After returning to Daying, he felt more and more that there was something in Li Chongjin's words. He said that he would suffer another big loss, and that he didn't know if he suffered a loss. Doesn't that mean that he had already suffered a big loss?It's still related to lust, Shi Congyun thinks he didn't do anything lustful, he confiscated the beauties given to him by the Kingdom of Shu, and the only cabbage that he ever tried was Zhao Shijian, why is he so bold?

However, Li Chongjin is a clan and a close minister, so he must know a lot of news that he doesn't know.


After staying until mid-June, the weather finally began to gradually clear up, and great news came from the south.

First, Han Lingkun defeated the Southern Tang Army in the east of Yangzhou City and captured Lu Mengjun alive.

Moreover, according to reports and rumors, there is also a story about Fengyue that Lu Mengjun almost killed the family of the former governor of Shuzhou, Yang Zhaoyun, and robbed all his belongings when he abolished Ma Xie and changed Li Ma Xichong in his early years.

When Han Lingkun entered Yangzhou, Ma Xichong gave Han Lingkun the only remaining girl from the Yang family, and Han Lingkun loved her very much.After learning that Lu Mengjun had been captured, Yang burst into tears, and Han Lingkun asked Yang why.Yang claimed that it was Lu Mengjun who killed all her family members in Tanzhou, and Han Lingkun immediately executed Lu Mengjun without handing over to the officials.

In addition, Li Jingda, king of Qi in the Southern Tang Dynasty, led 20 soldiers and horses across the Yangtze River from Guabu, and camped at a distance of more than [-] miles from Liuhe, intending to attack Zhao Kuangyin's tribe in Liuhe.

It is said that all the generals were preparing to attack at that time, but Zhao Kuangyin stopped them, saying that the opponent was afraid of us at this time and did not know how many of us there were.

A few days later, the soldiers of the Southern Tang Dynasty attacked Liuhe, Zhao Kuangyin led the army to counterattack, Shi Yanchao led the elite cavalry to go around and attack on the side, and defeated the Southern Tang counterattack army in one fell swoop in the south of Liuhe, beheading more than [-] soldiers of the Southern Tang Army, and the remaining tens of thousands of troops were defeated , desperately trying to escape the Yangtze River.

There were countless scenes of people drowning fighting for a ferryboat on the riverside.Since then, the main force of the Southern Tang Army has been depleted.

It is said that during the battle at that time, some soldiers of the Zhou army were unwilling to contribute.Zhao Kuangyin supervised the battle in the formation, and when he found a soldier who was not serious about fighting, he scratched his fur hat with a sword.On the second day, Zhao Kuangyin dragged out more than [-] soldiers whose fur hats he had scratched by him, beheaded them to the public, and passed on to the whole army, so all the soldiers of the Zhou army dared not fight the enemy bravely, so they won more with less and defeated again. The main force of the Southern Tang counterattack.

Shi Congyun only felt more and more uneasy when he heard this, Zhao Kuangyin really has two brushes...

By mid-June, the Zhou army had won consecutive battles. Except for Shouzhou, which was still stuck there like a nail, other places basically fell into the hands of the Zhou army.

News came from the front that the official family had the intention of returning to Beijing.

This is not difficult to understand. It has been more than three months since the official conquest. It is impossible for the court to be without a monarch to handle government affairs for a long time. Wang Pu is really good at supervising the country, but there are some things he can't decide.

Moreover, the front line seems to be winning steadily, and the victory is already decided, so there is no need for officials to supervise the battle here all the time.

At the end of June, the officials finally made a decision to return to Beijing in early July, planning to use Li Chongjin as the emissary to recruit from the south and be in charge of all the wars in Huainan.

Just when Shi Congyun was thinking that this might have nothing to do with him, Lu Duoxun came to the big tent again and brought the official order, asking him to accompany Sheng Jia back to Beijing, and transfer the Crane Army to Wang Shenqi and Si Chao for restraint.

When Shi Congyun received this order, he was in a daze. He finally realized that what he thought before was not an illusion. He might have been hidden intentionally, but he didn't know when it started.

Because Xuezang didn't just stop him from making meritorious deeds, or he might be asked to do some insignificant things, so that it was difficult to see clearly when he was in it. This is probably God's unpredictable grace.

Two days later, Li Chongjin suddenly sent him a letter. The messenger who delivered the letter carefully whispered in his ear, saying that Li Chongjin told him to burn it immediately after reading it.

Shi Congyun didn't understand, but when he opened it, he saw the words "Frivolous Queen" written on it.

The whole person was struck by lightning in an instant, as if falling into an ice cave, and his hair stood on end. He immediately understood what Li Chongjin said that day, and he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot. There was only one word in his mind, fuck!

He seems to have remembered, it was still in front of Guo Rong, he thought the officials would not care...

Chapter 134, Enlightenment

This is the third time Guo Rong has returned to Shouzhou. Seeing Li Jixun who buried his head so low in front of him and hardly dared to lift it up, he felt inexplicably irritable.

During these days, he felt a lot of irritability and resentment. When he was in Shouchun, he saw that the cakes sold by the bakers on the street were very thin. At that time, he was very angry and wanted to kill people.

But the irritability and dissatisfaction in my heart are real.

Huainan Shouzhou, Haozhou, Sizhou, Chuzhou, and Luzhou were still in the hands of the Southern Tang Dynasty, and these places were preserved because they were all on the banks of the Huaihe River and supported by the Southern Tang Navy.

He felt more and more that it would be impossible to defeat Nantang without a navy.

But things didn't go his way. Originally, he thought that Zhengyang and Qingliuguan would be so smooth that Shouzhou should be taken easily. When passing by Shouzhou, he personally carried a huge stone and put it on the trebuchet. I just wanted to use this as an example to inspire civil and military officials, and the civil and military behind me also spontaneously hugged a piece of it,

He thought that if these people paid enough attention to it, things would be done.

It's a pity not, God seems to be against him again. At the critical moment, it rains heavily and the Huaihe River swells severely.

"Go out, the siege of Shouzhou must not be relaxed." Guo Rong didn't want to say more, he didn't know if Li Jixun had tried his best, but it was a fact that Shouzhou City could not be taken down.

Wang Pu has sent letters several times during his stay in the court, generally to invite him to return to Beijing. He understands the truth that Wang Pu cannot decide on many important matters.

Anyway, there are no waves on the front line, Guo Rong thought.

"Let Zhenwu Jiedu send Shi Congyun in." Guo Rong said.

After a while, the young but tall Shi Congyun came in and knelt in front of him on one knee. Compared with Li Jixun's submissiveness, he always felt that young people had a bit of sharpness and frivolity.

At that age, Guo Rong had already made up his mind. Maybe he would say a few words quickly, but in his heart, he subconsciously excluded him from the list of handsome talents. Maybe ten years later, he would be a handsome talent, but he would never not now.

And... this Shi Congyun was very restless, which made him even more unhappy.

First, he wanted to marry the sixth child of the Fu family, and wanted to board the boat of the Fu family, but now he even dares to covet his things.

In this year when the emperor changed his position every three to five years, what kind of heart does a person who dares to look directly at his women have?

Guo Rong didn't know, and was very skeptical.

If it's just a young man who is full of vigor and lust, then he doesn't care at all. There are so many women in the world, and he can have as many as he wants, as long as Shi Congyun is a good dog who can obey and do things well.

But if it is a wolf with ambition and a different mind, it will be a big trouble. Such people have emerged in an endless stream in the past few decades, and there are too many to count.

Guo Rong frowned, feeling a little annoyed for a moment, not knowing how to treat the young man in front of him, if only he was as simple-minded as his father!Guo Rong thought to himself.

That way there is no need to tie him with a chain, thinking about how to restrict him, let him out without fear of getting lost, and he can come back by himself after biting someone.

"Shi Congyun." Guo Rong lightly tapped the hardwood vermilion lacquer handrail beside him: "I'm going back to Daliang, how about you accompany me?"

"The final general will obey the orders of the officials."

"Well, I see that you are commendable for your loyalty and bravery, and you have repeatedly made military exploits. I have promoted you to be the commander of the deputy capital in front of the palace. Come back to Beijing and listen to me." Guo Rong looked at the respectful young people below, thinking that if you It really makes me happy to have such respect.

Then he waved his hand to let him go down, and asked Li Chongjin to come in.

After a while, Li Chongjin came in in armor and knelt down with his hands folded.

The official nodded, "The battle in Huainan is all up to you. Shouzhou can't relax, and Yangzhou should also pay attention. I am most afraid that they will increase their troops along the canal. You have to be careful."

Li Chongjin bowed his hands and nodded.

Guo Rong thought for a while and asked, "How is Shi Congyun?"

Li Chongjin thought for a while and spit out two words, "Not bad."

Guo Rong was slightly surprised, it was rare for someone to let Li Chongjin say it was good, "How good is it?"

"Fighting is good, there are rules, and skills. Being a man is also good..."

"I know about the war, and I still see it in my eyes. What's so good about being a man?"

Li Chongjin thought for a while, and said bluntly: "I have a problem with him..."

He talked about the rescue outside Shouzhou City that day.

"There is a clear distinction between public and private, right and wrong, straight to the point." Li Zhongjin commented: "Such a person is not bad at all, unlike Zhao Kuangyin, who has a bit of talent, but beautiful words and beautiful things are often said to the officials. Show it to the officials."

Speaking of Zhao Kuangyin, Li Chongjin was immediately dissatisfied, probably because both of them were dark-faced, and he didn't like Zhao Kuangyin who was as dark as him.

Guo Rong didn't answer after hearing this, neither affirmed nor denied, this was his method, he just thought it would be good for the two to fight.

In his heart, he thought, if Shi Congyun really just went straight to the point, then he would be pure and bold. I don't know if Li Chongjin can see it correctly, and whether he has any outrageous thoughts in his heart.


At the beginning of July, after explaining the battle in Huainan, Guo Rong started to return to Daliang.

There were many officials and military generals accompanying him on the road, among which Shi Congyun was the most senior.

Shi Congyun was really trembling like walking on thin ice. At this time, he began to feel afraid and understood the seriousness of the matter.

At this moment, he understood that if Guo Rong wanted to die by himself, it was only a matter of saying a word, and the fear of not being easily controlled by others made him unable to sleep for several days.

People only remember that Guo Rong was the number one Mingjun of the Five Dynasties. In his view, the reason why Guo Rong was the number one Mingjun of the Five Dynasties is probably because he died early.

Many things show that Guo Rong was violent in his heart, not to mention killing prisoners and slaughtering cities. That kind of thing was too common in the Five Dynasties. Shi Congyun remembered that an official who helped Guo Rong build a palace was because his workers used the tiles that built the palace to eat. The food was directly dragged out and chopped.

When Guo Rong arrived in Shouchun, the cakes sold in the cake shop were thin and small.Guo Rong was furious and arrested more than a dozen cake sellers to execute them.

All kinds of things show that Guo Rong killed people without losing the demeanor of the five generations of monarchs.

But at this time, he actually stared at his daughter-in-law so desperately.

On the way back to Daliang, Shi Congyun was so frightened that he had nightmares for several days, dreaming that Guo Rong beheaded him for various reasons.

For the first time, he deeply understood what the high emperor meant to his courtiers in such an era, and the more he thought about it, the more uneasy he became.

In the past, Shi Congyun felt that in such a world, as long as he hugged the emperor's thigh, his life would be comfortable, but now he suddenly realized that he seemed to be wrong!

I didn't put myself in the shoes of many things to experience them personally, and I didn't understand the cruelty of them at all.

He even thought that if Guo Rong turned his anger on him because of the empress, he would not even be able to escape. If he escaped, the family's father, aunt, aunt, younger sister, Zhao Shijian and others would definitely die.

Shi Congyun felt a sense of powerlessness that suffocated him...

Chapter 135, Cut Hu Old Zhao

It was the middle of autumn and July when we returned to Daliang.

Shi Congyun found that there were not only the accompanying inner hall straight, the eastern and western bans, but also a large number of Southern Tang prisoners, about one or two thousand.

He didn't know why the officials brought so many captives back. Maybe they wanted to hold a sacrifice ceremony to strengthen the confidence of the army and the people.

Of course these are just guesses.

Before returning to Daliang, another major event happened. In June, the Southern Tang counterattacked, and Han Lingkun couldn't hold Yangzhou and wanted to withdraw his troops.

Guo Rong was dissatisfied, so he urgently summoned Xiang Xun, who was in charge of staying in Tokyo in the capital and serving as a judge of the Kaifeng government affairs, to Huainan.

Afterwards, he and Xiang Xun met on the Xiacai Floating Bridge, and Xiang Xun said regretfully: "Hahahaha, a certain person heard about your reputation in Zhengyang in Daliang, and wanted to come to Huainan to compete with you. I want to be an official but I want you to go back to Daliang."

Shi Congyun was nervous and afraid, and he didn't have the leisure to joke with Xiang Xun, so he laughed and coped with it, his smile was uglier than crying, and Xiang Xun was also very puzzled.

Afterwards, he prepared a banquet and invited Gao Huaide and Xiang Xun who were in Shouzhou to have a drink, which vented out a lot of negative emotions such as fear and anxiety in his heart.

A few days later, news spread from the south that Xiang Xun was indeed a ruthless person. Zhao Chao, Bai Yanzan and others took bribes and plundered the people.

However, Zhao Chao Xiangxun did not dare to move. Even though he received bribes, burned, killed and looted everywhere, and even killed more than 3000 Southern Tang prisoners privately, the officials did not take it seriously. He is also the clan of Zhao Kuangyin and Zhao Hongyin, so Xiang Xun was dissatisfied. Don't dare to move him.


Shi Congyun returned to Daliang anxiously, followed by Luqiu Zhongqing and 24 soldiers.

When the team went to the north of Daliang, only Xiang Xun, who was temporarily in charge of the country, was greeted outside Fengqiu Gate, and there were three or forty officials, and the ostentation was not big.

Shi Congyun thought to himself, if the empress came this time, he would have to perform well in front of Guo Rong, even if he didn't even look at it. As a result, the empress didn't come at all for some reason, and didn't give him a chance to show off.

Afterwards, the official returned directly to the palace, and the twenty or so civil and military members who accompanied him were dismissed and went home separately. He was the only exception. When he was about to leave, an eunuch came over and whispered to him: "The official, please come over."

When he was in Huainan, the officials added a deputy commander in front of the palace to him.

That was originally the position of his father Shi Yanchao. He was inspected in front of the hall, the deputy in front of the hall was inspected, and the fourth in command under the commander was in front of the hall. The top ten senior officials were above the fifth in command Zhao Kuangyin.

It is a reward for his great victory in Zhengyang, breaking the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and accepting Shuzhou.

This battle has been fought till now, if you want to say who has contributed the most, it must be him and Zhao Kuangyin, both of whom broke the main forces of the Eastern and Western armies of the Southern Tang Dynasty.

The rest of the generals won many battles, but none of them were crucial battles that could determine the outcome of the battle.

And his Zhengyang battle was obviously more valuable than Zhao Kuangyin's Qingliuguan battle. In Zhengyang, the Southern Tang Dynasty advanced in both water and land, and there were about [-] troops on land alone.

Qingliuguan is also the main force, but it is said that there are only more than [-] people.

It is reasonable for the officials to award him such a reward. Shi Congyun regretted it in his heart. He knew that he would not look at his daughter-in-law, and it would be okay to secretly look at his wife in front of her face. There is no way to explain this kind of thing. .

Feeling apprehensive, Shi Congyun followed the eunuch to a pavilion outside Fengqiu Gate and saw Guo Rong, Wang Pu, the supervisor of the country, was also standing beside him.

The officials wore purple round-neck casual clothes, a jade belt, and an official hat with two electric fan blades on their heads.

Seeing that Shi Congyun had behaved himself, he lowered his head after saluting.

He came in just now and found that Wang Pu, Wei Renpu and others would subconsciously keep their eyes lower in front of officials.

The tall Wei Renpu will deliberately lower his head slightly when facing the officials. He has never paid attention to such details before, and the habit of his previous life has made him suffer a lot.

Now he also learned from Xiang Xun's style, lowering his head slightly.

I heard the voice of the official rang in my ears: "Shi Congyun, you have made great contributions in Huainan, and when you return to Beijing, I will give you a jade belt, a brocade robe, a hundred taels of gold, 200 taels of silver, and a saddle , two hundred bolts of silk cloth."

Shi Congyun was surprised when he heard this, but he reacted quickly, and immediately knelt down on one knee to thank him: "Thank you for the reward from the official family! I am very grateful, and I will never forget it. I am willing to do my best to serve the official family. Do not hesitate to die!"

The official nodded, Wang Pu next to him was a little embarrassed, Wei Renpu moved his face slightly unnaturally, Shi Congyun had a thick skin and didn't feel embarrassed at all.

As long as I am not embarrassed, others are embarrassed!

No matter what others think, even if the officials think it is exaggerated, they must be happy in their hearts.

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