"Damn it..." Jiang Hao, who hadn't spoken for a long time, yelled, startling everyone.

"Jiang Hao, are you out of your mind? Why are you yelling? Do you know that scaring people can scare people to death." Yan Qingqing scolded mercilessly.

Jiang Hao said with trembling lips, "Captain...all the lizardman corpses on the deck are gone."


Yuyi looked around, except for the bloodstains all over the ground, all the lizardman corpses disappeared.

Everyone's scalp was numb, and they looked at each other, and they could see each other's shock and fear.

What is it that can steal a corpse under the noses of hundreds of people?

Just horrible!

Chapter 71 The Mummy Monster in the Cabin

The adventure team quickly formed a circle back to back, staring vigilantly around.

The lizardmen tribe followed suit and formed a defensive formation.

"No suspicious creatures were seen around the deck."

Yuyi runs the eyes of the soul to scan the surroundings, and the world in his eyes has become black and white.

Just when he was about to put away the eyes of the soul, he unexpectedly discovered that a wisp of black smoke occasionally drifted out from the gaps in the planks on the deck.

This kind of black smoke has no smell and no vitality fluctuations, and it is almost invisible to the naked eye.

Yuyi hurriedly informed everyone of his discovery.

"Little fish, are you trying to scare my sister? Why didn't my sister see the black mist?"

Yan Qingqing shook her head, "I didn't find the black mist either."

Gu Boyuan, Kane, and Jiang Hao all shook their heads.

"Don't you believe it, this is one of my special abilities, and I'm not going to make fun of this kind of thing." Yuyi said helplessly.

"So, we have to go to check the cabin."

"Yes, staying on the deck, although there is no danger, but you will be trapped here forever. Only by entering the cabin can there be a chance of survival."

"Zawag, it's time for you to act."

Zawag nodded reluctantly.

Under Zawag's order, ten lizardmen formed a small team, forming a battle formation and slowly approaching the cabin.

Yuyi stared intently at the movements of the lizardman team.

In the event of an accident, the first rescue.

The cabin section of the ghost ship protrudes from the deck, and there are many hatches.

The lizardman team chose the hatch closest to the deck.

A lizard man cautiously opened the hatch.

The cabin was pitch black, and nothing could be seen.

It seems that the huge mouth of a monster is waiting for its prey, which is chilling.

The lizardman team leader threw a crystal ball for lighting into the hatch.

The crystal ball rolled in the cabin, illuminating the scene along the way.

Everyone's scalps exploded.

Connected to the hatch is a long passage.

There are many shriveled corpses lying on both sides of the passage.

Orcs, humans, small meta-beasts, corpses of unknown monsters, everything.

They have ferocious faces, with desperate and fearful expressions, as if they have seen some kind of horrible thing.

The hearts of the corpses in the passage were all gone without exception, and there was a large hole in the chest that was transparent from front to back.

"Fuck, are these corpses the adventurers who boarded the ghost ship?" Kane took a step back in shock.

Yan Qingqing was not sure: "It should be?"

Gu Boyuan's scalp was a little numb, "Gah...then can I still get in? There must be powerful monsters in the cabin."

Yu Yi stared at the dark passage, "If we don't enter the cabin, we can't find a way to leave the ghost ship. If you have a way to lure the monster out and kill it, I have no objection not to go in."

Gu Boyuan rolled his eyes, "Brother Yu, are you afraid that I didn't die fast enough? I don't even know what a monster is, how can I lure it out?"

"Then we can only go in and explore the way."

Yuyi shrugged and glanced at Zawag.

Zawag had no choice but to direct several teams to come forward again.

It doesn't want to send its own people to die, as long as they don't deal with Yuyi and his party, the contract will not backfire.

However, the current situation made it necessary to send people from the tribe into the cabin to explore.

The number of the adventure team is too small, and the escort team does not have 50 people, so it is naturally impossible to take the lead.

Only lizards in large numbers are suitable for pathfinding work.

Several teams of ten people were dispatched to serve as horns and take care of each other.

The first team held the illuminated crystal ball and marched into the passage.

Then came the second, and the third...

"Let's go in too, and the rest of the lizardmen will be in the rear."

After the Yuyi team entered the back cabin, Zawag commanded the rest of the lizardmen to follow suit.

Wait until the last figure disappears on the deck.

On the originally empty deck, several black figures emerged from some shadowy positions.

These black shadows seemed to emerge from the water, without damaging the deck at all.

The black shadow was covered in black mist, opened his bloody mouth, and smiled ferociously, but didn't make a sound at all.

Then they slowly sank into the shadows and disappeared across the deck.

As if nothing happened.

The Yuyi team advanced a long distance in the cabin. The lizard team in front pushed open the doors on both sides of the passage. The room was still full of mummified corpses, and there was not much valuable information.

Yuyi and the others felt more and more uneasy.

The upper area of ​​the cabin has been explored, and nothing is found except for the corpses all over the floor.

No one hastily explored the middle and bottom cabins.

Strangely, the command room of the ghost ship was not found in the upper cabin.

According to normal logic, the wheelhouse of a large ship can only be in the upper cabin, and it is impossible to go to the middle or even the bottom cabin.

Because the cab needs a good view to ensure the normal operation of the warship and avoid hitting obstacles.

It's a pity that everyone searched the upper cabin, but they didn't find the location of the command room.

The haze in everyone's hearts became thicker.

The outside world is already in the evening, and the sky is getting dark. It is not a wise choice to explore the ghost ship at night.

As we all know, all kinds of ghosts and monsters like to be active at night.

The adventure team returned to the deck and waited for tomorrow before continuing to explore the middle and lower areas.

Under Yuyi's order, the front, middle and rear teams evacuated to the deck in an orderly manner.

The desert at night is quiet and deep.

The sky is full of stars, and the beauty of the bright galaxy is shocking.

Three rounds of bright red, blue and white moons hang in the sky, illuminating the earth.

"Oh... I don't know if there will be a harvest tomorrow?" Yan Qingqing looked up at the starry sky, lost in thought.

"Don't worry, Sister Yan, there will definitely be a harvest tomorrow."

"Woo~" a strange voice sounded.

This voice was extremely low, if it wasn't for Yuyi's sharp ears and eyesight, he wouldn't have noticed it at all.

The rest of the people were busy with their own affairs and didn't seem to notice anything unusual.

"Watch out, something has appeared." Yu Yi hurriedly got up and shouted.

His roar startled everyone.

Yan Qingqing and the others quickly entered the fighting state.

However, everyone looked around and did not find any monsters.

Rosa said dissatisfied: "Xiaoyu, did you hear wrongly, there is no movement around the deck."

"Yes, Xiaoyu, are you hallucinating?"

"No, I'm not hallucinating."

Rosa was about to argue, but she heard the sound of slight footsteps, from far to near.

And the footsteps are still increasing.

"There is a situation."

Without Rosa's reminder, everyone had already heard the voice, which came from the cabin.

Tread, step, step...

The footsteps had come in droves.

Gu Boyuan's head broke out in a cold sweat, "Damn it, could it be that the monsters in the middle and lower cabins came out to move around at night?"

Yan Qingqing was dissatisfied and said, "Can I not scare my mother?"

Suddenly, all the cabin doors on the upper deck opened automatically, revealing pairs of blood-red eyes in the pitch-black cabin.





A series of exclamations sounded one after another.

Everyone's scalp is numb.

Yuyi's heart was awe-inspiring.

It is impossible for the ghost ship to be as calm as water all the time, and not a single monster was seen during the day.

Unexpectedly, just after eight o'clock, the monsters acted collectively.

They were the mummies whose hearts had been taken out.

The many mummies were not in the daytime when there were no signs of life. They had ferocious faces, and their blood-red eyes stared at everyone present.

Rosa's lips trembled and said, "How is it possible? Aren't all the mummies dead? When I checked the cabin, I checked the corpses, and there was no life fluctuation. How could they all be resurrected?"

"I checked it too, and I didn't find any signs of life in them." Gu Boyuan's scalp exploded.

Yuyi hurriedly reminded, "Don't worry about so many, just kill them directly."


Everyone restrained their minds and threw themselves into the battle.

"Mr. Yu, what should we do?" Zawag looked at Yuyi for help.

"What else can we do now? Take part in the battle and kill these monsters. Don't you expect the monsters to treat the Lizardmen tribe differently?"

Zawag heard the words and gave up the luck in his heart.

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