
After thinking about it for a long time, the sun slanted westward.

Empress Fu got up and greeted her, and the maid who had been waiting outside the palace for a long time came in immediately, served refreshments, carefully washed her green jade fingers with warm water, and wiped them with silk.

Others carefully wiped her pretty face with a towel soaked in water and wrung out.

Empress Fu closed her eyes and enjoyed the service of the maids. She was used to this scene since she was a child, and everything seemed to be taken for granted.

Everyone revolves around her, and she likes the feeling of being clean all the time.

"Go get your pen and ink ready." She closed her eyes and instructed lazily.


After a while, Mrs. Fu walked from the main hall of Kunning Hall to the side hall, and changed out of the cumbersome formal clothes and changed into a pale yellow skirt.

Fu picked up a pen and wrote a line of elegant small characters, "Father, let the sixth child also come to the capital, I have something to tell her..."

Chapter 84: Qingdi Wanli Moon Wheel Solitary, Sweeping All the Clouds

The Qing Emperor Wanli Moon Lun Lun is lonely, sweeping away the clouds and leaving nothing at all.

On the autumn night, the coolness infiltrated silently.

In Daliang City, I don't feel it during the day, but at night, the windows can't be closed, and the quilt is not as cold-resistant as before.

Zhao Shijian watered the flowers and plants in the small courtyard as usual, and watered the old willow tree alone in a pot, and then packed up the warm quilt during the day and put it back in the house, just like in the days when someone lived.

In the utility room next to the house, there are many gifts sent by Taicang officials a few days ago.

Most of them are gold, silver and cloth, which are said to be given by officials.

At first, Zhao Shijian was startled, and she thought that the emperor wanted her to enter the palace.

After that, after Taicang and the accompanying Privy Council officials explained, I gradually felt relieved. It turned out that Shi Congyun had made contributions on the front line, so he rewarded her.

Why did Shi Congyun reward her for his meritorious service...

Thinking of this, Zhao Shijian couldn't help blushing, like a peach blossom in spring. She is very smart and understands a lot.


After Shi Congyun left, she lived alone in a small courtyard. Only Wang Qiuhui came to look for her for company from time to time, and Shi Congmei, Shi Congyun's sister.

Wang Qiu is a child of a poor family. At a young age, he is smart and quick in work. He is very liked by his mistress and aunt. Especially after the aunt became pregnant, Wang Qiu took care of her most of the time.

There was only Zhao Shijian in the small courtyard.

From time to time, she would think of that hateful person. When he was there, he was so angry with him every day that he was always bullied, and sometimes she really wanted to tear him apart.

But as soon as he left, life seemed to become dull, the taste was like chewing wax, and there was no taste.

Sometimes in the afternoon in the warm sun, watching the sunlight pass through the willow shoots, the whole person is lazy, he doesn't even want to move, and he doesn't have the mental strength that he was angry with at the beginning.

The leaves of the old willow tree fell one by one, and her heart undulated in the wind with the thin willow leaves.

Sometimes Zhao Shijian will stare blankly at the pond to see if he is beautiful, but he will forget it when he looks at it. It is difficult for people to evaluate himself.

People seem to have lost their eyes, their vision is all in their minds, and they are vaguely visible stinky faces.

She shook her head in annoyance, her jet-black hair was shiny and spilled from her shoulders.

The melancholy of a young girl is always chaotic, and sometimes she doesn't even understand the source.

Getting along bit by bit, there will always be some things that are unclear...

From time to time, she carefully inquired about news from the front line with her mistress, and sometimes in nightmares, she would dream that he fell bloody in the sea of ​​​​corpses, and then woke up in the middle of the night, unable to sleep until dawn.

A little bit of infiltration will slowly sprout and grow into a towering tree one day.

Maybe she didn't notice it herself.

The letter written on Qixi Festival, Zhao Shijian has been on the table, next to the stone inkstone left to him by his grandfather.

There was a gap in the corner of Shi Yan, which was made by that bastard, and she still kept it firmly in her heart.

The words on the letter were not good-looking, so she copied it again, but after copying it, she felt that it was not as good-looking as the original.

It's ugly...but it looks good.

Xianyun is clever, Feixing spreads hatred, and Yinhan looms dark.

As soon as Jinfeng Yulu met, they won but countless on earth.

The tenderness is like water, and the good times are like dreams.

If these two feelings are long, how are they going up and down.

"If the two feelings last for a long time, how can they be in the morning and evening..." Every time I read this, I have a different emotion in my chest, I hold back my heartbeat, and it is difficult to calm down for a long time.

I'm afraid he copied it from somewhere...

Zhao Shijian thought to himself, who has been in love with him for a long time...

Thinking about it this way, the letter was placed next to the most beloved Shi Yan.

The missing corner reminded her of Shi Congyun, and her teeth itch with hatred; but the letter made her have strange emotions, and every time she read it, the deer bumped.

Love and hate are intertwined, sweet and sour, the taste of which can only be experienced by oneself, not enough for outsiders.


Zhao Shijian sighed, Shi Congyun is someone she can never handle.

In his letter, he said that he would go to Shu Kingdom to grab a good stone inkstone to compensate her, making her angry and funny, how could there be such a person.

There were a lot of complaints from the past, but it didn't seem to matter at this moment. Looking at the autumn sun and the bright moon, she prayed silently in her heart that he would come back safely.

If he comes back properly, I... at worst, make some concessions.


In the early autumn of July, the official family held a banquet in the royal garden in the north of the city. The banquet talked about the use of troops in the southwest, and praised the coach Wang Jing and the striker Shi Congyun for their outstanding achievements in battle, and they were the pillars of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Previously, Li Gu and others had different opinions on the expedition of Shu, believing that the expedition of Shu had to cross the ancient Qinling Road, the road was too difficult to walk, the army could not spread, and it was easy to endure and fail.

As a result, Shi Congyun has been fighting for more than two months, and has been killed all the way from Sanguan to Fengzhou, so Li Gu naturally has nothing to say.

Zan Jurun's battle report really made the official family's eyes shine. After all, the official family has to deal with a lot of memorial documents every day. It is too late to read them one by one.

After reading it, it was placed on the desk on the left.

At the banquet, Gao Huaide, Wang Shenqi and others all said a lot of good things about Brother Yun, and Shi Yanchao was very happy.

However, some people poured cold water. Li Chongjin, who rarely returned to Beijing, was thorny in his words. He pointed out that although Shi Congyun had meritorious deeds, there was no distinction between the priority and the priority.

Shi Yanchao's face was not good-looking, but because of Li Chongjin's identity, he did not swear.

On the contrary, Zhao Kuangyin, who was already the Marquis of Yu in front of the palace, said, "There is no such thing as a young man who is not beautiful. Brother Yun's achievements at the age of 16 must be incomparable to others. The champion Hou became famous at [-] miles."

In mid-June, Zhang Yongde strongly recommended Zhao Kuangyin to meet him alone. After talking with him, the official family felt that Zhao Kuangyin was a useful talent, and he was promoted from Long Jiejun to Marquis of Yu in front of the palace.

Zhao Kuangyin and Shi Congyun have a very good relationship, at least in Lao Zhao's view, plus he didn't get along with Li Chongjin, so he would speak up.

This is a beautiful statement. It not only affirms Shi Congyun's contribution, but also satirizes Li Chongjin who doesn't know what he is doing at the age of 16.

Li Chongjin's face was ugly, but he didn't point his nose to scold him, so it was difficult to refute.

Empress Fu, who was beside the official family, was dressed luxuriously, gracefully and elegantly.

Empress Fu, who is about ten years younger than Guo Rong, looks much younger and doesn't look like an ordinary couple sitting together.

Generally, Queen Fu doesn't speak, and others only smile and nod slightly.

Only when the official family praised Shi Congyun, she said a few words: "It is rare for young people to have such ambition and ability, but in the future, you must remember to serve the official family well, and be careful not to be arrogant and impetuous."

This is also speaking for Shi Congyun in disguise, refuting Li Chongjin's words without any trace.

Later, at the end of the banquet, the official family ordered Han Tong, who had just returned from Hebei and Shandong, to lead the two armies of the Tigers and the Czechs to support the frontline to support the attack on Fengzhou City.

After the banquet in the imperial garden, Shi Congyun's name quietly spread among the dignitaries of Daliang.

For ordinary people, it is not so famous. For Da Zhou, this is not a national war. Only the people in Guanzhong can hear the news of the war from time to time.

However, for the people of Shu, because of Zhao Jili's magical operation, Shi Congyun has become famous and household name.

Although it is still impossible to stop crying, but as long as I hear this name, people are panicked.

In fact, Fengzhou and Wuwei are still thousands of miles away from Chengdu. However, Zhao Jili, the theoretically highest frontline officer in the northeast, fled the battle and returned to Chengdu single-handedly, spreading fear and Shi Congyun's name.

Most people have no idea about the geographical situation hundreds of miles around Chengdu, let alone Fengzhou and Wuwei City thousands of miles away?

Interesting is how many people died on the front lines and how many were captured.

All they know is that the Zhou State forward general Shi Congyunlian broke through the eight camps of their Shu State, defeated the Shu State general Li Yangui, broke Wuwei City, and came towards Chengdu.

Shi Congyun's name has become a cloud over the people of Shu.

In fact, not only the people of Chengdu, Meng Chang himself was also afraid.

If Zhou Jun is allowed to open up the Qinling Passage, then Daliang's forbidden army will take advantage of the situation to attack Shu and lose the Qinling Mountains. What capital does Shu have to fight against Da Zhou?

After hurriedly summoning the ministers of the DPRK and China to discuss, two strategies were adopted.

One is to send messengers to the Northern Han and Southern Tang secretly to tell the truth and the key points of the death of the lips and teeth, and ask them to send troops to deal with Hou Zhou together.

The second is to let Guangsheng Majun command the envoy, and Wuding army Jieddu envoy Gao Yancuo led the army north to join Li Yangui to stop the Zhou army.

In fact, the gap between Shu Kingdom and Zhou Kingdom has already appeared at this time.

The Zhou Dynasty dispatched Wang Jing, Xiang Xun, and Shi Congyun, forcing Shu to send Li Yangui and Gao Yanyu, their most capable generals, one after another.

The Zhou Dynasty only dispatched Fengxiang Jiedu, Zhen'an Jiedu and Control He Jun.

There are also a lot of people who can fight, such as Wang Yanchao, Shi Yanchao, Li Chongjin, Zhang Yongde, Zhao Kuangyin, Gao Huaide, Wang Shenqi, Li Jixun, Murong Yanzhao, Han Tong, Li Jun, Pan Mei, Zhao Ding and so on.

The strength is not one grade at all, Meng Chang's fear is not unreasonable.


At this time, the source of all fears, Shi Zheng, was inspecting the army camp.

The endless tents spread to the southwest along the banks of the Jialing River, stretching for nearly ten miles.

Shi Congyun also thought to himself, it seems that he also has the true inheritance of Emperor Zhaolie, but I don't know if there is a scholar Lu Xun in the opposite Shu army camp.

In autumn, the vegetation withered, and the dead branches and leaves spread all over the river bank. Now there is only one fire left.

Shi Congyun was not afraid. He wanted to lend ten courageous soldiers from Shu, and they did not dare to leave the city. They rode south along the riverside, surrounded by generals along the way.

Everyone was talking and laughing, talking about the credits and battles they had fought along the way, and everyone was happily competing for credits. At this point, after returning to Daliang, everyone's credit is indispensable.

Only Shi Congyun was not so proud. For some reason, or his intuition, or his sense of war, he always felt that things were not that simple.

As for the art of war, the specific history of the formation of troops in the Cold Weapons era is unknown to the cloud, so he made Shao Ji as the formation envoy. arrange.

The most taboo thing to do is to guide the experts from the outsiders.

However, with a strategic grasp, Shi Congyun believes that he has no problem, and even has many advantages.

His understanding of the shape of mountains and rivers, he has studied Li Desheng's strategic thinking, and he considers the war from the overall situation. He is obviously much better than Shao Ji and others.

Shi Congyun felt that their advantages were obvious in the overall situation, but it was impossible for Shu to let them go.

The State of Shu did not know the purpose of the State of Zhou, and did not know that the State of Zhou just wanted to capture the Guanzhong states, and would definitely defend Chencang Road with all his might.

Thinking from the heart to the heart, he will never rest assured that Zhou Jun will get through Chencangdao and threaten Chengdu in Hanzhong because of his position in Shu.

Shu has always been like this. As long as the Qinling barrier is penetrated, the Shu Kingdom is almost equal to the subjugation of the country.

Therefore, the lord of the Shu Kingdom will not sit idly by if he is sensible, and should fight back with all his might.

What Shi Congyun thought was how the Shu State would fight back?

The people around them were chattering, and the more they talked, the more excited they became. Dong Zunhui and Wang Zhong even quarreled about who deserved credit, but he didn't hear anything, and his mind was full of possible counterattacks that Shu might take.

He also saw from the last confrontation that Li Yangui is definitely an experienced veteran, and it is not easy to deal with. If he makes a comeback, it will be a big threat.

Shi Congyun was upset by their troubles, he waved his hands and said, "Shut up for Lao Tzu. Can you say something useful? Fengzhou is still ahead.

This time, both of them obediently shut up, bragging, yes; hitting Fengzhou, no.

Shi Congyun shook his head, whoever dared to agree to one of these two forces would send him to storm Fengzhou City!

I just don't know what the current state of the court is, whether the emperor of his military exploits knows.

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