Wei Renpu laughed at the side and said, "Congratulations to Xiao Jie for being handsome."

Shi Congyun heard the meaning of his teasing, laughed, and wanted to make a joke, but Guo Rong was beside him, so he quickly shut up and pretended to be serious.

Everyone didn't speak, and the atmosphere was slightly awkward.

Guo Rong continued: "The battle at Zhengyang was really wonderful. At that time, everyone had their own opinions. Time was running out on the battlefield, and it was too late for you to elaborate. Tell me now, why did you want to fight like that? What is it?" reason."

"Officials, that battle was all due to the fact that the Tang army on the opposite side was careless and didn't know the battle formation. They didn't leave a reserve team in the rear, and they deployed cavalry in front to block the army's retreat.

It must have been caused by the arrogance and carelessness of the chief general of the Southern Tang Dynasty, who had been ignorant of soldiers for many years.

At that time, the minister immediately thought of sending them away. First, let our cavalry lure the opponent's cavalry and then defeat them, so that they could not reinforce in time. The enemy's main force, their front line is too long, there is no cavalry, no reserve, and the center and left wings are too late to support the right wing.

Our army's middle army and right wing were just false moves. In order to confuse the enemy, the number was small. To avoid the first contact with the enemy, we lagged behind the enemy's main force and advanced step by step, delaying the time to contact the enemy. "

The official listened for a while without speaking, and the small pavilion was quiet for a while, only the sound of the wind blowing, and the fluttering of flags on the top of the city not far away.

In the end, it was Wang Pu who spoke first, "Is this dismissal the commander-in-chief's impromptu intention or is it recorded in ancient military books?"

"It was a temporary idea, and I won't hide it from the officials. In fact, a certain person was in a mess at the time, and he came up with such a play at random, which made everyone laugh." Shi Congyun said with a "sincere" smile.

Wang Pu subconsciously took a breath, let out a "hey", and then didn't say much. Wei Renpu looked at him, his eyes flickered, and he had a different expression.

Guo Rong smiled and said: "This kind of wise plan is really rare, and the ability to adapt to changing situations is the most outstanding among the many generals I have seen!"

"In Huainan, you have worked hard and made great achievements. I have seen all the achievements you have made, and Li Chongjin has also told me a lot of good things about you.

You go back and rest for two days, after that I have something important for you to do.

I have a lot of expectations for you, and I also look forward to your performance in the future, but there is one thing that needs to be changed, in the future, I can no longer be as frivolous as before. "

Shi Congyun was surprised, and quickly knelt down to thank him again.

Guo Rong didn't want to hide him in the snow, but brought him back and let him do great things?He couldn't understand Guo Rong's intentions any more.

This kind of fog between people's hearts is much more powerful than the fog of war and the like. He wants to understand Guo Rong's thoughts.

But as a courtier, he had to guess and deceive.

Guo Rong didn't play charades with him this time, and said directly, "This trip to Huainan has made me more aware that it is impossible to completely defeat the puppet Tang without a navy.

Our army captured the Huainan states, but did not capture Shouzhou, Haozhou, Sizhou, and Chuzhou along the Huaihe River. These places are there, and the army's foothold in Huainan is unstable, and it is impossible to completely occupy Huainan.

So I ordered Wang Pu to build a ship in Bianshui, Daliang as early as the front line, and gathered all the prisoners of the puppet Tang Dynasty navy, and prepared to teach our army how to fight in water after returning to the capital, and train a new navy. "

"Wang Pu, how many warships does Daliang have now?" Guo Rong asked.

"Back to the official's house, the old man recruited beam craftsmen, and has built more than 120 warships, and the follow-up is still rushing to build more than [-] warships within this year." Wang Pu said truthfully, as if facing Guo Rong's report seemed to be for him.

Only then did Guo Rong look at him, "The big thing I'm talking about is that I hope to have a general to train and lead this new navy for me!"

Shi Congyun was surprised. He didn't expect that Guo Rong would entrust this kind of thing to him to train and lead Zhou Guoshui army. This is no joke.

"Originally I wanted Zhao Kuangyin to accompany me back to Beijing to train and lead the navy instead of me, but after thinking about it, you seem to be more suitable, so I don't worry." Guo Rong stood up and took a step forward.

He was too tall, but he was very savvy. No one reminded him, so he quickly knelt down on one knee so that Guo Rong could pat him on the shoulder condescendingly.

Guo Rong patted him on the shoulder twice, and the voice came from the top of his head, "I entrust you with such an important matter, can you make me feel at ease?"

If it were someone else, I'm afraid he would have been so grateful that he would have been so excited that he would have to go back and forth, and he would not hesitate.

Shi Congyun only pretended to be like this on the surface, but he was a little confused in his heart. He couldn't guess the motive of Guo Rong's move for a while, and he couldn't understand Guo Rong's thoughts.

His acting skills are good, Guo Rongan nodded in satisfaction: "This is a big deal, if you have any requirements, you can tell me."

As soon as Shi Congyun thought about it, he subconsciously thought of Si Chao. Si Chao was very familiar with the navy. He was in charge of defending the Bohai Sea and was very familiar with the water warfare of the navy. So he said at that time: "Officials, Si Chao, the patrol inspector in Guangzhou, once He had led the navy in the Bohai Sea and was very familiar with water warfare. The minister asked the officials to transfer Si Chao from Huainan to Daliang to assist in training the navy.

Only with experienced hands can the trained navy be good at fighting, open up territories for officials, and level the world. "

The official nodded after listening, "Okay, I can call Si Chao back to assist you, is there anything else I can ask for?"

Shi Congyun was about to shake his head, but a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he suddenly had a bold idea!

This kind of opportunity to directly change the emperor's important person may not come across a few times in this life, it would be a pity if you miss it!

So he took a deep breath, and according to the memories in his mind, he tried his best to organize his words: "Officials, I heard a person who was originally a subordinate of Xuanyi, Baoyi, and Jingnan. General, now the commander of the guards and infantry, the officer under Li Jixun, named Li Chuyun, has some skills, and I want him to help."

He tried to speak as carefully as possible, for fear of finding the wrong person. In fact, he had never met Li Chuyun at all, nor heard any news. Let alone knowing where he is now and what position he occupies, it all depends on his understanding of history. guessed.

After speaking, he carefully observed the official's reaction.

Once he was bitten by a snake for ten years and was afraid of well ropes. Before, he almost caused a big incident when he glanced at the queen. Now that he is such an unscrupulous important person, will it arouse the emperor's suspicion?

However, Guo Rong's reaction was completely different from what he thought. He didn't show any anger or suspicion, just frowning in a daze.

Then he turned around and asked Wei Renpu beside him, "Is there such a person? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Wei Renpu also frowned, and thought for a long time before answering: "It seems that there is, the old minister vaguely remembers that Zhe Congruan said that he was a good person, and hoped that the court would arrange an errand for him.

It happened that Li Jixun was in Heyang at that time, and the Privy Council asked people to serve as officers under Li Jixun. "

"A man who can do things?"

Wei Renpu shook his head, "Officials, this...veteran doesn't know, after all, it's not an important person, and the imperial court also gave Cong Ruan's face, so..."

"I see." Guo Rong interrupted him, "Since Shi Congyun wants someone, but he is not an important person, then the Privy Council will issue a Taoist document to transfer him back to Daliang."

He looked at him as he spoke, and didn't mean to ask him to speak again: "I found it for you, and the ship king Pu Zi will hand it over to you. The third department will prepare the money and materials for you. You can recruit people by yourself. Don't worry." Don't let me down."

Shi Congyunlian knelt down on one knee, "I will not dare to let down the grace of God."

"Okay, you step back, you are exhausted, go back and rest for a few days, and the Privy Council will inform you later."

Shi Congyun retreated happily in his heart, wondering when Li Chuyun would come to listen to him, and whether it would be the same Li Chuyun......

After Shi Congyun walked out of the pavilion, Wei Renpu said: "Does the housekeeper really want to entrust such an important matter to him? Shi Congyun is capable, and he is a young man with knowledge, but the old man thinks it is still too much." Young, at the age of sixteen, you should experience a few more years."

Wang Pu also quite agreed: "The blood is uncertain, easy to be impulsive, beautiful and hard to quit, and it is unavoidable to be unsafe in doing things. Back then in the Shu Kingdom, it was possible to fight, and various problems have been exposed. Such absurd things as beautiful concubines sending love letters on Qixi Festival."

Guo Rong glanced at them both, and said with a smile, "Your worries are naturally justified, I also thought of it, Shi Congyun has abilities, but he is too frivolous and restless.

Originally, I planned to let Zhao Kuangyin drive back to Beijing to train the navy, but temporarily replaced it with Shi Congyun.

Both of them have abilities, and the two biggest victories in Huainan were won by these two young people, but in comparison, Zhao Kuangyin is more calm and loyal, and Shi Congyun is restless.

So let Zhao Kuangyin stay in Huainan, Shi Congyun follow me back to Beijing, and let him work under my nose, so I can rest assured. "

Wang Pu and Wei Renpu nodded after hearing this, and said with emotion: "The officials know people well, and they really have the demeanor of an ancient wise monarch. It's the best arrangement for the two of them!"

Guo Rong smiled and didn't say any more. He must be satisfied and proud of his arrangement in his heart.


Not only Guo Rong was satisfied, but Shi Congyun was also satisfied. He never thought that he would be doomed, but now he got such a big benefit.

First of all, he can ask the government for someone in the name of training the navy. This may be nothing to others, but he has the ability of a prophet!He knew those people's names would go down in history, he knew that those people were capable and capable, and he could take this opportunity to get them all over!

Even if everyone is scheduled in the future and they don't work together, with this affection, these people will definitely stand by his side!

Wang Zhong and Shao Ji said nothing, just like Dong Zunjiao, even if he was promoted elsewhere in the future and was not controlling the Crane Army, if something big happened, he would definitely stand by his side without hesitation.

The second is to cultivate your own lineage troops!

Although the Emperor Zhou had subconsciously started to separate the generals who led troops from those who trained troops, and often moved Jiedushi around, but it was still impossible to maintain the combat effectiveness of the army thoroughly.

The simplest thing is that if the left wing of the crane control army under him leaves his leadership, the combat effectiveness will definitely be greatly reduced, because the soldiers have won consecutive battles under his leadership, and his prestige and prestige in the army has already been established.

The left wing of the Crane Control Army can already be regarded as his direct line of troops. His orders are definitely more effective than those of others. The more such troops, the safer he feels.

Everyone knows that Zhao Kuangyin is wearing a yellow robe. Isn't it true that Lao Zhao is also wearing the yellow flag of Guo Rong's adoptive father Guo Wei, who is also the founding emperor of the dynasty? It was only a few years ago.

This era is like this, Tianzi Ning has a kind?Those with strong soldiers and strong horses will do it!The more loyal direct troops, the safer.

Now the officials asked him to train and form the Zhou Dynasty navy. If he did well, wouldn't he have another direct line army?

According to the officials, this was supposed to be Lao Zhao's job, but by mistake, he cut it off!

Thinking of this, Shi Congyun was very excited, he was refreshed on happy occasions, originally he returned to Daliang anxiously, his heart was full of troubles, he was not in the slightest interest, and he was not happy when he returned to Daliang.

Now the spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe disease, and once I see all the Chang'an flowers, the beast will be ecstatic!

As soon as he entered Fengqiu Gate, he rode his horse and rushed to the Shi Mansion opposite Kaifeng Mansion, preparing to fight Zhao Shijian at home for [-] rounds. The ammunition depot that had been stored for so long would expire if he didn't squander it.

At the same time, after going through this frightening experience, he felt more and more that in such a world, he couldn't pin all his hopes on pleasing the officials, and he couldn't naively think that everything would be fine by turning around the officials.

We must find a way to marry the sixth son of the Fu family as soon as possible, so that with the father behind him and the Fu family, the officials will not move him easily even if they are unhappy. Capable generals make friends.

Chapter 136, Knife Sharpening (four thousand)

In mid-July, the autumn air was crisp, and Shi Congyun was lying comfortably on the old willow tree. He was indeed invincible.

From Gaoping to Guanzhong, and then to Huainan, plus the [-] rounds of the battle with Zhao Shijian yesterday, Zhao Shijian disarmed and surrendered in the middle of the fight. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel very complacent and feel a bit lonely about "Who is the hero of the world?"

Zhao Shijian's face was glowing, and he was drying the bedding in the small courtyard.

Shi Congyun told her to leave those things to the servants, but she was thin-skinned, afraid that people would see the traces of Chunxiao, so she insisted on doing it herself, not allowing others to do it, and not allowing him to intervene, why bother?

He didn't want to intervene.

In the afternoon, he went to see his aunt and his wife, and also saw the younger sister who had not seen him for half a year, and suddenly became reserved. The younger mother gave him a third sister, and the younger mother looked a little sad, probably because the baby was not a boy.

Shi Congyun liked it very much, he held the little sister in his arms and coaxed him, and told his aunt and mother about the war in the south and the rewards given to him by the officials.

The aunts and daughters were all happy, and they said that they would go to Daxiangguo Temple to offer incense and wish for them. Now there are two historians, father and son, one school and two Jiedu envoys, Zhen Guojun Jiedu, Zhenwu Army Jiedu. It is Guangzong Yaozu, something that I dare not even think about.

Shi Congyun thought in his heart, this is not the blessing of the Buddha, but the hard work of her and her father.But Da Niang and Xiao Niang had their own ideas, so he didn't say much.

At night, the quilt is full of the smell of the sun, warm, hugging Zhao Shijian who is as soft as jade and fragrant, there are many things to say.

Although in later generations, when it comes to the right family, people will have some opinions in their hearts, such as pedantic, backward, feudal legacy, etc., but it has to be said that many times this has practical significance.

If the two people's experience and knowledge reserves are not at the same level, even talking and communicating will become difficult and boring after a long time, and the relationship will gradually be severed.

For example, at home, Zhao Shijian is probably the only one who can talk to him on a channel and discuss some things.She has studied with Zhao Ying since she was a child, and her experience and knowledge are not comparable to ordinary people. Talking to her is not so tiring, and she can talk together, and there is endless talk.

The other is Zhao Shijian's identity and situation.

He has to consider a lot when talking about things with others. For example, Pan Mei and Wang Shenqi, although they have a good relationship, there are many things that they can't talk about. They are officials' officials first, and then they are their friends.

It is almost unnecessary to think about who is more important than Guo Rong's weight among them.

The relationship between Wang Shenqi and Zhao Kuangyin is also good, and there is another layer of consideration.

But there is no need to think about being with Zhao Shijian. Zhao Shijian is just one person, and there is no conflict of interest or faction behind him. Even if Li Gu took care of her before, she was rejected by the little girl, and she stood firmly on his side.

So he can unscrupulously pour bitterness on Zhao Shijian, show off his ability, and pour out all the pressure in his heart.

Zhao Shijian also looked helpless after hearing his bragging, "How can you be so rude, let alone an official, it's just an ordinary man, who likes a foreigner to stare at his wife?"

"Just glanced at it, I reacted very quickly."

"You are full of lust..." Zhao Shijian said anxiously, and whispered: "The queen is very beautiful."

"Almost..." Shi Congyun nodded, "It's almost half as good-looking as you."

Zhao Shijian blushed, ignored him, and whispered: "Hmph, you must have said the same thing in front of other women."

"I swear to God, I told you so." Shi Congyun said thickly.

Zhao Shijian couldn't stand it anymore, his pretty face was flushed, and he gently pinched the soft flesh around his waist, "Speak business, don't talk nonsense..."

Shi Congyun smirked, stretched his big hands into her clothes, and stopped after finding a comfortable position, continuing to talk about what happened just now, "I was so scared to death at first, but after I returned to Beijing, the officials asked me to organize The navy said a lot of things about me, and rewarded me a lot, I think the officials may be ambitious, generous and tolerant, and don't care, what do you think?"

Zhao Shijian leaned against his chest weakly, panting softly: "Officials are also human beings, and getting along with each other doesn't happen overnight, and it's hard to take back what you started."

"What do you mean?" Shi Congyun's two restless hands were held down by Zhao Shijian.

Zhao Shijian said weakly: "There is no turning back when you open the bow, even if the officials are magnanimous today, what about the future?

If one day you have a fatal conflict with someone, when the government and the government weigh who to protect, they will definitely be subconsciously against you.

The sophistication of the world is not a matter of a day or two. If there is a grudge in the heart, it will have a long-term impact. "

"How do you know so much?" Shi Congyun asked in surprise.

"Grandpa taught me, um..."

Shi Congyun nodded, and said solemnly, "Your words are very reasonable, and I also think that we can't always be the same as before, and we need to make some changes. Always thinking that it is not a long-term solution to please the officials, let's please please, and focus on it We still have to focus on developing our own strength.”

Zhao Shijian's face was flushed, his heart was agitated by his harassment, and he bit him angrily.

"Hey, let's get on with the business, and we'll talk about the rest later." Shi Congyun smirked.

Zhao Shijian didn't speak, and covered his red face with a red quilt...


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