into Luo Ya's control.

The contract scroll that Yu Yi took out, the owner is still Luo Ya.

Then he began to reform the Sunset collar in the name of Luo Ya.

The first thing to purge is the worship group, followed by the army of the sunset leader, and then the local officials of the counties.

Yuyi's methods were not as gentle as Luo Ya's, simple and rude.

Those who disobey orders will be killed, and those who violate the law will be killed.

After a series of violent methods, the heads of the people killed in the setting sun were rolling, people were panicked, no one dared to resist anymore.

First the Youshui Territory, then the Sunset Territory, two consecutive territories lost contact.

Edm, even if he was a fool, knew something was wrong.

There are secrets arranged by him in both territories.

The spies went forward one after another, broke through the blockade desperately, and finally spread the news.

There was an uproar in the capital from top to bottom.

Those aristocrats never expected that Princess Luoya, whom they regarded as a vase, could do something earth-shattering without making a sound.

Chapter 99 The King and Queen Captured

The situation of Youshui Territory and Sunset Territory has been spread, and it is meaningless to block the news.

After the two discussed, they decided to make the news public to stabilize the mood and situation of the people in the kingdom.

Under Yuyi's instruction, the two territories sent a large number of intelligence personnel to all over the country to publicize Her Royal Highness's political achievements and vigorously advocate the benefits of the New Deal.

Ordinary people in the Kingdom of Holy Angels are aware of the situation in Youshui Territory and Sunset Territory, and they are looking forward to the New Deal.

The kingdom that was originally panicked has gradually gathered its centripetal force.

All the people are secretly praying that Her Royal Highness can come to her territory as soon as possible to deal with those corrupt nobles and implement the New Deal.

Luo Ya's prestige rose like a day.

"Trash, it's all trash, it's fine if you don't catch the princess, and let her run out of the royal city to do such a big thing in Youshui collar and sunset collar."

In the Prime Minister's Mansion, Edm was so angry that he smashed the precious antique vase to the ground.

Nordman bit the bullet, stepped forward and said: "Father, now is not the time to be angry, we should formulate countermeasures to prevent the princess' power from further expanding."

Edm also knew that being angry would not help, so he calmed down quickly and asked, "Do you have any good suggestions?"

"My lord, the Netherwater Territory is the kingdom's granary, the Sunset Territory is the kingdom's military base, and the Emerald Territory is the kingdom's source of cultivation resources.

The three major territories are the jewels in the crown, and they are indispensable.

The princess has mastered the Nether Water Collar and the Sunset Collar, and the next target must be the Emerald Collar.

We must dispatch experts and assemble heavy troops as soon as possible, set up an ambush in the emerald collar, and wait for the princess to take the bait. "

"Well, the proposal is good, what should I do if the princess is not fooled?"

"My lord father, we can let the king and queen inspect the Emerald Collar, and then... so and so...

As long as the princess wants to rescue her parents, even if she knows it is a trap, she has to step on it.

Otherwise, she will bear the reputation of being unfaithful and unfilial, and the prestige accumulated recently will be destroyed in one go. "

"Hahahaha... Yes, yes, Nordman, you have grown up. I will leave this matter to you."

"Yes, my lord father, the child must handle this matter beautifully, so that the princess has no hope of turning things around."

Luo Ya had no idea that a huge conspiracy was brewing.

Yu Yicai preliminarily integrated the Sunset Territory, and before he could heave a sigh of relief, he received news from his subordinates from the capital that the king and queen were in distress.

According to the news, the king and queen are very quiet and thinking about moving, preparing to inspect the Emerald Territory, one of the three major territories.

The inspection activities this time were very intense, not only notifying the Emerald Lord in advance to arrange related matters, but also making a big publicity in the kingdom.

The king and queen marched towards the jade collar with [-] elite royal guards.

Xiao Xiaoxiao along the way did not dare to make the slightest movement.

For the first three days, everything was fine.

On the fourth day, the king and queen went crazy for some reason. Regardless of the emerald lord's persuasion, they insisted on a private visit in disguise to experience the real life of the common people.

The two abandoned the imperial guards, took only a small team of guards, disguised themselves and disappeared in the Emerald City, and went to other cities for private visits.

Then something happened.

The king and queen encountered a powerful group of bandits along the way. The guards fought desperately, but were still outnumbered and captured.

After the thieves figured out the identity of the fat sheep in their hands, only one of the guards was killed and returned to report.

Claim: If you want them to release the king and queen, let the princess hold a certain treasure in exchange for hostages.

As for what that treasure is, Her Highness the Princess will understand.

The news spread back to the capital, causing an uproar.

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