In the end, she thought helplessly, she would rather believe what she had or not, and if the officials told her to go back, she could go back to Daliang obediently.

Chapter 132, A knife on Sezi's head

At the end of March, at the end of spring, the Crane Control Army was stationed in Huainan during the prosperous Tang Dynasty, and it rained a few times.

Different from the rain in the east of the river, after crossing the Huaihe River, the continuous rain becomes longer and finer. Under the sky and the wilderness, a thin layer of mist covers the sky and the earth. A half-hearted person like Yun also became poetic. He wanted to recite a few lines of poetry, but after thinking about it for a long time, he didn't know how to say it, and he was immediately embarrassed.

It's not that he can't remember, it's just that he doesn't know how to fit it, and he's afraid of making a joke. I don't know if it's cloudy and drizzle in the willows, or if it's raining apricot blossoms that wet his clothes, or the light rain on Tianjie is as soft as crisp, saying It rains in the mountain city for ten days, but the family and the country have a hundred years of heart, and I feel inappropriate...

Sometimes if people are uneducated, it is extremely difficult to even pretend to be a suitable dude. Shi Congyun was annoyed, and the reason why he was able to be annoyed about these things was because he was too leisurely.

Shi Congyun originally thought that in the battle of Zhengyang, Wanjun cut Liu Yanzhen and captured Shilang. After meeting with the officials, it should be a scene where the monarch and his subjects get along like a fish in water. Since then, he has been reused by the officials. Go to the pinnacle of life.

Looking back now, it doesn't seem like that scene, I don't know what went wrong.

By April, since Zhengyang met, the officials did not allow him to accompany him, nor let him play the main force. The main force became his father Shi Yanchao, Zhao Kuangyin, Han Lingkun, Li Jixun, Li Chongjin and others. Instead, he was Go and clean up some surrounding small states and counties.

In particular, Zhao Kuangyin and his father Shi Yanchao defeated Huangfuhui, captured Chuzhou, and entered Liuhe. After Han Lingkun went to Yangzhou and Taizhou, what he did was to send people to take over the surrounding counties that surrendered. As for the war, the officials did not let him go at all. The meaning of hitting.

At the beginning of April, Shi Congyun was ordered to send Yu Cheng to lead more than [-] people to take over the surrendered Gwangju.

So far, Shuzhou, Guangzhou, Shengtang, Zhengyang and other places are all under the control of his Crane Control Army, and the troops are getting more and more scattered.

Shi Congyun's leisurely days came again, but he dared not relax.

Because the army also relaxed because of the soldiers, there were gradually incidents of burning, killing and looting the surrounding people. Shi Congyun was very strict about this aspect.

But blockage is worse than sparseness, and he also knows that things cannot be entirely dependent on blockage, so every time he wins a place, he opens the treasury to reward the soldiers.

It is not easy to achieve clear rewards and punishments. Like the old method, it is obviously not feasible to determine the amount of credit based on the number of people.

Take the previous battle in Zhengyang as an example, if we talk about killing the enemy, the left-wing elite must have the most victories and kill the most enemies.

But the two armies in the center and the right flank bought a lot of time for the main force, and suffered the most casualties. Almost half of the casualties were exchanged for the overall victory. They killed fewer enemies, and they must have contributed a lot.

After relaxing recently, Shi Congyun felt more and more that he needed to quickly think about a new set of reward and punishment methods that were feasible and suitable for him.

This thing is related to the cohesion of the army and the enthusiasm of the soldiers. It is almost the organizational core of an army and the key to ensuring combat effectiveness. If these arrangements are not good, then the army under his command will definitely not go far. Slowly, it will only burn and kill Five generations of armies who plundered.

However, this is not something that can be done in one go, and it is not something that can be easily done. It needs more discussion and consideration. Now that I have a rare free time, I can just come and discuss these things with the generals.

On the tenth day of April, Lu Duosun came again from the east to convey the official's order to lead his troops to Xiacai.

At the same time bring the latest news from the east.

The Southern Tang army suffered repeated setbacks. Li Jing, the lord of the country, was afraid that he would be forced to flee Jinling, so he sent Zhong Mo, a scholar of the Imperial Academy, and Li Deming, a minister of the Ministry of Industry and a bachelor of the Academy of Arts and Sciences, to the Later Zhou Dynasty and asked to withdraw from the army.

At the same time, a tribute of 1000 taels of royal clothes, tea medicine and gold wares, 5000 taels of silver wares, [-] pieces of silk brocade, [-] heads of cattle for the army, and [-] dendrobium of wine was also sent to the north one after another, all on April [-]. It was sent to the city of Shouzhou every day.

Shi Congyun felt a sense of magic in his heart, inexplicably thinking of a certain bald man's policy of non-resistance.

I thought that your general Liu Renshan was still struggling to resist in Shouzhou, but you were kind enough to send wine, meat, money and labor to the enemy. I don't know what Liu Renshan in the city would think if he knew it.

Lu Dorson also said: "Zhong Mo and Li Deming have always been known for their eloquence, and the officials knew that they were here to lobby, so they brought heavily armed soldiers to meet.

He also said directly: "Your lord claims to be a descendant of the Miao nationality of the royal family of the Tang Dynasty, and the etiquette may be different from that of other countries."You and I are separated by the Huai River, but we have never gotten along well. Before, you would rather go to the Liao Kingdom by sea than deal with the Central Plains. You still want me to stop fighting?

I am not an idiot prince like Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, and Wei, do you think you can convince me?Go back and tell your lord, let him go to Daliang to meet me by himself, and then apologize, then nothing will happen.Otherwise, I will take down your Jinling City, and the treasury will be used to labor the army. Don't regret it then! '

Zhong Mo and Li Deming were too frightened to speak, and went back in despair. "

Shi Congyun thought to himself, the officials are really domineering.

I am full of ambition, but I am afraid that it will not be so easy to go to Jinling. It is enough to scare Nantang.

Only Lu Duosun told him that Empress Fu felt that she was distracting the officials at the front and hindering the major military affairs, so she asked to return to Beijing, and the officials approved it and sent someone to escort her.

The officials were also preparing to leave for Yangzhou. The battle in Shouzhou was temporarily handed over to Li Jixun and Li Chongjin. Yangzhou was the eastern capital of the Southern Tang Dynasty and was famously prosperous. Shi Congyun thought it was normal for the officials to want to visit.

But he wanted to say, I want to go too!

When the spring breeze goes to Yangzhou in March, he also wants to go and see it, and share some spoils by the way...

But it wasn't for him.

The officials asked him to go to Xiacai to guard the pontoon bridge, Shi Congyun thought.

He didn't dare to delay, and hurried to Xiacai with the rest of the troops.


Zhou Guo was not fighting alone. Zhou Guo's loyal younger brother Wu Yue also sent troops from the east to cooperate with Zhou Guo's actions and achieved good results. He didn't know the details.

After arriving in Xiacai, Shi Congyun first saw the black faces Li Chongjin and Li Gu.

Li Chongjin is now deployed at the frontiers of Shouzhou. After the officials go to Yangzhou, all the troops near Shouzhou will be dispatched by him.

This time, Li Chongjin didn't show any strangeness, but said to him with a cold face: "You lead the army to garrison the pontoon bridge first, and replace the people in the north. The official family went to Yangzhou and didn't say what they asked you to do. You go to the north and guard the pontoon bridge and wait." .

Dajun Food Road is the nearest supply, you can find Li Xiang bus to pick it up. "

"No!" Shi Congyun didn't want to get entangled with him any more, and agreed to lead his troops to the north to get off the Caishou floating bridge.

After arranging for the troops to be stationed in the afternoon, they rode to look for Li Gu again.

Li Gu was in a granary urging the officials to order food, nodded after listening to his explanation, and then arranged for people to supply food and grass to his army. Most of the food and grass coming from the north went to Cai, so it was the most convenient to supply here.

Before leaving, Li Gu said: "If you are asked to guard the pontoon bridge, you will be overqualified."

After that, he didn't say much, Shi Congyun wanted to say a few more words, and Li Gu didn't speak anymore.

In fact, he also has a feeling that he has been targeted, but he doesn't know where to start...


Afterwards, the battlefield became Shi Congyun's loneliness, and he could only honestly go down the Caishou floating bridge.

Xiacai's pontoon bridge is the most important place for north-south traffic on the Huaihe River at this time. There are many people coming and going all day long, and the news is very well-informed.

On May [-]th, Li Chongjin was appointed as the recruitment envoy of Luzhou, Shouzhou and other states, and Wu Xingde, the Jiedu envoy of Wuning, was appointed as the deployment of the city capital of Haozhou.

It shows that the imperial army has begun to cross Shouzhou and go downstream to attack Haozhou.

But within a few days, Nantang's counterattack also began.

According to the officials and soldiers from the south, Lu Mengjun, the Right Guard General of the Southern Tang Dynasty, led tens of thousands of troops from Changzhou to Taizhou.

Jun immediately led his army to attack Yangzhou and set up camp in Shugang.

Han Lingkun in Yangzhou immediately retreated with his troops. The officials were very angry when they heard this, and immediately sent Zhang Yongde to lead troops to help, and Han Lingkun returned to Yangzhou immediately.

At that time, Zhao Kuangyin was stationed in Liuhe, and he said harshly: "Which soldier from Houzhou dares to escape from Liuhe, I will cut off his legs!" Han Lingkun was frightened and began to plan to defend the city.

Unknowingly, time entered June, and Nantang's counterattack became more powerful.

And in June of Xia, it rained heavily and the Huaihe River swelled so much that it almost washed away the pontoon bridge. Shi Congyun was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat.

If there is a problem with Xia Cai's pontoon bridge and the army's retreat is cut off, he will be a big sin!

Moreover, the water accumulated in their barracks was several feet deep, up to their knees, and they had a lot of food and supplies, engineering equipment was damaged by mold and lost a lot, and countless soldiers disappeared and died.

The soldiers and rations on the pontoon bridge could not be transported. It was obvious that they had won consecutive battles all the way before, but suddenly the situation changed drastically because of God's change of face.

Shi Congyun anxiously organized the people to dig trenches in the camp to drain water, and at the same time try to move the grain to the high ground as much as possible.

Soaking in the water every day, and most of them were soldiers from the north, many of them were sick. Shi Congyun didn't know much, but he was afraid of some infectious disease, so he ordered the sick people to be housed separately.

He himself is also wet every day. The top of the big tent can prevent rain, but the water seeping in from the ground can't help. It feels like soaking in water.

If it weren't for his youth and good health, he would have been unable to hold on.

This kind of hard life lasted for more than ten days without a head. Many soldiers died of disease and cold, and some were accidentally washed away by the rising water of various tributaries of the Huai River. Every day, many non-combat casualties were lost. Shi Congyun was anxious and distressed , but there is no way.

In the face of the power of nature, people are vulnerable and can only grit their teeth to withstand it.

Fortunately, under his leadership, the officers and men of Crane Control have walked all the way. They are brothers who depend on each other for life and death. They are more united and cooperative in doing things, and they work together. It took only a few days to move the barracks to a highland in the west of Xiacai, temporarily easing the crisis. .

However, looking south from here, the entire Shouzhou City and its surrounding vast expanse of wilderness are shrouded in a large expanse of rain.

Chapter 133, A knife on Sezi's head

There are nearly [-] troops stationed outside the city of Shouzhou. Presumably Li Gu, Li Chongjin, Li Jixun and others are already exhausted.

If it continues like this, there will be problems with the army's food, grass and supplies.

One afternoon, Li Gu brought three followers, wearing coir raincoats and umbrellas, through the rain, and climbed up the slippery hillside to meet him. His eyes were sunken, his complexion was very bad, black and white mixed, and he found that he was a bit scattered. Many parts of the body are soaked.

Shi Congyun hurriedly welcomed him in, "Come in Li Xianggong, there is a fire in the tent to warm your body."

Li Gu shook his head: "No, Brother Yun, I am here to ask you for help."

"If you have anything to do, Prime Minister Li, just tell him directly."

"Li Chongjin's army was stationed on the lowlands in the northeast, where there are many streams. It was really convenient to station in the past. It was convenient for the army to fetch water for cooking, brush and feed the horses, but now it has suffered from heavy rains and floods. Most of the army's baggage is kept with him."

Li Gu's tone quickened, "I see that among the armies near Shouzhou, only your Crane Controlling Army is the most disciplined, unruffled, and quick to respond. Right now, only your Crane Controlling Army is out of trouble and can go to help. Li Jixun and other armies could not protect themselves.

So the old man hopes that you can put the overall situation first, bring people to assist Li Chongjin's department, and get rid of the current crisis..."

After Li Gu finished speaking, he looked at him, with some evasion and embarrassment in his eyes.

Shi Congyun immediately understood what was going on, and also understood why Li Gu was in trouble. Li Gu knew about the feud between him and Li Chongjin. If Li Gu hadn't favored him, he would not have been able to snatch the striker from Li Chongjin at that time.

Shi Congyun clasped his hands and said: "I'm sorry to trouble Li Xianggong to go there personally, I'm not a person who doesn't know what's good and what's wrong, I know what's important in the overall situation, I won't let such a big matter of right and wrong override personal grievances.

And even for Li Xianggong's face, I will help with this. Don't worry Li Xianggong, I will gather all the people to help. "

Li Gu nodded, with relief in his eyes: "This time I thank you on behalf of the whole army. You are not exaggerating when you understand the righteousness. I thought I would spend some time with you."

Shi Congyun laughed, "I don't dare to thank Mr. Xiang, and you don't have to thank Mr. Li. If Mr. Li didn't come, I might not care whether he lives or dies. It's because of Mr. Li."

Li Gu shook his head and said with a smile, "I just praised you a few words, and you are now eloquent again."

Shi Congyun chuckled, turned around and went to organize the staff.

When they heard that they were going to rescue Li Chongjin's department, Wang Zhong, Dong Zunhui and others were full of complaints. They didn't know when they could wear a pair of trousers.

But Shi Congyun ordered, they could only obey.

On the same day, Shi Congyun gathered more than 3000 people and personally led the team to the northeast of Shouzhou City to help Li Chongjin's army carry the grass and luggage to the high ground in the south.

When he brought people to arrive, Li Gu was talking with Li Chongjin in the rain. Seeing him coming, Li Chongjin's black face was obviously shocked, and there were several generals around him.

The situation was tight, and the rain had no intention of stopping. Shi Congyun didn't plan to have another exciting verbal fight with Li Chongjin, so he rode his horse over and dismounted when he got very close.

Shao Ji, Wang Zhong, Dong Zunhui and many other people behind him feared that he would suffer, so they immediately followed him aggressively.

The generals behind Li Chongjin also felt that the atmosphere was not right, and one after another took a step forward and stood behind him. For a while, the sky was full of rain, and the two teams stood facing each other in the heavy rain, attracting the eyes of the surrounding people.

Shi Congyun thought he couldn't delay, so he directly cupped his hands and said, "A certain person brought someone to help you grab food, grass and supplies, but Marshal Li don't get me wrong. , I cannot sit idly by.

In the face of big right and wrong, let's not talk about those trivial matters first, and Marshal Li doesn't need to think too much. After this matter is over, what kind of personal grievances between us will be, whatever you say. "

Li Chongjin looked at him expressionlessly, his eyes flickered, and he nodded slowly: "It's exactly what I want."

Shi Congyun didn't say any more, and led people into the camp without looking back, "Please Li Xianggong arrange it, we are in charge of those."

Li Gu nodded, "Come with me, I'll make arrangements for you."

"Wait a minute!" Li Chongjin's voice suddenly sounded from behind. Shi Congyun turned his head and couldn't see his expression clearly in the rain. Seeing that he hadn't spoken for a long time, Shi Congyun frowned and turned his head directly, but heard a faint voice from behind, "Thank you... ...", I don't know if it is an auditory hallucination.

After Shi Congyun left, one of the many generals and officials behind Li Chongjin said to his colleagues, "That is Shi Congyun, the commander of the Crane Control Army. He is really very generous."

Someone reminded in a low voice: "Don't be heard by our commander in chief, the commander in chief has a problem with him."

The man smiled and said in a low voice, "I'm an official under Li Jixun Jieshuai. He came here to borrow a few cowhide tents, and he'll go back in a few days. It doesn't matter."

Others didn't say any more, ordinary military tents are made of cloth curtains, which are not so useful in this kind of weather.


After a busy day, at noon the next day, the rain subsided a lot, and Li Chongjin's army's food and grass were finally transported to the high slope to the south in time.

Afterwards, Shi Congyun did not drag his feet, and prepared to lead his troops back to Xiacai's pontoon bridge. The guards there could not relax. There was still a navy in the lower reaches of the Southern Tang Dynasty, and they might attack the pontoon bridge at any time.

Before leaving, please see Li Gu and Li Chongjin off outside the camp.

Li Gu exchanged pleasantries with him and praised him a lot.

When Li Gu finished speaking, Li Chongjin suddenly scolded: "You are so cowardly at such a young age, no matter how capable you are, no matter how capable you are, it will be in vain. Learn how to control your eyes and control your bastard!" , otherwise you will suffer a big loss sooner or later, and you will not know if you suffer a loss."

Everyone behind Shi Congyun was furious, and Wang Zhong even whispered on the spot: "This bird man, let's help him, he doesn't know what's good!"

Fortunately, his voice was not loud, and it was still raining, so no one heard him. Shi Congyun called everyone to leave, and he heard it more deeply. He always felt that Li Chongjin was not just scolding him, but more like... remind him.

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