Li Yangui turned back, and the generals quickly lowered their heads, not daring to look at him or speak aloud.

He didn't say anything in the end, just looked down at the dense forest below.

Soldiers of the Shu army are building camps and sentry towers with felled pine wood on the river bank, setting up firewood to resist red deer, and many tents stand under the trees in the mountains, turning the entire mountain into a huge military camp.

With the support from all walks of life and the gathered skirmishers, at this time the entire mountain top of the Shu army had seven or eight thousand, with camps all over the place, cutting down half of the trees on the top of the mountain, and having the strength to fight the Zhou army again.

His Majesty, who is far away in Chengdu, is in a hurry. In addition to contacting the Northern Han and Southern Tang attacks to contain Dazhou, he is also sending more troops to the north. He ordered the surrounding towns to quickly move closer to Qingniling and Guzhen to support Maling. Village.

Among them, the most numerous one is the Jiedu envoy of Wuding Army. The army of holding the holy and controlling the crane led by Gao Yanchuan is going to the north. It is the elite of the central army of the state of Shu.

According to the report, even Guzhen has not been reached, and it is still near Qingniling. It will take time to go north to Malingzhai.

Li Yangui had already made great preparations to compete with Shi Congyun again.

The previous fiasco outside Wuwei City left the battlefield veteran still fresh in his memory, and every time he thinks about it, it feels like yesterday.

In his opinion, Shi Congyun's military use has five points of wisdom, three points of battlefield experience, and two points of courage not to fear death.

In his whole life, he killed from Shanxi to Shuzhong, fought all his life, and had seen too many people, but young people like Shi Congyun still amazed him.

Being able to do this is already shocking. If the other party is only sixteen years old, it will be another shock.

After hesitating for a long time, he sighed slowly: "Shi Congyun's army is in the north, and the Zhou Dynasty's control of the He army is worthy of being the elite of the forbidden army, and the son of the Zhou State's first fierce general is not vain.

Let's wait for Gao Yanchou..."

As soon as these words came out, many of the generals around him breathed a sigh of relief.

In the past two months, Shi Congyun has cast a psychological shadow over them.

At first, they didn't pay much attention to Shi Congyun, who held the title of the son of the No. [-] general of the Zhou Dynasty, and they didn't even know that there was such a person among the generals of Zhou Jun.

After all, who cares about a 16-year-old.

It was not until they were defeated all the way to the north of Wuwei City, they were pulled out of eight camps in a row, and they were beaten up again in the east of the city. They suffered heavy losses and lost Wuwei.

Now it's time to talk about discoloration.

Outside Wuwei City that day, everyone saw Shi Congyun's flamboyant banner rushing directly into the formation, unstoppable by the river on the right wing, tearing a big hole, and his bravery was irresistible.

(It was hard to see people in the army. When they saw the flag, they thought that Shi Congyun was leading the charge. In fact, he fell behind halfway, and the soldiers who carried the flag were advancing.)

After more than two months of consecutive defeats, no one was willing to face Shi Congyun's soldiers directly.

How could he not know their timidity and fear, but there was nothing he could do for a while, and they lost their hearts.

However, Li Yangui felt that there was still a chance. He was far more familiar with the geographical situation in this area than Shi Congyun.

Since the head-to-head confrontation is not Zhou Jun's opponent, then another way can be found, food!

Food is the lifeblood of an army. If you cannot defeat your opponent head-on, you will cut off your food and cut off your food. As long as people don’t eat, no matter how many troops they have, they will collapse without a fight.

He already had an idea in his mind and made a plan for the battle.

Li Yangui originally wanted to carry out the counterattack plan by himself, but he was ashamed, but he was reminded by his subordinates. He also thought of the pressure on him from the Zhou army outside Wuwei City, and the sense of oppression caused by Shi Congyun, and finally decided to wait.

When the elite soldiers of the military governor of Wuding, Gao Yanjue, came to join and act, before that, we can only hope that the military governor of Wuwei can still defend Fengzhou City.


This time, the time unknowingly came to the beginning of August.

In the autumn, the Jialing River in the morning has already begun to frost, the fog fills the valley, the two sides of the river are hard to see each other, only faint shouts can be heard, the birds are sparse in the mountains and rivers, and many plants and trees are turning yellow.

Gao Yanzhu's army finally reached the river bank west of Malingzhai.

The flags standing in the forest are particularly conspicuous, fluttering all over the mountains and fields, the drums and trumpets of the army spread all over the east and west sides of the Jialing River, and the echoes are endless.

Gao Yanchou's army holding the holy crane was well-groomed and well-armored. The spears and great swords flickered coldly. The neat team walked in the sun-dappled forest, the light spots swaying and sparkling patrols.

On that day, Gao Yanyu did not order to cross the river, but only brought some people to see Li Yangui.

Li Yangui lived with him on the top of the mountain at the highest point of Maling Village, and gave everyone a drink to relieve the dust.

Li Yangui was the commander of the northern line of command, Gao Yankui's superior, and he was accompanied by Wang Luan, the envoy of the Dyeing Institute, and Lu Yanke, the envoy of recruiting.

Li Yangui backed away his personal soldiers, overlooking the mountains and rivers to the north.

On the top of the mountain, there were only Gao Yankui, the recruiting envoy, Lu Yanke, the recruiting envoy, Wang Luan, the envoy of the dyeing house, and Li Jin, the commander of the pioneers.

Gao Yancuo has a serious face with Chinese characters, long beard, drooping down his chin, neatly arranged, and looks unsmiling. Even when climbing a mountain, he wears heavy armor and carries a sword around his waist.

Gao Yan's concubine was also from Bingzhou, Taiyuan, and later entered Shu with Meng Zhixiang.

After the two people saluted, Li Yangui didn't buy Guanzi, and said directly: "The old man wants to fight a counterattack. Using our army's understanding of the mountains and rivers, after leaving the Zhou army's side, cut off his food route and trap him in Fengzhou. Down the city."

Chapter 89: The Yellow Flowers in the Battlefield Are Extraordinarily Fragrant ([-])

Gao Yanchuo said bluntly, "Can't we fight directly?"

Li Yangui shook his head: "Zhou Jun's striker Shi Congyun is very powerful, success or failure is uncertain, and the risk is too great."

"If it's like the rumors?" Gao Yanzhu asked.

Li Yangui looked sideways, then nodded.

Gao Yancuo said no more, he had heard all kinds of rumors about Shi Congyun in Chengdu.

Li Yangui turned his head and pointed his finger at the mountains and rivers in front of him, "The Zhou army will take advantage of the situation to besiege Fengzhou in the south, and he must be complacent and will not think about the safety of the rear.

But going out from Malingzhai, there are many mountain trails that can be interspersed to Zhou Jun's belly and back.

However, there are only two places for the army to march, and Zhou Jun is unlikely to think of it, let alone beware.

One is to go north from Malingzhai, take the mountain road to Tangcang Town, then turn east to reach Huanghua Valley ten miles north of Wuwei City.

The second is to go north from Malingzhai, then turn east, take a small road and go north along the mountain stream, and detour westward, you can reach Baijian, which is [-] miles south of Wuwei City and [-] miles north of Fengzhou City.

These two strange soldiers can cut off the food route behind the Zhou army and trap them under the city of Fengzhou! "

Gao Yanyu immediately agreed: "Great plan! Commander, a certain willing to be the striker, go out of Tangcang Town and make a surprise attack on Huanghua Valley."

Li Jin, the commander of the Pioneer City, also generously stepped forward to ask for orders, "That Shi Congyun is a pioneer and a pioneer, and is willing to lead troops there!"

"Okay, I also have a minister in Shu." Li Yangui was very happy, probably because there were few things that went well in the past two months.

"A is also willing to go!" Wang Luan, the envoy of the dye house, stood up after hearing this, "The country has reached the point of life and death, how can a man be afraid of his head and tail, a commander, a certain can also lead troops, I would like to go north with Gaozou and Li Qianfeng to kill enemy."

Li Yangui rarely showed a flush on his old face. He stretched out his hand to grab Wang Luan's arm and glanced at everyone, "The lifeblood of the Shu Kingdom is entrusted to you."

"But now the time has not come, we have to wait and let Zhou Jun relax his vigilance more."

"What if the city of Fengzhou falls?" Gao Yanchou asked a thorny question sharply.

Li Yangui thought for a while, and finally turned his face, and ordered:

"Everyone will obey!"

The crowd stood solemnly, their ears pricked up and ready to be dispatched.

"Lu Yanke is in charge of the five camps leading the troops to march northwards, taking a stance to support Fengzhou, slowing down the movements of the Zhou army, and strengthening the determination of the Fengzhou army and civilians to defend the city, but do not engage in a war with the Zhou army rashly."

"No!" Lu Yanke, the recruiter, agreed immediately.

"Gao Yanzhu, Wang Luan."

"The last will be here!" Gao Yanzhu loudly agreed to take a step forward, and Wang Luan immediately followed.

"Both of you will lead the tenth battalion of the Holy Control Crane Army, and set off on August [-]th..." Li Yangui paused at this point, and then changed his words: "August [-]th, let the soldiers celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival .

Then go north from Malingzhai and go straight to Huanghua Valley through Tangcang Town.No matter how you go, this old man only asks you to arrive at Huanghua Valley before the tenth day of September to cut off the Zhou Jun food route. "

"Please don't worry, Commander!" Both of them nodded in agreement.

Then Li Yangui turned his eyes to Li Jin, "Li Xianfeng led the six battalions to the north of Malingzhai, detoured from the mountain trail, exited Baijian, and cut off the grain road outside Fengzhou City for Zhou Jun.

If the Zhou army makes a strong attack and you can't hold it, you are allowed to retreat northwards, join up with the great army, and then you will be nailed there, cutting off the Zhou army's food supply.

On September [-]th, the old man will lead the main force of the army north to Fengzhou City, join with Lu Yanke, and then attack the Zhou army, who has run out of food, from the north and south together.

Before that, if anyone took a half step back and dealt with them by military law, this old man would not favor anyone. "

"No!" Everyone quickly and solemnly agreed.


After the brief discussion was over, the generals dispersed and began to go back to prepare.

At this time, there is still enough time, and Li Yangui's plan will not be implemented until mid-August, which is only July.

Gao Yancuo went down the mountain with his deputy Wang Luan and talked about some military affairs. The two are the relationship between the deputy and the deputy. In the future, they will fight together, and communication will naturally be indispensable.

After a while, Li Jin, who was short and strong, also followed up to greet them, but Lu Yanke, the recruiter, seemed to subconsciously avoided joining them and went down the mountain by another path.

Gao Yankui and others also disdain to be with him. After all, Lu Yanke did not take the initiative to ask for orders before. In their opinion, it was a cowardly act, and they must have been frightened by Zhou Jun.

Gao Yanchou carefully walked down the mountain, grabbing a tree branch by the roadside. She was wearing a suit of armor and had difficulty moving. In addition, people who had lived in Chengdu for a long time were not used to high mountains.

After walking down the mountain of Malingzhai, the road was smooth, and he said with emotion: "The arrangement of the commander is really clever, we and Li Xianfeng will detour from the east and west flanks to Zhou Jun's side.

They sent more and more troops on the front to attract Zhou Jun's attention.

Once the rear turns around and cuts off the Zhou army's back path, the frontal army re-enters the battlefield, and both sides attack the Zhou army who has run out of food, and the situation can be turned around in one battle. "

"The commander has fought many battles, but he's not like Wang Zhaoyuan, who can only brag." Li Jin answered.

Gao Yan's wife was taken aback. He knew that Wang Zhaoyuan was the most important person to His Majesty. He had been His Majesty's playmate since he was a child. Because he was in Shu, he often compared himself to Zhuge Kongming, and no one could afford to offend him.

Wang Zhaoyuan was also very lacking in self-awareness. Since he was a child, he was familiar with military books and thought that he was literate and military, with armor in his chest, considered himself a Confucian general, and often pointed fingers at military generals.

But even Li Yangui gave him three points.

Before the war started in March this year, he was ordered to dispatch the Shu army to Fengzhou.

As a result, he created an inexplicable "gossip array". If Li Yangui had not resisted the pressure and changed his deployment immediately after returning to Chengdu, the soldiers would have lost their heads and didn't know how to fight before the fight began.

But in any case, Wang Zhaoyuan and the others couldn't afford to offend them, so they reminded in a low voice, "Brother Li, be careful."

Li Jin didn't say more after listening, just nodded.

"This arrangement not only makes full use of the geographical situation around Fengzhou, but also takes into account the strengths of the soldiers of the two armies.

In a head-to-head confrontation, the Shu army was not the opponent of the Zhou army, so they avoided the frontal battle and focused on attacking the Zhou army's food supply. If it is said that the understanding of the mountains and rivers around Fengzhou, the Zhou army is definitely not as good as us. "

"That is, Qingniling, Guzhen, Malingzhai, Fengzhou, Wuwei City, if you are familiar, Zhou Jun can compare to us." Wang Luan also said with a smile.

"We will definitely succeed in the first battle this time, and we will see this battle when we build our careers!"

Gao Yancuo nodded, he thought so too, but he was more cautious, even though Li Dashuai used his troops very well in this battle, but he still didn't dare to relax in his heart.

Before the dust settles, everything is unknown, and he knows very little about the opposite Zhou Jun's commander Wang Jing and the famous striker Shi Congyun.

This war is related to the country's plans. Gao Yanchou knows this, and he sees it more clearly than Li Jin, Wang Luan, and others. If this battle is not fought well, at least the boundaries of the Qinling Mountains will not be preserved.

Chapter 90: The Yellow Flowers in the Battlefield Are Extraordinarily Fragrant ([-])

In August, Fengzhou was in an emergency, and Lu Yanke led troops to the north to pretend to support Fengzhou according to the plan, which really attracted a lot of Zhou troops and attention.

The Zhou army sent at least a thousand men to the narrowest part of the river valley to the south to prevent the army of Shu from going north.

And in the past few days, troops have been increasing to this line every day.

Li Yangui also continued to increase troops to the south, exerting pressure, and at the same time attracting the attention of the Zhou army to the south.


On the [-]th day of August, the bright moon was hanging high, the mountain wind whistled across the Malingzhai Mountain, the branches and leaves swayed and squeaked, and they were like living creatures.

Gao Yancuo and Wang Luan were wearing heavy armor, and the war horses under their crotch had been fed half an hour earlier. Looking at the vast mountains in the moonlight to the north, they were ups and downs, and the boundaries between heaven and earth became blurred, like a dark cloud with two distinct sides. He was full of ambition.

The mountains and rivers under the moon are really beautiful. If this battle is lost, I am afraid that this land will be difficult to set foot on.

Gao Yancuo has more ideas and ambitions than many generals. He was born as a general since he was a child.

If there is no success in this match, I am afraid that we will retreat to Qingniling and let Chen Cangdao out.

It is impossible for Fengzhou to hold on for a long time. The Shu army is not as capable of fighting as the Zhou army.

"Let's go." Gao Yanyu ordered.

The military orders were quickly issued in sequence, and the commanders led their troops from Malingzhai according to the order.

In order to march in secrecy, the army did not have a torch, thousands of people raised fire, the goal was still too big, but then the moonlight went north.

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