The crane-controlling army retreated to the east bank of the river at an hour in the morning, and all the food, grass and cargo were withdrawn. However, the Fengxiang army did not complete the siege of Fengzhou until the sunset in the afternoon.

After that, it was equivalent to a rest period. After fighting for almost two months, the He-Controlling Army finally got a good rest.


In the afternoon, Shi Congyun was feeding the horses by the river, with a dozen or so personal soldiers beside him.

Shao Ji arranged for the army to camp and report to him.

"Everything is done, everything is arranged." Shao Ji dismounted and handed over.

"Well, it's okay, you can go to rest." Shi Congyun nodded.

But there was no movement behind him, and when he turned around, he found that Shao Ji was still standing there motionless.

"What's wrong?" He glanced at Shao Ji up and down.

Shao Ji is the most powerful one he has ever seen fighting alone on the battlefield, with a top-notch force value, and he has a life-saving grace for him, so there is no doubt about his loyalty.

The soldiers who followed Shi Yanchao all the way from the north did not talk much, unlike Wang Zhongyou who had endless words, who often looked like his uncle.

"Brother Yun has something in his heart." Shao Ji said.

Shi Congyun was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and he had nothing to hide from Shao Ji.

"I've been thinking for the past two days, where would the Shu Kingdom come from if it wanted to counterattack?" Shi Congyun handed the reins of the war horse in his hand to his personal soldiers.

"You guys are waiting here, help a certain brush the horse."

Then he walked south along the river and motioned for Shao Ji to follow.

"A certain always feels that the Shu Kingdom will not give up, what do you think?" he asked back.

Shao Ji shook his head: "A certain does not understand such a major event. If it is to kill the enemy, Yun Ge'er instructed him to be that he cannot share other major events."

Shi Congyun nodded, "Yes, everyone has their own opinions, and all of them specialize in surgery."

"Anyway, we brothers, whether it's Wang Zhong, Dong Zunhui, Luo Yanhuan, or many other commanders, listen to you. We are just warriors who can work hard and work hard. Brother Yun is different." Shao Ji said as he walked.

"Then I said, you should listen to the book." Shi Congyun said.

Shao Ji nodded.

"I don't think the Shu army will confront us head-on, Fengzhou is too narrow between the north and south of the mountain.

After the previous battles, the Shu army should understand that we can only defeat us by numerical superiority. If we are caught in the middle of the valley, they will have no numerical superiority.

If their generals are very assertive, maybe they will fight for food..."

This is what Shi Congyun is most worried about these days.

Most of the time in ancient wars, it was difficult to distinguish the winner in a short period of time. First, the killing efficiency of cold weapons was limited, and it was impossible to directly tie the opponent.

The second is that the roads are difficult to travel, the mode of transportation is limited, and the mountains and mountains hinder the efficiency of marching and the efficiency of transporting food and grass.

Therefore, combating logistics food routes has always been a very effective means.

The gap between people and people is not that big, no matter how powerful the troops are in frontal combat, they will die, but if they can attack the logistics of the grain road, they can split the opponent's main force and cause the opponent to rout.

Therefore, since ancient times, many famous wars have made a big fuss about the food road, and the competition for the protection of the food road determines the outcome of the war.

Experienced veterans will always stare at each other's food path and their own food path.

"In the current situation, the Shu army can't confront us head-on, and the only place where we can make a fuss is food."

Shi Congyun was talking, while Shao Ji was listening.

After listening for a while, Shao Ji said, "What do you think, Brother Yun, where will the people of Shu go and what will they do?"

"Chencang Road follows the Jialing River, between the two mountains, I asked the surrounding villagers on the way, and there are many trails around the road leading to the south intersection.

But from the overall point of view, the most dangerous is the Yellow Flower Valley. "

"The place we passed when we went south." Shao Ji said.

Shi Congyun nodded: "Yes, I asked the local people, from Huanghua Valley to the west, you can go to Tangcang Town. From the south of Tangcang Town, there is a road leading to the south of Fengzhou.

You think, if the army of the Shu Kingdom went to Tangcang Town from the south of Fengzhou and went straight into Huanghua Valley, wouldn’t it cut our back road and trap us between Fengzhou and Huanghua Valley.

When the grain road is cut off, Fengzhou will not be able to take over, so we will be miserable..."

Shao Ji was confused, he never thought about this possibility.

"In short, the more I think about it in the past two days, the more I can't sleep, Li Yangui is not a good person to deal with, so I can't be careless.

Mountain interspersed combat is not enough, and it will kill people.

I was still hesitating before, but now it's alright. Anyway, Fengxiang soldiers went to encircle Fengzhou. I want to say to Wang Dashuai, let's control the He army to return to Huanghua Valley, but I don't know if it is appropriate to speak. "

"Brother Yun is what he says, just do it." Shao Ji agreed without hesitation.

Shi Congyun listened to him and nodded, he couldn't hesitate any longer.

Chapter 87, Strategic Anticipation

Before, he was not just simply fearful, but also had interests and concerns, and was not confident in himself.

Now that Shao Ji said this, I feel a little enlightened.

The soldiers trusted him so much, he had nothing to say.

Now he is no longer the Shi Congyun who seeks to survive for himself and keep his father.

There are so many brothers under his command who are willing to follow him, and he needs to be more confident and decisive when thinking about things.

So that afternoon, he went directly to the Chinese army tent to find Wang Jing.

Wang Jingzheng discussed the siege with the generals of Fengxiang Township. Seeing that he came to understand that he was going to talk about a major event, he asked all the generals of Fengxiang Township to retreat first.

The light in the tent is not good, and the pictures and documents on the table can only be seen clearly by lighting.

Wang Jing beckoned him to speak, but Shi Congyun was not restrained, walked over, pulled a chair and sat down, and told Wang Jing about his worries.

Wang Jing frowned and thought for a while, and the gully on his forehead seemed to be deeper.

He lowered his head, pointed at the picture scriptures for a long time, then raised his head slowly, his expression did not change, his eyes gradually became hot: "Brother Yun's knowledge is really amazing! You don't say that the old man hasn't noticed this key point yet. ."

Wang Jing straightened up as he spoke, and used the tip of his index finger to point to the location of the Yellow Flower Valley on the map, "This place is connected to Tangcang Town, and the south of Fengzhou is connected to the south. It is indeed a place that is related to the lifeline of the army."

"If the Shu army sent heavy troops to the north of Tangcang Town and attacked the army's side from the Huanghua Valley from the west, they could cut off our food route and trap us on the narrow mountain road between Fengzhou City and Huanghua Valley." Shi Cong Cloud added.

This kind of roundabout and interspersed operations between the mountains is the most deadly. Because of the limitations of the mountains, there is almost no choice for the fellows who transport food, and it is easy to be discovered or guessed.

If fighting in a place like the Hebei Plain, it may take a lot of effort for the enemy to figure out where the food route is.

But in the south of Sanguan, there is no choice, and the army can only go along Chencang Road.

Wang Jingting head: "The consideration is in place, beyond the old man's expectations.

However, there is one more point to consider. Li Yangui may not only send an army all the way around, if it is the old man, he will choose to go in multiple ways and cut off our army's food routes in as many places as possible. "

Shi Congyun was stunned for a moment, and then he thought, yes, he is really dead brains!Wang Jing is indeed a seasoned veteran.

Next, Shi Congyun and Wang Jing discussed the countermeasures in secret for a long time in the big tent.


Time unknowingly came to the end of July.

Fengzhou City still couldn't stand up, the defenders in the city were struggling to support, and the siege outside the city was not so urgent.

People like Wang Jing and Fu Yanqing have one thing in common, that is, they are old and have high status, and it is difficult to give up their current glory and wealth.

The general's will is so strong that Fengzhou's siege is far less intense than Taiyuan, and he is even suspected of fishing for three days and drying nets for two days.

Many soldiers from Fengxiang Mansion were even leisurely catching fish by the Jialing River. They also violated military discipline and looted surrounding villages.

Shi Congyun was very dissatisfied with this move, but there was nothing he could do.

Feng Xiangbing would not obey his orders, and Wang Jing had no right to blame.

Wang Jing is Fengxiang Jiedushi, Baoguo Gonggong, he is just a small commander of the army of cranes.

Pan Mei frowned when she saw it: "When I return to Daliang, a certain official will explain this to the official!"

Wang Zhong pouted, "I knew earlier that we robbed them. Those bastards are cheap. We will protect the place that we are reluctant to rob, and let them eat ready-made."

"If you think like this, get out early, you won't be like a soldier under Lao Tzu." Shi Congyun scolded, "If you have such thoughts, you will not be able to restrain yourself. In the future, everyone in the world will be afraid of penetrating warriors, and there will be no place for warriors to live. The evil that has been done over the past few decades."

Wang Zhong smiled, "Brother Yun can always tell the truth."

Pan Mei glanced at him with a strange brilliance in her eyes: "If only all the warriors in the world understood what Brother Yun said."

"Wufu understands the big truth. Is that still a warrior? I've already been a husband." Dong Zunhui said indignantly.

Pan Mei just smiled and didn't answer him.

Wang Zhong complained: "Feng Xiangbing continues to fight like this, and they won't be able to defeat Fengzhou City next year."

This time Dong Zunhui also echoed: "I don't even know what kind of battle they fought, it's embarrassing to see..."

"Do your best, don't ask so much." Shi Congyun interrupted the two of them. This was actually part of the negotiation between him and Wang Jing.

Then he instructed Wang Zhong: "Starting from these two days, the scouts should go west more, from Huanghua Valley to Tangcang Town, and send a team out every half an hour, so that they don't come back until dusk.

At night, change to another group of people, day and night, be sure to keep an eye on the area around Huanghuagu and Tangcang Town. "

Soon, Shi Congyun remembered Wang Jing's reminder again, so he said: "Bai Jian also sent someone to watch it."

"Where is Baijian?" Wang Zhong asked back.

"Idiot, just ten miles north of Fengzhou City." Dong Zunhui said proudly, he just knew this, and he could show it off in front of Brother Yun.

"Go away, I'm too lazy to talk to you." Wang Zhong ignored Dong Zun's instructions and said directly: "Brother Yun, don't worry, Huanghuagu and Baijian will definitely be watching."

"Remember, looking at Huanghuagu and Baijian is just to tell you a little bit." Shi Congyun then instructed: "The key is that these two places have mountain roads leading to the south, and the area of ​​Tangcang Town in the west of Huanghuagu.

The mountain trails to the east of Baijian, these places must be figured out as soon as possible, it is best to bribe the locals to lead the way for you.

The people in these places have lived in the mountains for a long time, and most of them have no sense of belonging to the state of Shu. As long as there are many benefits, things will be easy to handle. Don’t use force. "

Wang Zhong nodded again and again and agreed.

"In short, you can think of other ways, but as long as there is any movement in these two directions, you must know at least two days earlier, or you will be killed!" Shi Congyun said fiercely.

Wang Zhong smiled and didn't care about his threat: "Wrap it on someone, there will be no mistake." Then he hurried to find someone to deploy.

Pan Mei whispered from the side: "Wang Zhong is too frivolous, and I'm afraid he won't be reliable if he manages the scouts."

"Brother Pan, you don't know, Wang Zhong's mouth can speak flowers, and he is the most comfortable, and he can talk to most people. Only such people can make more words and let him do these best things. Appropriate."

Shi Congyun felt that Wang Zhong had a talent for intelligence work.

Pan Mei didn't say more after seeing him say that.


In late July, the weather in early autumn was getting cooler, and many soldiers began to wear warm outer robes over their armor.

After Li Yangui retreated from Wuwei City, he continued to retreat south, but instead of fleeing back to Chengdu, he regrouped his troops in the south of Fengzhou, and the reinforcements from Shu from all sides were also gathering.

Chapter 88, Strategic Anticipation

About forty miles south of Fengzhou, the Jialing River has a big inverted "ji" turn.

If the road followed the river, it would take more than ten miles to walk, so here, tourists, businessmen, and local people choose to climb over the lower mountains.

Slowly walk out of a road, because it is the main road to communicate with Guanzhong, Hanzhong, and Shudi, so there are a lot of people coming and going.

Over time, a settlement was formed, and it became a stockade where many people lived, called Malingzhai.

At the end of the Tang Dynasty, the world was in chaos, many bandits ran rampant, some robbers occupied the cottage to do evil, and then they were surrounded and suppressed by the official army.

Li Yangui once again assembled his troops here, gathered the Shu army who had retreated from the north, and many reinforcements from the south, and prepared to attack Fengzhou northward.

Standing on the top of Malingzhai Peak overlooking, the meandering Jialing River is like a long silver dragon, passing through the mountains and mountains.

"Commander, Gao Yanchou's reinforcements are coming soon, should we wait for a few more days?" asked the general next to Li Yangui, who was accompanied by more than 20 generals at all levels.

"No need, there are enough people." Li Yangui pressed the hilt of the sword and directly rejected it.

The generals did not speak, but their faces were not good-looking.

A few of them changed their expressions, almost spoke in a hurry, hesitated and whispered: "But... Marshal, Shi Congyun is still outside Fengzhou City..."

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