"The end is not to be a son of man!"

"Shuzi is not enough and seeks."



"Xiaoyu, do you understand that cultist's coquettish operation?" Yan Qingqing's pretty face was blank.

"I don't understand either." Yu Yi was speechless.

What he meant was to let Zheng Tian repeatedly find an excuse to escape when the cultists were at a disadvantage.

But he didn't expect that this funny guy would run away in a flash when the team was in an advantageous state.

He now regrets handing over the mission to Zheng Tianyi, that incomprehensible guy.

What if the other party is exposed?

"Forget it, increase the intensity of the attack, and quickly kill all these cultists."

Yan Qingqing also became ruthless. She took out many vitality bombs from Yuan Jie and threw them at the Black Lotus Sect team.

Seeing this posture, Yu Yi knew that he was about to suffer, so he hurriedly shouted, "Hurry up and find a cover!"

He slashed his opponent with a knife, and immediately used the opponent's body as a shield.

Gu Boyuan and others followed suit.


A series of explosions sounded, and many cult members were blown to pieces before they had time to react.

In the blink of an eye, most of the cultists were killed or injured.

Yu Yi and the others felt uncomfortable too, they were thrown into the air by the violent explosion and hit the ground hard.

Yan Qingqing's bomb exploded at close range, which simply killed one thousand enemies and damaged eight hundred.

Everyone was ashamed and their clothes were torn.

If it weren't for the corpses of the cultists as temporary meat shields, Yan Qingqing, Rosa, and Jiang Hao might not have survived.

The tauren Kane is a meat shield, and Gu Boyuan can fight and resist, so the two of them may be fine.

There were a few unlucky guards who were blown to the sky before they had time to react.

"Bah, bah, bah... Sister Yan, do you want to kill us too?" Yu Yi spat out a mouthful of sand, very dissatisfied.

"Hey... I'm sorry, I got excited, I used a little too much." Yan Qingqing wiped off the mud all over her face, and smiled awkwardly.

The rest of the people rolled their eyes, did you just use a little too much?

"Hurry up, take advantage of the serious injuries of these cultists, kill them all, and don't let them escape." Yu Yi didn't have the heart to blame Yan Qingqing, and hurriedly ordered.

Kane and Gu Boyuan both nodded. Regardless of their own embarrassment, they led some guards and rushed into the chaotic camp of cultists to kill everyone.

Kane is a child of a cult.

Gu Boyuan was not bad either, he slashed out with a flaming sword light, killing a bunch of heretics.

The guards are also not weak, and they are assisting the two in massacring the cultists.

Yuyi, Yan Qingqing, Jiang Hao, Rosa, the four led another group of guards to intercept the outside to prevent the cultists from escaping.

With the cooperation of everyone, none of the cultists could escape the pursuit.

The last few cult members saw that there was no hope of escape, and their bodies began to swell.

Yuyi's face changed suddenly, "No, the cultists are going to explode themselves, so hurry up and hide."

The horrible explosion made the adventure team worse.Almost lost in the oasis.

"Hey, the cultists are indeed a bunch of lunatics, and they will blow themselves up if they disagree with each other." Gu Boyuan got up from the ground and spit out a mouth full of sand.

"Brother Gu is right. Fortunately, Brother Yu reminded us in time, otherwise we would have been taken away by a wave."

Yu Yi didn't speak, he was treating everyone.

"All things rejuvenate!"

The energy of the life system sprinkled the ground, and the wounds on Yan Qingqing and the others healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Haha, thank you Brother Yu."

"You're welcome, let's leave this place quickly. We escaped from a cultist earlier, maybe the other party has brought a large army to surround us."

"Well, Xiaoyu is right." Yan Qingqing nodded in agreement.

Everyone got on their mounts one after another and left the place.

After several days of trekking, the adventure team finally walked out of the desert and rushed to the outskirts of the foggy forest.

Many adventurers have already gathered in the outskirts of the forest, but no one went in.

"Why are so many people gathered here? I'll go and ask what's going on." Rosa squeezed into the crowd and asked why.

With her superb tea art skills, no one could resist the temptation, and she quickly extracted information from an adventurer.

Rosa returned to the team, frowning and said: "The situation is not optimistic, it is said that in the foggy forest, there is a white fog that will make people lose their way.

What's even more strange is that a black mist has inexplicably appeared in the forest recently, which will also interfere with perception.

Many adventure teams disappeared after entering, and occasionally screams could be heard.

It is not clear whether the Black Lotus Sect is causing trouble, or there are terrifying monsters dormant in the forest itself.

The adventurers gathered in the outer area are very afraid of the existence in the misty forest, and dare not rush into it. "

After listening to Rosa's explanation, Yu Yi fell into deep thought.

The Misty Forest is a strange place in the Tianyuan Continent. The forest is surrounded by fog all the year round, making it impossible to tell the direction.

Because of the mysterious white mist here, the trees are not afraid of fire spells, and it is even difficult to ignite them.

The fire mage's combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced in the foggy forest.

Although there were monsters entrenched in the misty forest in the past, they were not powerful.

There are quite a few adventurers who will enter the outskirts of the misty forest to pick herbs and other quest items, and most of them can return safely.

Now there are monsters that make adventurers afraid, and a strange black mist emerges.

The situation became complicated and confusing.

Regardless of whether a powerful monster really appeared in the misty forest, or the Black Lotus Sect was at work, it was a problem that must be resolved.

Otherwise, everyone will not be able to enter the depths of the foggy forest to find the sealed place.

"Is there any way to force out the monster hidden in the dark?" Yu Yi asked in a low voice.

"No, the foggy forest is not afraid of fire attacks, and the fog interferes with the line of sight. It is impossible to determine the opponent's position and lead it out." Rosa shook her head.

"Hey... can't we just waste time here?"

"Sister Yan, how about trying the explosion effect of the bomb in the foggy forest?"


Yan Qingqing, a bomb maniac, heard that he was about to throw a bomb, so he took out a few vitality bombs from Yuan Jie and threw them into the mist.


The explosion effect is not very ideal.

All kinds of shells and bombs in Tianyuan Continent are made by compressing vitality, not traditional gunpowder.

The white mist in the misty forest can suppress energy fluctuations, greatly reducing the destructive power of the vitality bomb explosion.

"Alas... it has an effect, but not much. The area of ​​the misty forest is huge, and the bombs are completely insufficient."

During the discussion among the six people in Yuyi, many adventure teams came here one after another.

They range from small teams to large adventure groups.

According to Yuyi's estimate, tens of thousands of adventurers may have gathered outside the foggy forest.

"Don't worry, there is still an adventure group coming anyway, let's wander around the edge of the forest and observe the situation before making a decision." Yu Yi waved his hand.

"Well, I agree."

The Yuyi team lingered on the edge of the forest for a long time, gradually moving away from the crowd.

He has to be responsible for the whole team, and he can't bring the players into dangerous situations just because of curiosity.

The six people from Yuyi led the guards and wandered around the outer area, trying to find some valuable information.

However, no one noticed that they had gone deep into the foggy forest.

When Yu Yi woke up, he was sweating profusely, and he hadn't noticed it before.

"Xiaoyu, what's the matter with you?" Yan Qingqing asked with concern.

"Sister Yan, don't you realize that the surrounding environment is wrong?"

"What's wrong?" Rosa asked in a daze.

"We have already entered the depths of the foggy forest. If you look back, can you still see the original road?"

Gu Boyuan was shocked, "Fuck, when did we come in? Why don't we feel anything? Haven't we been wandering around the edge?"

The rest of the people also reacted.

"The black mist is so weird that it can quietly mislead perceptions. If it wasn't for Xiaoyu's reminder, we haven't realized this problem until now."

Yan Qingqing's face was very ugly.

Kane said in a deep voice: "Indeed, the black mist is so weird that it affects us without warning."

Rosa hurriedly suggested, "The foggy forest is too weird, let's leave here quickly."

Yu Yi shook his head, "There is no way out, how can I go back? Now I don't know where I am."

"Then let's go in a random direction?" Jiang Hao was at a loss.

"Sister Yan, you choose a direction."

Yan Qingqing put her pink cheeks in her hands, and pointed in a random direction, "Let's just go in this direction."

"it is good."

Everyone cheered up 12 points and stared at their surroundings vigilantly.

Yuyi found that in the process of traveling, his judgment was interfered several times and he deviated from the original route.

After being hit several times in a row, Yan Qingqing and the others realized the problem no matter how stupid they were.

Jiang Hao said in a deep voice: "The black mist is indeed consciously guiding outsiders. We have been tricked several times, and it seems that we are all led in a certain direction."

Yan Qingqing agreed, "That's right. There were times when we deliberately chose to go in other directions, but we were led back to the original direction."

"There must be something manipulating the black mist." Rosa nodded.

Gu Boyuan wondered: "Then what should we do?"

Yuyi stared into the distance, "Since the other party wants us to go there, then let it do so.

Let's go in the direction led by the black mist to find out what is causing the trouble. "

"Xiaoyu is right. If I let my mother know what monster is doing the trouble, I can kill it with a bomb."

Yan Qingqing said murderously.

Getting hit several times in a row made her very angry.

Chapter 78 The Monster on the Altar

Everyone is walking towards the destination.

The misty forest seems to be far larger than the outside world perceives, and there are many folding spaces inside.

It took a long time for Yuyi and the others to reach the destination area.

There are already many adventurers watching here.

In the center of the misty forest is a huge altar.

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