He was already in a hurry at this time, and it was too late to hold anyone responsible, but he quickly said: "Increase troops, increase troops to Fengzhou, and stop that Shi Congyun no matter what!"

Chapter 82, Guo Rongzhi Buddha

In the early autumn, the inside and outside of Daliang City began to get busy. For farming civilization, autumn is both a harvest season and a busy season.

Daliang City was still busy, and the use of troops in the southwest did not actually make much waves in the country, except for the few days when the forbidden army was out of the city.

After all, the 10,000+ forbidden troops in Daliang only dispatched 5000 motion-controlled crane troops. For the entire Zhou Kingdom, this is not a big battle, and naturally the attention is not high.

On the contrary, the recent actions of the officials are even more eye-catching.

Officials found that because of the strong tradition of honoring Buddha in the Tang Dynasty, Buddhist temples did not need to pay taxes or perform military service, and many people evaded taxes on the grounds of being ordained.

Many Buddhist monasteries are doing shady deeds, taking in many criminals and rogues from the imperial court at large, and even worse, they have become monks and tyrants.

Therefore, after many discussions with many ministers in the court and drafting the charter, the official family personally issued an edict to clean up the Buddhist temples all over the world:

In all the prefectures, counties, towns, villages and squares, all the temples that have the imperial name can be kept as usual, and those that do not have the imperial title must be closed and abolished.

The statues of meritorious Buddha and monks and nuns in the monastery were all moved out and merged into the monasteries that were allowed to remain for resettlement.

In every county in the world, if there is no monastery with an imperial title at all, then select the monastery with the most treasure houses among the monasteries that should be closed and abolished, and keep one monastery each for monks and nuns.If there are no nuns to live in, only one monastery for monks will remain.

Military towns, cities and villages with more than [-] households are also handled in accordance with the regulations of each county.

For the monasteries in the remote prefectures that did not have an imperial title, two of the monasteries that should be closed and abolished were reserved for monks and nuns.

No new temples are allowed to be built in the future!

The princes, nobles, and the governors of various Daoist governors and others are not allowed to submit requests for the establishment of monasteries and the establishment of ordained altars in the future.

If a man or a woman wishes to become a monk, it is entirely up to their parents, grandparents and grandparents to decide. For those who are orphans, it is decided by their uncles and uncles who live with them.

Men over the age of 15 who can recite 13 pages of scriptures or [-] pages of scriptures, and girls over the age of [-] who can read [-] pages of scriptures or [-] pages of scriptures should apply to the government office where they live. Apply for a haircut.

The scriptures were read and read by the judges who joined the army.When the hair is not cut, the hair must be kept in a bun. If someone cuts his hair without permission, he will be ordered to return to the secular world.

Ordination altars were set up in Liangjing, Daming Mansion, Jingzhao Mansion, and Qingzhou. Waiting for the time to be ordained, the two Beijings appointed officials from the ancestral hall to conduct trials. The Daming Mansion and other three places only appointed judges from the prefecture to join the army.

If there is a person who is ordained privately, the person, the teacher, the three main guides of the altar, and the principal monk and nun will all be punished according to the private hair cutting rules.

Those who should cut their hair and receive ordination will be sent to the court from various places. After the edict is issued, the ancestral department will issue a certificate before they can cut their hair and receive the ordination.

Men and women whose parents and grandparents are still alive and who have no other sons to serve and support are not allowed to become monks.

Those who have committed crimes and have been punished by lawsuits; those who have deserted their parents; fugitive slaves; adulterers; traitors; gangsters; robbers in the mountains; uncaptured thieves;

If the monastery takes them in without authorization, he himself, the master, the three guides, the chief monk and nun, and the monks living next door will all be put on trial, and the verdict will be heard.


The emperor Guo Rong was very decisive in rectifying the Buddhist temples in the world, and he negotiated a feasible charter with the ministers and ministers of the DPRK, which could be quickly implemented.

So that the Buddhist temples in the world have no resistance at all.

This incident had a great response, because at this time there were still a lot of people in the world who believed in Buddhism, Buddhism had a great influence, and there were conflicts in some areas.

But now is a troubled time, Zhou Dynasty 10,000+ elite imperial troops are ready to go around Daliang, and most of the towns are waiting for the imperial order after the Battle of Gaoping, who dares to make mistakes?

Buddha is also afraid of spears and swords!

So within a few months, many Buddhist temples were destroyed, and many fake monks were driven out of the temples.


These influences on the dignitaries in Daliang City were not so great, and the Privy Council even kept receiving good news from the southwest, and everyone was beaming with joy.

The small battle in Guanzhong was not very important to the entire Liangliang, and the people did not pay much attention to it, but the Privy Council was always paying attention, and the DPRK also paid high attention to it.

The ministers in the court had a higher vision, knowing that only by removing the threat of Shu from the northwest could they start the next bigger action, and they would use troops against the Southern Tang state in the south without any worries.

In Wang Pu's strategy for the official family, the first thing to clean up was the Southern Tang Dynasty.

The Southern Tang Dynasty has fertile soil, a large population, and the country is prosperous. Moreover, unlike the Shu Kingdom, which is separated by mountains and mountains, the Southern Tang Dynasty and the Dazhou border are both plains and hills, which are very good for wars and national wars.

At that time, the 10,000+ forbidden troops of the Zhou Dynasty will go south in an all-round way, and the chances of winning the Southern Tang Kingdom are very small.


Kunning Hall is located at the back of Wansui Hall, which is the queen's bedroom. Queen Fu sits dignifiedly on a delicate nanmu chair, listening to the eunuch in front of him talking to him, and all the maids who are serving him are rejected.

She was born in a famous family since she was a child, and she is used to many constraints and rules. Even when no one is around, she will sit upright, pose well, and her manners are calm, giving people a sense of grace and luxury.

She has experienced a lot and knows a lot.

"That Shi Congyun went out of Sanguan Pass in May, and broke down eight Shu army camps...  

I heard that he even put on armor and went into battle, took the lead in killing the enemy, and suffered more than [-] wounds and did not leave the battlefield...

Later, when he arrived at the east of Wuwei City, he went into battle in person and defeated Li Yangui, the general of the state of Shu. He killed thousands of Shu troops and captured thousands of them.

Then they attacked Wuwei City, and they had already led their troops south to Fengzhou. "

The eunuch Wei Min reported to Empress Fu in a low voice.

He was originally the eunuch who held the candles in the Hanging Palace. He was quite clever and knew that he could not say these words to any woman in the palace, only Empress Fu, not just because of her empress.

The official family is very high-spirited. Compared with Tang Taizong, why would they marry a woman who was married?

It can only be explained that Queen Fu is not simple, and this is not simple because of her life experience and its own reasons.

"Is the official family happy?" Empress Fu did not comment on the matter, but asked a frivolous question.

Wei Min was stunned for a moment, carefully recalling that what he asked for from his godson was news, frowning and shaking his head: "This... this servant really can't remember clearly, and didn't ask about it."

Empress Fu slowly shook her head, with no expression on her face: "I don't know how to keep an eye on it if it's important, and it doesn't matter if it's long-winded."

Wei Min continued to crawl in the tunnel and said: "The servants are not good at doing things, which makes the empress unhappy, please punish me!"

Empress Fu was expressionless, raised her eyelids, and did not let Wei Min get up, she just said calmly, "You can talk about what happened later."

"Later... all the ministers in the court were very happy, boasting that Shi Congyun is a rare talent." Wei Min was a lot more careful when speaking.

"What's the official reaction?"

"The official...the official just nodded without saying a word." Wei Min carefully recalled the details. He was also in the palace that day, and was in charge of holding the candles in the palace. one of the reasons.

Empress Fu whispered to herself: "As expected, in the future."

After hearing it, Wei Min became excited, because the events in the future were more interesting, and he remembered it clearly.

Chapter 83, Fu's Action

"It's going to be fun going forward!

Shi Congyun is still too young, he doesn't have much concentration, his tail goes up to the sky as soon as he gets a little credit from the officials, he doesn't know the severity..." Wei Min shook his head and chattered.

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Queen Fu: "Don't talk nonsense."


Wei Min hurriedly continued: "A post station official reported Shi Congyun's favoritism, and used the post station to send a love letter to his maid on a horse.

The Privy Council sent someone to investigate and found that it was actually true! "

"This Shi Congyun is really ignorant of the general situation. He was only doing meritorious service and had a bright future, but in the end he turned his tail into the sky. He is too young to do such a thing..."

Wei Min was a little gloating about the misfortune. He didn't have the ability and meritorious deeds, so he could only say a few sour words. When someone else had an accident, he was happy in his heart.

After saying this, he raised his head slightly to peek at Empress Fu, but found that she didn't speak, she was still so dignified and beautiful, and she asked lightly, "What's the official's reaction?"

"The official? The official seems to be laughing. I don't know why..." Wei Min opened his mouth and couldn't continue talking. He didn't know why the official laughed.

"How did the officials deal with Shi Congyun?" Empress Fu continued.

"The officials say that it is not an example. Shi Congyun is young and energetic and the Qixi Festival is justifiable; he only punished Shi Congyun for one season's salary, and asked the people from Taicang to send a lot of things to the maid in Shi's mansion... ..

But according to my opinion, Shi Congyun's future... tsk tsk. "Wei Min shook his head. He felt that bringing this kind of matter before the officials would ruin the future of this young man, Shi Congyun.

Empress Fu didn't speak, and Wei Min didn't dare to speak.

"I don't know if he did it on purpose..." Fu Shi suddenly opened his mouth, muttering to himself, then shook his head: "What's on the mind of the fifteen or six-year-old child? It must be a coincidence."

Wei Min couldn't hear what the Queen was saying, so she didn't dare to interrupt.

Empress Fu seemed to be thinking about it, "Go back, listen to what the ministers have to say in the future, and look at the officials' reaction. I want to ask you from time to time."

"Slave understands!" Wei Min respectfully agreed and then left.

Queen Fu pondered for a while and didn't think much about it. A character like Shi Congyun was not worth her trouble.

She is a calm woman who rarely loses her composure.

Back then, in the Li Mansion in Hezhong Mansion, the whole mansion was full of dead people. She sat in the courtyard surrounded by corpses, calmly waiting for Guo Wei's army, and calmed down many soldiers who rushed into Li Mansion first. itself.

So she sees many things more thoroughly, she always wants a child, and all the women in the palace want the emperor's favor.

Moreover, her status can be stabilized when she has a child. There are many concubines favored by the official family, but she has never been given a chance.

Every time I think of her, my heart hurts, and the officials must have disliked her for marrying someone.

He is a proud person and has a high self-esteem. If the first emperor had not insisted on him marrying him, the official family would never have seen a woman who had been married before.

However, Queen Fu has never been a self-pity person. Under such an urgent and dangerous situation in Hezhong Mansion, she can calmly save herself, not to mention the current situation.

After the death of the late emperor, she felt a crisis and felt that her status was not guaranteed.

The first thing she thought of was to get pregnant with the official family's child.

But this road is difficult to walk. The official family is very kind to her in public, and sometimes they can even listen to her words, but once they return to the palace, it is a different attitude. make it difficult for her to get close.

She couldn't live peacefully with the Fu family behind her back, and she had vaguely noticed that her father was not as ambitious as before.

Going forward, the power of the Fu family is difficult to last. What will it look like in another generation?No one can tell.

So she prepared two ways.

First, let the second sister come to live in Daliang.

The second sister, Fu Jinhuan, has been beautiful since she was a child, and has a good temperament. She is probably able to please men. If there is a chance, she will be brought into the palace.

Officials have prejudice against women, and the second sister is still a virgin.

With her queen's identity and her second sister's lovely and beautiful, she may be able to sit firmly in the harem, so that she will feel at ease.

Another method is to win over officials and generals in the DPRK.

She has a lot of younger sisters, and by mutual marriage, the two families can get closer.

However, such a thing cannot be made clear, and it must be carefully selected. It is best to have no foundation and not a close official of the official family, so that it will not arouse the official family's resentment, and make people feel grateful.

After all, if the other party had already become famous and favored, who would care about her showing favor.

"Shi Congyun is not bad..." Empress Fu thought silently, "I just don't know if he did that absurd thing on purpose or if he was really arrogant..."

"At the age of 16, he actually wears three layers of armor and takes the lead in leading troops to kill the enemy. He is a very strong young man..." Mr. Fu knows how heavy a layer of armor is.

Thinking about it, Queen Fu couldn't help blushing.

I wondered what I was thinking about, how could I even think of this...

Fortunately, no matter what people think in their hearts, outsiders will not know.

Officials like people like Shi Yanchao because of his ability and shortcomings;

If Shi Congyun is great, but he always does things perfectly, the officials probably won't take it seriously, at least not to the extent of Shi Yanchao.

Shi Congyun, who only made military exploits, actually did things that favored the public, at least revealing that his actions were not stable enough, and he was young and lecherous.

So the officials laughed. As long as people have shortcomings and likes, it is easy to control them.

For a young man like Shi Congyun, his blood is uncertain, he must be unable to avoid the temptation of beauty, and it is much easier to control.

It is indeed rare for a young man to have such military exploits and abilities as Shi Congyun. For the vast majority of people, not to mention fighting, bringing thousands of soldiers and horses is a huge difficulty.

Shi Congyun not only did it, but also broke the camp and broke the city, defeating Li Yangui, the famous general of the state of Shu, which made her eyes shine.

"He is a person worthy of attention..." Empress Fu thought, and his father is Shi Yanchao, who is now the commander in front of the palace, which is not easy.

Winning Shi Congyun is also attracting Shi Yanchao.

Empress Fu put Shi Congyun on the list of attention in her heart. Among the beautiful sisters in the family, except the second sister, the sixth sister is the sixth sister.

The sixth sister is fourteen this year, and seems to be about the same age as Shi Congyun, and the two are a perfect match.

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