Such a person made Zhao Shijian very afraid of him...

He is the kind of person who is rude and law-abiding, does things unexpectedly, catches her off guard, and always... feels very dangerous.

Zhao Shijian's intuition felt that he was dangerous, he would always do things that he didn't expect, and he was domineering and used her at will.

As the aunt's waiter, the mistress also asked her to do things, but others always asked her to do ordinary things, and she tried hard to learn and do well.

Only Shi Congyun made her feel uneasy every time she made a call, because she didn't know what he would do with him.

She is not a stupid girl who doesn't know anything, she has a vague premonition that things will develop in the direction of the desires of men and women.

Zhao Shijian sighed lightly, how could she...

Biting his lower lip with his teeth, maybe he shouldn't think about unrealistic things and have unrealistic dreams.

Like my aunt said, see the reality clearly and go with the flow, if that foolish person takes a fancy to me, let him do whatever he wants, in exchange for rich clothes and fine food, I will live my life peacefully......

At least it's comfortable and not tired, everyone is like this, why should I be different?

Thinking about it, a crystal teardrop fell from the cheek, yes, everyone is like that, what qualifications do you Zhao Shijian have to be different?

Zhao Xiaoniang curled up on the bed powerlessly, thinking: Grandpa, I don’t know if you can hear me under the spring, if you can, teach me......

Chapter 31, Luqiu Zhongqing

Many times in life there is no choice, and the road to growth is the road to broken dreams.

It may be heart-wrenching at first, and you get used to it.

The same is true for Zhao Shijian. Zhao Shijian with red eyes woke up early the next day. As usual, Aunt Wang and the others boiled water, made meals, chatted, and served the two mistresses of the family. It was nothing unusual.

After washing up, changing into clean clothes, and helping to deal with visitors.

The reality is always helpless, surrendering and trying to live is a brave man.

Many unrealistic ideas quickly become a thing of the past; not only to others, but also knowing to give in and compromise to yourself is a difficult step to take.

It's just that some people are decisive when they step out, and some people are wandering.

Zhao Xiaoniang is obviously a decisive type of person. She spent one night and knew that she had no qualifications to linger. Those who were unwilling and unwilling could only keep it in her heart and keep it for herself.

It may become a painful memory of licking the wound alone one day and night, or it may be ignored and discarded directly in the garbage heap of memory.

If you really get to that point, closing your eyes will be a nightmare, Zhao Shijian thought.

In today's world, the big man thinks about how to die, and the little girl thinks about how to live, what she can do.

After that, Xiaoniang Zhao still accompanied Gu Ying and treated others with a smile. Even Gu Ying didn't notice that she cried for a long time last night.

In the morning, a few came sparsely, all of them came to visit relatives, or there was a nephew in Hebei, also surnamed Shi, or a few generations from ancestors, everyone was a family or something.

Zhao Shijian stood by to deal with it, greeted him with greetings, said a few good words, but he was not rude, he would not promise anything, and he would not say anything practical.

The other party talked for a long time, but the host's house was leaking. You were polite to me, and I was also polite to you. Anyway, they were polite to each other.


In the afternoon, a special middle-aged man came, and this time it was finally not to visit relatives.

His name was Luqiu Boyu, and he said that he had friendship with Shi Congyun, the young master of the Shi family, and wanted to see him and find an errand for his brother.

"Eldest brother, Lu Qiu Zhongqing, was originally an official under Li Gong's account in Zhaoyi Jiedu. He has read poems and books, and has a lot of knowledge..."

After talking for a long time, the words came back slowly.

"There is turmoil in the north, and Zhaoyi Jiedu Duong Li... is impatient and bloodthirsty, the eldest brother is very panicked under his tent, and often feels uneasy, "

"I want to change the court." Zhao Shijian helped him finish the difficult words.

The middle-aged man nodded embarrassedly, this is not a glorious thing.

When Shi Yanchao builds the festival, it is normal to have a few officials under his command, so naturally some people will be watching.

The mistress, Gu Ying, sat on the head and dressed appropriately, but she didn't understand the situation, so she looked at Zhao Shijian.

Zhao Xiaoniang said: "A good bird chooses a wood to perch, and a good minister chooses a master to serve; this theorem is known all over the world.

However, the head of the family still needs to consider it himself. Please write a letter of recommendation from the elder brother. When the head of the family returns to make a ruling, he will send someone to notify you as soon as there is news. "

Luqiu Boyu was very happy to receive such an answer. The little girl beside Shi's mistress was very smart. When he opened his mouth, he set the tone of the matter and let him understand that there was a chance, and then talked about the process of the matter.

It was clean and neat, and it made him understand, and explained his work process.

Luqiu Boyu got up quickly, he was already prepared, he offered his brother's recommendation letter with both hands, and then he didn't say much and said goodbye politely. Unhappy, I think he doesn't know how to praise.

As soon as he left, Gu Ying was no longer dignified, and even took Zhao Shijian's hand and let her sit down.

Then came over to see that she didn't know much, so she asked Zhao Xiaoniang, "What's written on it?"

Zhao Shijian looked at it for a while and replied: "A man named Luqiu Zhongqing recommended himself to serve under the Patriarch... He was originally an officer under Li Yun, the Jiedu of the Zhaoyi Army."

How could Gu Ying understand these things, she didn't know anything about Zhaoyi's discipline, engagement, etc., and Zhao Xiaoniang could understand it just by looking at her expression.

So the mother explained meticulously: "Zhaoyi Jiedu Li Yun is a high-ranking official who manages a large area of ​​prefectures and counties on the north side of the Yellow River, and is located in Luzhou, which may be about [-] miles away from us.

However, he has a bad personality and likes to kill people, so the officials under him are afraid. They want to come to the south and serve under the master of the family. This person just wants to ask the mistress if she agrees or not.

I've never heard of Luqiu Zhongqing, the surname Luqiu is rare..."

She thought about it carefully: "I read in some ancient books that Luqiu is a place name, it should be a surname based on the place name, and the location... roughly in the state of Zhu in the Spring and Autumn Period.

That is to say, Qidi was later, and now it may be a Shandong family who went to Hedong to make a living. "

Gu Ying seemed to understand, but asked again, "What should I do then?"

Zhao Shijian thought about it seriously and answered, "Only the head of the family can decide this matter, but I think I can agree first.

Once they leave their hometowns and are eager to find a place to stay, they will be grateful for the great kindness of the historian;

Second, waiting for the homeowner to build the festival, many places under his command will definitely need the help of scholars;

Thirdly, he came from the Zhaoyi Army and had the ability to handle all kinds of things. Such people were rare.

Leave the person behind first and wait for the owner to come back before deciding. "

Gu Ying nodded in relief, "Then do as you said." Then she happily held the little girl's hand, "I don't know what to do without you."

Zhao Shijian pulled the corner of his mouth and forced a smile. The mistress was very kind to her, but the more she did, the closer she was to Shi Congyun.


Shi Congyun didn't know that he was being missed.

After eating all the way ashes, they have moved far to the south of Xinkou.

The mountains here are high and wide, with two rivers to the east, mountains to the west, and the middle avenue is wide, more than two miles wide from east to west, and the large cavalry troops can even spread out in formation.

That's exactly what Shi Yanchao did. After all, he couldn't tell when he would meet the enemy.

After a lot of experiences, Shi Congyun is not as nervous as before, but his heartbeat is still unavoidable, and he is fighting for life and death, who can not be afraid.

But now, it's another feeling.

It's like squatting in a hut for a long time, naturally it doesn't feel like shit stinks, and when you see more deaths, you feel more free and easy.

Shi Congyun clenched the spear he didn't know, took a deep breath, and looked at the far north mountain pass.

If the Liao army came, nine times out of ten, it would head south from there.

At this time, the wind and waves were calm between the two mountains, with eagles circling in the sky, and sand and dust were swept up from time to time by the breeze on the ground.

Shi Congyun's armor has been repaired several times since he went north, and it is still heavy today, making him breathless.

Dad is obviously on top. He doesn't care about the information that the Liao soldiers are about to go south, and he has no fear at all. He is ready to kill a big one.

He doesn't care, but Shi Congyun does.

Shi Congyun was very clear-headed at the moment. If the Liao soldiers wanted to rescue the Northern Han Dynasty and rescue Taiyuan, they would definitely come with a large army, not 1000 or [-], but tens of thousands of main forces.

And now they only have more than [-] people from the First Army of Long Jiejun, and the rest are in Taiyuan to help besiege the city.

On the way, he persuaded his father to return to Xinzhou, join forces with the various ministries, and jointly seize the enemy, not to advance too far, but was scolded by Shi Yanchao.

Shi Congyun was helpless, and Gao Ping's military exploits stunned Shi Yanchao's mind. Now he can't listen to anything, thinking that he is invincible in the world.

He thought of a word, brave and light progress!

After a while, dust rolled up in the sky north of the mountain pass, the ground began to shake, and the rumbling sound became louder and louder...

The Liao cavalry is here!

Chapter 32, Xinkou

The more critical it is, the easier it is for people to think uncontrollably.How many Liao soldiers are there, are they strong?From which direction to go, which hand to hold the spear, where to stab the enemy......

Shi Congyun's mind was a mess, and those things couldn't be driven away.

When the Liao army cavalry Yingyingchaochuo appeared in the mountain pass, the matter was a foregone conclusion, but he had no time to think about it, and his mind became clear.

The Liao Bing forward saw them from a distance, and didn't mean to stop, shouting at them something they didn't understand.

Looking from a distance, the Liao army is full of flags, very contemptuous, probably occupying a lot of people, not paying attention to them, and after finding someone in front of them, they slowed down and continued southward.

There are more and more Liao soldiers in the mountain pass north of Xinkou.

Shi Congyun's breathing was a little heavy, and his heartbeat kept accelerating.

However, the old father Shi Yanchao stepped forward and shouted: "The mere Khitan rats and turkeys, all of them will kill me!"

Then he took the lead and directly swung his troops to kill the Liao soldiers between the two mountains. The soldiers shouted to follow, their morale was boosted for a while, and more than 2000 elite cavalry went straight to the Liao army cavalry.

Shi Congyun was on the right wing and had no choice but to lead the crowd to keep up.

The Liao soldiers in the distance were overwhelmed by this situation and slowly panicked.

They probably thought that Zhou Jun would be afraid of their large numbers and dare not act rashly, so they continued to drive south, wanting to occupy the open area south of the mountain pass to gather. !

The narrowest part of the mountain pass on the north side of Xinkou is less than about a mile wide from left to right.

Cavalry fighting horses need to keep a distance, and now a large number of cavalrymen of the Liao army are passing through the narrow road between the two mountains, and they can't unfold for a while.

Some people want to quickly go south to the mountain pass and engage in the open field. Some people want to retreat and temporarily avoid the attack of the Zhou army.

Some people moved forward, and some people turned their horses and wanted to retreat. Suddenly, the army was in chaos and crowded into a ball!

Shi Congyun held the spear tightly in his hand, and stared at the enemy in front of him from the observation hole.

I can't help but complain, shit, it turns out that no operation is the strongest operation!

Daddy Tietou charged with a wave of reckless men, and unexpectedly messed up the other side, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

Rao is a novice like Shi Congyun, and he understands the situation at this time. As long as they rush over, they will win!

After a short acceleration, Zhou Jun's iron cavalry wrapped the yellow sand in the sky and plunged straight into the Liao army.

In an instant, Jin Ge chirped, warhorses roared, dust flew, fierce collisions and screams were mixed together, ears seemed to be temporarily deaf, nothing could be heard around, only the world felt quiet.

Shi Congyun's spear swung in his hand, and the Liao soldiers who turned their horses in panic rolled off their horses, and the smell of blood came out!

This time, he had already had the experience. He bowed on the horse's back and let go of the enemy immediately. The spear slipped back and immediately grabbed it. The impact was instantly dissipated by most of it, and the whole person stopped firmly on the horse's back.

There was a lot of noise around, Shi Congyun was calmer than before, he immediately retracted his spear, held the spear in his back hand, and used the speed of his horse to send the spear to the back of a Liao soldier with a bow, watching him scream and fall from the horse. .

Obliquely someone yelled at him in Khitan words that he couldn't understand, and was stabbed by Shao Ji next to him in an instant.

Wang Zhong led the light cavalry to harass the periphery and did not engage the Liao army immediately.

In the front left, Shi Yanchao took the lead, surrounded by his own soldiers, stabbed one person to death, and then stabbed the other with a big gun, directly throwing the other person off his horse.

With a big iron spear in his hand, and his tall stature, all covered in armor, he looked like a majestic beast. Wherever he went, several people were knocked off their horses one after another.

His big iron spear has a longer head, which is far better than a spear. It is similar to the Tang Dynasty horse lance, which can stab or chop. It is difficult for ordinary people to control, because it is too heavy and its strength is unsustainable.

But a fierce general like Shi Yanchao, who is born with strange power, can use it with ease, even more powerful!With heavy weapons and human horsepower, no one can stop it.

After the cavalry meets, it is a test of wisdom and courage. In the cavalry battle, try to get around to the left rear of the enemy without exposing your left rear to the enemy. Of course, if you use a bow, it is another matter.

This is a very test of the cavalry commander's ability to adapt to the situation and experience. Shi Congyun is self-aware and follows Shao Ji. The cavalry is commanded by Shao Ji. Soon everyone follows Shao Ji and uses the most basic "8" character to move the Liao soldiers. Later, he stepped forward and stabbed one person to death with a spear.

After a fierce battle of two quarters of an hour (half an hour), the Liao cavalry, who were caught off guard, were defeated and hurriedly retreated to the rear of the mountain pass.

The blood was filled with blood, and the dead horses and human corpses piled up in the narrow passage, and many were still twitching and wailing, the blood was still warm, and the wind was unceasing.

Shi Yanchao was soaked in blood, and his killing was on the rise, and he led the cavalry to continue chasing north.

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