This process is even more tragic. The bow and crossbow are difficult to hurt, but if you are not careful, you will be smashed by falling rocks and wood at the head of the city.

Shi Congyun followed Li Gu through the city several times, listening to the shouts of killing, watching the tragic situation under the city from a distance, and his heart skipped a beat.

But this is not the most tragic, the most tragic is that after the sharp wooden stakes were also cut down, it was finally time for the army to attack the city.

Due to poor preparation, the attack on Taiyuan was a temporary initiative, and there was no preparation for attacking big guys such as turrets. It took time to build it temporarily.

So the ladder became the main force in the siege.

Using a ladder to siege a city, the only chance of winning is to have more, win with numbers, and make more breakthroughs to make the enemy hard to guard against.

Needless to say, the tragic, the city head wood and rolling stones are just ordinary, and the golden juice (boiled excrement and urine) and boiling oil sprinkled on people are frightening.

The people who attacked the city were like ants, densely lying on the city wall, and the city wall was black in all directions, trying to break through by the advantage of the number of people.

The corpses and wounded piled up at the foot of the city wall should be cleaned up in time, otherwise the follow-up troops will not be able to get on the wall.

Since ancient times, whether it is a general or a soldier, what they are most afraid of is siege warfare. Seeing it with his own eyes today, Shi Congyun is more and more frightened.

Fortunately, he only needs to follow Li Gu in charge of logistics, and does not need to go into battle in person.


Shi Congyun also learned a lot from being behind Li Gu, dealing with various officials, and wrangling.

However, Li Gu is more ruthless than ordinary scholars, such as requiring the people of Northern Han to pay taxes for one year.

Not to mention whether the people are willing or not, it is spring, and it is in the season of green and yellow. Last year, the old grain has been eaten for a year, and it is almost exhausted. This year, the new grain has just landed, and it has not yet been harvested. Where can I get the grain? pay?

Almost a quarter of the people were unable to pay.

Li Gu was not sympathetic at all, and did not understand the difficulties of the people. He executed a few troublemakers, and then forced the people who were unable to pay grain to be corvée and carried grain and grass for the army.

Shi Congyun had no right to speak and just watched from the side.

Following a big man like the prime minister, he kept one thing in mind: talk less, do more, and say less and make fewer mistakes. Besides, he is like a mirror in his heart. It is already the greatest blessing to go back to fight the siege battle of the dead.

On April [-], Lanzhou and Xianzhou surrendered.

On April [-], Bizhou Governor Xiancheng surrendered.

By April 27th, Taiyuan had been fighting for more than ten days, but it still hadn't been defeated. The loss of the siege troops was not as much as expected, because Wei Wang Fu Yanqing didn't seem to attack the city with all his strength. .

As for what Fu Yanqing thought, Shi Congyun didn't know, maybe he cherished the soldiers?Maybe it's because I feel that Taiyuan can't beat it, so I'm passive and sabotage?Or maybe it's because you're old, your reaction is a little slow, and you do things slowly?

In short, he accompanied Li Gu to the surrender state and county officials as usual that day.

Li Gu is very meticulous in his work and has a good memory. He arranges many things carefully. He usually talks to him in a gentle manner, but only explains things and does not talk about anything with him.

On this day, they were going to Xianzhou to the northwest of the sun to receive supplies from the treasury, and on their way to collect taxes, money and grain, when a fast horse caught up behind them and delivered a letter to Li Gu.

After reading the letter, Li Gu actually took the initiative to say to him, "It's been hard for you these days."

"I don't dare to do it, there is a certain responsibility!" Shi Congyun handed over.

Li Gu said with a smile: "Dare to be, I haven't seen a young man like you for a long time. I don't talk rhetorically, I don't shy away from the tail, and I do my duty in a down-to-earth manner."

Chapter 23: Theory of Conversation + Anxious War

Li Gu took the initiative to speak to him, which made Shi Congyun flattered, and said modestly: "Someone is just doing his due diligence and acting according to his orders. Major matters are decided by each other."

Li Gu did not continue this topic.

Afterwards, Li Gu asked his officials to continue to go northwest, and he turned his horse's head back to Taiyuan.

Shi Congyun guessed that it was because of the previous letter.

On the way, they passed a small village on the edge of the upper reaches of the Fen River. According to the local guide, it was called Hekou Village, which was an ordinary village.

Located on the hillside north of the river, there are about twenty households in the entire village.

When the crowd approached for two or three miles, they heard cries and shouts from far away, and the flames were incessant in the distance. Several houses were on fire, and thick blue smoke billowed.

Shi Congyun was startled, and without thinking about it, he hurriedly greeted Wang Zhong and Shao Ji, and led more than a hundred cavalry into the village from the northwest hillside along the muddy road.

At first, he thought it was the Liao soldiers going south, burning, killing and looting, but after rushing into the village, he found that they were soldiers of the Zhou army like them, about 20 of them, wearing the uniforms of the Zhou army.

Not to mention carrying it on the shoulder, there are four ox carts that were obtained from nowhere on the stone edge at the entrance of the village. The carts are full of stolen wine and meat, as well as some iron farm implements with their wooden handles knocked off, bronze mirrors, Bronze, silver bracelets, cloth and other valuables.

Six young women with ragged clothes were tied with their hands, weeping and being dragged, and there were piles of corpses on the side of the road.

Shi Congyun was instantly furious, while Shao Ji and Wang Zhong were relatively calm, as if they were not surprised.

The chaotic soldiers on the opposite side also found them, and they couldn't figure out the situation for a while.

"Kill these dogs!" Shi Congyun said angrily.

Shao Ji quickly stopped him: "No, first find out who their followers are, otherwise there will be conflicts. If a strong general, he may send troops to fight us."

Shi Congyun wanted to cut these offal with his hands and frowned, "As for what?"

"As for! Some generals of the army lost their lives like this." Wang Zhong also leaned in and whispered, and then offered an idea: "If Brother Yun really wants to kill them and let Li Xianggong speak out, Li Xianggong will definitely not after he has made the case. something."

"This general, everyone is a brother, and everyone who sees it has a share. The two cars here are yours, and the little girl will give you three, how about it?" Bribe to win them over.

These people are all fully armored, so they are not easy to mess with.

Shi Congyun suppressed the anger in his heart and understood the benefits, so Wang Zhongshaoji transferred more than [-] light cavalry with bows and crossbows into the village and surrounded them.

The twenty or so rioters were even more frightened, and someone hurriedly shouted that women could give them everything.

Shi Congyun ignored it and went out to tell Li Gu, who was waiting outside the village, about this, and asked to kill them to enforce military discipline.

Li Gu, who had acted ruthlessly before and didn't care about the people at all, nodded in agreement this time, and ordered to take down a few rebels.

In front of hundreds of well-equipped cavalry, these rebels have no chance at all.

Shi Congyun then ignored their pleas and ordered beheadings on the spot.

They entered the village and found that there were more than 1 households and more than 20 people in the village. Except for a few young women, all men, women and children were killed.

The youngest child was still in swaddling, and the old man with a serious leg injury was twitching and struggling. Wang Zhong started to free them.

Torture learned that these twenty or so rebels turned out to be soldiers under Zhang Yongde's command. Zhang Yongde was ordered by his officials to recruit more than 7000 Northern Han defeated soldiers on the way north, and the military discipline was already lax.

And it's not just Zhang Yongde's department. All the armies along the way have plundered the common people, causing many people who used to support the Zhou army to defend themselves and no longer provide assistance to the Zhou army.

After several young women were released, Shi Congyun took a lot of valuables from the car and distributed them to them, giving them clothes and letting them go to their relatives.

There was also a carefree person, Shi Congyun let her ride the small mule he was carrying, ready to take her to the south.

Along the way, Shi Congyun was silent.

Shao Ji said beside him, "Such things happen everywhere, don't worry about it, or you won't be able to sleep."

"Actually, they won't live long when they go back...

A group of weak women, still carrying money, will soon be robbed. Wang Zhong said more ruthlessly, "Take [-] steps back, it's not your fault. "

Shi Congyun nodded and didn't say much. He felt bad, but he understood that the two of them were speaking badly, but they were well-meaning and would not take anger on those who were good for him.

Of course he knew it wasn't his fault...

On the way, Shi Congyun didn't speak, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

Such slaughter made his heart palpitate more than the cruelty of the battlefield, and it was unacceptable.

This is the way back to Taiyuan. In fact, along the way, Shi Congyun has been constantly adjusting his mentality, trying to adapt himself to this world, accepting this world, accepting the customs of the times, the three views of this era, he thought he had done it.

But after seeing the tragic situation in Hekou Village with his own eyes, he realized that no matter how hard he tried, he didn't actually adapt.

It was just the fear and desire to survive on the battlefield that made him forget to think for a while.

It wasn't until he suddenly woke up that he realized that the world was still the dilapidated world he couldn't stand...

With a sigh, he took the initiative to ask Li Gu in front of him for the first time: "Li Xianggong, is it true that there is a prosperous world where the road does not pick up things and does not close the door at night?

Li Gu glanced back at him, with surprise in his eyes, "Why do you ask that?"

"If it's true, our ancestors have done things before, we still have hope, don't we..."

Li Gu didn't answer immediately, stroked his white goatee beard, and asked, "Is it just a matter of talent?"

These days, Li Gu and his younger generation get along more happily, and Li Gu is also willing to talk to him.

Shi Congyun nodded. He didn't dare to evaluate Li Gu as a person, he just thought he was a practical man with a bottom line. He would indeed squeeze the people to raise rations for the emperor's army, but he would also protect him and kill, burn, kill, loot and loot the rebels.

Li Gu pondered for a while, and said to him: "There are many such things, which are normal. This village just hit us, and there are many places that we can't control.

The old man heard from Xiang Dian (Xiang Xun) that you were brave in the three armies at a young age, and you took the lead. Outside Zezhou City, you even killed twelve thieves, soldiers and generals. You are considered a bloody junior. "

Shi Congyun blushed, and then seriously said: "If you seek the top, you will get the middle, if you ask the middle, you will get the bottom, and if you ask for the bottom, you will get nothing. If everyone thinks this kind of thing is normal, the world will be even more corrupt in the future... "

All things around it grow, the blue waves flow along the Fen River, the birds and birds sing in the forest on both sides, the vegetation is lush, and the mountains are handsome.

Li Gu was even more surprised this time, stopped his horse and looked at him sideways until Shi Congyun felt uncomfortable.

"Xiang Xun said that you are like your father and have the style of a brave general. Now it seems to be nonsense."

Li Gu laughed, and then said: "Don't think too much at this time, live your life well, after this battle, the old man can have a long talk with you, a kid full of ideas."


After returning to Taiyuan, Shi Congyun also understood why Li Gu turned back halfway.

Taiyuan continued to attack for more than ten days without progress, and lost soldiers and generals, with more than [-] casualties.

All the military commanders wrote to the officials and felt that they should retreat at this time. They believed that the city of Taiyuan was strong, and the preparations for this siege were not well-prepared. It was difficult to succeed in a hurry.

However, the officials were very dissatisfied, and on the one hand they were preparing to head north from Luzhou with a reckless army to attack Taiyuan in person.

At the same time, it is possible that he was dissatisfied with Fu Yanqing's long-term attack, and ordered You Pushe, Ping Zhangshi, and sentenced Li Gu on behalf of Fu Yanqing to be sentenced to Taiyuan's government affairs.

The decree quickly dispatched Xi, Ci, Jiang, Ze, Jin, Lu, Xing, Zhao, Zhen, and Ding several prefectures to transport grain to support the army in front;

At this time, with the arrival of the army of the Jiedushi from all sides, plus the imperial imperial army, nearly [-] troops have been stationed outside Taiyuan City!

And once the official Guo Rong army arrives, the army outside Taiyuan will exceed [-]!

The logistics of an army of this size are also very tight. No wonder Li Gu has to raise rations at all costs, and even squeeze the people.

After working together for more than ten days, Li Gu and Shi Congyun talked more and more.

It is reasonable to say that Li Gu, who is more than 50 people, can have anything to say with him, a junior of fifteen or sixteen, but the two of them have a sense of fit that gets better and better as they talk.

Shi Congyun usually talks most to his family with Wang Zhong and Shao Ji. These people are close to each other. The biggest problem is that they have no culture, little knowledge, and little reading.

Li Gu is different. He has read poetry and books, is well-informed, and is a practical scholar. Many views and insights make his eyes shine.

For example, discussing the ancient battle of Gaoping between Qin and Zhao in Gaoping, and discussing the division of Jin between the three families in Taiyuan, these things, the fathers Shi Yanchao, Shao Ji, Wang Zhong and the others are confused, what is it?

And Li Gu probably also thinks that the military is full of old and rude people, who can understand history, culture, and some knowledge. He is the only junior who talks and laughs on the boring and tired journey.


"how do you feel?"

Even after more than ten days of getting along, Li Gu would even ask him for his opinion on such a big event as fighting Taiyuan.

Shi Congyun rode on the horse, "How can someone understand such a big event in the world."

Li Gu said: "Just say it casually, but it doesn't matter."

Shi Congyun said: "I think the key is not in the Northern Han Dynasty, but in the Liao Kingdom."

"Liao Kingdom?" Li Gu thought for a moment, and then said, "The Liao Kingdom's army is in Gaoping, and I don't have the courage to fight against our Dazhou army. When the Northern Han is defeated, they flee to the north in panic. It's nothing to worry about. Guan Beihan is alive and dead."

Then he shook his head and smiled, not ready to talk to him.

Shi Congyun felt contemptuous and uncomfortable, and with his grasp of Li Gu's temper, he felt that he was not someone who would hate others because of his words.

So he retorted: "Li Xianggong, in a certain humble opinion, the Liao Kingdom is indeed the big trouble in this war.

The Northern Han is like a hunting dog of the Liao Kingdom;

During the battle of Gaoping, the Liao Kingdom let the dog out, trying to take advantage of the new succession of the official family, thinking that if they could catch the prey, they would take the opportunity to get a piece of the pie, and if they couldn't catch it, they would give up.

It seems that for the Liao Kingdom, the Northern Han Dynasty is not a problem if it is damaged, but it is better to control.

But now that I am surrounded by Taiyuan, I want to kill their good dog with a stick, and the Liao Kingdom will not sit idly by. "

"Hey..." Li Gu pondered for a while after listening to his words, and then said: "Then how the Liao Dynasty will act according to your opinion."

"To rescue Taiyuan, it is natural to go south from the land of Xin and Dai." He didn't want to agree, Xinzhou and Daizhou were in the north of Taiyuan.

"Do you think the Liao army will go north through Daizhou and Xinzhou?"

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