Fengzhou is the main road in the Qinling Mountains. As long as the Zhou army can capture and defend Fengzhou, it can cut off the connection between Qinzhou and its surrounding areas and Shu.

Shi Congyun's overall strategy has been like this from the beginning.

There are many places where you don't need to be time-consuming and labor-intensive, and you can kill people and hurt money.

Just like when Bai Qi surrounded Zhao Kuo among the dangerous mountains, Zhao Jun collapsed and surrendered after persisting for 45 days.

Many people think that Zhao Kuo's ability is not bad because Zhao Jun persisted for 45 days...

In fact, unless Bai Qi is a fool, why should he fight Zhao Jun?It is easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is better to surround yourself with Zhao Jun and wait for him to starve to death. How good is it to surrender himself, why should he use the lives of Qin soldiers for the lives of Zhao Jun, who is dead?What a fool.

Now Shi Congyun's strategy towards Shu is the same, so Wang Jing will support him.

As long as the Zhou army occupied Fengzhou on the main route of the Qinling Mountains, and cut off the connection between the western and northern Zhuzhou counties and the Shu Kingdom, those places would become enclaves, and from then on, they would lose contact with the Shu Kingdom, and they would all face the pressure of the Great Zhou.

In this way, Zhou Jun did not have to spend time and effort and kill many people to attack Qinzhou and its surrounding fortified cities in the northwest. As long as they defended Fengzhou, those prefectures and counties that were alone would have to surrender sooner or later.

Therefore, the most important thing in this attack on Shu is to win Fengzhou!

The gateway to the north of Fengzhou is Wuwei City.

The city of Wuwei was broken, the gate of Fengzhou opened wide, and the Zhou army drove straight in and went straight to the foot of Fengzhou, without any hindrance.

On the third day of the seventh lunar month, Shi Congyun led an army of [-] troops to the south along the river valley. The further south he went, the wider the Jialing River and the easier the road.

After the surrender of Wuwei City, the Zhou army obtained a large amount of food, grass, and other supplies.

Shi Congyun ordered that the soldiers of the He-Controlling Army feast and drink, and the whole army rests for three days before continuing south.

At this time, everyone's morale was high, and the flags with their teeth and claws were fluttering and dancing in the wind.

On the way south, the situation far exceeded Shi Congyun's expectations.

After Wuwei's victory, he never dared to go south because he was afraid that the Shu army would still have follow-up troops.

According to intelligence, the Shu army sent 6000 more troops to the surrounding areas of Fengzhou as early as March. Even if more than [-] Shu troops in Wuwei City were either killed, captured, surrendered or disbanded, if they went further south, they might still be defeated. He ran into a large group of Shu soldiers.

Therefore, he did not dare to advance rashly, but waited for the follow-up troops, preparing to gather the army and go south safely, in case of being counterattacked by the Shu army.

But it turned out that he thought too much.

As they advanced, the Shu army retreated along the road, leaving the checkpoints and fortresses empty along the way.

As soon as the Shu army met the scouts of the former army of the He-controlling army, they retreated in panic, and they had no intention of resisting, and did not even dare to confront each other.

So the Zhou army sang triumphantly all the way, and the Shu army retreated all the way, so they arrived at the foot of Fengzhou city.

The whole process was completely beyond Shi Congyun's expectations. He thought that the Shu army would resist somewhat.

The day we arrived in the south of Fengzhou City happened to be the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.

Fengzhou is at a fork in the road, where the Jialing River meets a large river to the east. As for the name of the river, Shi Congyun doesn't know. He is not a local.

The Shu army had given up the garrison at the river bank and bridgehead and retreated completely.

Even the wooden watchtowers didn't have time to burn down, leaving only the mud that had been dug up and leveled after camping with messy flags, and the stovetop where regular stones were piled up.

They walked in a hurry, and many tents were also abandoned behind a bush, which was too late to take away, and the helmets that were too late to wear, which showed the rush and panic.

The soldiers of Zhou Jun laughed, proudly using their spears to carry the helmets of the enemy and walking in the front, as if it was something worth showing off.

Along the way, Shi Congyun ordered the army not to disturb the people or oppress the people along the way.

The soldiers obeyed the order, because they still had enough food, and they took a handful of oil and water in Wuwei City.

Shi Congyun had previously heard that Yue Fei's army would starve to death without robbing the people of food, and would not tear down the walls of the people to death. He also heard that the People's Liberation Army "doesn't take a single needle from the people", but he didn't have much feelings, and he didn't think it was anything special. of.

It was not until I experienced it myself and led my own troops that I understood how difficult it was.

He sometimes asks himself, he can protect the people by the Yellow River, but now it seems that he is unable to protect more people.

If one day, the army under his command runs out of ammunition and food, can he still insist on his actions and keep his integrity?

In fact, there is no need to ask, Shi Congyun knows that he can't do it, and few people in this world can do it.

Soldiers will mutiny without food. He will definitely be the unlucky one. If he really gets to that point, he won't be able to be Yue Wumu. He is a selfish person who would rather others die than die himself.

However, within the scope of his ability, as a five-good youth, he is also willing to benefit ordinary people.

It's just that people along the way have fled almost early, and not many people have been encountered.

The speed of fear spread beyond his imagination. He heard many rumors about him while he was still on his way south. Some said that he murdered lustful women, robbed many beauties of the Shu Kingdom, and loved to eat children's hearts and so on... ...

In short, even Shi Congyun was incredulous when he heard it himself, he really didn't grab the beauty of Shu!


This time, Shi Congyun learned a lot from Wuwei City and all the way to the south, the most important of which is the importance of psychological warfare.

For this reason, he ordered the [-]-strong army not to approach Fengzhou City quickly, but to camp on the south bank of the Jialing River, two miles outside Fengzhou City.

They also asked the soldiers to set up more tents, and they seized a lot of materials from Wuwei City, including tents.

So Zhou Jun arrived on the same day and camped on the river beach to the northeast of the city facing Fengzhou.

He didn't know what was going on in Fengzhou City in the distance. He didn't know if he was so frightened that all the grass and trees were full of soldiers. He only knew that in the afternoon, Shu troops escaped from the city one after another to find him to surrender.

Shi Congyun accepted it, and those who were captured were not counted. The surrendered Shu army would soon be able to reorganize an army in his place.

However, these people did not arrange to go to the front line, but arranged to go to the rear for Luo Yanhuan to protect the army.


That night, the moon was bright and the stars were sparse. The fire in Fengzhou City was flickering like floating hearts. Outside the city, there were endless large camps.

This is probably inconsistent with the atmosphere of the Qixi Festival.

Shi Congyun stood by the river, trying to find Vega and Altair in the sky, but he was illiterate and did not understand astrology at all.

Suddenly beckoned, "Come here, go and prepare a pen, ink, paper and inkstone for this general, someone wants to write a love letter."

Chapter 81: It's the same Qixi Festival, some people are happy and some are sad

In the big tent, everyone stretched their necks and moved forward, only to retreat after being kicked by Shi Congyun.

They are curious and unbelievable. They don't believe what love letters Shi Congyun will write, and they are curious about what the hell he can write.

"Brother Yun, which girl are you writing to?" Wang Zhong asked curiously.

"Is it necessary to be so troublesome? If you see a girl, just go grab it with your brothers." Dong Zunhui interrupted.

"Yeah, so you don't get embarrassed." I don't know who interrupted outside.

Shi Congyun turned back, desperately trying to catch who said it just now, but found that there were too many people behind him, and they all looked innocent, so that he didn't know who said it at all, so he had to snort and give up.

After that, he splashed ink and swiped down a lot of big characters. To say that endorsement was his strength.

Soon, a famous Qixi poem was written by him.

"Xianyun is clever, flying stars spread hatred, and Yin Han is dark.

As soon as Jinfeng Yulu met, they won but countless on earth.

The tenderness is like water, and the good times are like dreams.

If the two loves last for a long time, how can they be in the morning and evening. "

After copying Shi Congyun, he was very proud. Although the calligraphy can only be said to be acceptable, and the characters are not so beautiful, the words are amazing, and they are very bright among the Qixi words he remembers.

I thought to myself that these guys who thought he would only steal the little girl should drop their jaws and worship him beyond measure.

When he turned around, he found that many men in the army, such as Wang Zhong, Shao Ji, Dong Zunhui, were looking at him with a bewildered expression, and some people tilted their heads and scratched their heads in confusion.

Shi Congyun was suddenly angry, they know shit!

This is pretending to be white...

"Go away, get out, it's a good Qixi Festival, labor and management don't want to spend time with you big men!"

The crowd dispersed in a hurry, and they were so angry that they couldn't understand.

It's just that on the way back to the camp, we figured out which girl Yun Ge'er had a crush on, and had the opportunity to grab it back for him.

The Jialing River flows quietly, the moon of the Qixi Festival and the sky of the battlefield are not suitable at all.

However, Shi Congyun quickly figured out how to make up for what he didn't put on. The illiterate in the army did not understand, and naturally there were people who did. The most educated person in the family was probably Zhao Xiaoniang.

So he called for a messenger and said: "Seven hundred miles urgently, send this letter to the history of the capital, specify that it will be given to Zhao Shijian, and say that someone sent it."

He thought to himself that the literary style of Shu was very popular, and there should be a good stone inkstone. When the time comes, grab a good one, go back to coax the little girl, and make up for it.

The soldier was stunned for a moment, "Ah? All, seven hundred miles in a hurry?"

"Yes, if you want to send it, let's go." Shi Congyun waved his hand.

The soldier was very embarrassed, but the order was hard to disobey, and finally he nodded stiffly, took the envelope and went out.

The [-]-mile rush is an official emergency, and it requires the support and cooperation of many station officials along the way. As soon as the courier arrives, he will leave after changing the fed horses and dry food.

Generally speaking, it is not sent like this. Only important information will be sent. Now that Shi Congyun has sent a letter from his family, it is natural for the soldiers to be embarrassed.

However, Shi Congyun is not random, there are some calculations in his heart, he does not know if what he thinks is accurate, if not, it is not a big crime, if it is accurate, then the benefits will be great.


On the Qixi Festival, the Emperor of Shu, Meng Chang, dressed in full costumes, and Mrs. Huifei Huarui spent the festival together in the garden south of the Imperial City of Chengdu. During the festival, Mrs. Huifei Huarui personally drank and made fun, wrote poems and lyrics, and danced with the palace maids to add to the fun.

The atmosphere is harmonious, the surrounding vegetation is dwindling, the autumn chrysanthemum reflects the moon, and the poetic and flashy atmosphere flows quietly, making people fascinated and unwilling to wake up, and it is not like being in a trance in the world.

Meng Chang half-squinted his eyes and his face was red, as if he was half asleep.

Madam Huarui's face is like a peach blossom, her dance is graceful, and her beautiful face is indeed intoxicating.

Meng Chang excitedly wanted to get up and do something, his breathing immediately became heavy, and his chest became tight, like an overworked person, unable to catch his breath.

The maid next to her found the situation and shouted quickly, and Mrs. Huarui found it and stopped quickly, came over and stroked his back, and she was in a good mood for him.

The eunuch next to him hurriedly took out the white jade porcelain bottle, poured out three black pills, and carefully fed them to Meng Chang.

After a while, Meng Chang finally caught his breath and said unwillingly, "Is this the punishment of the Buddha? I was a wicked person in my previous life."

"Your Majesty thinks a lot, he must have been a great and kind person in his previous life." Madam Huarui said softly for him.

"The Buddha said that good and evil will be rewarded, and karma will be rewarded. There are so many living beings in the world, countless, how many can become emperors. Your Majesty is the most honorable emperor of Dashu, and it must be the reward of ten generations of good people."

Meng Chang felt better after hearing this, "Concubine Ai is right."

"With Concubine Hui's intelligence, what she said must be reasonable..." The eunuch next to her also quickly echoed.

Only then did Meng Chang feel happy, and he was unable to do what he thought, so he asked Mrs. Huarui to compose a poem for him, with the theme of Qixi Festival.

Mrs. Hua Rui was originally a very talented woman, the Shu Kingdom was comfortable, the style of writing was very popular, and the poetry was also very popular, so the atmosphere slowly became harmonious, and Meng Chang resumed his laughter.

Meng Chang smiled, and both the eunuch's palace maid and Mrs. Huarui breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment, Wang Zhaoyuan, a privy clerk, came in in a hurry with an anxious expression on his face.

Wang Zhaoyuan was Meng Chang's companion when he was a child, and the two had a very good relationship since childhood.

Meng Chang wanted to reuse Wang Zhaoyuan for a long time, but he couldn't find the opportunity, and the old court officials also passed, so he sent Wang Zhaoyuan to Fengzhou in March to arrange the deployment of troops, in fact, he wanted to increase his qualifications and credit.

Wang Zhaoyuan is also very pretentious. He compares himself to Zhuge Liang. In addition, he is in the state of Shu, and he feels that he is as talented as Zhuge.

At this time, Meng Chang was in a hurry, and he was the only one who dared to rush in in such a hurry.

Seeing that Wang Zhaoyuan's face was not good, Mrs. Huarui knew something was wrong.

Wang Zhaoyuan has a very high self-esteem, and he does not take many people seriously. He thinks that many things are a piece of cake, and there are not many lessons that can make him change his face.

So he carefully took the jade bottle from the eunuch and moved closer to Meng Chang.

Over there, Wang Zhaoyuan came in and whispered in Meng Chang's ear: "Your Majesty, the Hou Zhou striker Shi Congyun defeated Li Yangui, broke Wuwei City, and has gone south!"

Meng Chang was stunned, "Who?"

"Shi Congyun, the same Shi Congyun, Zhou Jun's forward..."

"Where... is it?"

"Defeat Li Yangui's army in the east of Wuwei City, and break through Wuwei City (Li Yangui was afraid, didn't say that he abandoned the city and fled, and lied that the Zhou army had broken the city), and now it has gone south, I don't know where it is!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty..."

"His Majesty!"

Meng Chang was short of breath, and was at a loss for words for a while, and Mrs. Hua Rui quickly fed him medicine before he recovered.

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