Yu Yi smiled lightly, and said: "It doesn't need to be so troublesome, we can temporarily divide into two groups, and conduct probing attacks on the east and west walls at the same time.

Then observe which direction the tentacles resist fiercely, and you can determine the direction of the tentacle lair. "

"Brother Yu is right."

"Sister Yan, Sister Sha, and Brother Gu will lead half of the lizardmen to attack the east. I, Brother Jiang, and Kane will lead the remaining half of the lizardmen to attack the west. After the test is over, the two teams will reunite."

"Understood" x N

Naturally, Yan Qingqing and Jiang Hao were the only ones to do the violent task of destroying the wall.

One of the two is a gunner and the other is a thunder mage, both of whom can blast through the wooden walls of the cabin with powerful explosions.

Yu Yi purposely divided the two into two teams, in order to make better use of their strengths.

Relatively speaking, Rosa's folding fan array is much less destructive to buildings.

Gu Boyuan and Kane were also separated. Both of them could act as tanks, so each team naturally had to allocate a tank.

As for the lizardmen tribe, they have no say.

This group of lizard people is a master at robbing houses, killing people and setting fires.

But it is difficult for them to formulate various strategies and tactics.

The simple-minded lizardmen are not good at stratagems, and fight recklessly.

If they want to survive in the ghost ship, they can only obey Yuyi's command.

The poor lizardman tribe, not to mention being beheaded by the adventure team, and reduced to tool people, how miserable it is.

The two teams led half of their people each, and launched a berserk attack on the east and west sides of the hall.

Yuyi led Jiang Hao, Kane, and many Lizardmen to bombard the wooden walls blocking the way.

The walls along the way were blasted into big holes one after another.

Numerous tentacles of black air surged towards the crowd, trying to block their progress.

Yuyi led the team to split the wooden walls of more than ten rooms along the way, and found that the blocking strength of the black air tentacles had not changed.

He immediately understood that the tentacle's lair was probably in the east.

Sure enough, the eastern team fired a flare towards the west.

Yu Yi hurriedly led the team to turn around and meet Yan Qingqing.

Soon the two teams will be one.

Yan Qingqing, Rosa, Jiang Hao, the three forts attacked together, and no monsters along the way could block the way of everyone.

The black tentacles fought back frantically, trying to stop everyone from moving forward.

Of course they do!

They were destroyed again and again by violent thunder, scorching fireballs, flying folding fans, and powerful shells.


A strange sound sounded.

Countless footsteps sounded from far to near.

The black shadow lurking in the darkness finally couldn't help but make a move.

They control the mummy to rush in like a tide, and cooperate with the black tentacles to block the enemy.

Yu Yi smiled and said: "Hehe, it seems that our strategy is correct, even Soi Ying couldn't resist joining the battle."

"Haha...Xiaoyu is so powerful, it makes my sister more and more excited."

Rosa pursed her red lips and gave him a wink.

What a goblin!

Hey, eat my old grandson!

Yuyi shuddered, and suddenly became dull.

Closer to home.

Everyone moved forward in an orderly manner, and the big hole blasted behind them slowly healed, making it impossible for the mummy to attack from behind.

They can only pile up the corpses in front of everyone, and be ruthlessly smashed to pieces by the artillery fire.

The black shadows jumped out of the corpse, roaring unwillingly.

"Speed ​​up the pace of attack." Yuyi ordered.

Everyone hastily increased the output of firepower and accelerated the speed of advancement.

But no one noticed that several black figures floated on the wooden floor behind them, with grinning faces.

The black shadow quickly sank into the bodies of several lagging lizardmen.

The controlled lizardman went mad, turned his head to attack the people around him, and bit his teammate's neck with his sharp mouth.



When Yu Yi turned his head, he saw several possessed lizard men laughing ferociously with their mouths full of blood.

Several lizardmen warriors clutched their necks, blood gushed out, and fell down unwillingly.

More shadows emerged from the wooden floor.

"Hey, why did the shadow come out from behind?"

"Fuck, it's scary."

Rosa and Yan Qingqing were a little panicked, and even the attack rhythm was interrupted.

Yu Yi hurriedly shouted: "Everyone, don't panic, Sister Yan, Brother Gu, you continue to lead the team to attack, and the rest follow me to clean up the shadows behind you."


Yuyi hurriedly led Kane, Rosa and Jiang Hao to the back of the team to block the shadow.

Rosa's folding fan array will kill the controlled lizardmen.

Without Yuyi's instructions, Jiang Hao summoned countless thunder and lightning, turning the scattered black shadows into blue smoke.

The shrill screams were endless, very penetrating.

However, facing the overwhelming thunder, they did not dare to approach, and could only roar angrily.

Chapter 74 The Scary Monster in the Bottom Cabin

Yu Yi said in a deep voice: "Kill all the black shadows, leaving no one behind."

Jiang Hao nodded.

Thunder Snake danced like a catastrophe, and all the shadows were ruthlessly destroyed.

After clearing the shadow, Yuyi left Jiang Hao and Kane behind to prevent the shadow from attacking again.

He took Rosa back to the middle of the team and commanded from the center.

Watch all directions and listen to all directions to prevent black shadows from emerging from the crowd and possessing them.

That would cause a lot of casualties.

Gu Boyuan was in charge of the tank ahead, leading the team to defend against the front line, blocking the encirclement of tentacles, black shadows, and mummies.

Yan Qingqing was responsible for the output of firepower, and took on the task of opening a path and blowing up the wall.

In the middle of the team, Yuyi was in charge of monitoring the whole team, and Rosa stayed by his side to clean up the possessed lizardmen.

At the rear of the team, Kane was in charge of being a tank, leading some lizardmen to break the rear, and Jiang Hao was responsible for cleaning up the shadows that followed the team.

The six members of the adventure team performed their respective duties.

In addition, Yuyi is also responsible for brushing buffs for the team, adding status, healing injured lizardmen, and preventing teammates from exhausting too much.

Under Yuyi's command, the entire team never suffered from a sneak attack from Sombra, and everyone's role was brought into full play.

Everyone walked steadily towards their destination.

After Yan Qingqing broke through the wall for the last time, a wide hall of several hundred square meters appeared in front of everyone.

In the middle is a mass of black paste-like things, occupying most of the hall.

The black tentacles came from the monster in front of him.

Many dark shadows also surrounded it.

Behind the monster is the passage leading to the lower area.

"Fuck, what kind of monster is this?" Yuyi's head grew bigger.

Rao Yi had read all the atlases of primordial beasts, but he had never seen the strange creature in front of him.

Gu Boyuan frowned, "Why can't the tentacle monster see the level? It doesn't seem to be very strong, but it's not weak either?"

"I don't know, maybe it's not strong in itself, but relying on the constantly reborn tentacles and black energy to dominate the ghost ship?"

After everyone found the body of the tentacles, those tentacles, black shadows, and mummies attacked even more violently.

The pressure on Gu Boyuan, who was at the forefront and led the team to defend, increased greatly.

"This dark monster is disgusting." Rosa looked disgusted. Every girl naturally hates tentacle creatures.

The black tentacle monster suddenly revealed its facial features.

It has eight red eyes, four on each side, evenly distributed on the large blurred face.

The monster is full of fangs, ferocious and terrifying.

Yu Yi suspected that the black shadow was also a creature split from the tentacle monster.

"Sister Yan, give it a shot."


Yan Qingqing held up the cannon and bombarded the black tentacle monster.

The shell was extremely fast, avoiding countless tentacles blocking it, and hitting the tentacle monster's body.


A huge explosion sounded.


The shrill screams of the tentacle monster resounded throughout the hall, deafening.

Its body was blasted into a large crater, exposing its internal structure.

The body and surface of the black tentacle monster are similar, and they are all that disgusting black substance.

The part of its body that was blown away moved as fast as a wriggle, and it was quickly repaired.

The tentacle monster roared angrily at the crowd, and more tentacles grew on its body, sweeping towards them.

Kane couldn't help scolding: "Gah, with such a strong resilience, how can you fight?"

Yu Yi hurriedly ordered, "Don't worry about it so much, focus on attacking the tentacle monster itself. I don't believe it can regenerate infinitely?"

Everyone's firepower poured on the tentacle monster, and the black shadows, mummies, and tentacles blocking the way were all annihilated by the violent energy.

The body of the black tentacle monster was shattered time and time again by the berserk fire dragon, the terrifying thunder snake, the powerful shells, and all kinds of powerful sword lights.

However, the energy in its body seemed to be inexhaustible forever. Once its body was broken, it was repaired once, and its aura did not weaken at all.

Yan Qingqing looked at Yuyi and asked, "Xiaoyu, it seems that monsters really can't be killed. If it takes too long, it will be very bad for us."

"Huh? The holy light is the nemesis of the shadows, and I don't know if the tentacle monsters are afraid of the holy light?"

Thinking of this, Yu Yi took out a few holy light scrolls from Yuan Jie to activate them, and threw them towards the black tentacle monster.

Dazzling holy light enveloped the hall.

Several scrolls released the holy light at the same time, and the intense holy light blinded everyone's titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.


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