Si Chao, Li Chuyun, and Wang Huan led the navy to go down the Huaihe River and head straight for Dangtu.

Shi Yanchao, Xiang Xun and others had a long journey, so they should arrive at the latest, while Zhao Kuangyin arrived earlier.

The first to attack will be Li Chongjin's, Wang Shenqi's, and Gao Huaide's.

In fact, his combat intentions are already very obvious!


At night, two or three stars away, the city of Shouzhou was full of flames.

In the south of the city is Li Chongjin's siege camp, and in the north are the main forces of the Zhou army.

On the east side of Zijin Mountain, there is a long dragon made of fire, which is several times brighter than a natural star. It is tens of thousands of main reinforcements from the Southern Tang Dynasty who are rushing to repair the grain transportation corridor overnight.

In the center of the vortex of the war between the two countries, Shouzhou City has been scarred and besieged for a year, but it still stands tall.

Liu Renshan was originally a very strong man. He was familiar with Confucianism and liked to read military books. He fought against Chu State in the first half of his life, made military exploits, and served as a local official.

Now that he is over fifty, he is so thin that his eye sockets are sunken, and he looks skinny. If it weren't for his broad skeleton propping up his armor, he would not have been a strong man.

He also thought about making contributions, but he didn't give him more opportunities.

Originally, I thought that this life would pass smoothly and smoothly, but I didn't expect to encounter a life-and-death battle between the two countries on the battlefield.

The emperor thought highly of him and asked him to guard the important area of ​​Shouzhou.

The importance of Shouzhou is very clear to him, if Shouzhou is lost, half of Huainan will be lost!

So he dared not live up to His Majesty's high expectations for him no matter what.

The city is very difficult now. After being sleepy for a year, the food in the city is getting less and less, many people starve to death, and the roots of trees and grass are almost eaten up.

The fire dragon in the distance is hope. It is the tunnel built by Zhu Yuan and others from Zijin Mountain, and they are going to deliver food to the city.

Shouzhou City is very large, and the Zhou army can't take care of it all. The large group of troops cannot enter and exit, but a small number of messengers can still enter and exit the city at night, and the connection with the outside world is not broken.

The overseer Zhou Yangou and the soldiers standing beside him looked at the fire dragon in the distance and subconsciously swallowed. They hadn't had a full meal for a long time.

"If those grains can reach the city, we can still defend Zhou Jun's bastards even if we fight for another two years! We can go out of the city and beat them down!" said the soldier beside him.

Although the city is very difficult, the morale is not low at all, which has something to do with the style of the general Liu Renshan.

Last year, his youngest son Liu Chongjian couldn't hold on, and tried to sneak a boat to Huaibei in the middle of the night to surrender to the Zhou army, but was caught by a small officer.

Liu Renshan immediately ordered him to be cut in half, and the left and right officials dared not plead for help.The supervising army sent Zhou Tinggou to the middle gate to cry loudly in order to rescue Liu Chongjian, but Liu Renshan refused.

Zhou Tinggou sent someone to seek help from Liu Renshan's wife, Mrs. Liu.

Mrs. Liu said: "It's not that I don't love Chongjian, but military law can't be favoritism, and reputation can't be lost.

If you forgive him today, the Liu family is an unfaithful family, what face does his father and I have to meet the soldiers! "

So Liu Chongjian was beheaded and mourned.The soldiers in the city were deeply moved and wept for it.More willing to follow Liu Renshan.

Later, Liu Renshan personally led more than 800 people who dared to die, and suddenly went out of the city in the middle of the night to fight back.

In the south of the city, Li Jixun's tens of thousands of troops, commanded by General Zhou and the infantry guards, caught them off guard. They killed more than a thousand Zhou soldiers, injured countless people, burned a large number of siege equipment outside the city, and some Zhou soldiers fell asleep in their sleep. Burned alive by the fire.

After the First World War, tens of thousands of Zhou troops besieged the city with fear and dared not attack Shouzhou City for a long time. This was because Liu Renshan led the troops and always distinguished public and private interests, which won the hearts of the people.

Liu Renshan asked Zhou Tinggou, the supervising army envoy, and said, "I heard that the Zhou army has recruited new recruits."

The two are old friends, and Zhou Yangou nodded, "A few days ago, according to the news, the soldiers who went out to contact Zijinshan Xu Wenzhen (the leader of the Zijinshan garrison in the Southern Tang Dynasty) brought back that it was Shi Congyun who killed Liu Yanzhen in Zhengyang."

Liu Renshan sighed: "If Liu Yanzhen had listened to the old man back then, how could he have ended up like this, and Shouzhou would not be so passive!

I sent a letter to King Qi, Marshal of the various soldiers and horses, and told him that Huainan is a flat area, and if you want to compete with Zhou Jun, you can't just stick to it.

The old man can lead the army to a decisive battle with the Zhou army, as long as he sends Bian Hao to guard Shouzhou for me, but there has been no news..."

Zhou Tinggou looked disdainful, "Li Jingda? If he is not a relative of His Majesty, what is he? He was actually asked to control all the soldiers and horses.

He was frightened by Zhou Dynasty general Zhao Kuangyin as early as in Hezhou, and he would dare to fight Zhou Jun head-on!Shit is not a thing! "

Liu Renshan opened his mouth, but did not speak in the end. He is a Confucian general, he has a more refined temper, and he seldom says those unpleasant words, but he also knows that his old friend is right.

"Who is the new envoy of the Zhou Dynasty, and is there any big move?"

"A young man of eighteen or nineteen."

"Eighteen or nineteen!" Liu Renshan was a little surprised. At the age of eighteen or nineteen, he served as a recruiter and commanded a large army. He had never seen such a person in his life, even in history.

"Heh, could it be the champion Hou Bucheng." He joked, if one speaks of a single-handed general, then people would think of the famous champion Hou Huo Qu being ill.

Zhou Tinggou shook his head, "It is definitely not as good as the champion, but it should not be underestimated. Shi Congyun is said to be the son of Shi Yanchao, the number one general of the Zhou Dynasty. Luan and Li Jin are generals.

Later in Zhengyang, he also defeated Liu Yanzhen's land and water army. It is said that he only led five armies, more than [-] people. "

Having said that, Liu Renshan didn't dare to joke anymore, and frowned, "The five armies... Liu Yanzhen said that there are about 3 people. Maybe the marching was not properly dispatched, and some soldiers failed to go to the battlefield?"

"That's not known. We are in this city, and the information we get is not complete."

Liu Renshan nodded, "No matter what, my Shouzhou City is not afraid of him!"

Chapter 148: Map of Ze Country Entering the Battle ([-])

Before going to Zijin Mountain, Shi Congyun first met Si Chao, Li Chuyun and Wang Huan in Xiacai.

A few people talked briefly by the Huaihe River for a while, there was no serious atmosphere, and it was not too formal, just like usual bragging.

In the final analysis, many major events in the world are between human beings. No matter how lofty, noble or despicable it seems, it is difficult and unattainable. In the end, it is all accomplished by human beings.

And often it is by no means a single person. The victory of a war is the joint efforts and hard work of many people. It is just that some people stand at a high place, some stand at the back, and some stand at the front, and the positions are different.

So getting along and connecting with people determines many things.

Just like the [-] soldiers in the left wing of the Crane Control Army, who followed him all the way, as long as the soldiers followed him, they felt that they could win the battle and their morale was high.

But Shi Congyun gained his current prestige only by relying on their hard work. Whether he helped the Crane Army or the Crane Army helped him, it is hard to tell, but they all complement each other and share weal and woe.

Shi Congyun never believed in the history full of individual heroism and perfectionism. Judging from his experience, there can be no perfection, no gold is pure, and no one is perfect.At least in his two lifetimes, he has never seen a real perfect person in the world.

So he is not so demanding of others, and he is not so strict with himself.

He doesn’t have the habit of asking others to be perfect and pursuing his own perfection. In his opinion, everyone in this world has his own helplessness and difficulties, and he has no choice but to live. It is not easy for anyone to live. The emperor has to endure many things, let alone every ordinary person people.

So he doesn't care so much about the shortcomings of others, and is more willing to discover the strengths of others.In his opinion, Dong Zunhui, Wang Zhong and others who are all flawed have their own strengths.

"Going down is likely to encounter the Southern Tang Navy, are you confident?"

"To be honest, I'm still a little unsure. The Southern Tang Navy has experience, and we, Yulang, have just formed a new army. But our morale is better and we are well-trained." Si Chao replied.

Shi Congyun patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "What you said is all theoretical, and in the end it depends on the person. I am assured of your abilities, and I believe that you are all people who understand righteousness.

Don't worry about winning or losing, I hope you can cooperate sincerely and work together.

With your abilities, as long as you do these things well, winning a battle is easy. "

"Don't worry, Commander. General Si is a person with experience in water warfare and has a lot of knowledge. He is the backbone of this naval army. We will definitely assist him with the chief envoy Si." Li Chuyun cupped his hands.

Shi Congyun glanced at Li Chuyun in surprise and nodded, thinking that Li Chuyun's psychology is good, and he can see through his worries at once.

Although he arranged for Si Chao to have two talented people, Li Chuyun and Wang Huan, he was still a little worried, afraid of taking the lead.

In everything, people are afraid of laymen guiding experts, especially in water warfare. There are not many people in Dazhou who have experience in water warfare, and Si Chao is one of those few people.

Unexpectedly, Li Chuyun immediately promised that Si Chao would be the backbone, which instantly reassured him a lot.

"I'm relieved if you can think like this, I'll leave the matter of the waterway to you.

Tushan is very important, it is an important water fortress of the Southern Tang navy, and it is also the retreat of the Southern Tang land army. If you take Tushan down the river, it will cut off their way to retreat eastward. "Shi Congyun emphasized again.

Si Chao, Wang Huan, and Li Chuyun clapped their hands at the same time, "Don't worry, Commander, I will fight to the death."

Shi Congyun nodded, and continued: "I asked Zhao Kuangyin to attack Tushan by land from Chuzhou, and he will arrive within four or five days if nothing unexpected happens.

But how to cooperate well is your business, you decide on your own, and I will also send someone to Zhao Kuangyin to tell him your departure time. "

Several people nodded and noted that there is no means of communication now, and this kind of joint operations between the various armies is very difficult, and it depends entirely on the tacit understanding between the generals of the various armies.

The most important thing is to test the prestige and popularity of the coach!

If the generals of the various armies refuse to accept the coach, they have various reasons for delaying, or they all think that they will not work hard and let the opponent fight first, then no matter how good the layout is, it will become a pile of shit.

Tushan is along the Huaihe River, and Zijin Mountain is more than 100 miles east along the river, opposite to Huaikou, and then tens of miles east along the river is Haozhou.

Today it is an important military port in the Southern Tang Dynasty, and it is also an important place for the land army to go east along the river.

While Shi Congyun was thinking about dealing with Zijin Mountain's face-to-face enemy, he was ready to encircle Si Chao, Wang Huan, Li Chuyun, Zhao Kuangyin and others to attack Tu Shanshui village by water and land.

The price is that Zhao Kuangyin gave up Chuzhou, Qingliuguan and other places.He thought about it carefully, Qingliuguan is not Jianmenguan, there are ways to get around it, if Tushan Haozhou is taken down, detour from the east or take a waterway, Qingliuguan will be useless.


In early March, Shi Congyun went to the north of Zijin Mountain and met Wang Shenqi and others in the camp at the foot of the mountain.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, Shi Congyun did not command blindly, but asked them how they planned to fight.

He was thinking about the overall layout of Huainan. As for the specific tactical arrangement of how to fight Zijin Mountain, he believed that Wang Shenqi, Gao Huaide, Wang Zhong, Shao Ji, Dong Zunhui, Luo Yanhuan, Shen Zhiyi and others had discussed it for two days. Much more detailed and thoughtful than him.

"Marshal, I have discussed with Gao Dushi and others, and I think it is better to divide the troops." Wang Shenqi said.

"According to reports from the scouts, the main force of the Southern Tang Army is now divided into two parts, one part has already approached the mountains, living in the middle basin of the peaks in the north of the central part, and building camps and sentry towers to high places in all directions.

To the east, there is a road leading to the bank of the Huaihe River. There is a large camp of the Southern Tang Army by the riverside. "

"I am long and narrow from north to south, and there are many mountain roads. There are indeed roads that can be used to run horses into the mountains and reach various villages and towns, but the roads are not too wide, and there are too many people to spread out, which is useless.

So let me discuss it later. In this case, we might as well take advantage of the fact that there are many mountain passes, separate our soldiers, and start attacking the mountain from all directions.In this way, the cavalry of the small team can also enter the mountain. Our cavalry is better than them. "

Shi Congyun nodded, "What about the specific tactics? How are you going to fight?"

"The puppet Tang army built a lot of sentry towers and camps on the mountain roads, and they must fight tough battles.

Some good men in the army can play forward. They all wear two layers of armor and five layers of cowhide, and then rush in directly.

Soldiers who are good at shooting gather together and follow behind to lead the battle. The mountain road is not wide, and the better the soldiers, the better.

There is a wider avenue in the north, which can go directly to the mountains, and the Gaodu envoy led the elite cavalry to fight. "

Shi Congyun quickly understood what Wang Shenqi and the others meant. To put it bluntly, Wang Shenqi and the others were very confident. tactics.

Don't underestimate this seemingly simple tactic.

The team has cohesion, centripetal force, and the soldiers are united, that is, blooming on all sides, attacking everywhere, hitting the enemy on all sides, making it difficult to guard against, and giving full play to the combat effectiveness of each soldier.

If the team is loose, the morale of the soldiers is low, and the morale is high and low, it will be a mess, pulling the hips everywhere, and even more serious, just let go. If you dare to disperse the soldiers, it will immediately evolve into free play and escape across the board.

Today's Konghe Zuoxiang came all the way from Guanzhong with him, defeated the eight camps of the Shu army, defeated Li Yangui, went to Wuwei City, fought Huanghua Valley, attacked Tangcang Town, set up Baijian, and fought fiercely in Zhengyang. Compare.

This is also the reason why they dared to fight like this after discussing it.

Shi Congyun also had great confidence in controlling the crane's left chamber, and nodded directly, "Then fight like this, and I will add that if you want to fight like this, then follow through to the end."

"Shao Ji, Wang Zhong, Dong Zunhui, Luo Yanhuan, Shen Zhiyi, each of you lead your elite soldiers to attack the various camps, and let the rest of the soldiers fight by themselves. Each of you forms a team and enters the mountain after the elite soldiers."

After finishing speaking, he looked behind Luqiu Zhongqing and said, "Go and get the money."

"Although the soldiers are voluntary, as a commander, we must have a degree in mind. Only when rewards and punishments are clearly defined can the whole army be motivated. If soldiers who dare to fight are treated the same as ordinary soldiers, who will be willing to take the lead after a long time.

Pass on my order, all the vanguards who break through the enemy with armor will be rewarded with five thousand coins each."

In the afternoon, many officers and men of the Crane Control Army gathered in the valley to the north of the camp. There was no strict formation, and everyone was standing or sitting. There was going to be a battle tomorrow, and many people were still preparing.

It was also an order from Shi Congyun. It was not something serious, but it was to get everyone together. It had been a long time since we had seen each other to say a few words.

He climbed up a big rock in the valley so that everyone could see him, and soon he felt the gazes from all directions, and the noise in the valley instantly quieted down.

"Everyone relax, there is no big deal today. Tomorrow there is going to be a war. Let me tell you a few words. Tomorrow, XX is going to Shouzhou." Shi Congyun said, he is indeed going to Shouzhou. State, and it is easier to command and contact the various Zhou army troops in Huainan from the south of Shouzhou.

As soon as he spoke in the valley, there was a response, which made his voice louder, "You Wang Xiang told someone that I will come and you will all be alive, and feel that the whole army is different.

They all feel that if you fight with someone, you will win every battle!

I think that is not nonsense!Laozi is now Huainan's recruiter, Huainan's commander-in-chief! "

Shi Congyun seldom said from the heart, and all the soldiers in the valley burst into laughter.

"However, it is not so much to say that I am victorious in all battles with me. It is better to say that the soldiers and brothers gave me the reputation of being victorious in all battles. It is you who fought hard to kill the enemy. Can't hear me.

In any case, you have helped me along the way. "

"What did the commander-in-chief say? If it's another person, we'll all be dead here listening to you!" Someone yelled below, and everyone immediately echoed.

"Then we will help each other!" Shi Congyun said loudly.

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