The next day, Shi Congyun also saw the Tang army's big camp on the Huaihe River in the north, and the continuous camp flags, which stretched across the entire Huaihe River.

Shi Congyun ordered the Tang army to stop advancing seven miles away. Although the view to the north was blocked by some stretching hills of Zijin Mountain, he knew that Wang Shenqi and Gao Huaide's army camp was no more than twenty miles away.

He, Wang Shenqi, and Gao Huaide's troops formed a triangular confrontation with the Southern Tang army on the opposite side, one from the south and one from the north, and for a while neither side dared to advance.

Most of the Southern Tang army did not dare to advance aggressively because they were afraid of the Zhou army's field combat capabilities.

Zhou Jun did not dare to advance because of the large number of Southern Tang troops. At this time, the Southern Tang Army was recruiting Zhu Yuan, Yong'an Jiedushi Xu Wenzhen and other generals from the north, with a total of about 4 troops!

At this time, although they had Wang Shenqi and Gao Huaide's troops, plus Shi Congyun's Zhao Chao and Zhang Yongde's troops, they were only more than [-] people, and the Zhou army did not dare to move rashly in the face of the huge disparity in strength.

This army is already the main force of the Southern Tang Dynasty in Huainan, and the rest of the troops are mainly distributed in Tushan, Haozhou and other places, but they are far less numerous than here.

The Southern Tang Kingdom also understood the importance of coming to Shouzhou, and it can be said that it has spent a lot of money to rescue Shouzhou this time.

The army of the Southern Tang has been marching along the banks of the Huaihe River, and camped on the riverside, relying on their navy.

Even if you can't fight, as long as you can stick to it for a period of time, you can safely withdraw along the Huaihe River with the support of the navy, or use the navy to support troops and materials to turn defeat into victory, or directly use boats to evacuate people along the river.

This style of play caused Zhou Jun to suffer a lot of local losses before, and it was just like this that when Guo Rong returned to Daliang for the first time, he made up his mind to build a navy. Too bad!

Now the Southern Tang army still has this idea. The main army found that it could not defeat the Zhou army in mountain warfare. After suffering a certain loss in Zijin Mountain, it immediately withdrew from Zijin Mountain and retreated to the Huaihe River to set up camp.

Their main water village is in Tushan downstream, about 100 miles (more than 50 kilometers) away, and the water route is faster than the land route. If the situation is not right, they only need to send ships down the river to report, and the navy will soon be able to support them.

Shi Congyun couldn't help thinking that the Southern Tang army was not good at field battles, but their tactical thinking was very good. No wonder they fought against the Zhou Dynasty for three years in history.

It was still cowardly at the top of the country, sent people to ask for peace many times, and the will to fight was not firm. There were several times when they were afraid of angering Da Zhou and fighting with them, the king directly ordered the Zhou army to be released and not allowed to pursue.

After fighting like this for three years, Guo Rong's greatest achievement in his life was to win Huainan in the Southern Tang Dynasty, but most of his time was spent on this matter.

If the high-ranking officials in the Southern Tang Dynasty were determined to fight, and there were more generals who dared to fight like Liu Renshan and Lin Renzhao, and instead of letting the cowardly royal family go to the front to lead the troops, but handing over the military power to the generals, then it is still uncertain who will win the battle with the Zhou army. It can be seen.

Shi Congyun thinks this kind of tactical thinking is worth learning.

But Shi Congyun didn't care, his goal had already been achieved.

He never imagined that he could eat the main army of the Southern Tang Dynasty here. The attack on Zijin Mountain was to drive the Southern Tang Army to the east, prevent them from reinforcing Shouzhou, and make the Shouzhou defenders despair.

Leading Zhang Yongde and Zhao Chao to the north to form horns is to contain the Southern Tang army so that they dare not attack rashly and form a stable confrontation.

In this way, his initial strategic intention has been achieved.

In the evening, Shi Congyun ate dried meat, dried vegetables, and rice, and made a poop. Afterwards, Zhang Yongde, Luqiu Zhongqing, Zhao Chao, Pan Mei, the supervisor of the army, and more than a dozen people, including officials and generals, followed him to beat Ma Deng. On a small hill to the east of Shangdaying, you can see the Southern Tang army camp that is endless in the distance and gleaming in the setting sun.

"Shi Zhaochao, when will we start fighting?" Zhang Yongde asked directly, and everyone looked over one after another, with different expressions, but there must be fear in it, because there are too many Nantang troops on the opposite side.

Shi Congyun shook his head and rubbed his chin: "Don't worry, take your time. I brought you here not to fight them to the death, but to lead them, and don't let the joint troops attack Wang Shenqi and Gao Huaide."

"Ah?" Zhang Yongde said directly: "Then what's the point of working so hard?" No one else would say this, he is the recruiter appointed by the government, the general in Huainan, and the generals would not say that.

But Zhang Yongde doesn't have those scruples anymore, he is a relative of the emperor, and he is also the head of the front office.

Shi Congyun felt that his words were not malicious, but his EQ was low, and his strategic intentions became more and more obvious, so he didn't have to hide it from everyone.

So he said inscrutablely: "I have been fighting Huainan for more than a year in Dazhou, and I have repeatedly seen and seen. Now you think about it, if you lose all the prefectures and counties you occupy and change to Shouzhou, would you be willing? "

Everyone nodded in unison, they agreed so much!

Dazhou's war in Huainan was originally a triumphant song, but because Shouzhou was nailed there like a nail, they could not be peaceful in the rear. Tens of thousands of main forbidden troops, [-] militia farmers, and a large number of them were trapped in Shouzhou. It is because of the fists and kicks that he fights so hard and passively, and often gets caught in a tug-of-war.

But we can't ignore it. The Ru River, Ying River, and Huai River converge in Shouzhou, and most of the food, grass, and supplies have to go nearby. If we ignore it, the battle ahead will be even more impossible.

"If you lose other places, you will be able to fight back sooner or later. If you can take that ghostly place in Shouzhou, it won't hurt to let it all go out. You will get the firewood back sooner or later!" Zhang Yongde gritted his teeth. It was gnashing of teeth.

"That's right!" Shi Congyun nodded: "We have to find a point in the war!

The specific tactics can be played in full bloom, each with unique moves, but the strategy must be precise and clear!

Only with a precise and clear overall strategy can we fight well and get twice the result with half the effort.

Just like Hainan, although there are many states and counties, the weight is not in the states, but in Shouzhou for the same reason.

The Southern Tang army is not our opponent in field battles. They always lose more and win less when they fight against us, but why do they always persist? We see each other repeatedly, and even gradually counterattack, because they have a navy!

Although there are many troops in the Southern Tang Dynasty, the weight is not in the army, but in the navy! "

Chapter 151, Level [-], Level [-], and Level [-]

At the beginning of March in the fourth year of Xiande in the Zhou Dynasty, wars broke out along the Huaihe River again, and the surrounding people did not dare to plow in the spring, and most of them fled south to north for refuge.

Last year, Zhengyang along the Huaihe River went through a major battle, and this time the main battlefield was moved to the vicinity of Zijin Mountain in the north of Shouzhou City.

However, the conflict and contact between the two armies did not only occur on Zijin Mountain and the eastern foot of Zijin Mountain.

In fact, in Huainan, since last year, in the vast area from Zhengyang to Xiacai, Shouzhou, Tushan, Wokou, Haozhou, Dingyuan, Qingliuguan, Chuzhou, Liuhe, Hezhou, and Yangzhou, the two armies have been fighting from time to time. Both had skirmishes and wars.

The battle has been going on, especially the cavalry units of the Zhou army represented by Shi Yanchao's troops. Every now and then, they will find opportunities to go out to attack and plunder the Southern Tang army's food roads.

And the Southern Tang army will also rely on the water army to launch small-scale counterattacks in some places on the river bank.

The two sides have never stopped coming and going, but they are all local fights, with limited casualties, and it is not enough to affect the overall outcome in the short term. Only a few years, more than ten years of long-term persistence may affect the overall situation.

However, the atmosphere of Yangchun March's offensive this time is obviously different from the past.

Countless Zhou army troops are constantly dispatched between the Huaihe Feishui, and the army's flags are everywhere on the mountains, and in many cases they can stretch for dozens of miles.

Cavalry and infantry with neat armor and polished weapons came and went in groups of hundreds of people on the road.

The old people who have experienced wars in the vicinity know that there is rarely a group of more than 12 soldiers on patrol at ordinary times. If a group of hundreds of people often appears, it means that the army has made a big move and a big battle is about to be fought.

On the sixth day of March, there was a light rain in the morning, and the woods beside the Huaihe River were misty and covered with a thin layer of thick fog. From a distance, the large tent of the Southern Tang Army became faintly visible.

The Huaihe River is already rich in water resources. In many places, the water can seep slowly by digging a few meters down. Further downstream in the east, various tributaries, lakes and ponds are densely covered. Now it rains again, and people come There is mud almost everywhere in the crowded barracks.

After the rain stopped in the morning, the sun faintly revealed its position, already higher than the treetops in the distant forest. When the scouts released came back, Zhang Yongde got the news and reported it to Shi Congyun.

Zhang Yongde didn't understand what he said yesterday, but Shi Congyun felt that probably only Luqiu Zhongqing and Pan Mei understood what he meant.

Those are not important, if Zhang Yongde was so smart, I would have sent him out to lead the army alone.

The most important thing at the moment is the commander-in-chief of each army, and most of them can rest assured.

The navy commanders Si Chao and Li Chuyun can rest assured that Zhao Kuangyin, Wang Shenqi, and Xiang Xun are not incompetent, they are all capable and intelligent.

As for his father, Shi Yanchao, although his brain is full of muscles, he is the most at ease, because his father will definitely carry out his orders to the letter, and he doesn't have to worry about defeating the Southern Tang Army.

For the first time, he understood why Guo Rong likes a strong general like Shi Yanchao, he is obedient and can fight, so he is not as restless as him.

"Shi Zhaozhuo, the puppet Tang army on the Huaihe River sent many scouts, and our scouts met several times when they went east, and Zhu Yuan is a man who knows how to fight.

Please give a certain [-] cavalry soldiers to guard every intersection in the southeast every day to intercept and kill them. If they can't kill all of them, at least they will be scared, and they should not investigate the situation of our army. "

Shi Congyun looked at the map in front of him, roughly deduced the positions of the armies, and shook his head: "No, anyway, they will know sooner or later. It might be better if they know that they are about to be encircled."

Zhang Yongde was a little confused and didn't ask any more questions.

"I think our army's camps need to be strengthened, and we need to build more trenches outside.

There were many soldiers in the Southern Tang Dynasty, and their recruiting from the north made Zhu Yuan not to be underestimated. If you want to confront for a long time, you must have a comprehensive plan. "Pan Mei changed the topic beside her.

Shi Congyun agreed with what Pan Mei said, so she nodded and said: "You will preside over this matter, and I will transfer all the auxiliary soldiers to you."

Pan Mei took the order, and then went out to organize people to do things.

Southern Tang's current north recruiter Zhu Yuan, after launching a counterattack last year, successively recovered two states and many counties from the Zhou army, and defeated Luo Yanhuan.

He and Liu Yanzhen and others before him are obviously not in the same category. They have war experience and are not vegetarians, so they should not be underestimated.

Afterwards, Shi Congyun stared at the map in front of him, calculated the positions of the troops in his mind, and asked Luqiu Zhongqing, "What time is it now?"

"It's almost noon."

Shi Congyun carefully estimated the time, and said loudly: "The messenger!"

At this critical moment, the messengers have been waiting for orders, and they will come over as soon as they hear the sound.

"Here's an order to order Shi Yanchao's troops to go out of Dingyuan and arrive in Huainan City in two days... Bah! It's on the west bank of the Xihao River, on the edge of the Huai River. Cut off the riverside avenue, and march with great fanfare."

"We must outflank the retreat of the puppet Tang soldiers!" Zhang Yongde said excitedly.

Luqiu Zhongqing just shook his head lightly, and Shi Congyun didn't explain much.

Then he wrote three secret letters, called the soldiers, and told them solemnly that they must be delivered to Zhao Kuangyin, Xiang Xun and Shi Yanchao, the sooner the better.


In the afternoon, the sky began to clear up gradually. Shi Congyun ordered another [-] civilians to be dispatched from Shouzhou to help Pan Meixiu fortify the camp and make the confrontation between the army and the Southern Tang army more stable.

Wang Shenqi and Gao Huaide sent people to ask for instructions on the next step of combat. Shi Congyun wrote them a few large characters, "Deep ditch and high fortress, don't fight with each other" is not very pretty.


The sun was setting to the west, Xu Wenzhen rode his horse across the muddy road, the Huaihe River in the distance was sparkling in the sun, the camp was full of people, and many soldiers shuttled back and forth non-stop.

The soil in the camp was trampled back and forth by the people, and after a light rain, it was as slippery as if it had been coated with oil.

So even though the matter was urgent, he still rode very carefully, not daring to speed up, scolded a few times in his heart, very upset.

The surrounding soldiers saluted him one after another, but Xu Wenzhen didn't have time to respond.

When he was outside the big tent, a soldier led his horse. After he got off the horse, he hurried in.

As soon as I entered the big tent, I saw that all the people were waiting for Zhu Yuan, the envoy Zhu Yuan, the supervising army Bian Hao, and the generals of all armies.

As soon as his eyes adjusted to the dim light in the big tent, he immediately opened his mouth to report: "It's not as expected by the commander-in-chief!

The scouts who came back from the south found that the avenue to the west of Dingyuan was full of cavalry from the Zhou army. There were a lot of people and horses, and judging from the flag, it should be the number one general of the Zhou army. "

"Great handsome!"

"The commander-in-chief is really good at predicting things and planning strategies!"


Everyone complimented him, Zhu Yuan, who was in his thirties with a big beard, laughed loudly, and then raised his hand to silence everyone.

"After all, he's just a brat who hasn't even grown his hair yet, and he knows everything when he starts!

In terms of playing style, it is indeed well-planned and experienced. No wonder Liu Yanzhen is not his opponent.In Zijin Mountain, we almost caught his way.

But seeing that he didn't mobilize the south troops to fight us after leaving Zijin Mountain, and didn't continue to encircle Shouzhou with all his strength, but instead built camps and trenches there to confront us, the old man felt that he had a trick behind him! "

After finishing speaking, he pointed to the illustrated scriptures in front of him, "Then Shi Yanchao was originally near Yangzhou, and what he did seemed to be to abandon Yangzhou and fight us on the banks of the Huaihe River, encircling us here.

He personally led the army, confronted us here with Wang Shenqi and others, and then let his father lead the cavalry to encircle us from the east!

It's a good idea, but it's a pity that it's still too tender in front of the old man!The old man just let him steal the chicken without losing money, hahaha..."

The generals laughed and listened to the coach's confident speech, and Xu Wenzhen also laughed along with a lot of relief. To be honest, when he first heard the news, he himself was shocked and a little confused.

Zhou's army has always been better than them in field battles, and Long Jie Jingqi led by Shi Yanchao is the most outstanding!

From the defeat of Zhengyang, to the defeat of Qingliuguan, to the battles of Liuhe and Yangzhou, Shi Yanchao was famous, and his elite cavalry left a huge psychological shadow on the soldiers and generals of the Southern Tang Dynasty.

When he learned that Shi Yanchao was not in Yangzhou, but had already rode westward and came towards them from Dingyuan, he was anxious and afraid.

It wasn't until Zhu Yuan's words that he realized that since Zhu Yuan had expected Zhou Jun's coach to attack them with one hand and three sides, he must have a plan in his chest and had a countermeasure.

Immediately he felt relieved, and Zhu Yuan's image in his heart also grew taller, as expected of the general who defeated Zhou Jun twice in a row.

"The old man already has a countermeasure. First of all, let people go to Tushan and Haozhou to ask for help, and ask them to send more people to reinforce.

Secondly, dig deep trenches in the east, set up deer villages to resist horses, and prepare to resist the cavalry of the Zhou army. Since we all know that they will come, we should dig more pits for the horses in advance and set up traps.

Dispatch most of the troops to the west to resist the army of Wang Shenqi, Shi Congyun and others.

At the same time, let the boats by the river be ready at any time, and in case of emergency, you can go to Tushan to get reinforcements from the water army at any time. The food road on the water will continue, and we will be invincible! "

Speaking of this, Zhu Yuan laughed again, "Hahahaha! Then Shi Congyun may have some skills. He played well before, but he still doesn't have a thorough and long-term perspective.

The old man fought against the Zhou army many times and won, relying on seeing through the strengths and weaknesses of the two armies.

The Zhou army has many horses and horses, and they are good at field battles but weaker than attacking tough ones. We are not their opponents in field battles.

Our army has many infantry, and the armor is better than theirs, but people can't run as fast as horses, and the heavy armor will slow down the speed, so we are good at defending and weaker than field battles.

If I were the commander-in-chief of the Zhou army, I would definitely gather all my troops to encircle Shouzhou and use Shouzhou as a bait to fight for reinforcements.

Shouzhou can't be lost, then we have to try to get close to Shouzhou to try to get out of the siege, and we are bound to fight with them in the wide area south of Zijin Mountain and north of Shouzhou, which is very disadvantageous to us!

The old man had been forced to build tunnels and dig holes to approach Shouzhou before, and wanted to avoid field battles with the Zhou army as much as possible. "

After listening to his words, everyone nodded.

"I didn't expect Zhou Jun to be replaced by a commander-in-chief, and he would take the initiative to send troops to besiege us, wouldn't that be just right!

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