The victory was decided, and for a while, the soldiers of the Zhou army shouted in unison, followed excitedly and chased the Liao soldiers away, galloping north.

Shi Congyun breathed heavily to recover from the chaotic killing. The blood and killing did not make him dizzy. Seeing his father's killing rise, he led a large group of men to chase north to kill him. He was so anxious that he almost cursed his mother!

Although it's not right....

All in all anxious.

If the Liao State wants to save the Northern Han, it must be the main force who will come here. The pursuit to the north across Xinkou is too deep.

"Grass!" Shi Congyun took off his undercoat, spit, and hurriedly chased after his horse, while instructing Wang Zhong: "Go back, find Xiangxun, find Commander Gao (Gao Huaide), and ask them to send troops to respond to the rescue! Just say I want it!"

Wang Zhong nodded, "Brother Yun, don't worry, I will bring the words to you."

Wang Zhong doesn't necessarily understand his anxiety, but along the way, everyone trusts him very much.

After he finished speaking, he hurried back and quickly disappeared to the south.

Shi Congyun turned the horse's head, crossed the ground full of corpses and armored swordsmen, and led the crowd to shoot the horse north to chase Shi Yanchao.

There are Liao cavalrymen who are dead and wounded everywhere along the way. As long as there is a victory, Dad's pursuit will not stop.

Along the way, the wind whistled in his ears, and Shi Congyun anxiously looked north, looking at the distant sand and dust to confirm the location of the large army.

I kept trying to figure out a way on the bumpy horseback, and then I reasoned with my father, and I would definitely be scolded by him and wouldn't listen.

Dad Shi Yanchao is a man with muscles in his brain, and he is too superstitious about force.

He must not know that the Liao army is likely to have a large army, but he thinks that the Liao army is not afraid of it, and he can kill it directly!

Shi Congyun is as anxious as an ant on a hot pan, how can he convince such an iron-headed old man?

"Is there nothing to be afraid of?" Shi Congyun said anxiously.

Shao Ji rode side by side with him, stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then said: "Yes!"

Shi looked at him from the side of the cloud.

Shao Ji said: "The owner of the box has always been full of courage and despised the enemy, but there is one owner of the box who is very afraid." Then he looked straight at him: "I'm afraid that there will be an emergency in Brother Yun."

Shi Congyun's heart shook, he reined in his horse slowly, and muttered to himself: "That's right, a wall stands a thousand feet high, and you can be strong without desire..."

As the No. [-] general of the Great Zhou Dynasty, Shi Yanchao has no weakness. He charges into battle, and he is proud of his strength and disdain for the heroes, and he is not afraid of death.

But as a father, he has a weakness, and the weakness is myself...

Shi Congyun stopped his horse and thought about it for a while.

Immediately, he dismounted and asked Shao Ji to help him remove the armor. He removed the heavy iron armor, leaving only the light and thin leather armor inside. Then he took off the vest and handed it over to Shao Ji for safekeeping. He was afraid that the armor would be too heavy to catch up with the old man. father.

"You wait here with someone, answer me." Shi Congyun patted Shao Ji on the shoulder.

Shao Ji nodded, understanding what he wanted to do, "Brother Yun, go ahead, someone will wait for you to come back."

Shi Congyun nodded, got on his horse, and rode lightly to chase Shi Yanchao's department.


After about half an hour of chasing, Shi Congyun caught up with the last of the army with a spear. Shi Yanchao really led his men to chase north, but the speed slowed down.

Seeing this situation, Shi Yanchao was afraid that he wanted to go all out and attack Huanglong, cross the Yanmen Pass and go to the old Khitan nest!

Although it is incredible, maybe the old man with the muscles in his head thinks so.

Shi Congyun circled forward from the left flank. He did not wear armor, nor did his horse wear armor. He moved briskly and quickly rushed to the front.

Shi Yanchao was complacent, ready to pursue the victory, and personally led the army to wipe out the Liao army.

Seeing him coming, and taking off his armor, he was immediately surprised, and then yelled: "Nizi! What are you doing, take someone back to Xinzhou when you take off your armor, and you need to put on armor before you come to battle. How many times has someone taught you!"

Shi Congyun ignored his father's scolding, and said sternly: "Father, a certain figured it out, you want to chase, and as a son, I will be the striker."

"You!" Shi Yanchao was so angry that he picked up the iron gun in his hand and wanted to slap him.

Seeing him take off his armor again, he was afraid of getting hurt, so he didn't dare to attack, his face was ugly, "Nonsense, get back!"

Shi Congyun ignored it, marched forward, merged into the forefront of the army, and planned to stay here and not leave.

Shi Yanchao glared at him and said angrily, "Keep chasing!"

Shi Congyun was also ruthless, and did not slow down the horse's speed. He gritted his teeth and stayed in front of the army formation, accompanying him forward.

The surrounding soldiers flanked, and the commander whispered behind him to persuade him to retreat quickly.

Shi Congyun gritted his teeth and refused to obey. In fact, he was in his heart. If he encountered the Liao army in this state, it would be very dangerous.

Several of the conductors who usually follow Shi Yanchao can see their father and son's fighting spirit, and understand Shi Yanchao's character, and no one dares to speak.

After walking for a while, Shi Congyun was still stubbornly in front of the front line, and he didn't mean to slow down the horse at all.

It was summer, and the sun was scorching hot. After leaving the Xinkou, it was wide open, the fields were vast, and the surrounding green wheat fields were full of vitality.

When the Liao army went south, it had already been trampled once, and the Zhou army was trampled again when it went north. The hope and busyness of the people for a year were crushed into mud and stepped into the soil.

Even if the war is over, for many people, how to survive has become a big problem.

The atmosphere of the former army was a little silent, and the army went about two miles north.

Shi Yanchao suddenly stopped his horse, broke the silence, and roared, "Stop the horse!"

The army slowly stopped, and Shi Congyun hurriedly said to the commanders behind him: "My uncles, my father said to stop the horse and turn around, quickly turn the horse's head back, and stop chasing!"

The commanders looked at each other, still hesitating, and all looked at Shi Yanchao.

After a while, there was movement in the distance, and at the end of the front view, under the cloudless sky, a large amount of dust floated from the northeast and southeast, and sounds could be vaguely heard.

Shi Yanchao scolded loudly: "Khitan dog thief, dare to set up an ambush!"

Shi Congyun saw from a distance the Liao Army's tooth flag on the gentle slope several miles away, and couldn't help complaining in his heart, this is where the Liao Kingdom set up an ambush, you are about to plunge into the Liao Kingdom's central army!

He knew that at times like this, he couldn't be more cowardly.

Holding the spear tightly in his hand, even the horse's head has to pass Shi Yanchao's warhorse.

In fact, I knew that if my father was really determined, he wouldn't dare to take the lead if he was given ten courage.

Shi Yanchao stared at the soldiers approaching Liao in the distance without saying a word, his face was ugly, and he glanced at Shi Congyun, who only wore thin leather armor, and shouted unwillingly: "Withdraw! Go back to Xinkou."

The commanders felt that they could no longer pursue them, and they all ordered the horses to be turned around, the former army changed into the latter army, and they retreated in the direction of Xinkou.

Shi Congyun finally breathed a sigh of relief, and now he can't care about anything else. He has no armor on his body, and he is scared to death. Relying on the horse's speed, he quickly ran south, and quickly rushed to the front of the army.

This made everyone a little confused. Is this the little Xiangzhu who vowed to be a pioneer just now and wouldn't back down even if he was killed?How to run faster than anyone...

The Liao army in the rear caught up with it. It was huge in scale and spread out on the plain north of Xinkou.

This time, all the officers and soldiers felt scared when they looked at it. The Liao army was strong and strong, with a large number of soldiers. If it wasn't for the owner of the small compartment to stop him desperately and plunge in, I'm afraid that there will be more fortunes than good luck.

The two armies were one after the other, the Zhou army fled, and the Liao army chased after them.

The most fearful thing in fighting is hesitation. If you want to fight, you will fight. If you want to run, you will run. Zhou Jun decided to run.

The troops led by Shao Ji and over a thousand people from Gao Huaide and Xiangxun were waiting, and they set up antlers, wooden fences, and horses at the mountain pass north of Xinkou, occupying the high ground on both sides.

When they came, they let go, and immediately blocked the road.

After the two armies joined forces, the number of troops increased greatly. Xiang Xun, Gao Huaide, and Shao Ji's troops were guarding the narrow area north of Xinkou. In addition, Xinkou was wide and narrowed. Head south.

The soldiers who escaped can finally rest and breathe.

After gathering the points, there were only about [-], but less than [-]. On the way, three or four hundred brothers either ran away or died at the hands of the Liao people.

Looking at the Liao army in the mountains and fields to the north, everyone has lingering fears.

Shi Congyun gasped for breath, overlooking the north from the hillside, his heart was beating wildly, the Liao State had a large number of soldiers, and it has become a big climate!

If it is one step late during the day, I am afraid that the entire army will be wiped out.

Xiang Xun called immediately: "Xinkou can no longer be defended, there are too many Liao soldiers, this place can't be defended, let's go back to Xinzhou City."

Shi Yanchao was very upset, but finally nodded in agreement.

Shi Congyun was busy thanking his two uncles Xiang Xun and Gao Huaide. Dad wouldn't say such things, so he had to tell his son.

Gao Huaide is informal and has a very open-minded personality. He doesn't take it to heart at all, like a less arrogant Shi Yanchao.

Xiang Xun, on the other hand, smiled and said, "Brother Yun, you should remember this kind of relationship."

He was able to play haha ​​before, but this time he couldn't. Shi Congyun hurriedly laughed and said, "Remember, kid, if you have an order to uncle, don't dare not obey."

"Heh, you are slick, I think Brother Yun is also saying it nicely at this time." Xiang Xun laughed, and didn't mean to care about him.

After taking care of everything, the army withdrew from Xinkou to Xinzhou for defense overnight, and Shi Congyun finally felt relieved.

It can be regarded as pulling the father back from the gate of hell.

After returning to the Xinzhou city, it was already midnight, but the lights were bright inside and outside. The news of the Liao army must have reached here. After the identity was verified, the city gate opened and the army entered the city.

As soon as I looked up, the galaxy was shining brightly, the high city wall almost touched the tip of the moon, and hundreds of brothers couldn't come back tonight.

In this battle, they had a small victory. Shi Yanchao's initial charge and the chase for more than an hour later, I don't know how much they got, but it should have been over a thousand.

However, because the pursuit was too deep, he was chased and killed by the Liao army, and his own side also suffered hundreds of losses.

In a bigger situation, if the Liao army came, Taiyuan would not be able to fight.

This day, Shi Congyun was exhausted and exhausted. After settling down his horse, he spread a blanket on the open space of the camp in the south of the city and fell asleep.

Chapter 33, The past of Yunzhou

But on the [-]nd or [-]rd, the Liao army began to march south in large numbers, hoarding in the north of Xinzhou, and confronted the Zhou army.

The Liao army camped north of Xinzhou, stretching for more than ten miles. The forward did not rush south for the time being. It was probably during the battle at Xinkou, and Shi Yanchao killed him and did not dare to advance.

There are also provocations and invitations to fight before the battle, but Fu Yanqing, the king of Wei, ordered to stick to the fortress of the city and not to fight.

This tactic is not very clever, but it is very practical.

As long as Xinzhou is still hoarding heavy troops, the Liao army will not dare to rush south.

Xinzhou Chengtou, a group of people stood and looked north, Shi Yanchao was standing at the farthest position, still striding completely, not in line with the others.

Shi Congyun, armed with a sword and armor, stood beside his father.

At the very center was King Wei who was wearing light armor.

Among these people, there are people who Shi Congyun knows, such as Xiang Xun and Gao Huaide, and there are people who he does not know, such as Guo Congyi and Bai Chongzan.

But no one looked at him except Xiang Xun and Gao Huaide.

"It's about five or six thousand more than yesterday." Gao Huaide said, referring to the Liao army camped north of Xinkou in the distance.

It is impossible to see the camp from too far away, and it is even more impossible to see people. At this time, when the army is making food in the afternoon, the experienced generals can make a guess based on the smoke of the army.

Shi Yanchao said coldly, "More, let's say seven or eight thousand, maybe more than ten thousand. Liao thieves are different from our army in making food. They bring more dried meat and make less fire."

Everyone looked at him sideways, and Gao Huaide said, "Shi Qianfeng, a native of Yunzhou, has fought a lot with Liao soldiers."

Someone nodded secretly, and finally Wei Wang Fu Yanqing came to a conclusion: "I'm afraid Xinzhou won't be able to hold on..."

It was very windy at the top of the city, but everyone could hear it clearly, and there was no objection.

This is the truth. Although it is depressing, it is a fact, and Xinzhou cannot keep it.

The Liao army is coming one after another, with more than [-] troops a day. At this rate, the Liao army assembled in the north of Xinzhou will soon have an overwhelming advantage.

But in the longer term, King Wei didn't say anything.

Shi Congyun knew in his heart that Xinkou could not be defended, and Taiyuan could not be attacked. This attack on Taiyuan would fall short.

He understands these truths and doesn't talk nonsense. Most of these people must know it, but they don't open their mouths, because the officials are unwilling, and this unwillingness and reluctance are top-down.

This is probably the will of the emperor. Just a thought from the official family can make so many big and three rough men shut up and dare not talk about right and wrong.

Shi Congyun wouldn't think so much. The emperor controls the world, and he feels bad when he manages hundreds of subordinates.

The five-year-old and three-thick men have a lot of problems. They stink every day, speak openly, and are usually very annoying. One day they die suddenly and have to dig a hole to bury them.

But there is one thing he can really empathize with, and that is unwillingness.

After so many people died, it was not easy to get to this point. Now that the Liao army is heading south, there is nothing left.

Shanxi's terrain is higher than the Central Plains, with mountains and rivers inside and outside, and Shanxi is uncertain. It is like a sharp blade hanging over the head of China (the country of the Central Plains, which means China in ancient times), and it may fall at any time.

The key point is that the sword still has one end in the hands of Liao. This feeling is definitely not good. Not to mention a bright master like Guo Rong, even Shi Congyun feels very uncomfortable.

Because of the high-speed rail, plane and other means of transportation in later generations, he has traveled all over the country, and has an intuitive understanding of the geography of the motherland, mountains and rivers that surpasses that of the ancients.

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