The purpose of doing this mission this time was to pretend to be an assistant and go whoring for nothing.

As a result, along the way, it was basically the party who was prostituted for nothing.

Simply a big loss!

Is there wood?

Yu Yi took out some holy crystals from the Yuan Jie and used them to set up formations and barriers.

To set up a formation enchantment of a certain department, it is not necessary to have a mage of that department.

There are corresponding formation diagrams and formation materials, and people from other departments can also arrange them.

Of course, the effect is far worse than the formation enchantment arranged by the same department of mages.

Now it is only necessary to prevent the shadows from coming out of the deck, but it is not necessary to arrange the Holy Light Barrier perfectly.

It just has to work.

When everyone saw Yu Yi taking out the holy crystal, they all understood what he was going to do.

Yan Qingqing picked her head, feeling very embarrassed.

As the captain, she didn't do anything to help.

Even the command ability is not as good as an assistant.

Made her a little ashamed.

The deck in the area where everyone is located is shrouded in a layer of holy light, as if adding a layer of glass to the wooden deck.

Sombra lost the opportunity to sneak up from the deck.

Everyone was relieved and sat on the deck to rest.

"'s really exciting. First, I was chased and killed for no reason, and then there was a big scuffle on the ghost ship. At night, I couldn't live peacefully. A group of black shadows and mummified corpses appeared out of nowhere. It's really life-threatening."

Yuyi lay on the deck with his hands on his head, looking up at the sky.

Yan Qingqing poked his face with her finger, "You're only a teenager, don't act like a little old man."

Yu Yi rolled his eyes at the other party, he is not young.

He was 20 years old in his previous life, plus he came to Tianyuan Continent for three years, so he is already 23 years old.

Except for the guards whose age was unknown, and the tauren Kane, Yuyi was older than the rest of the adventure team.

Seeing the intimate interaction between Yan Qingqing and Yu Yi, Jiang Hao's face turned green.

Without the harassment of monsters, Luo Chacha returned to her original nature, and went to Yuyi's side to tease her.

The complexions of Kane and Gu Boyuan also gradually turned green.

"Oh... life is so hard, I'm so damn handsome."

Yuyi couldn't help complaining in his heart.

The lizardmen rested under the leadership of Zawag.

After several rounds of battles in turn, the consumption of the Lizardman is also not small.

After fighting for a while, everyone calmed down and practiced with their eyes closed, waiting for tomorrow's battle.

The middle and lower floors of the warship are definitely gathering places for monsters, and you must raise your spirits to fight better.

The next day.

Everyone washed up, ate dry food, and got ready to go.

Today is still the lineup of yesterday.

Everyone formed a battle formation and walked into the cabin.

There are still many mummified corpses lying in disorder in the upper cabin. Visually, those shadows have returned to the middle and lower floors and abandoned the corpses where they were.

The upper area has been explored yesterday, and there is nothing worth noting.

Everyone went straight to the middle area along the stairs.

Generally speaking, the mid-level area of ​​a large commercial ship is the main area, where dance halls, bars, casinos, and other equipment will be equipped.

High-ranking officials and wealthy businessmen will entertain in the middle-level area.

This ghost ship belongs to the ranks of warships, and the middle area usually becomes a gathering place for soldiers.

There may not be a casino, but there should be a bar.

The bottom area is various equipment rooms, power cabins, soldiers' dormitories and so on.

After everyone entered the middle area, they came to a wide hall.

This hall looks a bit like a dance venue.

The hall was deserted, and there were still various mummified corpses on the ground.


Chapter 73 Black Tentacle

Yan Qingqing looked around the hall, "There are no monsters in the middle area either, so are they all hiding in the bottom area?"

Yu Yi shook his head, "Don't jump to conclusions so early, the middle layer area is huge, it is the largest part of the entire warship, we haven't started exploring yet."

He turned his head and said to Zawag: "You send people to take the hall as the center, and ten people form a team to search around. If you encounter danger, retreat immediately and send a signal, focusing on your own safety."

"it is good."

More than a dozen teams explored from all directions in the hall.

The rest of the lizardman team is on standby around the hall, ready to support the various exploration teams at any time.


An explosion came from a side doorway to the left of the hall.

"Hurry up, the exploration team should be in trouble, let's go to meet them." Yu Yi hurriedly ordered.

He took Yan Qingqing and others to rush towards the passage where the accident happened.

Before they had gone far, they heard hurried footsteps.

Then a lizardman squad was seen retreating in panic.

Behind the lizardman team, there were several tentacles wrapped around black air, spreading rapidly towards the passage.

Immediately afterwards, there were explosions from other channels.

Obviously, the rest of the exploration team also ran into trouble.

"Retreat...all back to the hall, the passage is too narrow and not suitable for fighting."

The adventure team retreated in an orderly manner.

Behind them came the Exploration Party, and finally the Black Tentacle.

Everyone retreated to the hall in an orderly manner, forming a defensive formation.

"What's with those black tentacles?" Yu Yi hurriedly asked a lizard man who was still in shock.

"My lord, I don't know either. Our team explored along the passage, and when we turned to the next passage at the end of the passage, those tentacles suddenly appeared."

"Our team also encountered many tentacles."

"These tentacles seem to have entities and energy polymers. Our weapons can't cut them at all."




Many lizardmen talked about what happened to their team.

Yuyi frowned upon hearing this.

Shadow monsters and black tentacles appear one after another. Are they related?

Why didn't the black tentacles participate in last night's attack?

The situation no longer allowed him to think, and countless tentacles filled with black mist poured out from various passages to the hall.

"Ready to fight."

The adventure team's long-range output is not lacking, Rosa's folding fan array, Yan Qingqing's artillery, Jiang Hao's thunder spells.

In terms of melee defense, there are also Tauren Kane and Gu Boyuan.

Gu Boyuan is a multifunctional dragon knight, capable of long-range, melee, and defense.

It's a pity that the cabin is very narrow, he can't summon the flying dragon to fight, and the combat effectiveness is undoubtedly weakened a lot.

The adventure team configuration is very strong and has many advantages.

The disadvantages are also obvious, there are no powerful ice-type control mages, and there are no holy light mages or paladins who can build enchantments.

Yuyi's vines can bind creatures with bodies, but they can't help monsters with energy bodies like black shadows and tentacles.

Unless he is willing to expose other abilities.

"Melee defense fighters on the periphery, be careful not to let the tentacles approach. Sister Yan, Brother Jiang, Sister Sha, attack with all your strength."

"Understood!" x N

The shells in Yan Qingqing's cannon burst out and exploded in the black tentacles, and the violent energy wiped out part of the tentacles.

Jiang Hao summoned countless lightning bolts to form a lightning chain, strangling the tentacles that rushed forward.

The tentacles of the black mist touched the violent thunder and lightning, like ice and snow meeting high temperature and melting quickly.

Gu Boyuan's flaming sword light killed all directions, burning tentacles one after another.

Rosa's folding fan array is more of a physical attack.

The rapidly spinning fan cut off countless tentacles.

However, the severed tentacles recovered in the blink of an eye, intact.

"Hey, how come the black tentacles are the same as the shadows? Ordinary means can't kill them at all."

"It takes too long, and it is very likely that it will be consumed by a steady stream of tentacles."

Thinking of this, Yu Yi's heart sank.

The brain is running fast, looking for a strategy to defeat the enemy.

He looked around, his eyes lit up, and said, "Sister Yan, try shooting at the surrounding walls."

Yan Qingqing didn't understand Yuyi's strange request, so she still complied.

A cannonball hit one of the well-decorated wooden walls of the hall.


After the explosion, a large hole was blasted into the wall.

Yuyi was overjoyed, as expected.

The structure inside the cabin is not as perverted as the planks on the deck and can be damaged.

The destroyed planks on the wooden wall are being slowly repaired by an unknown force.

But it doesn't affect it, as long as it can be damaged.

Yuyi said loudly: "The straight line is the shortest between two points. Let's choose a direction and smash all the wooden walls blocking the way, maybe we can find the tentacle's lair."

"Haha... Xiaoyu is the best, his brain is fast enough."

"Which direction should I choose?"

Yu Yi pondered for a few seconds, then analyzed: "The hall we are in is the middle of the middle cabin, and it is the same distance from the bow on the east or the stern on the west.

If the monster's lair is not in the bottom area, then it should be at the bow or stern respectively.We can choose any one. "

Rosa was surprised and said, "Can I choose whatever I want? What if the direction to go is not the monster's lair?"

Gu Boyuan said to himself: "It's easy, then go back the same way and go in another direction, it will just take more time."

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