As a result, needless to say, a group of reckless people became Luo Ya's subordinates reluctantly.

Even subdued several seventh-order powerhouses.

There is none in the eighth order.

Generally speaking, the strongest priest in a principality is no more than seventh rank, and the kingdom is eighth rank, and only the empire has the capital to invite ninth rank worshipers.

It is conceivable that powerhouses above the seventh rank are very rare.

Since then, Luo Ya's power has expanded unprecedentedly.

Edmu, who was in the Emerald Mansion, couldn't sit still when facing Yuyi's tricks.

It has been a long time since Luo Ya arrived outside the Emerald Territory, but she did not move.

Edm had no choice but to send the Emerald Lord to contact him.

"Emerald Lord Yang An, pay respects to Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Inside the camp, Lord Emerald bowed his hands in salute.

"What's the matter with Duke Yang?"

"His Royal Highness, this subordinate is inviting you and your army to enter the Emerald Collar."

"Huh... my father, king and mother were kidnapped in the emerald collar, what should Duke Yang do?"

"Your Majesty is guilty, please punish Her Majesty the Princess. But the most urgent task is to find traces of His Majesty the King and Queen. The longer it takes, the worse it will be for them."

Yu Yi interjected: "Duke Yang, please hand over the detailed map of the Emerald Land, we need the map to start the search."

"Yes, Mr. Yu." Yang An reluctantly handed over the map.

After the map is handed over, it means that the Emerald Territory has no more secrets to speak of.

For the sake of the overall situation, he had to do so.

"You step back first, and I will discuss the action plan with the lords."

"Yes, Your Royal Highness."

Yang An withdrew from the tent.

Luo Ya breathed a sigh of relief, and asked in confusion: "Brother Yi, why don't you control Yang An together, wouldn't it be more cost-effective to place him next to Edmu?"

"It's not appropriate to act rashly for the time being, Yang An dared to test this time with only one guard, maybe he has a strong hole card.

If we are exposed during the control process, the loss outweighs the gain. "

"Oh, I see."

Invited by Yang An, under the command of Yuyi, the army set up camp and entered the Emerald Collar openly.

In the Palace of the Emerald Duke.

"His Royal Highness is auspicious, the truth is that I haven't seen Your Highness for a long time." Prime Minister Edmund said with a fake smile.

Luo Ya also sarcastically said: "I didn't expect that the prime minister who made a mess of the whole kingdom would have the face to appear here."

"Haha, Your Royal Highness is joking, any decision of the truth is subject to the consent of His Majesty the King, and there is no room for overstepping."

"" Luo Ya wanted to argue, but was held back by Yuyi.

He shook his head lightly and said, "There is no need to argue with the prime minister, as long as each of you is clear in your heart, the most urgent thing is to find traces of His Majesty the King and Queen as soon as possible to ensure their safety."


Luo Ya quickly calmed down.

She understood that she was no match for Edham in terms of strength or scheming.

Arguing with each other is nothing but self-inflicted humiliation.

"Master Prime Minister, please let the army of the Emerald Land and the imperial guards of the Royal City work together to help the coalition forces find the whereabouts of His Majesty the King as soon as possible.

After all, the coalition forces are the mainstay of guarding their respective territories, and it is not appropriate to leave the territory for too long. "

"Okay, let's arrange the truth." Edm nodded.

As for what plan he has behind him, only he knows in his heart.

The coalition forces stationed in the Emerald Territory were quickly assigned to their respective tasks, responsible for searching a certain area.

The division of regions was made by Yuyi according to the map of Emerald Territory and the number of people brought by each lord.

Basically take care of all aspects.

Under the siege of various forces, Jade Leader is on the loose and cannot live in peace.

There have even been a lot of big soldiers robbing ordinary people of their property in the name of searching.

Yuyi immediately issued an order prohibiting soldiers from oppressing the people and robbing them of property.

If found, according to the severity of the matter, the light ones will be punished, and the serious ones will be killed.

At the beginning, there were still many troops with lax military discipline who violated the law and did not take orders seriously.

Yuyi had to send additional inspection teams, and if found, it would be dealt with severely.

After killing many soldiers, no one dared to stir up trouble in private.

Even the Royal Guards and the Emerald Army, some soldiers were beheaded.

The emerald lords Yang An and Edmu felt aggrieved, but they had no excuse to stop them.

After all, his soldiers had indeed violated military regulations, and the evidence was conclusive, so it was impossible to justify them.

The army was operating on a large scale, and the masters behind the scenes were not idle, and were sent out in batches to look for the king's trace.

Yuyi quietly left the barracks, looking for clues in the dark.

Luo Ya continued to sit in the army to prevent accidents from happening.

Facing the blanket search of many troops, the bandit group will definitely move their base at any time in order not to be found.

The Emerald Collar was blocked, and the bandit group wanted to be aware of the search team in advance, so someone needed to report in advance.

Yuyi hides in the dark, secretly paying attention to various messengers.

As long as one person secretly contacted the bandit group, he would be able to follow the vine and find the hiding place of the other party.

Within a few days, Yuyi followed all the messengers, but unfortunately none of them belonged to the bandit group he was looking for.

No need to think about it, Edmu and Yang An are a bandit group that used other methods to contact them, and they didn't send anyone to contact them directly.

This move is also very reasonable. Sending someone to notify is too easy to be followed, and it is not safe.

The enemy has a long-distance communication method, which made Yuyi blind.

The Emerald Collar is so big, and most of it is forested, it is difficult to find a gang of bandits.

The search team also encountered a stalemate, and they found many traces of the bandit group's activities in various places.

However, after breaking through the stronghold, no trace of the king and queen was found.

The way of using the messenger didn't work, so Yuyi immediately changed his mind and went to monitor the emerald lord Yang An.

He didn't dare to spy on Edham anymore.

After going back last time, Yuyi carefully replayed the video and found that many of Edm's words were deliberately told to him, as if he was deliberately guiding him.

Obviously, the prime minister at that time had discovered that he was hiding in the dark.

Edm was too weird, if he went to spy on the other party, it was inevitable that he would not be discovered.

Therefore, Yuyi locked his target on Yang An.

The king and queen had an accident in the Emerald Land, and the bandit group also belonged to the Emerald Land. If it had nothing to do with Yang An, no one would believe it.

Chapter 101 Intercepting the Bandit Group

Yuyi stuck all kinds of hidden runes on his body, wiped out all aura, and hid in secret to monitor Yang An's every move.

Yang An's mansion is an oriental mansion, majestic and majestic, and there are a large number of masters in captivity in the mansion.

Relying on the geographical advantages and special materials of the emerald collar, he also made a fortune.

Yang An was as lustful as Luo Zhengchun, Lord of Youshui, but they were also different.

Luo Zhengchun likes unmarried young women.

Yang An is just the opposite, he likes other people's wives, just like Prime Minister Cao.

He often robbed the newlyweds of other people's homes, causing complaints and family ruins in the territory, and no one dared to get married.

Yuyi was very speechless, these nobles are really full and have no serious hobbies?

After staying in a dark corner for three days, he finally waited until Yang An contacted the bandit group with a long-distance sound transmission array.

"Vulture, how's the situation over there?"

"My lord duke, you have done a terrible job to my brothers. Now the entire Emerald Territory is occupied by the army. The brothers hide and fear all day long, almost becoming neurotic."

"Don't talk nonsense, you have earned hundreds of thousands of gold coins this time, enough to squander for a lifetime, don't be dissatisfied."

"Sigh... this incident is too big to end. If I had known this, I shouldn't have accepted the task of the Duke."

Yang An is a fine person, so he doesn't understand that the vulture wants to sit on the ground and raise the price.

He said helplessly: "Vulture, don't make fun of the duke. When this task is completed, I will give you double the gold coins."

"Haha, Your Excellency the Duke is straightforward, and the brothers will not hold back. They will definitely handle things beautifully."

"That's great, you didn't abuse the hostages, did you?"

"Hey... Please don't worry, Lord Duke, how dare I? Everyone understands the importance of hostages, and they will provide them with delicious food and drink. It's just that the two of them have a bit of a temper and are not easy to serve."

"Take it easy, the hostages can't do anything, it's related to the prime minister's plan."

"Don't worry, I understand."

"Where are you hiding now?"

The vulture couldn't help complaining, "My brothers and I are still in Yuyun Mountain. The search team is as smart as a dog's nose. Every time we arrive at a place, we only settle down, and we have to move immediately."

Yang An pondered and said: "Indeed, it's not an option to go on like this. Even if the duke reports in time, the encirclement will become smaller and smaller, and the target will be exposed if you are not careful."

"Then I can't help it, there are too many search teams."

"Well... as the saying goes 'the most dangerous place is the safest place'.

How about you quietly transfer the hostages into the Emerald City?The Duke has an underground warehouse in the east of the city, and only a few cronies know the entrance.

There is enough food and water in the secret base, and it is no problem to survive here for half a year. "

"What? It takes so long? Don't do it, don't do it."

"Don't worry, within a month at most, the coalition forces will be unable to bear the boring large-scale search missions and collapse on their own, and then you can come out and roam around."

"Yes, but there are search teams along the way, and I can't escape the siege with the hostages and brothers."

"The Duke will dispatch the expedition team along the way at the right time. You just need to follow the plan, and no one will be able to catch you."


Yang An finished the formation and sound transmission, his face became gloomy.

"Hmph... a group of robbers and gangsters, without the Duke's permission, you don't even have a chance to survive, so you still want to bargain?

When you reach the Emerald City, the Lord will let you know why the flowers are so red. "

Yu Yi slandered in the dark, the villains really like black and black, and they are not greedy enough.

After Yang An left, he also quietly disappeared into the mansion.

Yuyi didn't intend to wait for Vulture to come to Emerald City before making a move, he led a team of masters to cut him off halfway.

Everyone sneaked all the way, avoiding the search team along the way, to prevent their whereabouts from being exposed, and arouse Yang An's vigilance.

They set up an ambush formation on the only road outside Yuyun Mountain, just waiting for the vultures to appear.

A few hours later, a group of robbers in disguise came out of the mountain thieves.

Vulture is not a fool either, he sent many younger brothers to go ahead and scout for information along the way to prevent being blocked by the search team.

Yuyi didn't startle the snake, and let the scout team leave.

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