The dry food carried by many soldiers is not much, so there will be many supply pack animals in the future.

Walking at night is not easy. Some soldiers have black eyes at night and can't see anything, so these thousands of them are selected.

Going north along the Jialing River for a while, the bright moon is in the sky, and the sparkling river surface is particularly beautiful.

It was late autumn at this time, and the wind by the river was very cool at night.

Walking at night is not pleasant, but most of the soldiers are still wearing dozens of pounds of armor.

Gao Yanchu was riding on the horse, but felt a little cold, so he put on a cloak.

After walking along the Jialing River for half the night, about ten miles away, the army began to leave the Jialing River and head towards the valley to the north.

Going north along the river valley is Tangcang Town.

In order to march in secret, Gao Yancuo cautiously ordered that they would not walk during the day, and that the soldiers would rest in the woods on both sides of the mountain road.

The pickled dried meat and grain cakes were eaten by the mountain stream, and they slept on the spot. Because the army did not bring a tent to camp, this attack was hidden and could not be as usual.

At night, as the main general, Gao Yanyu could sleep on a felt pad, but it was still frighteningly cold. In this season, the grass and leaves on the roadside in the morning are covered with hoarfrost.

At this time, the soldiers who had been running and working all day forgot the cold and fell asleep, snoring one after another, and an unpleasant smell mixed with the smell of sweat and feet permeated both sides of the mountain road.

On the contrary, the generals who marched on horseback had difficulty falling asleep at this time, suffering from the chill of the night.

Gao Yan's wife, who couldn't sleep, had to ask the guide beside her, "How far is this place from Tangcang Town?"

The guide was a local, and he quickly agreed: "Reporting to the general, this road is familiar, and there are still three to five days to go north from here..."

"Jieshuai is asking you how many miles you have! It's not for you to talk nonsense." The lieutenant next to him couldn't help but interrupted. He had been frozen all night, and he was full of anger everywhere.

The guide was terrified.

Gao Yanchou was helpless and said to the lieutenant, "Don't talk."


Then he turned to the guide: "Then tell me, according to our method, when will we be able to go to Tangcang Town."

The guide cautiously agreed: "If you only emerge at night and walk at night, it will take five or six days, maybe four days or... seven days?"

Gao Yan's wife did not speak, and silently counted the time. Their destination was the Yellow Flower Valley in the east of Tangcang Town.

If you follow this approach, you will have enough time to arrive at Huanghuagu before September [-], he thought silently in his heart.

When I regained my senses, subconsciously stroking the beard was a little wet, and the humidity in the mountains and forests was very heavy.

Looking up at the hillside ahead, I vaguely felt a shadow flashing past in the woods.

"What?" Gao Yanyu frowned.

"Probably the birds and beasts in the woods." Wang Luan next to him said indifferently.

The guide also nodded again and again: "There are so many monkeys in this generation, especially in autumn, they love to go to the fields to grab food. I killed one last year. It was as big as my child. Our family of five ate it for half a month. ..."

"Okay, okay, shut up." Wang Luan couldn't help but stop the guide's chatter.

Gao Yancuo didn't speak, and stared at the distant mountain ridge for a while, and there was no other movement, and finally he was relieved.

Slowly, tiredness came to my heart, and I fell asleep.


At the end of August, Gao Yancuo led his army to Tangcang Town.

Tangcang Town is a place where three mountains meet. The hills on three sides are covered with yellowed wheat fields, such as dense golden stairs, which will surround a few houses in the center.

The winding avenue passes over the mountain ridge, overlooking the entire Tangcang Town. Gao Yanchou led the army to cross the road at night and gave an order not to disturb the people. Afterwards, 200 people were stationed in Tangcang Town, and the rest continued to go around the town. , heading east towards Huanghua Valley.

Going out of Tangcang Town to Huanghua Valley is divided into two roads, one goes around the deep mountains in the north, and the other goes to the river valley in the south.

The two roads eventually converge at a place about seven or eight miles west of Huanghua Valley, which looks like a dumpling when viewed from above.

But the road to the north is more difficult to walk, and the detour is farther, but it is far away from Chencang Avenue, and the probability of being discovered is even smaller.

The road to the south is more advanced and easier to walk, but the distance from the main road is only about ten miles away, separated by two or three mountain peaks, and there is a risk of being discovered by Zhou Jun scouts.

Gao Yanyu thought about it and decided to take the most difficult north road.

The surprise attack on Huanghua Valley is of great importance, and this victory is here in one fell swoop, so he cannot be careless.

Although there were some complaints in the army, the soldiers were afraid of the mountain road, the poisonous insects and leeches, the humid air, the bitter cold at night and the sweltering heat during the day, tormenting everyone all the time.

On the way north to Tangcang Town, dozens of people were left behind and left in the deep mountains.

Now that they have to take a detour to the deep mountains in the north, everyone is naturally reluctant. Gao Yanchou defied all opinions and insisted on taking the mountain road to the north.

Sometimes even whispered in front of him complaining.

Gao Yan's concubine did not hear it in her ears, and strictly enforced the established military orders.


By the beginning of September, the Shu army, who had traveled a long distance, finally walked out of the deep mountains in the north, and saw the villages in the Yellow Flower Valley in the east.

The whole army was excited and excited. The arduous march in the deep mountains and forests for more than ten consecutive days made everyone lose a bit of weight. There was a layer of greasy dirt under the skin. Holding an iron weapon, it is more like a wildman rushing out of the deep mountains.

Gao Yanyu was so excited that she didn't have time to ignore the filth all over her body, because victory was in sight!The Yellow Flower Valley is right in front of you!

Chapter 91: The Battlefield Yellow Flowers Are Extraordinarily Fragrant ([-])

The so-called "Looking at the mountains and running dead horses" means that the march between the mountains can never be as simple as looking at the straight-line distance.

Gao Yanchou naturally understood this principle. He took Wang Luan and the others and climbed up a hill with empty vegetation.

At this time, the sun has reached the top of everyone's heads, and the light is at the best time. Looking east from here, the situation of the mountain pass there is clearly visible.

To the west of Huanghua Valley is the valley bottom with relatively gentle slopes on both sides of the avenue.

After the Qinling Mountains, the biggest difference between the north and the south is in winter. The mountains and rivers in the south are evergreen, even in winter, they are green, and the changes are not so big. The mountains in the north are different, and changing seasons means changing colors.

Gao Yancuo looked at it for a long time. The Yellow Flower Valley was like a funnel, but the slopes on both sides were not that steep. There were sparse villages on the hillside. There were many scattered and fragmented fields around, and some people were busy with the autumn harvest.

"Jesusai, let's go straight out." Wang Luan suggested looking east.

However, Gao Yanchuan shook his head, pointed to the commoners who were still working in the fields in the distance, and said, "Look at those commoners."

The soldiers looked into the distance, and it seemed that they were just ordinary people.

Then someone puzzled: "Is it Zhou Jun's meticulous work?"

No one thinks that a few people are amazing.

Gao Yan's face was solemn: "Now the autumn harvest, these people are safely harvesting grain here, what will happen to them if other troops?"

Wang Luan and the others thought for a while, then said, "I'm afraid I'll be borrowed..."

The so-called borrowing is robbing. This is the reason why the army likes autumn most when fighting. It is possible to rob the people of food along the way. Especially since the chaos in the world at the end of the Tang Dynasty, not robbing is not in line with the military style, and it is difficult to adapt to the trend of the times.

"The Yellow Flower Valley has been occupied by the Zhou army for a long time, but the people can harvest safely. At least it shows that the Zhou army near the Yellow Flower Valley has strict discipline and is very popular among the people. Once we are exposed, the local people may tell the Zhou army..." Gao Yanchou said with a solemn expression.

"Eat the dog things inside and out. They are also the people of our Shu Kingdom. An dare to do this! Someone led someone to kill them all!" Wang Luan next to him was furious.

"Calm down!" Gao Yanchou scolded, "That's not an exposure."

"Then... how about that?"

"Wait, wait a little closer, the whole army walks through the mountains on the south side, don't take the road, try to get as close to Taniguchi as possible, and send a few shrewd scouts out to find out where the Zhou Army's barracks are.

Let's make a surprise attack, and we can't be discovered early in the morning. "Gao Yanyu said seriously.

He is not a mediocre player on the battlefield. He knows that they are in such a long-distance attack, and after detouring to the enemy's side, they are in an isolated and helpless place. The most important thing is to fight quickly. If they are trapped here, the whole army will be very dangerous.

"It's all based on the commander's orders!" Everyone got the order and started to execute.


Gao Yancuo is a very confident person. He fought beautiful battles in his early years, and he was the one who repelled the soldiers of the Later Han Dynasty when they entered the Dasan Pass.

He has great confidence in Li Yangui's deployment and his own abilities.

Therefore, he would rather leave hundreds of soldiers in the mountains to die, ignore the complaints and dissatisfaction of the soldiers, and take the difficult north road to seek a better opportunity.

He believes that he can hit the spot, and in this case, all the sacrifices and efforts will be worth it.


On the ninth day of the ninth lunar month, the Double Ninth Day, Gao Yanyu made all the preparations.

The scouts found out that the Zhou army's turnover camp was on a hillside two miles away from Huanghuagu. On the east bank of the Jialing River, there were hundreds of tents and more than 30 horses. If they wanted to quickly enter the camp, they had to cross Cross the Jialing River.

Fortunately, this section of the river is not wide, and there is a big or small bend in the middle. The water flow is gentle, and there are many alluvial sand dunes that can be used for the army to cross the river.

Gao Yan's wife ordered the soldiers to cut wood in the mountains and forests, tied the straight wood with the rattan, and made a lot of rafts.

And the army has moved from the woods on both sides of the valley to a place about five miles south of Huanghua Valley. As long as they launch an attack, they can directly take the camp where Zhou Jun's turnover of food and grass is in half an hour.

However, they did not dare to approach any more, and if they moved forward, Zhou Jun might discover his whereabouts.


On the morning of the ninth day of September, the morning fog in Huanghua Valley has not yet dissipated.

Gao Yancuo let the soldiers eat and drink in the forest stream early. Some of the grain cakes they carried were moldy on the surface, but they were better than nothing.

The cured meat is better preserved, but the taste of the meat is completely lost. It is similar to dry wood dipped in salt. It is better to stuff more stuff in your stomach than empty it, at least you will have the strength to work hard later.

Gao Yan's concubine convened the commanders and envoys to discuss matters temporarily. Everyone knelt down on the thick pile of rotten leaves and conducted the last pre-war mobilization in the forest.

"Everyone, the success or failure of this battle depends on today!

It's done, we can drive Zhou Jun out of Dasan Pass, if not... Hanzhong is in danger, Chengdu is in danger!In the country of Shu, your wives, children, and children will all be lost. "Gao Yanchou looked serious.

The commanders and generals also became serious.

"Don't worry, Jieshuai, I'll wait to know the seriousness of the matter." Wang Luan agreed, and everyone nodded.

Seeing this, Gao Yanchou didn't say any more, and put on a horse and led the team in person, and the troops marched through the fog and the bottom of the valley, and no longer concealed their whereabouts.

There is a lot of slippery moss at the bottom of the valley, and it is easy to slip on it, but with so many people walking, it is quickly ground into a thin layer of black mud.

Gao Yancuo and Wang Luan led five hundred cavalry in front of the formation to lead the way, and acted as the vanguard themselves.

The army in the rear followed like a tide, moving forward along the road and the fields on both sides.

Some wheat that had not been harvested on the roadside was trampled into the soil, and the roadside fields were trampled firmly.

On the mountainside in the distance, there are a few more courageous people looking carefully here, probably the farmers who got up early noticed the movement in the valley, but did not dare to approach.

Months of depression and patience finally broke out at this time, Gao Yanyu was so excited, and many soldiers held their breath.

Gao Yancuo personally led the army to the east. As long as he rushed out of Huanghua Valley, which is the Zhou army camp, he could cut off the Zhou army's grain route, and cut off the Zhou army's grain and grass under the front line Fengzhou City, and fell into a dead place!


In front of the Yellow Flower Valley, a small river with gentle water flows in the north, with gentle slopes on the left and right sides. The dense trees on the slope head block the morning light, and there are sparse beams of light passing through, directly illuminating the valley.

On both sides of the road, the mountains and wild grasses grow, with a depth of half a waist. There are many yellow wild chrysanthemums among the weeds, and the flowers are splendid and overwhelming.

The unique fragrance of wild chrysanthemum permeates the valley, wafting for miles.

The milky white mist is still there, the morning dew on the petals on the roadside has not yet dispersed, and the morning sun is trapped in it, making it crystal clear and colorful.

The whole valley road is like a fairyland on earth, a paradise, and even the soldiers of the Shu Kingdom have become much quieter. They deliberately avoided the yellow flowers on both sides of the road, for fear of breaking the ethereal charm.

"Someone knows why this place is called Yellow Flower Valley." Wang Luan said in a muffled voice.

The mountains are full of yellow flowers, the wild chrysanthemums are everywhere in autumn, and there is an ancient road of yellow flowers, but what Gao Yanchou thinks of is something else...

"When autumn comes, on the eighth day of the ninth month, all my flowers will be in full bloom; the fragrance soaring into the sky will permeate Chang'an, and the whole city will be full of golden armor..."

Gao Yanchou was riding on horseback, holding the rein in his hand, the beginning of the world's chaos, how could they not remember it clearly...

However, that was a distant past, and now there are only some details left for future generations to talk about, and few people can tell what happened at that time.

"Let's go quickly, Zhou Jun is in front."

Chapter 92: The Yellow Flowers in the Battlefield Are Extraordinarily Fragrant ([-])

September [-]th is another year of the Double Ninth Festival.

In the Yellow Flower Valley Road, if Gao Yanchuo said, Zhou Jun is in front.

It's just that there are some deviations in it...

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