It commands the lizardmen and the adventure team to join together for large-scale combat.

The warship is huge, and the deck area is beyond imagination, so it doesn't look crowded.

A large number of monsters, like hungry ghosts who have seen a peerless beauty, roared and rushed towards the crowd.

Kane held a double-edged battle axe, and a vitality ax slashed out, killing a group of monsters.

What is horrifying is that those monsters that were smashed by the ax and even crippled continued to attack with their half crippled bodies.

"Gah, what kind of monsters are these? Why can't they be beaten to death?" Kane cursed angrily.

The rest also attacked.

Fire dragons roared on the deck, thunder snakes danced wildly, and shells flew.

All kinds of dazzling combat skills criss-cross, it is really beautiful.

However, the monster seems to have an immortal body, and it cannot be killed no matter how hard it is killed.

They are very different from regular undead creatures, more like zombies in movies.

Thinking of this, Yu Yi hurriedly shouted: "Try hitting the monster's head, the head should be the weak point."

When everyone heard this, they hurriedly threw their skills at the monster's head.

There are swords, lights and swords, and energy explosions emerge one after another.

Many monsters stopped moving after their heads were blown off.

He fell to the ground and twitched a few times, but did not move.

"It works." Yan Qingqing was overjoyed.

Rosa exclaimed: "Fuck, what is floating out of the corpse?"

I saw black shadows floating out of the headless corpses all over the ground.

Heiying's body was surrounded by black mist, his eyes were red, and he had a grin on his face.

Jiang Hao frowned and said: "Could it be that those mummies can move because of these black shadows? What kind of monsters are they? They are not undead creatures anyway?"

"Hiss...these monsters are so scary."

Yan Qingqing couldn't help shaking her little hand, the muzzle of the cannon in her hand was skewed, a shell flew out, and landed near the lizardmen team led by Kane, almost blowing them up to the sky.

Yu Yi couldn't help but reminded: "Sister Yan, take it easy. Kane was not killed by the monster, and he will be killed by your shells."

"Yes... I'm sorry... This is the first time I saw this kind of monster, and I was a little scared."

"Don't be afraid, after the shadows lose their mummy, they should be less threatening."

Chapter 72 Fight off monsters and explore the cabin

Yan Qingqing hurriedly adjusted her mood and continued to fight.

Yuyi manipulated a large number of vines to strangle the monsters rushing forward.

The monster strangled by the vines died a miserable death.

The rest of the people also have endless methods.

Most of the lizardman tribes are melee fighters. They are divided into three echelons and take turns to fight.

When the first echelon is fighting, the second echelon is on standby at any time, and the third echelon is protecting Yuyi and the others so that they can safely output remotely.

When the first echelon retreats, the second echelon goes straight up, and the third echelon takes over the position of the second echelon.

And the retreated first echelon became the escort of Yuyi Squad.

And so on and on.

The black shadows floating around couldn't help it anymore, they flocked to the adventure team with the army of mummies.

"Brother Jiang, Brother Gu, don't bother with the mummy, use flames and thunder to deal with those black shadows, don't let them get close."



Jiang Hao and Gu Boyuan immediately shifted their targets to hunt and kill the black shadows that kept approaching among the mummy team.

The destructive power of the thunder and the high temperature of the flames made many black shadows fearful.

After a brief hesitation, they still couldn't resist the temptation of food and continued to approach.

Jiang Hao didn't hold back at all, and strangled the approaching black shadow with violent thunder energy.

Gu Boyuan cooperated with the flying dragon to use the powerful fire attack to burn one shadow monster after another.

Flame and thunder, as well as the energy of the explosion of the cannonball, are the most rigid and yang energies.

Although it can make the shadows afraid, it won't make them afraid.

As long as they hide in dry corpses, fire and thunder are useless to them.

In the face of endless monsters, everyone was relentless.

Yan Qingqing fired a few shots at the group of monsters, then turned around and said, "Little fish, quickly think of a way, the monsters in front of us are endless, if we continue, we will be consumed to death on the deck."


Yuyi stared at the mummy continuously pouring out of the cabin, as well as those floating black shadow monsters, his brain was running rapidly.

The actions of the mummy are all manipulated by the black shadow. As long as you find the power that makes the black shadow fear or whatever, you can solve the problem of the mummy.

The problem is that they don't know what these shadows are afraid of.

Yuyi has a headache.

"Hey, these dark shadows don't appear during the day, is it because they are afraid of the sun?"

Thinking of the calmness of the day, Yuyi suddenly realized.

"Which one of you has the vitality skill of the Holy Light?"

Gu Boyuan shook his head, "Holy Light Department? It doesn't seem to exist. Holy Light Department mages are already popular, and paladins are even more sought-after. Our team is only temporarily formed. Where can we invite Holy Light Masters?"

Jiang Hao still shook his head, "I only know the Lightning Element, and I can only restrain the shadows to a certain extent. After all, it is not as strong as the purification effect of the Holy Light Element."


Yuyi sighed lightly.

He quickly rummaged through the Yuan Ring to see if he could find some holy light items.

This search really allowed him to find a lot of holy light scrolls.

The vitality scroll is very similar to the magic scroll in the previous life novel, injecting a little vitality and then throwing it out can activate the skills in it.

Vitality skill scrolls are generally disposable items.

Yuyi activated a scroll of vitality of the holy light system and threw it into the group of monsters.

The holy light filled the vitality scroll, illuminating the entire deck.

There is a skill "Sacred Light" on the scroll, which is a common large-scale group purification skill of the Holy Light system.

The stronger the strength, the greater the power of the holy light used.

Under the illumination of the holy light, the black image floating on the deck encountered an extremely terrifying thing, its face was distorted, and the black energy on its body boiled.

The shrill screams of the black shadows resounded throughout the warship, and then they quickly melted and disappeared into green smoke.

The possessed mummy also avoided snakes and scorpions, rushing towards the cabin in a panic.

"Hahahaha...we are saved." Yan Qingqing was overjoyed.

Rosa also showed a bright smile, "Xiaoyu is really powerful, with endless tricks, I'm getting more and more curious about you."

"I'm really exhausted."

Panting heavily, Kane sat down on the deck, fighting continuously, which made him a little overwhelmed.

Gu Boyuan looked at the mummy receding like a tide, and said with emotion: "I didn't expect those ferocious black shadows to be afraid of the holy light."

"Yes, who would have thought of that."

After all the mummies that can move enter the cabin, each cabin door will be closed automatically.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, regardless of the corpses all over the floor, they just sat on the deck and gasped for breath.

The scroll in the air also gradually ran out of energy, and the light became dim until it dissipated.

After the holy light dissipated, the messy footsteps in the cabin became clear again, obviously the monsters wanted to make a comeback.

Yuyi immediately ran to the nearest hatch and threw a scroll of holy light inside.




"Flax fall~"

All kinds of shrill screams came and went.

In the end, they all turned into roars of unwillingness, and retreated towards the middle and lower floors of the cabin.

"Little fish, it's not an option to go on like this, no matter how many holy light scrolls you have, you won't last until dawn.

When the scroll runs out, the shadows and mummy will come back again.We must find a way to solve the immediate predicament. "

Rosa echoed, "Qingqing is right."

Yu Yi sighed softly, "Oh, I understand too. But what else can I do now?"

Zawaq suddenly said: "Maybe I have a way."


Hundreds of pairs of eyes all focused on him.

Zawaq was so stared at by the crowd that he almost hid his face and ran away.

Yuyi couldn't wait to ask, "Quickly tell me, what is the solution?"

"Cough... At the beginning, the employer was afraid that some of you would escape. So he gave me a sealing crystal ball. This crystal ball can seal a space so that no one can escape."

"Fuck, you have this treasure, why don't you use it when you hunt us down?"

Zawag scratched his head in embarrassment, "Hey... At the beginning, more than ten warships and hundreds of Yuanjing cannons were used. Does Mr. Yu think you have a chance to escape? Of course, this kind of rare treasure can be saved. save."

Yuyi: "..."

Emotional Zawag, this guy also wants to enrich himself?

Fortunately, he didn't use the sealed crystal ball.

Otherwise, the adventure team is likely to be besieged somewhere and bombarded by hundreds of Yuanjing cannons.

Zawag walked to the cabin and activated the sealed crystal ball in his hand.

An enchantment enveloped the upper cabin.

"How long can this sealing enchantment last?"

Zawag said with a smile: "It can almost last until seven o'clock tomorrow morning, enough time."

"Yes, that's fine."

Yan Qingqing was puzzled, "Hey, the cabin is temporarily sealed, but won't those black shadows come out from the deck?"


"It's really possible."

"Then what should we do?"

"I can't fix it either."

Everyone caught blind.

"Oh, I'm going to bleed again."

Yuyi was helpless.

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