For a distance of four or five miles, if you are riding a heavy horse, you don't dare to go too fast in the middle, and you need to preserve the horse's strength, but Li Chongjin brings all the light cavalry!

For four or five miles, it only takes five or six minutes for Qingqi to rush at full speed!

The scouts from Nantang over there realized that the situation was wrong, and shouted anxiously by the river, and then heard the sound of gongs, drums, and shouts, and the other side of the corridor quickly became noisy.

But it was too late, Li Chongjin taught them a bloody lesson, what is the value of soldiers and speed.

A large number of soldiers and civilian husbands were eating under the shade of the trees. To the south near the Feishui River, patrolling soldiers had spotted Li Chongjin's cavalry.

But it was too late, the warning gongs and drums sounded, and five or six cavalrymen stabbed to death a Southern Tang sentry with their spears, and rushed straight towards the northern corridor and the Southern Tang army who were resting and eating.

There was almost no resistance on the riverside, and the following cavalry came one after another, and the figure of the horse blocked his sight. He clearly saw that there were soldiers from the Southern Tang Dynasty who reacted quickly, and quickly dropped their weapons and knelt down on the side of the road to surrender. He was stabbed to death on the side of the road by the following cavalry.

In the midst of chaos, even surrender may not always be successful. A few clever people jumped directly into Feishui to escape. Feishui is not the Huaihe River, so they must have a chance to survive.

Seeing this situation, Shi Congyun immediately said to the soldiers beside him, "Go, go to Wang Shenqi and Gao Huaide to have a look. If they don't make a move, let them attack the mountain immediately! Move quickly, you must arrive within a quarter of an hour." .”

Several soldiers got the order and immediately rode their horses and ran north.

Shi Congyun didn't know if they had heard about Li Chongjin's movements. It was safest, the Southern Tang army was still stationed on the mountain, and reinforcements were possible at any time, so Li Chongjin couldn't be allowed to fight alone, he had to fight everywhere together.

In the distance, Li Chongjin's thousands of cavalry had rushed to the camp at the foot of Nantang Mountain, and began chasing and killing people.

The Southern Tang army in the rear organized a counterattack of hundreds of people, blocked it for about a quarter of an hour, and were quickly killed.

Almost two quarters of an hour later, the forest to the south of Zijin Mountain also began to erupt with shouts of killing.

Wang Shenqi and Gao Huaide also started to move.

Seeing that the general situation on Li Chongjin's side has been decided, and many routs ran to the mountain and the north road, Shi Congyun immediately ordered, "Soldiers!

Immediately cross the river to tell Li Chongjin not to chase deeply. The soldiers of the Southern Tang Dynasty ran away as soon as they ran.

Let him put the flag on the side of the corridor first, to attract the attention of the Shouzhou defenders, so that the people in Shouzhou City can see clearly, and smash it swaggeringly under their noses.

The tunnel is the spiritual pillar for Liu Renshan and the Shouzhou defenders to survive. I waited for them to repair it for two days and didn't fight it, just to smash it under his nose. "

Everyone laughed happily, and the messenger immediately went to deliver the order.

Soon, Li Chongjin, who was on the other side of the Feishui River, followed suit. After driving away the Southern Tang army, he planted many flags in the army on both sides of the corridor. Hoes, etc., knocked down sections of the corridors built by the Southern Tang Army.

Shi Congyun looked at the figures at the top of the Shouzhou city with a smile. He didn't know how the guards and soldiers in the city were feeling, but he was very happy!

Shouzhou has been besieged for a year, and it is said that many people have starved to death. Now it must be the most difficult time. Liu Renshan may have been hoping day and night that the tunnel will be built to the edge of Feishui, so he can send him some food. He was smashed in the face.

Shi Congyun said to the civil servants who followed him, "Which of you can write beautifully, write me a few more letters and shoot them into Shouzhou City, saying that Zhou Jun Huainan recruiter Shi Congyun wishes him good health."

After I went to work as an official, the messengers sent to the west and north of Zijin Mountain also came back and reported: "Commander, Wang Shenqi's department and Gao Huaide's department have arranged to attack according to the commander's previous orders. Mountain."

Shi Congyun nodded, and then said: "Ling, Zhao Chao, the commander of Hujie's left wing, immediately led Hujie's first soldier Madu Feishui to support Li Chongjin, guard the southern mountain pass, and cooperate with Wang Shenqi and Gao Huaide to launch an attack at the right time. Mountain!"

When the messenger got the order, he immediately went to convey the order.

The Southern Tang Dynasty was already frightened by the cavalry of the Zhou army, and they did not dare to ostentatiously transport grain. The construction of tunnels was obviously to prevent cavalry attacks.

Among them, the one who contributed the most is nothing more than his father Shi Yanchao.

Shi Yanchao was born to be a cavalry general. Since he entered Huainan last year, Long Jiejun, the most elite cavalry unit in the Great Zhou Dynasty, has been under his command.

Judging from the results of the battle, Shi Yanchao is also fully worthy of the trust of the officials. From the victory in Zhengyang to the victory in Qingliuguan, and then to Xialiuhe and the fierce battle in Yangzhou, Shi Yanchao is everywhere.

What Shi Congyun hopes most at this time is that the troops led by his father will be nearby, so that he will feel more at ease, but it is a pity that his father is far away in Yangzhou and Liuhe at this time.

Two quarters of an hour later, Zhao Chao led his troops to cross the river, and even came to meet him by the river.

Shi Congyun had a very bad impression of Zhao Chao, who killed innocent people indiscriminately and extorted bribes everywhere. He is simply a veteran, a scum and a scum!

Fortunately, he himself is not a good person...

In addition, Zhao Chao has a lot of problems and bad morals, but he is really fierce in wars!It's the kind of person who is not afraid of death in a fight, but now he is the leader of Hujie's left wing and the leader of the defense envoy.

At this time, asking him to go to the south to fight Zijin Mountain is more reassuring than using other people, because Shi Congyun knows that he will do his best.

Shi Congyun ordered a few words, without showing any dissatisfaction with him on the surface, but only told him to cooperate with Wang Shenqi and others to attack the mountain, and it would be easier to attack on several sides.

Half an hour later, as soon as Zhao Chao crossed the river, he directly led his troops to launch a fierce attack on the enemy south of Zijin Mountain, and the shouts of killing could be heard across the Feishui.

Every once in a while, someone from the front came to report the victory, saying how many people Zhao Chao led the troops to kill, and how many sentry towers and camps were broken.

The results of the battle began to gradually come from the west and south.

In the afternoon, Shi Congyun was watching the battle on the edge of Feishui, and several messengers came one after another from the south.

These people were Zhao Kuangyin and Xiang Xun who sent people to report to him the position of the troops and the direction they were going, and returned to the commander for orders.

Shi Congyun was overjoyed, thinking that it would be comfortable to fight against experts!

Both Zhao Kuangyin and Xiang Xun consciously sent people to report to him the location of the army and the next expected destination every hour.

Moreover, these messengers are very professional, and they clearly remember the time when they left the army.

Although there is a delay, it is very convenient for him as the coach to control the overall situation. The following generals are professional, and the battles are different.

If the coach's eyes are darkened and he doesn't know where his troops are, then the battle is completely dependent on the sky.

Luqiu Zhongqing knew these things very well. He used to be Li Yun's official. Li Yun fought against the Northern Han and Khitan all the year round, and fought many battles.

Luqiu Zhongqing quickly handed over to each messenger, marked the position of each army on the map, and calculated the approximate current position of each army.

In contrast, his father Shi Yanchao fought fiercely, but he was not as thoughtful and meticulous as Zhao Kuangyin and Xiang Xun.

"At present, Zhao Kuangyin's department has arrived in Dingyuan, and Xiangxun's department has just passed Qingliu Pass, which is about eighty miles away from Dingyuan, so we should be able to arrive tomorrow.

Shi Qishuai (Shi Yanchao)'s army should have reached Dingyuan according to the reports of the two. " Luqiu Zhongqing reported.

Shi Congyun stared at the map closely, thought for a while, and called the messenger over: "Tell Zhao Kuangyin that Tushan has Si Chao's navy to fight with him, and the attack is expected to be launched in two or two days at the earliest, and four days later at the latest. .

Let him pay attention to sending scouts to the north to investigate the movement of Si Chao's navy, and the cooperation between water and land will be better.

After taking down Tushan, stand by and stand by, with Tushan as the most important thing. "

The messenger got the order, changed his horse and hurried south to convey the order.

Shi Congyun thought for a while, and then ordered: "Order Shi Yanchao to lead Long Jie Jingqi to store up Dingyuan, and not go north for the time being!"

In the afternoon, good news came from the south. The Crane Control Army under Wang Shenqi successively broke through more than a dozen sentry tower camps in the northwest of Zijin Mountain.

This is indeed good news, but Shi Congyun just nodded.

If he was still the same general as before, this kind of victory would have been enough to make him excited and happy for a long time.

But now I don't care so much, and my heart is calm. In the overall situation, the war in Zijin Mountain is only one link, and today's victories are a few points in this link of Zijin Mountain. In this position, the way he thinks about things is completely different from before.

Huainan's water town, Zeguo, and thousands of miles of fertile fields, he must keep in mind, always consider the follow-up development, the entire battle situation, and not just think about a small partial victory.

Is this the recruiter...

"The order told Wang Shenqi, Gao Huaide, and Zhao Chao that the Southern Tang Army must be driven out of Zijin Mountain before tomorrow night.

Let Li Chongjin come back to take over Zhang Yongde's siege of Shouzhou City, Hu Jie cavalry stand by, and Zhang Yongde crosses the river with me. "

Chapter 150, The Southern Tang Army's Heaviness

Wang Shenqi leaned on the mossy tree trunk, chewed the dried meat soaked in the stream, and then stuffed a few grain cakes. There were hundreds of armors around him, blood and mud everywhere, and his whole body was covered with blood. Soldiers who were drenched in sweat before withdrawing from the front.

They fought for a long time, and their physical strength was exhausted. They pulled out many sentry towers and several camps of the Shu army. At this time, they were exhausted and replaced by the people behind.

In the battle between the narrow mountain roads, the role of the bow and crossbow was brought into full play. When attacking the mountain, his archery skills played a huge role.

At the beginning, the camps at the mountain pass were the strongest and most difficult to attack. The Shu army also used trees thicker than a millstone as cover. At the beginning, several of them died. The stones rolled down the mountain, and several bones were broken.

Unable to attack for a while, he started to set up arrows in a rage, shooting and killing several Shu soldiers who were pushing stones on it with a hundred steps, and then scared the Shu soldiers on the mountain.

Wearing two layers of armor and five layers of cowhide, the warriors took the opportunity to hold the arrows behind them and chopped down the wooden fence with an axe. Then many armored Tang soldiers rushed in, like tigers entering a flock of sheep, killing a large number of Tang soldiers, and the people behind ran back one after another.

After Wang Shenqi gained experience, the crossbowmen could not shoot through their armor after successive attacks. The key was rolling stones and logs. As long as they were shot and rushed into the camp, Tang Jun would not be their opponent at all.

After fighting the first two camps, the soldiers cooperated closely, and the more they fought, the more familiar they became, and the smoother they fought.

At the same time, Zhou Jun also launched attacks in different places. For a while, it seemed that the whole mountain was full of their troops, and Zhou Jun's people were everywhere.

Many times, across a mountain ridge is my brother. Everyone shouted, and the brother on the opposite side echoed across the mountain. The whole Zijin Mountain was suddenly full of Zhou Jun shouting and killing, and Tang Jun was shocked. He probably thought they were coming Wan Dajun.

Afterwards, the battle became smoother and smoother. The Tang army gradually changed from desperately resisting to being difficult to parry, and then collapsed at the touch of a touch, shrinking in an all-round way. The battle continued until the afternoon. Although the final decision was not yet made, Wang Shenqi felt that victory was in sight!

So I retreated to rest for a while. In the dense forest of Zijin Mountain, dappled sunlight poured down from the gaps in the trees, and the air smelled of rotting leaves and blood, mixed with some faint stench of soil.

Across the woods, you can still hear the constant shouting and killing from all over the mountain.

After a while, a messenger found him, "Master Wang Xiang, the commander-in-chief has ordered that the Southern Tang army must be driven out of Zijin Mountain before dark tomorrow!"

Wang Shenqi nodded, "Go back and report to the commander-in-chief, maybe you don't have to wait until tomorrow, you can win tonight!"

After the messengers left, Wang Shenqi dragged his exhausted body, gathered the crowd again, and prepared to attack the forefront of the mountain.


In the afternoon, the sun was setting and Wang Shenqi was standing on the top of the peak. He could see the Shu army camp in the valley below. However, in the north of the valley, Gao Huaide's cavalry had pierced through the fence of the outer net and was rushing into the camp.

There are many Zhou troops on all sides of the mountain gathering towards the camp in the valley.

But from his point of view, it was more congratulatory. The main force in the camp was retreating to the east mountain pass, wanting to retreat to the Huaihe River.

It was impossible for the several commanders who joined him to plead for orders to kill them quickly.

But Wang Shenqi knew that it would not work. The so-called Wangshan ran a dead horse, went down from their mountain, and waited until it was dark over there, and the Tang army had obvious intentions to withdraw from the valley and join their main force on the Huaihe River in the east. If you pursue rashly, you might run into the Tang army camped by the Huaihe River.

"Order all the armies, if the Tang army passes the eastern mountain pass, don't rush to pursue it, and hold your ground to occupy Zijin Mountain." Wang Shenqi has always been steady.

From his point of view, there are many variables in chasing him out hastily, and then someone has to report the situation here to Shi Congyun, who is recruiting outside Shouzhou City.

During the war, many things were different. Wang Shenqi still didn't understand Shi Congyun's intentions, so he didn't know whether his actions in this battle could make the general happy.

But no matter what, he has his own judgment in his heart, and it is impossible to think about the coach's preferences before deciding how to play.

That night, Zhou armies from all walks of life converged one after another in the Tang army camp on Zijin Mountain, and the cavalry led by Gao Huaide also quickly joined the crowd.

Everyone cheered, the Southern Tang army's camp on Zijin Mountain had been captured, but they did not make direct contact with the Tang army's main force.

After successive defeats in the fortified battles at the checkpoints on the mountain, the main force of the Tang army abandoned the camp in the valley, all withdrew from the eastern mountain pass, and retreated to the Huaihe River.

However, Wang Shenqi and Gao Huaide had different opinions on the issue of whether to pursue or not. Gao Huaide insisted on continuing to pursue and expand the results of the battle.Wang Shenqi felt that the main force of the Tang army was retreating in an orderly manner. After leaving the eastern mountain pass, there was still the main force of the Tang army behind them. If they pursued rashly, they might be ambushed.

The two had their own reasons and opinions, and in the end they quarreled with each other.

However, Gao Huaide is not his inferior, but the commander of the Xiangzhu class at the same level as him. The two of them are fighting together, and neither can control the other. In the end, they can't stop. Chase Tang Jun.

Wang Shenqi didn't want to talk to him at first, but Gao Huaide is a man who can fight, but he is brave and fearless!

But I also thought that everyone was fighting under Brother Yun, Gao Huaide and Shi Congyun had a good relationship, if something happened to Gao Huaide, it would be bad for the whole war situation, and it would not be good for Brother Yun.

So, regardless of the previous confrontation and unhappiness, Dong Zunhui and Shen Zhiyi were sent to lead the cavalry to Dongshan Pass. If there was an accident ahead, they would respond to Gao Huaide.

Dong Zunhui was the general of the cavalry, and Shi Congyun, the cavalryman of the Crane Army, had been asked to lead him. Originally, he wanted to send Luo Yanhuan, who had more experience in actual combat and had been fighting with Commander Shi for a long time.

However, I quickly thought that Luo Yanhuan was ordered by Marshal Shi to defend Shuzhou last year, and then he was defeated by Southern Tang general Zhu Yuan and lost Shuzhou. Now the Tang army is recruiting Zhu Yuan.

Wang Shenqi is a cautious person. He was afraid that Luo Yanhuan would also fight with the Southern Tang army due to new and old hatreds, and could not control his emotions, so he replaced Shen Zhiyi and Dong Zunhui to lead the army together.

Wang Shenqi, who doesn't drink, has always been so calm.


In the evening, news came from the front that after Gao Huaide came out of the eastern mountain pass, he was indeed attacked by the Southern Tang army.

Relying on his own bravery, Gao Huaide stabbed to death a commander of the Southern Tang Army among the many Southern Tang troops, but the general situation still could not be changed. In response, the Southern Tang army's soldiers were defeated slightly, beheading more than [-] people at the mountain pass, and the Southern Tang army gave up their pursuit.

After returning, Gao Huaide, covered in blood and injured on his shoulder, personally went to his tent to thank him. He also readily apologized, admitting that he hadn't thought carefully and acted recklessly. If he hadn't sent someone to respond, he might have confessed there.

Wang Shenqi immediately understood why this man had a good relationship with Brother Yun, and he turned out to be a straightforward and fierce general.

The next day, Marshal Shi from the south also came with a new order. He didn't mean to blame him for slacking in and fearing the war. Confrontation, they must not be allowed to enter Zijin Mountain again, and at the same time build high camps, dig deep trenches, and do not fight with the main force of the Southern Tang Army on the Huaihe River for the time being.

Wang Shenqi listened to the order, and then began to implement it. First, Gao Huaide led the iron cavalry army and Dong Zunhui to go out of the eastern mountain pass to control the main road of the mountain pass, and then the troops gradually moved eastward.

In this way, they were equivalent to piercing through the entire Zijin Mountain to the east of the Huaihe River, and saw the Southern Tang Army's camp by the Huaihe River in the distance.

Wang Shenqi, Gao Huaide and others looked at the Southern Tang camp on the Huaihe River. There must be more troops than them, because the main force of the Southern Tang army is concentrated there, and their side is only two of the many troops in Huainan.

It's just that they don't know what the commander-in-chief's intentions are, and how they plan to fight next. They can only rely on Zijin Mountain in the rear, set up a camp more than five miles away from the Southern Tang camp, dig a trench, and confront the Southern Tang army. Waiting for subsequent commands.

But they didn't know that the day before ordering them to march eastward, Shi Congyun asked Li Chongjin to retreat to Shouzhou, take over the tens of thousands of siege troops, and continue to surround Shouzhou with water.

At the same time, he led people across the Feishui River, and took over the 2000 cavalry of the Hu Jie Army, and Zhao Chao personally led an army of the Hu Jie Army (over [-] men).

After that, Zhang Yongde led the tiger cavalry, Zhao Chao was the vanguard, and approached eastward along the foot of Zijin Mountain.

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