On the contrary, many black shadows took advantage of the dark sky to manipulate the mummy to rush out of the ghost ship and chase the lizardmen running on the ground.

The lizardman tribe fled in all directions according to the previously formulated plan, and only a few unlucky ones were caught.

Most of them escaped swiftly.

Yuyi didn't run with them, mainly because when everyone gathers together, it is very likely that none of them will be able to escape.

The lizardmen tribe can't fly, and they don't have mounts, so the only way to get together is to wait for death.

Only by dispersing and fleeing separately can there be a glimmer of life.

The plan was discussed by Yuyi and Zawag, and with the consent of the other party, it is not considered a cheating teammate.

Yan Qingqing's Ice Crown Bird led the team, followed by Gu Boyuan's and others' mounts, and the team members ran desperately all the way.

After running hundreds of kilometers, it stopped at a small oasis.

"Hahahaha..., my old lady has finally escaped." Yan Qingqing jumped up and down happily, like a child weighing several hundred pounds.

Rosa wasn't as exaggerated as she was, but she wasn't much better either.

A few men are much more stable.

Yu Yi couldn't help but laugh.

He could understand the joy of escaping death, and it didn't stop the two girls from playing.

However, Yuyi didn't know that after the adventure team got away from the ghost ship, the damaged part of the warship was slowly being repaired.

The repaired ghost ship plunged into the rolling yellow sand and disappeared, waiting for the next prey to take the bait.

"Xiaoyu, thanks to your various plans, we were able to escape smoothly. You saved my old lady again."

"Hey, Xiaoyu, my sister is liking you more and more." Rosa winked at Yuyi.


This goblin really hooks up with people all the time.

Kane and Jiang Hao both turned green.

After a few people quarreled, they continued to set off and headed towards their destination.

After half a day's journey, everyone came across an oasis as they wished.

"Wow... There is an oasis in the distance, let's go in and rest quickly." Seeing the oasis looming in sight, Yan Qingqing hurriedly urged the Ice Crown Bird.

"Stop!" Yu Yi hastily stopped.

"What's wrong? Xiaoyu?" Everyone looked at him puzzled.

"I sense the aura of cultists in the direction of the oasis, so I can't go in rashly." Yu Yi said in a deep voice.

He is not talking big, he has been in the main altar of the Black Lotus Sect for three years, and he is very clear about the beliefs of the Black Lotus Sect followers.

This kind of breath cannot be sensed by ordinary people.

Yuyi has the godhead crystal, which is completely capable of intercepting the power of cultists' belief in evil gods.

"What? There are cultists? I want to kill them. We have suffered so much along the way, isn't it just to prevent the cultists from resurrecting the evil god?"

"Don't worry, I don't know the number and strength of the opponent right now. It is not wise to go forward rashly. Check it first before making a decision."

Gu Boyuan is the most suitable person in the team to investigate. The others are either crispy or slow meat shields.

Gu Boyuan has a flying dragon, but he can still run if he can't beat it.

"You wait for the news here first, and I will go to check the information."

Without Yuyi giving orders, Gu Boyuan took the initiative to take over the task.

He drove the flying dragon to fly high into the sky, shielded the breath of the flying dragon, and quietly approached the oasis.

Not long after, Gu Boyuan returned.

"how is the situation?"

"In the oasis is indeed a group of cultists of the Black Lotus Sect, not many in number, but not many, there are more than 200 people, and their strength is between the third and fifth ranks.

We don't have enough people, so we may not be able to get it done. "

"Number disadvantage is indeed a troublesome thing." Yu Yi rubbed his chin in thought.

If you rush in rashly, you will easily be beaten by groups.

It is not difficult to defeat the group of cultists, the difficulty is how to drive out the enemies.

There are so many cult members, if they escape separately, the adventure team really can't stop them.

"Why are these cultists gathered in the oasis?" Rosa asked curiously.

Gu Boyuan responded, "It seems that they are setting up a trap, and they probably want to hide the adventurous team that will come later."

"Hmph... Cultists like crooked ways."

Jiang Hao wondered: "How should we deal with these cultists? With our ability, we can't arrange formations silently to trap them all."

"Don't worry about it, let's go straight in. There are still so many shells in my old lady's Yuanjie, can't you kill them if you can't beat them?" Yan Qingqing said harshly.

"Okay, prepare to fight, and run if you can't fight."

Yuyi put on the mask that had not been used for a long time to avoid unnecessary trouble.

Although in the entire Black Lotus Sect, only Jiang Yuyao, Su Kexin and a few other people have seen his true face, but they have to guard against it.

What if you meet his followers among the cultists?

At that time, it will be embarrassing.

"Little fish, why are you wearing a mask?"

"Cough... Be prepared, if any cultist escapes, it will be very troublesome. I am timid, and I am afraid that I will come to seek revenge."

"Puff..." Yan Qingqing and Rosa were both amused.

The six of them did not hide their whereabouts, and led the guards on a rampage all the way, killing towards the oasis.

"Enemy attack, defense!"

The cultists were also the first to discover the situation and immediately organized defenses.

Facing Kane's bull rush, the opponent's defense was directly knocked apart.

Everyone rushed into the crowd and killed the Quartet.

Yuyi also held a machete, and under the protection of his teammates, he hacked at the cultists who were weaker than him.

He is exercising his actual combat level.

The Godhead Crystal has countless combat skills and secrets for him to learn.

Theory is theory after all, without practical operation, it is just a show.

His soul eyes scanned the chaotic battlefield, and accidentally discovered that there were soul seeds among the cultists.

Obviously, among this group of heretics are followers of the Time and Space Sect.

Yu Yi was very surprised that the believers had already developed into the faction of the Great Elder.

Although most of Lu Cangqiong's faction are vicious and vicious, there are also some upright people who were forced to join the camp.

These people are potential stocks that can be transformed, and they are also the targets of the Time and Space God Sect.

Yuyi didn't expect to meet his followers outside.

The plan to kill all the cultists will not work, at least to keep his followers.

"your name?"

A man in a black robe with a mask suddenly heard a voice in his head, which made him tremble in fright, and almost dropped the long sword in his hand.

A trace of fear flashed in the young man's eyes. It was terrifying that someone could enter his mind without a sound.

If the other party wanted his life, it would be as easy as pie.

The young man was very puzzled again, why did this mysterious voice have a kind feeling?

"What? Can't even hear the voice of the god?"

"Master Lord God?" A hint of surprise flashed in the young man's eyes.

"Hmm... answer my god's question."

"My lord, the name of my subordinate is Zheng Tianyi."

"What is the purpose of your trip?"

"Master Lord God, the purpose of our trip is to set traps and capture adventurers. As for the deeper purpose, the subordinates cannot reach it, and the high-level elders are responsible for it."

"Besides you, are there any believers in the other team?"

"No, only the subordinates were lucky enough to be dispatched this time."

Yuyi asked a few more questions, Zheng Tianyi knew very little about it.

The adventure team's attack rhythm is very violent, and many cultists have been beheaded and killed.

Of course, the adventure team was also uncomfortable, and many guards were counter-killed.

"My lord, the adventure team's attack is too fierce, what should I do?" Zheng Tianyi was a little impatient.

Yu Yi pondered for a few seconds and said: "You will find an opportunity to leave the team later, claiming to send reinforcements, and then go to join the Black Lotus Sect's army, and secretly help the god to find out the purpose of the great elder.

After finding the result, you will contact the masked boy who is fighting against you, he is also a believer of this god.

This time, the god sent him to investigate this matter, and attached a ray of consciousness to him to facilitate communication.

I accidentally sensed the breath of a believer nearby, so I appeared to talk to you.

Did you notice the jade pendant on the waist of the masked boy?That is the certificate for you to contact each other and identify each other in the future. "

Yu Yi came here in a flick, and took the initiative to reveal the jade pendant around his waist for Zheng Tianyi to see.

During the battle, he "unintentionally" dropped the jade pendant, and "unintentionally" kicked the jade pendant in front of the opponent.

Zheng Tianyi is not a fool, he immediately understood that his colleagues were cooperating.

He quietly picked up the jade pendant and put it in his arms.

"Yes, Lord Lord God, this subordinate promises to complete the task."

When Zheng Tian looked at Yuyi who was fighting, a trace of envy flashed in his eyes.

How much honor is it to be able to have a ray of consciousness from Lord God follow?

He secretly vowed in his heart that he must complete the task entrusted by the Lord God beautifully.

At that time, maybe you can also get the favor of the main god.

"Very good, the glory of this god will shine on you, and the luck of the time and space gods will accompany you. Children, fight for your dreams!"

"Yes, Lord God, this subordinate will definitely live up to Lord God's expectations."

Chapter 77 The Misty Forest

As soon as Zheng Tian swung away Yuyi's attack, he shouted at all the Black Lotus disciples: "Guys, the enemy is powerful, I'll take a step first to rescue the soldiers, see you later!"

He rushed out of the battle formation like lightning, and disappeared into the distance in a flash.

Both the adventure team and the cultists of the Black Lotus Sect were stunned.

The situation between the two sides is tense, and the Black Lotus Sect has the upper hand. Need some help?

Could this guy be trying to get away?

If you are at a disadvantage, you can be forgiven for running away.

However, no one has ever heard of the advantaged party running away.

After being in a daze for a while, many cult members cursed in anger.

"Fake, what is Zheng Tianyi doing?"

"Modan, next time you see him, you must beat him up."

"Yes, I have never seen such a timid one."

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