People of this era, even generals who fought everywhere, such as Xiang Xun and Gao Huaide, talked with them and found that their understanding of geography was vague and abstract.

For example, knowing what is in the north of where, how to go where, what way to go, etc.

As for the specific relationship between the two places, the height difference, the distance between them, and the difference between the plates are all abstract in their understanding.

It is not surprising that there are not many people with geo-strategic thinking in this era, because people still believe in a round sky, and the far end of the world is only vaguely described in history books.

Even without those knowledge, as long as the Northern Han Dynasty is present, the Liao cavalry will be able to drive straight in and drink the horses of the Yellow River. Many people know this.

There is no room for snoring on the side of the couch, not to mention that they are almost crawling onto the bed.

Shi Cong Yunyao looked at the cooking smoke in the north, and held the hilt of the sword tightly, suddenly feeling a little absent-minded.

If the army is withdrawn, the father is not in danger, but suddenly he can't feel happy.

"I don't know how long it will take to set foot on the land of Hedong again." Shi Congyun sighed.

Xiang Xun answered with a wry smile and said, "It's difficult. With the Liao State as the backing, it can be as short as a few years, as long as more than ten years, or even decades. It may be a matter of several generations."

"It's useless to think about those things. Why don't you think about how to stick to it tomorrow, and how to retreat to the south in the future..."

Everyone was silent, and it was considered a default.

"Hedong has suffered many crimes in the past few decades. Everyone has been killed, but they can't kill it..." Xiang Xun shook his head and sighed.

Shi Congyun stood beside his father, seeing him motionless, looking to the north with no expression on his face, the whole person stood like a statue, not saying a word, inexplicable emotions were surging.

He was puzzled, and just wanted to ask his father, but Gao Huaide slapped him heavily, "Let's go, accompany a certain city tour!"

Shi Congyun was taken away like this.


There's something to be learned from following Goldwright as he patrols the arming situation outside the city.

After all, marching to fight, deploying defenses, many things are the experience summed up over thousands of years, most of them are in the hands of high-level generals, and they are passed down from generation to generation.

Gao Huaide can teach him that it is a great affection, and it is probably related to his character. Gao Huaide was born in a general door. I heard that his father was named a king. He is an informal person and doesn't care about those at all.

The two rode around for a tour, and Gao Huaide suddenly said, "Brother Yun, do you know why your father hates Liao so much?"

Shi Congyun shook his head: "I only heard that my father's military exploits are mostly related to the Liao Kingdom."

He had heard rumors about Shi Yanchao from the military officers and soldiers. Except for the promotion of the military meritorious service and the merits of the dragon, the most common ones were the repeated defeats of the Khitan soldiers.

"Just now, your father, I remembered a lot of past events, so someone dragged you away, otherwise there would be a scolding."

Gao Huaide laughed and said, "It seems that your own son doesn't know your father as well as someone."

Shi Congyun doesn't care, he's just a half-year-old son anyway, "Uncle Gao, then tell me."

Gao Huaide pointed his whip to the north, "Xinzhou goes north, past Daizhou, where is Yanmen?"

"Shuozhou, Huanzhou, Yingzhou!" Shi Congyun immediately agreed behind him.

"Yes, he's a good and knowledgeable man, then go further north!"


Gao Huaide nodded: "Yes, Yunzhou, your father is from Yunzhou, and it is now in the hands of Liao."

"My father left his hometown because of this." Shi Congyun added.

"Well..." Gao Huaide stopped his horse, "But you only know one thing and don't know the other."

Chapter 34, The past of Yunzhou

Gao Huaide looked at the vast sky in the north, "When the son emperor Shi Jingtan dedicated sixteen prefectures to Liao, the Liao army took over fifteen prefectures very smoothly, only Yun prefecture (Shanxi Datong)......

The military and civilians of Yunzhou spontaneously resisted the Liao, and they did not allow the Liao soldiers to enter the city. They fought with the Liao soldiers for half a year in isolation and helpless.

In the end, the emperor Shi Jingtang used a trick to deceive the leaders of the resistance army and civilians, and the Liao people were able to successfully enter the city and take over Yunzhou. "

Shi Congyun was stunned, he didn't know this history.

"At that time, your father was a teenager in Yunzhou, what do you think he was doing?" Gao Huaide sighed and looked at him.

Shi Congyun was speechless. Isn't it obvious what he was doing? The military and civilians of Yunzhou who resisted for half a year must end badly.

"Your father....... is lonely and unruly, silent and seldom speaks. He is looking forward to killing and returning to Yunzhou day and night. He hates the Khitan people more than anyone else. He hates him to the core...

Few who came out of Yunzhou did not hate him. "

Gao Huaide said and reached out and patted his shoulder: "So someone respects Brother Shi, if one day he kills Yunzhou and restores the sixteen states, he will give up his life and go with him.

As a son of man, you have to worry more about understanding your father, who is just not good at words. "

Shi Congyun cupped his hands: "I understand, thank my uncle for teaching me!"

"I can't talk about teaching you. I just think that you are a smart young generation. You can understand some things if you tell you. I'm afraid that your father and son will have a gap."

Shi Congyun grinned: "Don't worry, uncle, my father is a sincere person, with a sincere heart, I understand all these things, if one day kills him back to Yunzhou, he will also go with him!"

"Hahaha, he really is a hero! You have the style of your father." Gao Huaide laughed loudly, and slapped him twice on the shoulder, making Shi Congyun grin his teeth, and almost knocked him off the horse...

He doesn't know if there is Shi Yanchao's wind, but he can really feel the palm wind on his shoulders. Is this the case with the five generations of generals!

After the two of them finished speaking, when they looked up, they saw the neat Liao army camp in the north from a distance.

There is no doubt about the power of the Liao Kingdom. From a small Jizhou in the Tang Dynasty to an empire in the north, it must have its own unique features that should not be underestimated.

Although he just said impassively about returning to Yunzhou, the blood in his chest is still there.

But when I looked at the Khitan army in the distance, the endless barracks, the blood suddenly cooled by half, and even a fierce man like Gao Huaide slammed his mouth and did not speak.

Ideal is full, the reality is very skinny....

Neither Shi Congyun nor Gao Huaide would be arrogant enough to think that they were characters like Wei Huo. It is good to have ambition, but ambition will not change the situation in the world, and ambition will not kill millions of soldiers in Liao.

As the saying goes: You can’t go a thousand miles without accumulating a few steps; but no one knows how long this road is and how to go, maybe only the official family Guo Rong and the relatives around him understand, and are qualified to think and discuss Bar.

There is a long way to go.


When Shi came back from Yunyun, someone told him that King Wei and others had already gone back to rest. Dad didn't say a word, and was still staring at the distant sky at the top of the city. As if the clouds in the mountains, suffocating.

"Father, we'll be back sooner or later." Shi Congyun supported the handle of the knife and comforted him.

The old man turned his head and saw that it was him, his eyes softened, "I don't know when..."

"As long as there are people, there are always opportunities.

We, the descendants of the Shi family, will fight with them. If you are gone, you will have me, and I will have your grandson, grandson, and son. One day, we will be able to kill you and go back to Yunzhou! "Shi Congyun patted his chest.

Besides, he really didn't know how to comfort his father.

Shi Yanchao didn't speak, he seemed to be thinking about something, and after a while he said to him, "When you go back, tell me about your marriage."

"Father, you misunderstood, I didn't mean it!"


At sunset, under the city of Taiyuan, east of the Fen River, the setting sun is pouring, and the world is red.

Different from the hustle and bustle of the past, at this time the city was silent, and at the top of the city in the distance, the flag of the Northern Han army was in dire straits, but it was still erected and swaying in the wind.

Today's siege has ended, and the wounded and corpses are slowly being transported backwards, but Zhou Jun still failed to attack the city.

The official Guo Rong, wearing fine silver scale armor, wearing a crimson dragon-patterned brocade cloak, with a sword on his waist, patrolled the troops, followed by the armored generals, Zhang Yongde, Li Chongjin, etc.

The closest to the official family Guo Rong was not Zhang Yongde and Li Chongjin, the two Guo family members, but scribes who looked to be in their forties.

Said to be a scribe, he was relatively tall, wearing a leather half-armor and carrying a sword around his waist.

When the soldiers saw the officials coming, they all bowed down and bowed. Guo Rong said loudly, "The soldiers have worked hard and fought bloody battles. They don't have to bow in strong armor. I'm here to visit you, not to cause you trouble."

Many soldiers and soldiers were very moved, and they responded that they would work hard to kill the enemy for the official family and capture Taiyuan as soon as possible.

Guo Rong nodded in response, and went back to the camp after visiting them one by one.

After returning to the main tent of the Chinese army, all the generals withdrew, leaving only Zhang Yongde, Li Chongjin, and the scholar Zhu Jia.

After patrolling the camp, Guo Rong felt a lot of emotions, his face was sad, his right hand was behind his waist, and he sighed and said to the scholar Jia, "Deputy Wei, the soldiers and soldiers fought hard for several months, and they fought desperately for more than [-] lives under the city of Taiyuan. I will give everything to Dongshui every day, and I am unwilling to do so.”

The scribe pondered: "But it's not the fault of the official family, the battlefield is changing rapidly, how can anyone control it, and it is wisdom to be able to follow the general trend."

Saying that, he took a step forward so that the officials could hear clearly, "The sage must not violate the time, nor lose the time, this destiny is also not the official's loss.

Furthermore, this battle was not in vain.

In the battle of Gaoping, the elites of the Northern Han Dynasty were defeated, and the Liao Kingdom fled without a fight.Xiaoxiao has been overwhelmed, and the grace spreads to the world.This move will allow many people to see the situation in the world clearly and to know my great Zhou Junwei.

The siege of Taiyuan made the puppet Han tremble. Yesterday, Shi Qianfeng defeated the Liao army forward at Xinkou and beheaded two thousand people. The Khitans did not dare to advance lightly.

This time, if you go north, even if you don't go to Taiyuan, the power of the official family has already become.

At present, it is only necessary to withdraw troops in an orderly and stable manner, manage them carefully, and wait for another day to come to the fore.

At the beginning of the Qin Dynasty, when the king swept Liuhe, he was the Yu Lie of the sixth generation of Fen; Emperor Wu chased the Huns, and also entrusted his ancestors to manage them for several generations;

Family and country, the world's major events, can not be done suddenly; those who can achieve success are all masters in the history of history, and they will be remembered through the ages.If officials want to imitate this, they must be patient and determined. "

After these words were finished, the official family Guo Rong looked down, chewed it carefully for a while, and then happily looked back and said, "Good words!

Wei Wei's remarks made me stunned, and it was very useful. If it weren't for your words, I would have missed a major event! "

"The official family is good at listening, and the old minister dares to speak bluntly.

Guo Rong nodded and said to himself, "Taiyuan has not been attacked for a long time recently, but it has been raining heavily for several days, the morale of the generals is low, and everything is not going well, but there are only two things that make me happy.

One is that Shi Qianfeng defeated the Liao soldiers at Xinkou for a while, and the other is what Deputy Ambassador Wei said today. "

After a while, the official knocked on the table at hand, as if he had made up his mind, and said solemnly: "Then withdraw the army.

This withdrawal of troops needs to be stable and orderly, and it cannot leave benefits to the puppet Han and Liao.

Therefore, there are two things that must be done well, one is to cut off the aftermath; the other is to burn the food and grass raised from various places;

Li Xianggong said that there were more than [-] Dendrobium in stock, which could not be left to the Liao people. "

"Zhang Yongde, Li Chongjin!"

"The end is here!"

Guo Rong ordered: "In the early morning of tomorrow, the generals and officers above will be summoned and brought to the front of the central army tent. I need to explain the withdrawal of the army."


Chapter 35, The Warm-hearted Shi Congyun

In June, the hot summer day ushered in torrential rains for days.

The sound of the waves in the mountains seems to be able to separate the heaven and the earth.

The June rains have washed away the scorching heat in the air, which is refreshing.The troubles it brings are also a headache.

In such heavy rain, the Liao army did not dare to advance, and the Zhou army could not attack the city.The armor and tents were all wet, and it was difficult to light a fire to dry them. Many people could only cover their bodies to dry them. The soldiers living in the military tents could not sleep peacefully during the day and night, and it became difficult to light a fire and cook food.

The roads were muddy, flash floods broke out, and the transportation of food and grass for the army also became a big problem. Many roads were washed away, and many bridges needed to be rebuilt by logging on the spot.The surface of the hard road is smooth, and when you step on it, it's like being smeared with oil. If you are a little careful, you will be injured and even killed.The road is wide and wide, but at most, he is injured in a fall. In the valleys of mountains and rivers, if he is not careful, he will fall into the bottom of the valley and die.

In the past few days, eight civilian husbands have been killed, and Li Gu, the right servant who organized the guarantee of food for the army, was devastated.

Fortunately, after the rain and the weather, the official order to withdraw the troops was issued.

Since we are going to withdraw our troops and do not attack Taiyuan, Xinzhou will not be able to keep it.

When I heard that the troops were withdrawing, some people panicked. What if the Northern Han and Liao countries pursued them?

No one was afraid of being cut off, so the generals in Xinzhou rushed south on the first day they received the official's order.

Without the strong strategic fulcrum of Taiyuan, Xinzhou could not be defended, nor could the surrounding prefectures and counties occupied, so they could only give up.

As Xinzhou goes south, the road is muddy and south, and there are occasional road conflicts on the road, and quarrels and fights occur from time to time.

But as long as they saw Shi Yanchao's flag, everyone avoided it.

Afterwards, the army converged under the city of Taiyuan, and the sky was clear. On the same day, except for the food brought by the army, everything was burnt down. The fire outside the city was blazing into the sky, and the smoke billowed all day long.

Most of these grains were collected on the spot from the prefectures and counties in Hedong, and now the army cannot take it with them if they want to withdraw.

Shi Congyun took Wang Qiu back and found a small donkey for her to ride.Finally, I asked her if she would like to go south. The little girl just nodded and didn't dare to speak.

Shi Congyun then decided for her: "Then you can go south with me, then you will serve Zhao Shijian, and Zhao Shijian will serve me."

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