"Hey...the most dangerous place is also the safest place."

"You mean we hide in the hall of the tentacle monster?"

"That's right... when the explosion starts, the holy monsters in the bottom cabin will definitely resist the aftermath for the tentacle monsters in the middle area. We just need to follow behind."

Yan Qingqing gave him a good looking look, "Xiaoyu, you are too bad. You can come up with such a bad idea. Where should we put the bomb?"

"Of course it's the other side of the warship. As long as half of it can be blown up, the barrier will definitely disappear. At that time, we can take the opportunity to escape."

"Well, no problem."

Yuyi and Yan Qingqing discussed many details, gradually refined the plan and improved the loopholes.

The two finished making the plan, and the rest of them almost finished replying.

"Xiaoyu, have you thought of a solution?" Rosa hurried forward.

"Well...but the process is very dangerous."

Yuyi summoned the team members and revealed the previous plan.

"This plan, although dangerous, is also feasible."

"Now there is no better way, Brother Yu's plan is pretty good, I agree."

"Yes, any plan is dangerous, the difference lies in the degree of danger, and the old cow agrees."

"I agree with adding one."

The four of Gu Boyuan agreed to Yuyi's plan.

"Okay, since you all agree with my plan, let's start immediately.

It's getting late, we have to make all the preparations before the sun goes down.

At night, there is no chance. "


As usual, Yuyi let the team enter the cabin according to the original formation.

Everyone went straight to the west hall in the middle area.

The hall in the middle of the floor area is not selected because the explosion is too close to the eastern hall of the tentacle monster, and everyone will be affected by the aftermath.

Many mummies and black shadows harassed along the way, but they were all solved by everyone.

Arrive at the predetermined location and clean up the shadows and mummies in the western hall.

The adventure team performed their duties and carried out the plan formulated by Yuyi.

After a busy arrangement, the western hall in the middle area has been filled with various shells.

Except for Yuyi and Yan Qingqing, the other four teammates and Zawaq were all shocked by the mountain of ammunition.

They looked at Yan Qingqing with strange eyes.

A word flashed through everyone's mind, "Bomb Maniac".

In order to prevent the ammunition from being destroyed by mummies and shadows in advance, Yuyi also took out a large number of holy crystals and arranged a simple holy light barrier to cover the floor and the ammunition.

"OK, done, let's go to the Eastern Hall."

The team withdrew in an orderly manner and marched towards the eastern hall.

Between two points, the straight line is the shortest.

The adventure team opened the way with artillery fire, blasted a block of wooden walls, and rushed to the destination.

Everyone came to the eastern hall again. Seeing the enemy return, the tentacle monster roared angrily, but did not attack rashly.

It knew that it couldn't beat the group of people in front of it, so it didn't seek to humiliate itself.

Yuyi commanded the team to clean up the messy corpses and shadows, and began to arrange various barriers on one side without touching the tentacle monsters.

In order to prevent the horrible monsters in the bottom area, and the adventure team would attack together when the explosion occurred, Yuyi set up a holy light barrier here to envelop everyone.

He Yi looked around and said: "The shock wave of the explosion will cover the hall later, it will be terrifying.

Brother Gu, you use the dark magic ball as the eye of the formation, and arrange a few powerful dark shields in the holy light barrier to resist the aftermath. "

"it is good."

Layers of dark shields rise.

Gu Bo went on a long journey to create more than a dozen layers of dark shields.

Without the imitation dark magic ball, he would definitely not be able to complete this task by himself.

All is ready except for the opportunity!

"Sister Yan, it's up to you next."

"Don't worry, as long as one of the shells doesn't explode, it's considered my mother's mistake." Yan Qingqing patted her chest to assure her.

"..." x N

Yan Qingqing ignored everyone's speechlessness, and whispered the spell of remote control in her mouth.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom"...

Explosion sounded one after another.

The whole world seemed to be destroyed.

The warship shook violently.

The powerful explosion swept over with destructive energy.

Aftermath, one wooden wall after another was destroyed.

From a distance, Yuyi could feel the terror of the explosion energy.




Several consecutive terrifying roars came from the bottom cabin.

A powerful coercion permeated the entire warship.

One of the coercion of the Holy Order, Yu Yi had felt before.

The other roars were not as terrifying, but they were not much different.

Yu Yi knew in his heart that there was indeed more than one monster in the bottom cabin.

Fortunately, I didn't break through successfully last time, otherwise I would die ugly.

Huge black tentacles pierced through the floor of the eastern hall and surged out.

The terrifying tentacles form a tentacle wall to resist the explosion for the tentacle monster.

Yu Yi wondered, could it be that the tentacle monster in the eastern hall is the cub of the monster in the bottom cabin?

Otherwise, why would the opponent help the weak tentacle monster over and over again?

The explosive energy arrived as expected.

A terrifying energy storm destroyed everything in the hall.

The tentacles of the monsters didn't last long before they were crushed by the violent energy.

More black tentacles poured out from the lower cabin, blocking the violent energy for the tentacle monsters in the middle.

The adventure team deliberately chose the position behind the tentacle monster, close to the lower passage, with the tentacle monster in front, and they received the least aftermath.

With the Holy Light Barrier, the black tentacles did not rashly attack the adventure team.

The explosion was still too violent, destroying all the tentacles.

The barrier of holy light was also shattered, turning into fireworks and dissipating.

The dark shield also didn't last long, and it shattered layer by layer.

Fortunately, the last few layers of dark shields barely held on and did not break.

Everyone looked terrified and sweated coldly.

Despite the help of the bosses at the bottom, the tentacle monster was still affected by the energy of the explosion, suffered heavy injuries, and was dying.

The monsters in the bottom area were furious and roared to the sky, shattering the diffuse aftermath.

When the explosion subsided, the entire eastern hall was dilapidated.

There is a big hole in one wall of the hall, which leads directly to the outside world through many rooms.

Everyone can see the rolling yellow sand through the big hole.

The barrier outside the big ship was blown away.

"Hurry up, take this opportunity to rush out." Yu Yi showed joy, and ordered hastily.

"All teammates, charge with my mother!" Yan Qingqing rushed into the hole first, and fled out of the ghost ship.

The monster's tentacles are all destroyed, and it will take some time to regenerate. This is an excellent opportunity to escape.

If the monsters in the bottom cabin reacted, Yuyi and the others would definitely not be able to escape.

Everyone tried their best to escape along the big hole that was blown out.

Even the slow lizard man seemed to have wings, and his speed was extremely fast.

Everyone is racing against time to escape, lagging behind is death.


Chapter 76 Encounter with the Black Lotus Sect

The holy boss in the bottom cabin is not a fool, and soon noticed the intentions of the adventure team and the lizard tribe.

It really wants to prevent everyone from escaping the ghost ship.

However, in order to resist the explosion, its tentacles were all destroyed, and it was still being reborn, so there was no time to stop it.

Holy rank monsters can only release coercion, trying to suppress the speed of their prey's escape.

Yuyi and the others ran even faster.

When discussing the plan, Yuyi had already anticipated this situation.

A small magic circle rose up on everyone, offsetting most of the holy power.

The formation formed with the strength of Yuyi and others can only block the coercion of the holy rank for about a second.

Just this one second is enough for everyone to rush out of the big boat.

After leaving the ghost ship, Yan Qingqing and others hurriedly called out their mounts and fled into the distance.

The lizardmen tribe had no mounts, so they could only flee in all directions on foot.

The Yuyi team has no ability to take care of the Lizardman tribe, how much they can escape now, and how much.


A more terrifying roar came from the ghost ship, stronger than all the previous coercion.

Countless tentacles gushed out from the hole, and a few slow-running lizardmen were drawn into the cabin by the tentacles.

Seeing this, everyone wished their parents would have more legs.

Yu Yi sat on the Ice Crown Bird and looked back into the distance.

The ghost ship was almost destroyed in half, leaving only half of the hull.

From the huge gap, part of the lower cabin can be seen.

Even the wooden boards in the lower cabin were pitch black, and countless tentacles fluttered from the gap.

Yuyi vaguely saw a few pairs of blood-red eyes that were bigger than trucks glowing red, fixedly staring at the direction in which everyone was running away.

There were roars in the ghost ship.

For some unknown reason, those monsters did not rush out of the bottom cabin to pursue the adventure team.

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