The year before last in the Kingdom of Shu was just a small fight. "

"The commander-in-chief looks very far-sighted." Luqiu Zhongqing nodded in agreement, "I also think that if Huainan is captured, the Southern Tang will no longer be able to compete with the Great Zhou.

On the contrary, if Huainan does not fall, and the Southern Tang Dynasty is behind, Da Zhou should not think about talking about other ambitions. "

"That's very reasonable, a certain person thinks so too." Shi Congyun felt that what Luqiu Zhongqing said was on point.

For the importance of Huainan, Shi Congyun felt that his understanding was higher than that of everyone else, including officials.

When Wang Pu put forward a strategic plan for the officials, he believed that taking Huainan would enrich the country and strengthen the army, and strengthen the Zhou Dynasty.

Regardless of the fact that the Zhou Dynasty claimed to be the Great Zhou, and the officials called themselves the Son of Heaven, they were actually one of the many separatist regimes in the world.

The land is almost Henan, Shandong, Guanzhong, half of Hebei, and a small part of Shanxi.

Therefore, it is natural for the officials and Wang Pu to want to swallow Huainan and expand the Great Zhou Dynasty, but Shi Congyun believes that once Huainan is lost, the Southern Tang Dynasty will have no chance to turn around, and can only wait passively for death. The Huaihe River can be defended, but the Yangtze River cannot. persevering for a long time.

Huainan can't be won. The Southern Tang Dynasty has always been a large independent country with national power similar to that of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the Huaihe River Basin is far easier to defend than the Yangtze River. Then the Zhou Kingdom will not want to do any big things.

Regardless of the Southern Tang monarch, the Zhou Dynasty did not dare to do big things for the whole country, because if it sent a large-scale army, it would have to think about whether the equally powerful Southern Tang would sneak attack behind it.

This is also the reason why the court had such a great advantage over the Shu Kingdom in the beginning, but the imperial court did not dare to increase its troops on a large scale and take the opportunity to attack and destroy Shu.


Before returning to the camp in the south of the Huaihe River, Luqiu Zhongqing said: "Commander, I suggest that Zhang Yongde or Li Chongjin be kept by your side for defense, so that the officials can rest assured."

Shi Congyun was stunned for a moment, and suddenly realized when he turned his head, he nodded and said, "Fortunately, you taught me, otherwise I almost forgot, let Zhang Yongde stay, Li Chongjin can fight, so I asked him to lead the army."

It is obvious that the officials asked Zhang Yongde and Li Chongjin to stay. It is like someone lamenting why Han Xin didn't stand on his own.

Han Xin's leading generals Cao Can, Guan Ying, Fan Kuai, Lu Ze, etc. are all Liu Bang's confidants.

In Huainan, they had higher military achievements than Zhang Yongde, and at least Shi Congyun, Zhao Kuangyin, Shi Yanchao, Han Lingkun, etc. were better at fighting than Zhang Yongde, but none of their official positions were comparable to Zhang Yongde.

Zhang Yongde and Li Chongjin are obviously Guo Rong's Cao Can and Fan Kuai, and it is only safe to bring one of them with the officials.


On the outskirts of the camp, many soldiers came and went, and the barracks regained their vigor and bustle, and they were all busy.

Not far away, more than a dozen peach trees on the side of the avenue were just in bloom, and Shi Congyun felt another state of mind-the peach blossoms flowed away, and there was no other world than the world.

After entering the Crane Control camp, Wang Shenqi has already greeted him: "As soon as Brother Yun comes back, the whole army will seem to be alive again."

Shi Congyun looked around, and there were indeed many soldiers around who were working swiftly. If he caught his eye, they would straighten their backs even more.

Shi Congyun was emotional, thinking that this is his army!

Along the way, people kept greeting him when they saw him, and everyone called him "Marshal", and he nodded in response, blowing a few words with the soldiers passing by from time to time.He made a request, and the soldiers who controlled the left wing of the crane were also very happy.

In the big tent, Li Chongjin, Zhang Yongde, Gao Huaide, Si Chao, Zhao Chao and others were already waiting to sit on both sides.

There is a huge table in the middle, on which sand and stones are piled up to form the shape of the terrain near Shouzhou. Painted wooden plaques are used to mark the positions of the various armies, and wooden blocks are used to indicate the location of the city.

Sand table, Shi Congyun has seen this kind of thing a long time ago, he has seen it once in Wang Jing's big tent, but it is usually not used, and it is not so delicate, it just roughly shows the location information.

This thing is much easier to use than Tujing. There are many illiterates in the army, and some generals are illiterate.

After Shi Congyun arrived, he greeted everyone, and then looked at the huge sand table.

The above decoration is rather abstract, but he can roughly judge that Shouzhou has a radius of hundreds of miles, which is roughly simulated. The most important thing is that Zijin Mountain and Shouzhou City are all in it, which can be seen at a glance.

Shi Congyun looked at it for a long time, and felt that half of Huainan was applauded by him.

So he said to everyone: "Generals, you are all veterans of war and have won many victories. If you talk about killing people and fighting wars, you shouldn't need me, a junior, to teach you.

Therefore, let's go from big to small, let me first talk about the situation and focus of this battle. "

All the generals looked at him one after another.

Li Chongjin said directly: "You still need to say these words?"

Shi Congyun ignored him, "We want to seize Huainan, and we are fighting the Huaihe defense line. If the states along the Huaihe River do not go down, it will be useless to fight more in the south.

Along the Huaihe River, in front of Gwangju is the Dabie Mountains, which hinders the advance of the army. Chuzhou is located in the lower reaches, with dense waterways and canal support. The nearby Huaihe River is very wide, and our army cannot pass.

Shouzhou controls Rushui and Yingshui, and can go to Luzhou to reach the Yangtze River, and downstream can capture Haozhou, Sizhou, and Chuzhou.

To put it bluntly, when fighting with a certain person, we only fight around one place, and that is Shouzhou!

Other places should be released as they should be released, they are all false, I ask you to remember when making judgments, and take Shouzhou as the top! "

As soon as Shi Congyun opened his mouth, he immediately settled down the core points of this battle. He had long felt that Guo Rong could chew too much.

Perhaps it was because Guo Rong was too ambitious, or it might be because he was eager for quick success and the ambition to swallow the world, which caused Zhou Jun to fight smoothly at the beginning, and Guo Rong began to divide his troops and attack each one.

It seems that there are endless victories everywhere, but the strategic support point has been unable to hold, without the strategic support point, the others are all false.

Last year, Shi Congyun suspected that with this operation, would those places be taken back by Southern Tang in the future?He felt that all troops should be concentrated and Shouzhou should be taken down.

However, he didn't dare to say anything about the operation of the officials. Later, most of the land was taken back by the Southern Tang Dynasty, and Shouzhou was unable to attack for a long time, and was even killed by Liu Renshan.

From the very beginning, his strategic thinking was different from Guo Rong's, but Guo Rong was "the number one enlightened emperor of the Five Dynasties", and he dared not question it.

Now that he is leading the army, Shi Congyun has decided to implement his own strategic thinking!

All the generals hesitated a little, but they all nodded slowly: "I will listen to the command of the commander-in-chief!"

Shi Congyun then asked: "If Shouzhou is the center of the fight, what do you guys think?"

"Then cut off the aid to Shouzhou first!" Li Zhongjin said coldly immediately, with a strategic center, the problem became clear immediately.

"Before, the puppet Tang army built a tunnel more than ten miles east of Zijin Mountain, and wanted to transport food to support Shouzhou. A certain man was hesitating whether to divide his troops to fight. If he wanted to fight Shouzhou with all his strength, the tunnel must not be left."

Shi Congyun thought for a while and asked, "Has the corridor been built to the edge of Feishui?"

"It's almost there, and we'll be there in three days."

Shi Congyun immediately made a decision: "Okay! I will leave this matter to General Li.

But not now, wait for another three days, and send people to wait through the fat water first.

When they build the tunnel to the edge of Feishui, so that people in Shouzhou City can see the tunnel, General Li will be responsible for leading troops to attack and destroy it, and you will call all the cavalry of the Hujie army. "

Li Chongjin was stunned for a moment when he heard what he said, then he cupped his hands and said, "Design, Shi Zhaozhuo can rest assured."

Then he looked around at the crowd and signaled to continue. Wang Shenqi got up: "If you want to focus on fighting Shouzhou, you can't ignore the puppet Tang army on Zijin Mountain."

Shi Congyun nodded, thought for a while and said: "Gao Dushi (Gao Huaide) led the iron cavalry as the vanguard, and attacked the mountain from the valley in the north.

Wang Dushi (Wang Shenqi) led the crane army to attack Zijin Mountain from the west, and joined forces with General Li three days later.

In addition, in order to prevent the Tang army from escaping by water, Si Chao led the waves and set off three days later, marching downstream along Xiacai. "

The three stood up to receive the order.

"General Zhang, the envoys of Zhao Du lead the infantry of the Hu Jie army and continue to besiege Shouzhou. Don't relax!"

Chapter 147: Map of Ze Country Entering the Battle ([-])

"Will Li Chongjin not listen to the Commander?" Dong Zunhui asked while wiping his knife at the northern foot of Zijin Mountain.

"Ghost knows, that bird man has a stinky face, and he'll be annoyed when he sees it all the time." Wang Zhong said dissatisfiedly, hiding under his subordinates to avoid the sun, and was asking his own soldiers to put armor on him.

"The two of you are talking nonsense, be careful to cause trouble for Brother Yun." Shao Ji said while sharpening the tip of his gun.

The two shut up immediately and didn't say any more.

Luo Yanhuan was much happier than the two of them when he sat on the commander and changed his armor: "I think there is no problem if the commander believes in him. I fought with Li Chongjin in the prosperous Tang Dynasty before, and I think he is a good person. At most, the mouth smells a little bit."

In July and August last year, Luo Yanhuan was defeated by the Southern Tang general Zhu Yuan in Shuzhou at the southern foot of the Dabie Mountains. He retreated to the prosperous Tang Dynasty in embarrassment. Tang counterattacked, so he didn't lose more places.

Because Luo Yanhuan has a better impression of Li Chongjin than Wang Zhong, Dong Zunhui and others, Li Chongjin is really capable of fighting, not just putting on airs.

Shen Zhiyi was the oldest man, in his 40s, with the most easy-going temper. He went to the crowd and handed them a bunch of water belts.

He is not a direct descendant of Shi Congyun, but after fighting so many battles with everyone, he gradually got involved, and said with a smile: "The commander must have his reasons for making such arrangements, so we don't have to worry about it.

Besides, no matter how many heads each of us have, we are not as smart as Brother Yun, so there is nothing to worry about.If you want me to fight as the commander arranges, I will definitely win the battle. "

Everyone laughed, Wang Zhong jumped up and patted Shen Zhiyi on the shoulder: "Old Shen is still right, it's different after reading some books."

"Haha, I'm just kidding." Shen Zhiyi cupped his hands and smiled. He was from Daliang. He had studied in his early years and wanted to take the imperial examination.

"Our group of people are fighting together again. It's a pity that Yucheng is not here. Otherwise, it will be like Zhengyang. You can't fight any battle with the commander-in-chief. It's useless to have as many fake Tang soldiers as you can." Dong Zunhui was among the crowd. She is younger and has always spoken more aggressively.

Yucheng has been guarding Gwangju for more than half a year since he was ordered by Shi Congyun to guard Gwangju, and he is still guarding it, and Gwangju has always been in the hands of the Zhou Dynasty.

Speaking of this, Wang Shenqi, who was listening to the local villagers talking about the nearby terrain, interjected, "I just don't understand why the commander guarded a small Guangzhou, but let the eastern capital Yangzhou, that is Yangzhou ..."

Everyone looked at him and said with a smile: "Xiangzhu, the general must have a reason, you can ask yourself someday."

Wang Shenqi smiled: "Indeed, first think about how to fight Zijin Mountain, this is something the commander entrusted to us."

Now Shuzhou, Hezhou, Taizhou, Yangzhou and other large areas have been recaptured by the Southern Tang Dynasty again.

Most of these places were retaken by the Southern Tang Army, but there were exceptions, and that was Yangzhou.

Yangzhou was the eastern capital of the Southern Tang Dynasty. The officials sent Han Lingkun, Xiang Xun, Shi Yanchao and other generals to take it back.

After all, it is the Eastern Capital, so just listening to it makes it feel important, and everyone knows that Yangzhou is prosperous and prosperous. In the past, whether it was the officials or Li Chongjin and others, they tried their best to keep Yangzhou.

However, after Shi Congyun served as the camp capital in Huainan, he ordered general Zhao Kuangyin to abandon Chuzhou, and generals Xiang Xun, Shi Yanchao, and Han Lingkun to abandon Yangzhou.

Order Zhao Kuangyin to lead his troops to Qingliuguan and Dingyuan to attack the Southern Tang water army camp in Tushan.

Xiang Xun, Shi Yanchao, and Han Lingkun went to Liuhe, Chuzhou, Qingliuguan, and Dingyuan to attack Haozhou.

Abandon all important places such as Qingliuguan, Chuzhou, and Liuhe Yangzhou in the south.This move can be described as stunned a lot of people.

Wang Shenqi actually didn't understand it in his heart, he could only tell himself to trust the commander in chief, trust Shi Congyun's judgment and operation, he had never lost a war before.


Shi Congyun stood on a large rock at the entrance of the village. A small village ten miles away from the northern foot of Zijin Mountain had already been requisitioned by him. He gave [-] yuan to each household of the temporarily expropriated people. Most people did not understand this move.

Shi Congyun didn't explain it either, he had his own considerations, today is the second day, starting tomorrow, all the armies will launch an attack on Zijin Mountain as planned.

Luqiu Zhongqing followed him all the time, looked at Zijin Mountain in the distance, and asked worriedly: "Commander, if we transfer all the troops from the south to the north, will it be too aggressive..."

"Duan and continue to suffer from the chaos..." Shi Congyun looked at the Zijin Mountain in the distance.

He resolutely said to Luqiu Zhongqing: "I've already thought about how to fight this battle, if you lose the people who save the land, you will lose all the people and land; if you save the people and lose the land, everyone will save the land.

If we don't eat up the Southern Tang army, it will be useless to occupy more places. The places around Yangzhou are like fat meat placed at the intersection. It is indeed fat, but anyone can reach out. We can't waste it there with Southern Tang. Instead of that, let's be more unrestrained and decisive, leave it to him, and let's focus on Shouzhou and Haozhou. "

"The commander-in-chief has a great opinion, and his courage makes me ashamed..." Luqiu Zhongqing laughed.

Shi Congyun grinned: "Mr. Luqiu, I want to go to Zijin Mountain in person at night, you come with me, and you will remember the rewards and punishments of the army, how about it." Doing this actually has a certain degree of danger.

He told Luqiu Zhongqing his reward and punishment standards, and it was very appropriate for Luqiu Zhongqing to go to the front to supervise the army.

Luqiu Zhongqing did not refuse at all, "I will definitely do my best."

Shi Congyun nodded, and looked at the Zijin Mountain in the distance again. He naturally knew the consequences of such a transfer.

Transferring the troops of Shi Yanchao, Zhao Kuangyin, Xiang Xun, Han Lingkun and others to the Huaihe River is to hand over Yangzhou, Liuhe, Chuzhou and other places.

Before making this decision, he hesitated and was afraid.

He has a complete map of Huainan in his heart, or in other words, he has an overall grasp of Huainan, and has his own views and ideas.

He started thinking about many strategic things from the first day he set foot on this land, but he couldn't guarantee whether his ideas were right or whether they would achieve results after implementation.

But in the end what made him make up his mind to make a decision was the sentence he thought of while listening to the flowing water on the bed by the Huaihe River last night, "If you save land, you will lose all people; if you save people, you will lose land, and all people will survive."

Don't care too much about the gains and losses of a city or a place, talents are fundamental!Military strength is fundamental!

Yangzhou is like a beautiful vase. If you win him, you can boast that you have occupied the Eastern Capital of the Southern Tang Dynasty. It is also good-looking, but such a place of the Fourth World War will not last long!

Han Lingkun, Xiang Xun, and Shi Yanchao successively fell into a tug-of-war in the annex of Yangzhou and the Southern Tang Dynasty. They went back and forth and spent a lot of money, but there was no decisive result.

Instead of thinking about how to bloom in all directions and occupy land everywhere like the officials did last year, it is better to think about how to eat more Southern Tang troops and occupy the unpretentious and important towns such as Shouzhou and Haozhou on the banks of the Huaihe River where the army can gain a foothold.

If Nan Tang's army suffered similar losses, and if they didn't fight at that time, Nan Tang would definitely be so frightened that they would cede territory and seek peace.

After thinking through these joints, Shi Congyun realized for the first time that it is no wonder that Chairman Mao praised Bai Qi as the No. 1 battle of annihilation in the cold weapon era.

Because it is always better to destroy the enemy's vital forces than false enclosures.

The next day he ordered Shi Yanchao, Xiang Xun, and Han Lingkun to abandon Yangzhou and attack Haozhou.

Zhao Kuangyin gave up Liuhe and Chuzhou, and turned to attack Tushan.

Wang Shenqi and Gao Huaide attacked the enemy from the north of Zijin Mountain, and Li Chongjin attacked from the south of Zijin Mountain.

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