After July, Shi Congyun put several major events on the agenda.

The first is to train the navy. The official document of the Privy Council has been issued to recruit brave men from all over the country and men with good water skills to Daliang.

The second is to find a way to quickly marry Fu Liu over.

It's not easy for him to come forward about this matter, the man from the Fu family is not in Daliang, and there is still a Fu Er living in Daliang's mansion, Wei Wang's Mansion. With the previous lesson, he will not dare to go to Wei Wang's mansion again.

He remembered that after Empress Fu's death, Guo Rong took the second child of the Fu family into the palace and made her the empress, who was obviously prepared for the official family.

The officials didn't think it was a big deal for him to be lustful, but they were afraid that he would think that he was ambitious or simply unhappy.

At the beginning of August, Si Chao went from the front line to Daliang to meet him. After Jiang met, Shi Congyun brought him to know Pan Mei, and then settled down in Daliang.

In mid-July, when Shi Congyun went to the Privy Council to hand over the documents and tokens, he took the initiative to say to Wei Renpu: "Someone thinks that such a big matter should be done by asking the government to send a military supervisor."

After hearing this, Wei Renpu praised him and said: "Shuai Shi Jie is getting more and more mature, and he can even think of this, which is very good."

Shi Congyun nodded embarrassingly, "This little thought is not worth mentioning. Didn't my husband see through it at a glance?"

The next day, Pan Mei was sent to supervise the army.

Wei Renpu thought that Shi Congyun was on the second floor and he was on the third floor, but in fact Shi Congyun was on the fourth floor.


After that, Shi Congyun brought back more than 500 people from the Southern Tang State Navy who were willing to serve the Great Zhou, and handed them over to Si Chao for management.

He went into battle in person again, and decided to come up with a training outline first.

Although he has never led a sailor before, and it is the first time to train a sailor, he may lack specific execution, but as a teacher, he knows a lot about how to teach and educate people.

First of all, the purpose of education must be clarified, and secondly, there must be a practical syllabus, and then the implementation will not be chaotic.

The purpose of education could not be clearer, and a unified and executable training program is what he needs most at present.

Shi Congyun first ordered that 230 people who had read a little and could read and write were selected from the troops sent down by the Naval Army of the Southern Tang Dynasty.

Then I spent a lot of time and energy interviewing each soldier one by one, asking them about their opinions and precautions about water warfare, and how their superiors trained them before.

During the questioning, Zhao Shijian was asked to be behind the screen behind the screen, and was responsible for recording the main points at any time.

Afterwards, he went home and compared the similarities with Zhao Shijian, and concluded a Sakamoto without redundant content.

The two worked for more than ten days in a row, both with dark circles under their eyes, and were a little dazed from exhaustion. After a few days, Zhao Shijian's small face also lost a lot of weight, and his collarbone became more obviously cute, which made him feel distressed.

After that, they summed up more than 120 leaves of written materials and handed them over to Si Chao, Luqiu Zhongqing, and Pan Mei for discussion, keeping what was feasible and supplementing what was not mentioned.

Shi Congyun specially found a spacious and quiet wing room in the Dianqian Office, and asked the three of them to go there to work together every day. He is now the commander of the Dianqian Deputy Capital, so he still has some power.

Si Chao is an expert in water warfare, so Shi Congyun clearly requested that Si Chao take the lead, and Luqiu Zhongqing and Pan Mei are in charge of staff. They can give opinions, but they have no right to make decisions.

He also made clear requirements for the results:

"A certain has three requirements, you must keep in mind.

The first is easy to understand, don’t keep using written language, don’t write uncommon words, uncommon vocabulary, you don’t want to read your literary talent, what you want is for every ordinary soldier to understand the meaning of the words.

The second is practical. You are capable and strong, but you can't demand too high a standard from every soldier. What I want is that most soldiers can do it.

The third is quantifiable and standardized; to put it bluntly, everything must be clearly marked, and ambiguous and vague descriptions cannot appear.

To give you an example, if a soldier holds a spear in a standard posture, and the front hand is two feet and one inch away from the pole, then it must be clearly defined, and the front hand should be held at two feet and one inch in the palm of the hand.Try to avoid descriptions such as "approximately" and "approximately" as much as possible, and you can't use vague counting units such as how many steps. "

In the wing room of the official office in front of the palace, the three of them looked at him with some puzzlement.

As the main person in charge, Si Chao was the first to ask: "Jie Shuai, then you have to use a ruler to measure each one during training like this...I'm afraid it won't work.

The recruiting of the navy this time is less than tens of thousands. The battle in Huainan has not yet been fought, and the officials are afraid to use it in a hurry. "

Shi Congyun waved his hand: "Si Chao is right, but you still don't understand my intentions, so I won't let you all measure with a ruler.

But the so-called standard means that there are precise marks, so that the soldiers will work hard to align,

If we give a vague statement, we will feel that it is about the same after casual practice. Anyway, one foot more is almost the same, and one foot less seems to be okay. Over time, if this kind of atmosphere dissipates, the entire army will be loose.

There is a clear standard there, not for you to measure it hand in hand, but for the soldiers to clearly know whether they are qualified or not, so that they can keep improving and form a good atmosphere over time. "

Si Chao nodded after hearing this, and said with emotion, "If it hadn't been said by Shuai Jie, I wouldn't be able to figure out such a truth in my life. Suddenly, I have a feeling that I have figured it out. I have led soldiers for many years, but I don't know what to do." It’s really not in vain, and I’m really admirable for the next section handsome to say it!”

After finishing speaking, he bowed his hands.

Pan Mei and Luqiu Zhongqing had bright eyes, and they all looked at him.


Time has entered August unknowingly, and Shi Congyun is still preparing, not in a hurry.

At this time, the war was still going on in the south, and there was also news in the north that the Khitan and Northern Han harassed the border by looting during the autumn harvest. There was never a moment of peace in the world, and people were used to this kind of turmoil, so they lived their lives like this.

People recruited from all over the country have also gradually gathered in Daliang and settled in the big camp by the Bian River. Most of these people came from Shandong and Huaibei.

Some came voluntarily to support themselves, and some were forced to come by local officials to complete the recruitment tasks assigned by the Privy Council.

The training syllabus is still being written, and Shi Congyun will add some content after it is finished. The more than 200 literate people will be the first to receive training and become instructors.

Therefore, the recruits were temporarily placed in the Bianshui camp and did not move.

At the beginning of August, Shi Congyun went to Bianshui Daying for inspection.

The recruits from all over the country have almost arrived. According to the summary of the Privy Council, a total of more than 1 people have been recruited from all over the country this time. A group of boatmen and auxiliary soldiers will be recruited later. The final number may be around 5000.

He has no pretensions, and he gets along better with the officials of the Privy Council, so everyone told him some gossip. After seeing the Huainan battle, the officials felt that they were constrained everywhere, and they saw the importance of the navy.

Originally, it was planned to train a naval army of at least 3, preferably 5000, but the treasury was empty. Years of continuous wars made the treasury a little tight, and in the end it had to be reduced to [-].

Shi Congyun rushed to the Bianshui camp with twelve soldiers, and asked the officer in charge of management to gather many people in front of the general's platform.

At this time, the weather was not beautiful, and it began to rain misty autumn.

Seeing that many soldiers were gathering in the rain, Shi Congyun asked his followers to remove their umbrellas, and stood on the high platform to soak in the rain with the recruits below, waiting for them to assemble.

The recruits had not undergone much training, and the assembly of tens of thousands of people was very slow. Shi Congyun estimated in his heart that it took more than half an hour.

It wasn't until everyone had assembled that crowds of people filled the school grounds and black recruits were everywhere, Shi Congyun shouted loudly: "This is your boss, the commander of the Deputy Commander of the Dianqian Division, and Shi Congyun, the envoy of Zhenwu Jiedu!" cloud!

Some of you should have heard about me, some of you haven't! "

There was a slight commotion below, and many people must have heard of his reputation. After all, Shi Congyun's reputation has been very loud in the past few years.

"But these are not important, you are new recruits, and this army is also a new naval army formed by the government, let's take it as the beginning!

Some of you came here voluntarily, some of you were forced to come here, I can't control it, but as long as you get here and try to escape again, you will be punished as a deserter!

Do you know why I don’t use an umbrella today, why don’t you just stand here in the rain and wait for you to line up?This is to teach you the first lesson after joining the army, to fight with Lao Tzu, and everyone will share joys and sorrows and go through difficulties together!

If we want to get wet in the rain, we all get wet together, if we want to fight a war, we are monolithic, and if we have money, we all share it together! "

Chapter 137, Accident

The new navy camp was placed on the banks of the Bianshui River outside the city. The Third Division acted swiftly, and quickly settled the supplies and distributed them to the army. It must be said that there are quite a few capable people in the upper echelons of the Zhou Kingdom. With Wei Renpu, Li Gu, Wang Pu, Wang Pu and others present, most things will not be delayed. This is also an advantage of the Great Zhou over neighboring countries.

Like the Southern Tang Dynasty, not to mention their will to resist, Li Gu besieged Shouzhou for almost three months, and the rescue army came late. As a result, the second wave of reinforcements arrived in the next week, and they fought a big battle. defeat.

If they had stronger organizational skills and moved faster, Shouzhou was besieged in the twelfth lunar month, and a large army could be assembled for rescue in a month, then Li Gu would have been forced to retreat to Huaibei, and the pontoon bridge in Zhengyang would have been destroyed. Forced to cross the Huai River.

However, the Southern Tang court waited slowly for three months before gathering an army to go north. As a result, they bumped into the reinforcements of Shi Congyun, Li Chongjin, and Shi Yanchao in Zhengyang.

Guo Rong was going to attack the Southern Tang Dynasty, but Li Gu's army was ready to go at any time before the Shu army returned, which shows the gap in execution between the two countries.

After going through battles on the front line, although he won successive battles, Shi Congyun felt more and more that the Southern Tang Dynasty was a big country capable of competing with the Great Zhou, because the troops, manpower, and material resources they continuously invested in the battlefield had far exceeded his expectations. .


Bianshui is the "Tongji Canal" dug by Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, connecting the Huaihe River and the Yellow River, starting from Bianliang to Sizhou.

After the end of the Tang Dynasty, the world fell apart, and the long-term layout of the south caused the river to be suspended for a long time. It was not until last year that the officials decided to attack the Southern Tang Dynasty that they began to recruit a large number of civilians to dredge the river and widen the riverbed.

However, in Shi Congyun's view, the officials did not intend to use the Bian River to march at the beginning. They mainly wanted to use it as an important logistics transportation channel to ensure the battle against the Southern Tang Dynasty.

Shi Congyun's navy was stationed on the banks of the Daliang section of Bianshui River, and the shipyard for shipbuilding was upstream, under the responsibility of the Third Division and the Ministry of Industry.

There are many flags everywhere in the military port, and there is a large circle of bridges built in the signing water on the outer net of the water village, and wooden stakes are erected around the periphery to prevent outsiders from breaking in.

A large number of people go back and forth at the ferry, most of them are boatmen and trackers.

The camp of the army is closer to the north, on a flat ground under a small hillside, so that it can avoid the sun for half a day.

Shi Congyun has seen those ships, and they can be roughly divided into four types.

One is a small boat that can only carry about a dozen people. It is mainly used for patrolling in the water village and for the round trip between large boats. It is also nicknamed Chimazhou.

Si Chao told him that if the water battle is unfavorable, it will be difficult for the big ships to escape in time, because they move slowly and it is difficult to change their course. At this time, they must rely on these small boats to escape.

Shi Congyun firmly remembered that he hoped that he would never use this function, but the world is impermanent, who knows for sure.

Then there are ordinary ships. These ships are mostly used to transport supplies. The army’s food, grass and supplies are transported behind them. Unlike other ships, many of these ships are requisitioned merchant ships and civilian ships. Take over by the auxiliary soldiers.

Then there is the building boat. The building boat belongs to the large army of the army. It is as high as four decks and can carry more than 400 people. Of course, including the boatman, it can carry about [-] combat personnel.

It looks like a giant in the river. There are not many ships or large ships.

However, Shi Congyun was not shocked, because he had personally calculated that the full-load displacement of this thing is about [-] tons, which is already considered a very advanced level in this era, but the ships, aircraft carriers and the like of later generations will be tens of thousands of tons at every turn. Tons of counting, no surprises.

The craftsmanship of the girder is really high. He has been on the boat. The main structure of such a big guy is mainly wood, and it needs a very high level to withstand the wind and waves without disintegration.

These boats are also designed with a square bottom, because they are mainly sailing in inland rivers, which is more stable, but this structure is not suitable for strong winds and waves at sea.

Probably China's inland land is already too vast, and few can conquer it all, so that the rulers are not so interested in the sea. Although the shipbuilding technology is exquisite, most of the time it is indeed made for inland river navigation and inland sea navigation. .

If you ask him to say, in the future, if you want to attack Youzhou, you will go directly by land and water, and the fleet will sail from the sea along the Bohai Bay to Tianjin, and then go to Beijing (Youzhou).

Of course, he was just fantasizing about it in his head. Those things are far away. The Southern Tang Dynasty has not yet been settled. Forget about Khitan.

The last type is the most common and the largest number of warships in the fleet. According to his visual inspection, the length is about 20 meters, and it can carry [-] to [-] soldiers.

The bow of this kind of ship has a collision angle, which can directly collide with the opponent's ship, and will also attack with long-range weapons and melee weapons when it gets close.

It is more of a long-range attack. Apart from the crossbows of the soldiers, there are also large bed crossbows on both sides of the ship.

The crossbow is not as powerful as the trebuchet, but the accuracy is much more reliable.

In Shouzhou City, Li Jixun used a trebuchet for nearly half a year, throwing stones the size of a millstone every day, why can't he just take Shouzhou?The main thing is that the catapult hits all depends on fate.

Shi Congyun personally saw it outside Shouzhou City, and the trebuchet was cast so casually, even if it could throw a drop within 50 meters, throwing the stone for half a year would fill a path even if it didn't open.

So the crossbow is easy to use on a shaking boat.

However, among the supplies commonly used by the navy that were taken over from the third division, there was something that really surprised Shi Congyun, and that was gunpowder!

When Si Chao demonstrated the water battle for him, the soldiers wrapped a package with oilcloth, wrapped it on the arrow of the bed crossbow, and fired it out. After that, a fire was slowly ignited on the other side, igniting the dry autumn grass on the other side. very big.

Afterwards, Si Chao asked the soldiers to open the tarpaulin to explain the principle to him, and the inside was actually gunpowder and turpentine!The fire wire at the tail is ignited, and after the crossbow bolt is shot out, the gunpowder will completely ignite the turpentine when it burns.

Shi Congyun was taken aback, and even found a torch to test the properties of gunpowder.

He found that these gunpowders were different from the later generations of gunpowder he knew. They burned less intensely and quickly, and their power did not look scary. The color was gray-black and denser.

However, it has already had some effects, such as quickly igniting the rosin and grease inside to ignite the flame.

He asked Si Chao curiously, "Where are these things made?"

Si Chao shook his head, "A certain person also took over the luggage from the third division, maybe you don't know as much about Daliang as Brother Yun."

On the other hand, Pan Mei said: "I know about this matter. There is a gunpowder factory in the north of Daliang City, which seems to be managed by the Ministry of War, but the court didn't pay much attention to it. This kind of thing can be used to ignite fire, but the consumables are more expensive. It is not worth the loss to use it. .

That is to say, water warfare, which is used only when there is no other way, and the court does not often intervene in it on weekdays. This time, the capable officials need to form a navy, so they will use it.The gunpowder is estimated to be grateful to us, if there is no military cost, it will be closed there. "

Shi Congyun hurriedly asked: "Which official of the Ministry of War is responsible for the gunpowder production?"

Pan Mei looked at him with some puzzlement, probably not understanding why he cared so much about such a trivial matter, so she thought for a while and shook her head: "I can't remember either, how could anyone care about such a trivial matter."

Shi Congyun was not forgiving, and patted Pan Mei on the shoulder: "Brother Pan, help me inquire about this matter, and tell me the result as soon as possible, don't procrastinate, which official of the Ministry of War is in charge of the gunpowder production, when the time comes I treat you to a drink."

After thinking about it again, he said, "Forget it, anyway, it's impossible to be so fast. Brother Pan, take your time and ask, I want a letter."

Not only Pan Mei, but Si Chao and the others next to him were a little surprised, and said with a puzzled smile: "Hahaha, why is Brother Yun so interested in this thing? I think your mind should be thinking about major events in the world, think about the coming year How to fight, it’s a waste to think about it.”

"You guys don't understand. When I was young, I fought with my father. I never played with firecrackers. Now that I think about it, I regret it. I want to reminisce about my childhood..."


Shi Congyun has been formulating the training outline, which resulted in a relatively slow training progress. The government has sent someone to urge him once, and he said it with the reason that "sharpening a knife is not a mistake in chopping firewood".

He knew why the officials were so anxious. At this time, the officials must be anxious, because he just left, and something happened in Huainan.

When the news reached Daliang, Shi Congyun happened to go to the Privy Council to hand over the matter of the navy, and he heard about it first in Wei Renpu.

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