"In any case, I have been through life and death for so long, I believe in you! I believe in the ability of each of you, you are the most capable soldiers in the world! The mere puppet Tang army is not worthy of carrying our shoes."

All the soldiers shouted and laughed excitedly.

Shi Congyun saw that everyone's morale was high, and he continued: "In the past, we gave orders from above, and the subordinates simply carried out the orders.

Tomorrow is different, you fight it yourself!

Each team (about 100 people) formed a team and fought directly along the mountain road on the mountain.

You decide for yourself, judge for yourself, and fight for yourself.I believe in the ability and strength of each of you, the mere puppet Tang army is by no means your opponent!

Our men who control the Crane Army are terrified to kill them! "

"Kill his mother!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"




In an instant, the sound of killing was like thunder, shaking the valley, as if the whole valley was shaken, and the sound of killing like thunder could be heard for several miles...


The next day, the sun rose in the east, and Zijin Mountain was peaceful. The Zhou army camp at the foot of the mountain was a little different from usual.

It's just that cooking was very early today, and then Gao Huaide led the elite cavalry out of the camp gate, stepping on the gravel and mud on the road to the north of the mountain.

Afterwards, many men in full armor, wearing thick armor and armed to the eye, left the camp carrying axes, knives and hammers, and began to head south, followed by many lightly armored crossbowmen.

Afterwards, all the officers and soldiers formed a team of a hundred people, divided into four rows, left the camp one by one with high morale, and marched towards the south. This kind of formation has never been seen before.

After Shi Congyun explained everything to Wang Shenqi and Gao Huaide yesterday afternoon, he left Daying and headed south to Shouzhou City.

When he reached the other side of the Feishui River, he saw Li Chongjin.

Li Chongjin led the Hujie Army with about [-] cavalry to cross the river quietly at night for two consecutive days, and deployed them in a valley called Dongshantao to the south of Zijin Mountain.

The main forces of Hujie and Guanhe are infantry, but there are also a certain number of cavalry, but the proportion is very small.

Hujie's army has more than 2000 infantry, and only about [-] mixed light and heavy cavalry.The crane control army is even smaller, only about two thousand.

Crossing a mountain from here is the corridor built by the Southern Tang Army, about five or six miles away.

Mountain ridges and trees blocked the line of sight, and it was difficult for the Southern Tang Army across a mountain or the defenders in Shouzhou City on the other side to find them.

The first time he saw Li Chongjin, he said bluntly: "Don't worry, tomorrow someone will personally lead a surprise attack and destroy their tunnel.

Don't stay here today, so as not to upset everyone, you should hurry across the river and attract the attention of the defenders and Liu Renshan by the way, that old man is very clever, maybe he will see through. "

Shi Congyun was so angry that he almost scolded him, but when he thought of relying on him to fight the war, he endured it immediately. He led more than [-] personal guard cavalry, raised a banner, and swaggered across the Fei River.

He wasn't afraid that the Southern Tang army on the north bank would just make a move, because there were tens of thousands of siege troops mixed by Hu Jie army and local soldiers from various states under the city of Shouzhou.

After crossing the Feishui, Shi Congyun met Zhang Yongde and Zhao Chao in the siege camp in the south of Shouzhou City, and settled down immediately, and the day passed quickly.


At the beginning of March, Liu Renshan would take people up to the high wall in the north of the city every day to see the construction of the corridor in the north, which gave him and many soldiers in the city the confidence to stick to it.

Yesterday afternoon, Zhou Guoxin's commander-in-chief crossed the Feishui River and settled in the south camp of Shouzhou City. The huge commander-in-chief flag could be seen clearly from several miles away.

This action immediately made Liu Renshan heave a sigh of relief. He had heard from an old friend before that Zhou Jun's new commander was a talented young man, and he had won all kinds of beautiful victories, so he was very nervous about what he would do.

Seeing that his handsome flag has arrived at the city of Shouzhou now, he must be attacking and besieging the city as before, and he can't think of any way to do it.

Immediately, Liu Renshan felt relieved a lot, looked into the distance, and thought that if all parties supported in time and progressed smoothly, it would not be a problem for Shouzhou to stay for another year or so, and the Zhou Dynasty would definitely have to return without success!

Then he laughed at himself, it seems that he was thinking too much, he was too nervous to think wildly, a young man in his eighteenth or nineteenth year led the army, and there were many veterans with high authority and military experience under him, a group of arrogant soldiers, nine out of ten If you don't listen to him, tell anyone not to move, why talk about what to do?

When he was nervous before, he didn't even think of these things, so he relaxed in his heart......

Supplementary expansion, the difference between books and history ([-])

A question suddenly occurred to me. In fact, the Battle of Huainan was slightly different from the history from the very beginning. The author has been making fine-tuning and some changes.

But because the protagonist is good at reading and does not seek deep understanding, he understands the general context of history and does not understand the details, so it is not good to use his mouth to say it.

In fact, most of the readers are just Tu Yile, and they also asked some questions that I didn’t read the book carefully or didn’t understand this period of history. I don’t know how to answer them, and I don’t have time to talk about them one by one. The time code is only available after [-] o’clock in the evening. The word o(╥﹏╥)o

So here is a separate free chapter for readers to tell the difference between history (historical records are mainly the history of the Five Dynasties, and some other historical records that are beneficial to the protagonist) and the book. If you are interested, you can read it, maybe you will understand.

1. Zhengyang Great Victory

In history, Liu Yanzhen did not listen to Liu Renshan's advice and advanced aggressively. He faced Li Chongjin's reinforcements in Zhengyang. Jiu fled back to the Tang Dynasty.

In this book, the first to support is Shi Yanchao with a small amount of cavalry.Shi Yanchao's troops were insufficient, and he won more battles with fewer victories. As a result, the Southern Tang army did not dare to advance rashly, but began to gather most of them, and was finally defeated by the protagonist.

The victory of Zhengyang and Southern Tang in the book must be worse than in history.Historically, there were about 3 of them, but the aggressive vanguard was defeated, and the latter fled back. Now they are all assembled and defeated by the protagonist in a wave. The casualties must be more serious, and the loss of morale will be greater, which will also speed up the follow-up war process.

2. Victory in the prosperous Tang Dynasty

In history, the prosperous Tang Dynasty was fought by Si Chao.

Zhengyang was defeated by the vanguard, and there is no redundant record, but based on reasoning, most of the army behind must have fled back to the prosperous Tang Dynasty (Liu Yanzhen sent troops from the prosperous Tang Dynasty), which led to a great battle in the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

In the book, because Liu Yanzhen assembled a large army in Zhengyang, it was a disaster. The invincible soldiers in the prosperous Tang Dynasty surrendered directly without fighting.

3. Sejong returns to the north

Because of the Zhengyang victory, the surrender of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and the impact of the death of Shi Yanchao, the number one general of the Zhou army, the speed and smoothness of the entire war exceeded history. The Qingliuguan victory became Zhao Kuangyin and Shi Yanchao fighting together.

In history, it was Zhao Kuangyin who followed Guo Rong back to the north, but in the book, because of the empress incident, it was Shi Congyun who went back.

4. Go south to Xun

Xiang Xun is a general with both civil and military skills. Historically, he had the right to know the affairs of the Kaifeng government at the beginning. Afterwards, the war in Yangzhou in the south did not go well, and Guo Rong transferred him to the front line to replace Han Lingkun.

It was also Xiang Xun who proposed to Guo Rong to concentrate his forces on Shouzhou, regardless of the strategic thinking of those places in Yangzhou, which became the key to victory.

However, in the early part of the book, because Zhengyang and Shengtang's victories were too fast and too ruthless, and Shi Yanchao helped Zhao Kuangyin at Qingliu Pass, the battle went smoothly, and Xiang Xun never transferred to the south.

He was not called until the eve of Sejong's return to the north. The author specially wrote a scene where Shi Congyun met Xiang Xun at the head of Xiacai floating bridge when he was walking fast.

What I want to explain is that when Xiang Xun came, Guo Rong had already left. Xiang Xun didn't have time to familiarize himself with the situation in Huainan, and he couldn't tell Guo Rong about his strategic thinking.

Another difference is that the follow-up tug-of-war in Yangzhou was smoother than in history with the addition of Shi Yanchao, which was also an important reason why it was difficult for the Zhou Dynasty to abandon Yangzhou and other places.

5. The attack by Lin Renzhao

Historically, Lin Renzhao's attack failed because the wind direction changed temporarily.

In the book, due to the influence of the protagonist, Lin Renzhao’s attack was delayed, but the wind direction did not change. The attack was successful, and the Xiacai Floating Bridge was destroyed.

6. The Second Procurement

In history, Guo Rong's second personal conquest was launched in April.

However, due to factors such as Lin Renzhao destroying the pontoon bridge once, and Xiang Xun's failure to offer advice, which made the situation in Huainan more erosive, Guo Rong couldn't wait to conquest in person in advance.

We arrived in Huainan in February, and now we are about to start fighting in full force in early March.

This led to the fact that the general Zhu Yuan's rebellion question asked by the book friends does not exist. Zhu Yuan's rebellion was mainly due to conflicts with Li Jingda.

7. Others

Because of the protagonists, the situations of Li Gu, Si Chao, Li Chuyun, Wang Shenqi, Dong Zunhui, Luo Yanhuan, Shi Yanchao, etc. are all different from those in history, so I won’t repeat them here.

To sum up, the situation in Huainan at this time is generally similar to that in history, but there are many differences in the subtleties, especially the obvious differences in time nodes.

There are two most important reasons for these differences. One is the great victory in Zhengyang, and the other is that the fierce general Shi Yanchao is still alive. The Zhou Dynasty played smoothly in many places than in history.But that's how wars are. Partial victories don't have a good impact on the overall situation. The world is impermanent, and no one can tell.

Chapter 149: The Battle Begins!

In the big tent, Shi Congyun placed a map and was fiddling with a wooden sign in his hand.

The whole of Huainan is on this map, and now it is all in his hands.

In the spring, the snow and ice melted in the north, and the Huaihe River swelled. Water accumulated everywhere around Shouzhou became more and more obvious. If it was close to the moat and Feishui, the waist-deep grass on both sides might be a swamp if you stepped into it.

Moreover, there are dense water networks, lakes and ponds everywhere near Zijin Mountain and to Haozhou downstream.

Luqiu Zhongqing also told him when he was crossing the river, saying that this place is really a country of water.

Shi Congyun thought of something else.

Zeguo Jiangshan entered the battle map, Shengmin He Jile Qiaosu.According to Jun Mo's words, you can seal the marquis' affairs, and once you succeed, your bones will dry up...  

Shi Congyun walked out of the big tent, Luqiu Zhongqing and many soldiers followed behind, Zhang Yongde commanded the siege of Shouzhou in the distance, Zhao Chao was ordered to lead the cavalry to patrol the east, trying to prevent Shouzhou City from connecting with the outside world.

Looking at it today, it seems that it is still so ordinary and quiet. Shi Congyun looked at the Shouzhou City standing in front of the Zijin Mountain, but his heart was not so peaceful. He silently calculated his own arrangements, and kept sending orders to test and find out where the various armies were. location, where.

I also knew in my heart that this afternoon, the battle would start, and Li Chongjin would be the first to fight.

Shi Congyun looked at Jiancheng in the distance, and began to think about the army in his hands, Wang Shenqi's department, Gao Huaide's department, Li Chongjin's department, Zhang Yongde's department, Si Chao's department, Zhao Kuangyin's department, Xiang Xun's department, and Shi Yanchao's department.

He can dispatch a total of about eight armies, with a total number of about [-]. However, there are many rural soldiers who were temporarily recruited by the government to besiege Shouzhou City.

The main combat force is about 5 people, mainly concentrated in the front lines of Xiacai and Shouzhou, as well as the front lines of Yangzhou, Liuhe, and Chuzhou.

The number of the main forces of these corps varies. The largest is Li Chongjin. If the militia is counted, the number is [-] to [-]. It is the main force of Dazhou in Huainan. It also shows the trust of the officials in him. Previously, Premier Li Chongjin had been in charge of the Huainan War.

It was also Li Chongjin who besieged Shouzhou.

There are few such as Gao Huaide's elite cavalry army, which has more than 2000 people, but it is also a very powerful military force.

He has already arranged all the troops, and the next step is to adapt to the situation.

Luqiu Zhongqing said, "The old man can see the commander's intention. The commander wants to encircle and wipe out the Zhou army? But these places are flat, so it's not easy to fight."

"This place is Zeguo, a water town. It's really not easy for them to go north, but there are not so many roads along the Huaihe River. The soldiers of the Southern Tang Dynasty have always had weaknesses. If they don't let us confront each other head-on, we must rely on the navy to fight. Therefore, every advance is made by land and water.

It was like this when Liu Yanzhen went to Zhengyang last year, and it was like this when Li Jingda went to Zhengyang this year," said Shi Congyun.

"The handsome is saying..."

"I mean that the generals of the Southern Tang Dynasty believed in their navy too much, and they liked to walk by the river when they walked, and escaped by water if they couldn't beat them.

They used to do it because we didn't have a lot of sailors, and now the situation has changed, but many of them must not have reacted yet.

As the saying goes, if you do mental arithmetic without intention, the most effective thing is the first time, so the first time must let Nan Tang suffer a lot, and you can't give them time to understand. "


In the afternoon, Shi Congyun led hundreds of soldiers and entourages to Feishui in person to watch the Southern Tang army rushing to repair the tunnel on the opposite bank.

Their passage is almost at the edge of Feishui, not very close to Shouzhou City.

Earth walls were built on both sides of the forehead corridor in the north, and horses and chariots could pass through the middle, apparently to prevent cavalry attacks from Da Zhou.

"Who is the opposite coach?" Shi Congyun asked.

"It should be Zhu Yuan, the recruiter from the north of the puppet Tang Dynasty." The officials around him agreed.

"Is it to defeat Luo Yanhuan and take back that Zhu Yuan in Shuzhou?" Shi Congyun realized that he seemed to have heard it before.

The official nodded, "Exactly. In addition, it is said that Xu Wenzhen, the governor of Yong'an, and Bian Hao, the governor of the army, led the army."

Shi Congyun nodded, but felt that something was wrong in his heart, and immediately reacted, "The puppet Tang Lord added a marshal of various Taoist soldiers and horses in Haozhou, Qi Wang Li Jingda, and now he has a recruiter from the north? Are they in Huainan?" Two handsome men?"

"This... Li Jingda is the emperor's relative, King Qi, and the marshal of the soldiers and horses of the various realms. He should be the one who restrains..."

"It is reasonable to say that recruiting envoys from the north can also dispatch the army, but they should listen to the royal family."

Shi Congyun was not entangled, he just felt that if the boundaries of power were unclear and ambiguous, it would be very troublesome to do things.

But he didn't bother to worry about the enemy, what he cared about was when Li Chongjin would fight.

Soon, the sun was at the top of the head. When the sun was the hottest in the day, the soldiers and civilians of the Southern Tang Dynasty on the other side also slowly stopped their work and began to rest and eat. It was meal time.

Many soldiers and civilian husbands rested and talked under the shade of trees in twos and threes, exhausted for a long time.

Just wait for this moment!

Shi Congyun thought to himself, this is a great opportunity, if he leads the army, he will definitely choose this time to attack.

To the west, a black cloud rises from the forest at the foot of Zijin Mountain, which is a large area of ​​startled birds in the mountains.

In the mountains, Shi Congyun couldn't see the specific movement, but he had an intuition that Li Chongjin was about to start.

A quarter of an hour later, a large number of cavalry rushed out from the foot of the Zijin Mountain, and then followed the road by the Feishui River at the foot of the mountain, heading straight for the east corridor!

He clearly heard the cries of the cavalry of the Zhou army. A large number of people and horses moved quickly to the east, and almost all of them were light cavalry, wearing only casual leather armor.

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