The lizard people are basically melee fighters, and only a very small number of wizards are long-range.

Facing the long-range attacks of Jiang Hao, Yan Qingqing, Rosa and others, there is almost no way to do it.

Many lizardman warriors charged desperately, but they couldn't break through the defensive formation formed by the guards led by Gu Boyuan and Kane.

The lizardman leader was furious, but he couldn't stop the adventure team.

Thousands of lizardmen can only be slaughtered by the adventure team.

There were fighting sounds, explosions, and screams everywhere on the deck.

The two sides fought fiercely.

Chapter 70 Looking for the reason for being hunted down

In his spare time, Yu Yi noticed that the great scuffle on the deck caused the vitality to be rampant, but the wooden warship was not damaged at all.

The ghost ship is getting more and more mysterious.

"Hey... hateful human beings, you actually slaughtered my people, don't go too far." The leader of the lizard people was so angry that he roared to the sky.

Yan Qingqing said disdainfully: "Hmph... When you chased us down, weren't you very proud? Now it's your turn to be killed, so you can't bear it? Can't you afford it?"

"Yes, my old cow is a tauren of the orc race, not a human being, so don't slander the old cow." Kane killed a few lizardmen and picked his nose.

Yu Yilang said: "Either kneel down and surrender, or be slaughtered, choose one."

Yan Qingqing and Rosa were very surprised. Neither of them expected that they could speak such cruel words when they were supported like little brothers by themselves.

The leader of the lizard people roared: "It's wishful thinking to want the lizard people to surrender."

"Then you go to die."

Yuyi stopped wasting words and concentrated on adding buffs to teammates and controlling vines to strangle enemies.

More and more Lizardmen were strangled, corpses were strewn all over the deck, and the deck was stained red with blood.

The ghost ship was shrouded in an enchantment, and the group of lizardmen couldn't even escape.

Some lizard people couldn't stand the fate of waiting for death, so they broke down and ran away.

They fled towards each cabin, trying to hide in the cabin to avoid hunting.

Yuyi didn't pursue, and planned to destroy the large army of lizardmen first, and then go to clean up the fish that slipped through the net.




There were shrill screams in the cabin, making everyone's scalps go numb.

Those lizardmen who ran into the cabin, nine out of ten encountered something horrible.

"Little fish, shall we still fight?"

Yan Qingqing knew that there must be a terrifying monster in the cabin, so she couldn't make up her mind whether to stop or not.

Judging from the performance along the way, although Yuyi is an assistant, her decision-making ability is stronger than her captain.

Therefore, she does not hesitate to ask the other party's opinion.

The rest of the people also looked at Yuyi, obviously waiting for him to make a decision.

"Continue to attack. There is a saying that 'to fight against the outside world, we must first secure the inside'. If we don't get rid of this group of lizardmen first, when we deal with the monsters in the cabin, we are likely to be stabbed with a knife, resulting in enemies in the back and back."

"Xiaoyu is right, I agree."

"I agree too."

"The old cow also agrees."

The crowd immediately continued to increase their attack strength.

The leader of the lizardmen saw that the adventure team had no intention of stopping and vowed not to stop until they were killed, and was also shocked by the opponent's ruthlessness.

The lizardman tribe, with nearly half of the casualties, was on the verge of collapse.

"Stop fighting, I surrender."

A lizard man ran aside, dropped his weapon, and crouched with his head in his arms.

Its actions were like a domino effect, and one lizardman after another followed suit.

"I also surrendered, MD. The benefits are not reaped, but people are dying. If you insist on a fart, labor and capital are not so stupid."

"Yes, yes, I surrender too."

"Add me."




Of the remaining five or six hundred lizardmen, half of them chose to surrender in the blink of an eye.

The leader of the lizardmen spat out blood in anger. It's not that he didn't think about beheading some tribesmen who surrendered.

However, the situation is shattered, and the clansmen have been separated from each other.

If it dared to kill its own people without authorization, the remaining lizardmen would turn their backs and turn against them collectively.

Seeing that the general situation was over, the leader of the lizard people hurriedly shouted: "Everyone stop, we surrender, we surrender."

Yuyi and the others stopped their attack and looked at the Lizardmen tribe vigilantly to prevent them from cheating.

"Since you choose to surrender, sign the contract."

Yuyi directly took out an ancient sheepskin scroll from the ring, and threw it in front of the lizardman leader kneeling on the deck.

The ancient sheepskin scroll is a contract scroll,

There are many types of contract sheepskin scrolls:

The first is a binding contract, which is a unilateral binding. The person who signed the contract cannot cause harm to the person holding the scroll, otherwise he will be backlashed.

The second is an equal contract, which needs to be signed by both parties at the same time. After signing, the two parties cannot hurt each other and can help each other.

This kind of contract is mostly seen in the signing of contracts between humans and primordial beasts, or between business groups.

Gu Boyuan and his mount Flying Dragon, the two parties signed a contract of equality.

The third type is a master-servant contract, which can also be called a slave contract. One of the two parties signed is the master and the other is the servant. The servant cannot resist the master, otherwise he will suffer backlash.

The master column of the master-servant contract can only have one name, but the servant column can sign many people at the same time.

A simplified version of the third type of contract signed by the slaves in the slave market. The real method of making a master-servant contract has been lost.

Contract scrolls were very popular in ancient times, and most of the production methods have long been lost.

It has been passed down to the present era, and only the equal contract remains.

Only an eternal treasure like the Divine Spark Crystal can preserve the method of making the contract scroll.

What Yuyi gave the leader of the lizardmen was the first type of contract.

"This..." The leader of the lizardman hesitated when he saw the ancient sheepskin scroll in front of him, not daring to pick it up.

Yu Yi raised his eyebrows, "Why? Don't want to sign? Then die."

"Don't...don't...don't...I'll sign...I'll sign." The lizardman leader hurriedly picked up the ancient sheepskin scroll on the deck.

"But...we don't have pens, and many lizardmen are illiterate."

The leader of the lizardmen looked at Yuyi hesitantly, fearing that he would be angry.

"It doesn't matter if you can't read or write, just put your fingerprints on the ancient sheepskin scroll." Yu Yi threw out another box of ink pads.

Seeing this, the leader of the lizardmen knew that he couldn't escape.

It sticks ink pads on its fingers and presses them on the sheepskin rolls.

After pressing his finger, the leader of the lizardman seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and his body became limp.

It handed the parchment scrolls to the people around it, and let the clansmen pass it on one by one and press their fingerprints.

Yan Qingqing looked strange, "Xiaoyu, why do you have all kinds of weird things?"

Rosa smiled charmingly, "Yes, Xiaoyu, you have a lot of secrets, and my sister is very interested."

"Cough... You also know that I am a support, and my combat power is not high. Apart from cultivation, I can only transfer my energy to other things."

Everyone was not satisfied with Yu Yi's explanation, but they didn't go into it.

After all, who doesn't have a few secrets?

It didn't take long for the lizard tribe to sign the contract.

With the contract in hand, if the Lizardmen tribe dared to harm Yuyi and the others, they would be backlashed by the contract.

"What's your name?" Yuyi looked at the leader of the lizardmen.


Yu Yi continued to ask: "Zawag, why did you pursue us endlessly? And you also used the expensive crystal cannon."

"Alas... Actually, there is an employer who paid a big price, so that my tribe must kill all of you, leaving no one behind.

In order to ensure the safety of the mission, the employer even took out a large amount of crystals to provide energy for our warships. "

Yan Qingqing was surprised: "Huh? Who is the employer? Who among us does he want to kill the most?"

Zawag shook his head: "I don't know, I am also very puzzled, the person who contacted my family was a person wearing a mask and a black robe.

The employer did not reveal their identities, nor did they specify that any one of you should be killed.

I just ask my family to kill all of you and leave no one alive. "

Yu Yi was secretly shocked, black robe + mask, could it be a member of the Black Lotus Sect?

If the other party is a cult member of the Black Lotus Sect, Zawag should be able to recognize the outfit of the Black Lotus Sect, right?

Moreover, it is impossible for Grand Elder Lu Cangqiong to know Yuyi's whereabouts.

Therefore, it is unlikely that the man in black robe is the Black Lotus Sect.

Of course, there are no absolutes in the world, and it does not rule out that the Black Lotus Sect shot and killed someone in the adventure team.

Rosa was shocked: "How could this be?"

Kane said in a low voice, "Could it be that the employer wants to kill Brother Gu or Brother Jiang? One of them is the son of a duke and the other is the son of an earl, both of whom are very noble."

Yu Yi shook his head and denied, "Not necessarily, Sister Sha and Sister Yan are also possible. Although I don't know the specific identities of the two sisters, I can guess that you are not from ordinary families."

Yan Qingqing wondered: "Xiaoyu, couldn't the other party come to kill you? Your identity is not simple, is it?"

"No, my identity is very simple. I have practiced with my master in the mountains since I was a child, and many things in my hands are given by the master.

Before that, I basically never left the mountains, and it was impossible for me to have any grudges with others.

Before accepting the mission, I had only entered Starfall City for more than a month. "

Yu Yi randomly found an excuse.

"According to Xiaoyu, he can be ruled out for the time being. Kane is from a small tribe, and it is unlikely. It seems that the remaining four of us all have motives to be hunted down."

Gu Boyuan sighed, "Alas... things are getting more and more complicated."

Jiang Hao echoed: "Yes, I don't know which of our hostile families or enemies?"

"No matter who the employer is or who they want to kill, the main question now is, how does the employer know the whereabouts of the adventure team?"

Yuyi looked at Zawag, hoping he would explain the reason.

"I don't know either. It was the information provided by the employer. You will appear in this area today. Let me lead the people to ambush." ​​Zawag shook his head blankly.

"Ah...wasting time, I didn't ask any useful information." Yan Qingqing kicked the deck angrily.

Yu Yi clapped his hands and drew everyone's attention to him, "Now let's not think about other meaningless things. The first task is to explore the cabin of the ghost ship and find a way out."

"Xiaoyu is right." Yan Qingqing nodded.

"Brother Yu is right."

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