The leader of the Sand Pirates standing at the bow was very angry when he saw the adventure team running away, and shouted: "Fire and blow them to death."

On both sides of the sand pirate ship, many small windows were opened, and the Yuanjing Cannon showed its ferocious fangs.

"Boom", "Boom", "Boom", ...

Countless shells fell on everyone, and the explosions continued.

Everyone kept dodging the shells and fled in embarrassment.


69 Ghost Ship

Gu Boyuan also didn't care about his own image, he wiped off the black ash splashed by the explosion around his face, and shouted angrily: "Hey, these bastards, I really want to kill these four-legged snakes."

Kane replied, "Don't make trouble, you can't beat it."

"If you can talk, talk more about yours." Yu Yi said in his heart.

"What should we do? We can't run and run, and we can't fight. Are we really going to let them slaughter us?" Yan Qingqing was helpless.

"What are you thinking? If the lizardman Sand Bandit catches the prey, the man will be sold as a slave, and the woman will be caught by the other party. Life is definitely worse than death." Yu Yi pointed with his finger He poked Yan Qingqing's little face.


Yan Qingqing patted his dog's paw away, "Then what do you think should be done?"

"Run hard first, we haven't reached the end of the mountain, and if we really get there, it won't be too late to try hard."


Yan Qingqing sighed softly and led the team to continue running for their lives.

Fortunately, everyone is fleeing on mounts, and it will not consume too much energy, and there will be no physical exhaustion during the decisive battle.

Seeing that he could not catch up for a long time, the leader of the sand bandits was furious and ordered his subordinates to increase their attack strength.

There are more than ten warships, and each ship must have at least twenty or thirty Yuanjing cannons.

Hundreds of Yuanjing cannons fired at the same time, and there was nowhere to hide.

Several guards and their mounts have already been blown to pieces.

Yu Yi felt his scalp tingling.

Rosa gritted her teeth and said, "Damn it, if it continues like this, it will be blasted to pieces by the Yuanjing cannon. Why don't we fight the Lizardman? Maybe there is still a chance of life."

Yan Qingqing also gritted her teeth and said, "Okay... Let's turn around and charge directly at the sand pirate ship. They won't be able to use the Yuanjing cannon at close range."

The situation could no longer allow the adventure team to procrastinate. The longer the time dragged on, the more people would die, and the ending would be more unfavorable.

The group of people turned around directly and charged towards the flagship of the Sand Pirate Ship with their mounts.

The lizardmen on the warship are generally not very strong, only about thirty or forty levels.

The adventure team operated properly, and it wasn't that there was no chance of a comeback.

"Quick, smash them for me, don't let this group of ants get close to the flagship." The leader of the lizardmen roared loudly.

Yu Yi frowned and looked at more than a dozen warships, the average Sand Bandit could not be too rich.

The other party simply mistook the shells for money, and kept pouring them at the adventure team.

"When the cannon fires, ten thousand taels of gold."

This famous saying is not just talking, no matter where it is placed in the world.

Yuanjing cannons are generally used to guard cities or attack cities, and the cost of each shell is very expensive.

Ordinary forces can't afford Yuanjing Cannon at all.

Not to mention the continuous bombardment of hundreds of Yuanjing cannons, even a strong fortress can't stand it.

Obviously, the forces behind the Lizardman Sand Pirates are not simple.

Why do they go to such lengths to hunt down the adventure team?

It's such a waste of money to use Yuanjing Cannon.

Yuyi didn't believe that Sand Pirates were just trying to vent their anger.

However, before everyone got close, a new change took place on the field.

An ancient, desolate, and huge warship suddenly broke through the sand on the way forward of the adventure team, billowing dust and smoke, shaking the ground.

This super warship broke through the sand in a majestic way, and the shock effect it caused is self-evident.

If Yuyi and the others hadn't seen the situation quickly and pulled the reins hastily, they might have bumped into the big boat with their mounts.

The huge warship in front of him fully made people see what a colossus is.

The largest ship on earth that Yu Yi had seen in his previous life was less than one-tenth of the warship in front of him.

Not only was Yuyi stunned by the shock, even the Yuanjing cannons on the dozen or so sand pirate ships went silent at the same time.

The lizardman Sand Pirates did not expect the changes in front of them.

The giant warship stood on the sand, quietly, and there was no movement.

From the broken canvas and the old hull, Yuyi could see that the super warship had existed for a long time.

"The way forward is blocked, and the way back is also cut off. Do we still have a way out?"

This was the first time Yan Qingqing encountered such a strange situation, and as the team commander, she was also a little bit blind.

Rosa suggested: "If we climb onto this giant warship, we might still be alive."

"I think it works."

"I have no opinion."



Everyone agreed.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Yan Qingqing nodded and said, "That's good... Let's go up, maybe we can find allies on the giant ship."

Those who have flying mounts can drive the flying mounts to fly on the giant ship, and those who don't have flying mounts can use the hull of the giant ship to climb quickly.

Yu Yi sat on the back of Yan Qingqing's Ice Crown Bird and flew to the giant ship.

A group of people soon meet up on the giant ship.

On the wide deck, except for some sand and boxes placed on the deck, no crew member was seen.

Yan Qingqing frowned, "What's the matter? There are more than a dozen sand pirate ships outside, how come the crew on the giant warship have to come out a few lookouts? Why can't I see a single person?"

Kane scratched his head, "I don't know, are they afraid of those sand robbers?"

Rosa couldn't help cursing: "Is your head full of muscles? In terms of structure, this warship is much stronger than those of the Sand Pirates. A giant warship can destroy them all. Afraid of those sand robbers?"

Kane was not angry when he was bullied by his goddess, but instead smiled and apologized.

I have to say that the world of licking dogs is really difficult to understand.

Gu Boyuan nodded, "Xiaosha is right. This huge ship was drilled out of the sand, and it can sail under the sand. It is impossible to be afraid of those sand robbers."

Jiang Hao also echoed: "That's right, those sand bandits haven't attacked until now, they must be afraid of the giant ship."

Yuyi didn't participate in the topic, but stroked his chin in thought.

He suddenly thought of something, and said, "Couldn't this huge ship be a ghost ship?"

"Fuck... Xiaoyu, don't scare me." Rosa's delicate body trembled.

Yan Qingqing barked her teeth and danced her claws and said, "Xiaoyu, don't scare people indiscriminately, be careful that sister beats you."

"What Brother Yu said may be true." Gu Boyuan's expression changed.

"What? Brother Gu, are you okay? How come you come here to scare people?"

"Xiao Sha, I'm not trying to scare you, but I just remembered a legend with a long history.

It is said that there is a huge ghost ship deep in the endless desert of death, it can sail on the sand, and it can also shuttle through the sand layer underground.

Many adventurers who have entered the desert have seen ghost ships, and many travelers can't help being curious to explore.

However, those who set foot on the ghost ship never got off again. "

Yuyi's scalp felt numb when he heard it, he just said it casually, but he didn't expect that there really was a ghost ship.

There were also many legends about ghost ships on Earth in the previous life, but those were all rumors from the age of great exploration.

After entering the modern society, there have been no rumors about ghost ships.

There is actually a ghost ship in Tianyuan Continent, and it is a ghost ship sailing in the desert, it is simply deadly.

"Regardless of whether this giant warship is a ghost ship or not, let's leave as soon as possible, otherwise things will change."

Yan Qingqing was so frightened that her legs went limp. What she was most afraid of were ghost creatures.

"Yes, yes, go down quickly, maybe there is still time."

Everyone hurriedly ran towards the edge of the deck, ready to jump off the warship.


At this moment, a strange fluctuation came from the cabin of the ghost ship, spreading in all directions.

In an instant, the ghost ship was covered by a transparent barrier.

The escape route was blocked, and it was impossible for everyone to escape from the ghost ship.

"Hey, this is troublesome."

"We seem to be unable to escape. The legend is indeed true. This is the ghost ship."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu won't we die on the ghost ship?"

"Xiaosha, don't be afraid, at worst, let's go into the cabin and kill the ghost controlling this big ship."

"Extremely, I don't believe it. With so many of us, are we afraid that it will be a ghost ship?"

"Look, the lizardman's warship is disintegrating."

Everyone heard the news and looked.

More than a dozen warships looked like collapsed buildings, with a large area of ​​the hull collapsed, and wood and stones splashed.

The lizardmen were so frightened that they jumped out of the boat and fled desperately.

However, the lizardman who jumped off the ship disappeared out of thin air before landing.

Kane exclaimed, "Where did the lizardman go?"

Yu Yi sighed softly, "You can see clearly when you look behind you."

Everyone turned around hastily, and the lizardmen who disappeared all appeared on the deck out of thin air.

Gu Boyuan's eyes were red, "Hey, these four-legged snakes chased us before, but now that the Yuanjing Cannon is gone, it's time to take revenge."

"Fuck them, it's terrible for my old lady to be chased and killed by these four-legged snakes."

"Duck rush!"

Everyone quickly formed a defensive formation, and killed the group of lizardmen who were still in shock and hadn't figured out the situation.

The lizardmen are not strong, and they have no power to resist against the adventurous team.

Gu Boyuan and Kane, leading the guards, swung their swords and slashed, like chopping melons and vegetables, beheading the frightened lizard man.

Anyway, the lizardmen and the adventure team were not of the same race, so they didn't feel pressured to kill them.

Jiang Hao's lightning spread among the lizard people, causing many lizardmen to convulse, and even some lizardmen were turned into charred by the electricity.

The big fireball of the flying dragon also kept hitting the lizard crowd, killing groups of lizardmen after groups.

Yan Qingqing's artillery was more powerful, falling into the crowd of lizards, more people died.

Rosa's folding fan array released a pink mist, also wantonly harvesting the lives of the lizardmen.

Yuyi scattered a handful of seeds and spawned them, vines grew out from the deck, bound some lizardmen, and then the rest cooperated in hunting.

The leader of the lizard people hurriedly shouted, "Organize a counterattack quickly."

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