Shi Congyun said, "The most important thing is the victory of the mountains and rivers. If I were the Liao Kingdom, I would not sit by and watch the Northern Han die.

In the past, when the Liao Kingdom attacked the south, it goes without saying that east of Taihang Mountains, and to the west of Taihang Mountains, the Northern Han passed by.

Liao soldiers can go directly to Hezhong, Heyang and other places unimpeded, drink the horse and the Yellow River, or enter Hebei from the Taihang Mountains to attack the hinterland.

There are many choices, and the initiative is in their hands. I can only prescribe the right medicine and be forced to defend.

But if there is no Northern Han Dynasty, my Dazhou territory will be pushed forward to Daizhou.

In this way, there are no sixteen states of Youyun in the north, and natural dangers such as Yanmen Pass can effectively block the passage of the Liao State to the southwest of the Taihang Mountains.

Afterwards, west of Taihang Mountain, they no longer have the initiative. As soon as they send troops, we will know which way the Liao army is going.

This is not a simple gain or loss of one city and one pool, but the loss of the general trend, the loss of the country's fortune, and the loss of the benefits of the mountains and rivers. Unless there is no smart person at the top of the Liao State, they will send troops to save the Northern Han. "

After listening to him, Li Gu Jing was silent for a long time on the horse's back, his old eyes stared at him tightly, and for a long time he withdrew his gaze and looked towards the southeast, thoughtfully.

"In your opinion, can Taiyuan fight?"

Shi Congyun was still cautious, he didn't dare to express his opinions indiscriminately on such a major event.

"This kind of major event is considered by the ministers and officials."

Li Gu laughed, "Be careful boy, you don't have to worry too much, the old man can still hurt you."

"If Liao soldiers come, most of them can't fight, but I feel that Liao soldiers are only one of them, and the most important thing is military discipline.

This time, many people were willing to take the initiative to help our army, but the vanguard army has repeatedly plundered the people, especially the army in the towns. The people in many places were disappointed and insisted on protecting themselves.

Without the support of the people, it would be difficult for such a large army to last in the north. "Shi Congyun said.

Li Gu chewed on his speech.

After a while, he slowly said: "You have some truth in what you said, but this statement should not be publicized."

Shi Congyun nodded, he was measured, and he just told Li Gu to listen.

When they went north, some people thought that they would be dismissed and imprisoned by the officials in the anger of the army.

When we returned to Taiyuan, there were more densely packed troops, and the camps stretched for several miles, the farthest being even more than 20 miles south of Taiyuan.

Li Gu succeeded Fu Yanqing, the king of Wei, and Shi Congyun also said goodbye to Li Gu temporarily. He led his troops back to Shi Yanchao's barracks, arranged for the rescued woman to rest in his tent, and then reported back to his father.

A few days later, the official family Guo Rong personally led the army to resist the city of Taiyuan, and personally directed the siege of Taiyuan.

The official visit in person, coupled with the order to die at any cost, the siege battle was instantly anxious and tragic to the extreme.

The camps near the city were filled with mourning wounded, wounded by knives and axes, stabbed, and many others were wounded beyond recognition by hot oil and gold juice (boiled excrement and urine), screaming miserably, and could not be taken care of at all.

The king of Wei attacked the city, killing and injuring more than 2000 people in ten days.

After Guo Rong went to Taiyuan, under the high pressure, over a thousand people died on the first day of the siege. In the evening, after the two sides stopped to retrieve the remains, the bodies piled up outside the city were too late to be buried.

However, in the next few days, the siege car built in a hurry was finally used, reducing some casualties, but it was still extremely tragic.

But even so, Taiyuan City still stood tall, and Zhou Jun rushed to the top of the city several times and was beaten down.

As time went on, the battle became more and more intense, and both sides were red-eyed.

Chapter 24, Guo Rong's Difficulty

Time unknowingly arrived in May, and more than two months have passed since I left home in February.

For more than two months, Shi Congyun led his troops to various places in Shanxi.

By May, the weather gradually became hot, and there were occasional torrential rains, the roads became muddy, it was difficult to transport food, and it was difficult to preserve food, and the war became more and more difficult.

And Shi Congyun began to worry about the plague.

With so many people crowded together, the sanitation conditions are poor. As long as the city is attacked every day, there are still many dead corpses. It is fine in spring. The dead corpses are extremely perishable in this season. Stinks.

The weather is getting hotter and the battlefield is getting hotter, and the fighting between the two sides is getting more and more hysterical.

Every day, there are corpses piled up into hills, and the shouts of killing outside the city are particularly enthusiastic.

From time to time, soldiers would come up to replenish them, and then they would be transported down at the same speed, while some could not come down. They would have to wait for the two sides to strike in the evening before they could be dragged back, and that was the corpse.

Shi Congyun's first battalion was arranged in the west of the city, on the west bank of the Fen River.

Taiyuan has been surrounded on all sides, but the main battlefield is at the South Gate and East Gate, in the area east of the Fen River.

This arrangement of Shi Yanchao was obviously intended to keep him outside the main battlefield.

Shi Congyun led the crowd to station on the west bank of Fen Shui, and it was really leisurely. This side was only surrounded, and he did not attack the city as violently as the east and south of the city.

Apart from the mutual shooting of various long-range crossbows, bed crossbows, and catapults, it was more of a scolding battle.

But when it comes to swearing, the Northern Han soldiers are naturally at a disadvantage, because the ruler of the Northern Han Dynasty is the emperor's nephew, and they have a Khitan father. This alone can make the Northern Han soldiers speechless.

Judging from Shi Congyun's experience along the way, as well as various news from his father, Xiang Xun, and Li Gu, it is inferred that the official family Guo Rong did not plan to fight in Taiyuan this time.

He didn't even think about the weight of the army's rations. He asked Li Gu to find a way to raise it temporarily. If there was no chancellor Li Gu, the army would not be able to maintain it.

The official family went north to Taiyuan, firstly to take advantage of the victory, and secondly because of the invitation of the surrounding people.

Based on what Shi Congyun has seen and heard along the way, he understands that this is not the kind of "people kneeling and begging" for a political show, but true.

The Northern Han Dynasty occupied the east of the river to survive, relying on the city of Taiyuan, but this is not the main thing, the most important survival skill is... Kneeling and licking the Liao Kingdom!

The Emperor of the Northern Han Dynasty was the nephew of the emperor, and he had to serve the Liao Kingdom every year.

The people of Shanxi were very dissatisfied, and subjectively recognized the Liao people as their fathers in order to survive the regime, which made the people of Shanxi lose face.

Objectively, the people of Shanxi had to support the royal family of the Northern Han Dynasty and the Liao State.

So when Gaoping went north, many people petitioned Guo Rong, the emperor of the Zhou Dynasty, hoping that he would send troops to destroy the Northern Han Dynasty and rescue the people of Shanxi from the fire. Send troops north.

Guo Rong, the official family, is probably holding the attitude of giving it a try. He also knows that Taiyuan is not easy to fight.

Unexpectedly, after the Northern Han elites were almost completely lost, Taiyuan still could not be defeated.

And the people were quickly disappointed, because Guo Rong was not the savior they imagined, a living Bodhisattva.

After the Zhou army went north, plundering the people everywhere, and Shi Congyun even witnessed the slaughter of more than [-] people in a village.

Many local people began to organize township groups to defend themselves, and some people began to regret why they invited Zhou Jun to go north in the first place.

Shi Congyun is a person who is good at observation. He understands that Guo Rong cannot be completely blamed for this matter. He has issued orders several times to strictly prohibit harassing the people, but when it comes to soldiers, the implementation is not thorough.

Especially the army of the various quarters.

He also thought about the reason for this. To put it bluntly, the military commander has great power, and the central government is difficult to control.

Taking the Battle of Gaoping as an example, before the war, Guo Rong had given orders to many Jiedu envoys to lead their troops to attack from all over the place. It sounds like the Zhou Dynasty had more than a dozen troops and had already surrounded the Beihan regiment.

But when the fight really broke out, the army in the decisive battle was still the imperial imperial army, and the number of people there was innumerable. Shao Ji told him that even if Liu Ci's army was added, there were only about [-].

When the imperial army won and surrounded Taiyuan, the army suddenly increased to 10,000+!

Where did the extras come from?

Where were the armies of Jiedushi from all walks of life?One by one, they said where to besiege the city and where to fight the enemy, making it seem that the Northern Han Dynasty also had an army of [-].

Shi Congyun is not stupid, he heard a word from the rumors of Jiedushi: "wait and see"!

That's right, they're all watching!Let's see if the forbidden army of the Zhou Dynasty can beat the Northern Han and Liao allied forces.

The more time passed, the more he saw various phenomena in the surrounding battlefields of Taiyuan, the more he felt that Guo Rong was difficult.

If Gao Ping loses, the Zhou Dynasty will either become an affiliate or fall apart. As for those Jiedu envoys, Shi Yanchao feels that few people are willing to fight for the Zhou Dynasty to the end.

Therefore, the first battle of Gaoping was mainly fought by the forbidden army of the Zhou Dynasty.

Afterwards, because of the victory, the Jiedu envoys quickly brought troops over, but the official Guo Rong still had difficulty restraining him.

This is the world dominated by warlords from the end of the Tang Dynasty to the present. Even if you surrender on the surface, you may suddenly be backstabbed. There have been too many examples of this in the past few decades.

The most miserable ten years before and after the late Emperor Jin had defeated the Khitan army several times, just as he was making deployments to recover the sixteen states of Youyun.

The front-line general wanted to learn from Shi Jingtang and be able to become the emperor of the Central Plains by being a licking dog for the Khitan lord, so he directly rebelled.

Bringing the 10,000+ army of the later Jin Dynasty to surrender to the Khitan king on the front line, the last emperor of the Jin Dynasty became a captive of the Khitan people without any power to fight back, and was then taken to the north.

In fact, having experienced the late Tang, Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, the distrust of generals is almost inscribed in the bones.

In this chaotic era of moral collapse of the five generations, it is wishful thinking to maintain the relationship with the warlords through various human feelings, family affection, friendship, love, kindness, relationship between superiors and subordinates, loyalty and filial piety, etc. Most of the time, it is useless and unbearable in the face of interests. one strike.

Therefore, Guo Rong's ascension to the throne was a time of crisis at home and abroad, but fortunately, he was very courageous, and he fought a great victory in the battle of Gaoping, and broke the alliance of the Northern Han and Liao Kingdoms.

Internally, the Jiedushi, who was watching and swaying, was intimidated, and externally, the Northern Han and Liao Kingdoms, who were coveting the Central Plains, did not dare to act.

Shi Congyun felt both admiration and fear for such a character.


They were stationed in the west of Fen Shui almost every day to raise their fat, especially when they came over the past few days, they only had to patrol the periphery of the camp every day.

If there are dead people one day, it means that the fighting was more "intense" that day, which is incomparable to the tragic situation of thousands of people killed in one day's siege in the south of the city, separated by a water, two worlds.

On the sixth day of the fifth lunar month, the sky was dry and there were no clouds in the sky. On this day, in the west of the city in the distance, there was an unexpected scream of killing, and there was smoke and dust in the sky!

Shi Congyun, who was escaping the summer heat under the tree, got up and covered the sun with his hands to take a closer look, "Is Ximen fighting too?"

Chapter 25, West City Rescue

Shao Ji, Wang Zhong and many brothers were attracted by the distant situation and stood up to watch.

This place is more than a mile away from the west of the city. It is the place where they camped. It is located on the periphery, and the west side, which has been calm for dozens of days, suddenly becomes lively.

The screams of killing are getting louder and louder, and from a distance, you can still see the blue smoke rising into the sky.

Everyone was excited, and they were curious to discuss what happened.

Shi Congyun watched for a while, kicked Wang Zhong next to him, and then drove everyone away: "Don't look blindly, go and feed the horses with armor, maybe something will happen later."

"It's their business to siege the city. It's enough for us to fight with our lives. We can't let us run away from the city and stab the Northern Han people to death!" Wang Zhong complained.

"Fuck you, you're the one who talks a lot. If your mouth doesn't have anything to say one day, you'll be on the wall right away!" Shi Congyun scolded back.

Everyone laughed loudly, and quickly executed it with neat hands and feet, and went to put on armor and feed the horses.

Shi Congyun also put on thick armor with the help of Shao Ji, also put on armor for his horse, and fed him with grass and water.

As the saying goes, be prepared. The advantage of the cavalry lies in their mobility. They can reinforce the battlefield at any time and seize the opportunity. Now Ximen seems to be fighting, maybe they need reinforcements.

The screams of killing in the west continued for a long time, about half an hour passed.

The battle in front of them sounded fierce, but the army camped in front of them was silent.

Shi Congyun understood the situation. These troops were the army of Jiedushi, and they seemed to be the Waiya army under the command of Jiedushi Wang Yanchao in the river.

As for camaraderie?If it doesn't exist, it's more likely that the friendly forces are in trouble and move like a mountain.


At noon, a soldier covered in blood rushed into the camp. He kept kowtowing and crying when he saw anyone. He didn't know what he was shouting, but the people around him were indifferent and indifferent.

Shi Congyun vaguely heard words such as "help..." and "help".

Let Shao Ji bring people for questioning.

When the man saw him, he was like grabbing a life-saving straw, kowtow desperately, and kept saying, "General Gaoyi! General Shenwu! Please go to Ximen to save the brothers!

There are so many thieves and soldiers, my general is trapped in Ximen!

Ask the general to save them! "

Shi Congyun immediately understood, and sure enough something happened, he even helped him up, and then hurriedly gathered a group of people to go to the west gate.

Everyone had already finished preparing for the battle. At this time, an order was given, and they followed and galloped towards Ximen.

As he walked, Shi Congyun thought about the situation in the west.

He will not blindly rescue, if the situation is too bad, he will not let his brother die in vain.


Soon, everyone arrived at the west gate of Taiyuan City, located on the bank of the Fen River.

Thick smoke billowed in the distance, and the huge wooden city gate was burning fiercely. It was probably made of some flammable material. The battle was huge, and the smoke and dust came from there. middle.

There were more Northern Han soldiers surrounding them, and the area within twenty steps outside the city gate was densely packed.

It is hard to see how many people are inside, but there are only two to three hundred people outside the door, because the door opening is narrow, no matter how many people there are, it is difficult to spread out.

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