In this way, the army can continue, attack the puppet dynasty, and pull Taiyuan. "

Li Gu talked eloquently, and everyone nodded.

After he finished speaking, Guo Rong was overjoyed, and immediately said: "The public statement is very true, this time the army will be entrusted to Li Gong!"

Afterwards, Li Gu was ordered to go north first to allocate military rations, and two battalions were dispatched from the front of the palace to return to Li Gu to be dispatched to protect Li Gu's safety.

Shi Congyun listened beside him, feeling that Li Gu was a practical person, otherwise Guo Rong wouldn't rely on him so much and hand over the raising of the army's provisions to him.

He said that those words are already very capable, but it is really difficult to do them.

And Li Gu did not refuse, Guo Rong also seemed to think that he was the only one.

It's a servant of the stock.

Shi Congyun came to a simple conclusion to Li Gu.

On the other side, Guo Rong, Xiang Xun and Zhang Yongde were still talking about things, and he couldn't walk away, so he was in a dilemma.

Just as he was about to find an opportunity to retire, he heard the official family suddenly say, "Is this the son of the historian?"

Shi Congyun was stunned for a moment, and realized that the official's family was actually talking about him, and quickly agreed: "If you go back to the official's family, it's someone."

Guo Rong had just solved the food and grass problem and was in a good mood, but there was no obvious expression on his face, so he said to him: "Xiang Qing has already mentioned you to me twice.

I also saw clearly on the mountain that day, that you were the first to gather the remnants of soldiers into the battle, and you had the style of your father. "

"Thank you for the praise." Shi Congyun didn't really know how to answer, he just tried to be decent.

After Guo Rong finished speaking, he just nodded and was speechless, as if he didn't want to say more.

He invited the eunuch next to him and gave him a jade belt and a beautiful brocade robe.

After Shi Congyun received the reward, the official family didn't give any orders, he just waved his hand and let the eunuch lead him back, without saying a word to him.

After leaving the car driving circle, Shi Congyun was very excited. A jade belt and a red brocade robe were all extremely valuable things. The official reward should be a favor.

Maybe Guo Rong has already valued him, and he is just around the corner to reach the pinnacle of his life!

But after slowly reacting, he suddenly became silent, and his heart was half cold.

Chapter 21, Taiyuan

Shi Congyun slowly returned to the army, and told the soldiers about his reward. Everyone congratulated him, but he smiled wryly.

After that, the army continued northward, all the way towards Luzhou.

Shi Congyun was full of thoughts. At first he thought it was the favor of the government, but he always thought about it a lot, and his experience was not that of a silly and sweet child. After thinking about it carefully, he felt something was wrong...

Judging from the words and expressions, since the official family rewarded him, why was he too lazy to waste half a word on him, and his attitude was also indifferent, and the official family praised him and said it to Xiang Xun.

This is strange, there is always a feeling of being deliberately told to Xiang Xun in the praise of the officials.

Shi Congyun realized that he may be the legendary tool man, not that he was in Guo Rongfa's eyes, but that the officials used him to speak.

Officials specifically said that Xiang Xun mentioned him twice, and praised him for his bravery, emphasizing that his bravery was all in his eyes.

He is very indifferent to him, obviously he is too lazy to talk about such a small role as him, so why did he say so much about him before?

Shi Congyun guessed that these words were not for him, but for Xiang Xun next to him.

As for the reason, it can only be speculated. It is probably that Zhang Yongde has been nagging Zhao Kuangyin in the ear of the official family for the past few days, and Xiang Xun has been talking about Shi Congyun in the ear of the official family. The intention of asking for gifts is too explicit.

The official Guo Rong is a very assertive person. He is likely to be quite unhappy with Zhang Yongde and Xiang Xun's actions, and is tired of it, and has already started to beat him.

He also valued Xiang Xun, so he didn't want to scold Xiang Xun directly, so he had to beat him, using the tool man Shi Congyun to beat him.

Giving jade belts and brocade robes to explain the words directly in front of Xiang Xun is for Xiang Xun to see.

It means that I know the bravery of his history Congyun, and I don't need you to say it over and over again; I have given him the face you mentioned to Xunlian twice.

This is not difficult to explain, he is a little boss, at most a commander, the officials actually see him in an unusual way, and even specially reward him.

If that's the case, he is not appreciated by the officials, and his future is bright. On the contrary, Guo Rong may have a feeling of disgust for him, rather than a high regard, and his future may be bleak...

What the officials care about is Xiang Xun's attitude, not his small achievements.

Xiang Xun is doing bad things with good intentions...

Not to mention that the future is bright, it is very likely that he will soften before Bo.

With a long sigh, Shi Congyun put these thoughts behind him.

These are also very likely to be his wild thoughts, or they may be true, anyway, he can't control them.

With his head on Guo Rong's shoulders, what he thinks is his own business, and he can't intervene.

Let's just live by, it's a big deal to mix with my father, and I'm also a second-generation ancestor!

When you have a good idea, you don't want to think about it.


On March 25, the army crossed the Shangdang. Some of Fan Aineng, He Hui and their subordinates who had fled before returned in desperation, and some were hunted back.

Officials stopped at Shangdang and asked everyone for their opinions on this matter, and how to deal with these people who escaped.

At the beginning, the official Guo Rong felt that He Hui had made contributions to the Zhou Dynasty, and that as an important general, he should be spared, and he should not die and be blamed for his merits.

But Zhang Yongde said, "If officials only want to stick to today's frontiers and don't want to make progress, they can handle it like this; if they want to expand their territory and expand their territory, they should severely punish the generals to clean up military discipline, so that the soldiers and generals will not flee in the future. ."

After hearing this, the officials were delighted and agreed, and ordered the execution of Fan Aineng, He Hui, and more than [-] generals under their commanders, in order to shock the three armies.

At the same time, the fleeing soldiers from the sergeant and above were searched, and all of them were executed, in order to deter the arrogant generals and soldiers.

The effect is really outstanding. Not to mention other armies, the soldiers under him have restrained a lot, and the thorns who have been clamoring to go to the north of Qiang Niang don't dare to shout.

More than 70 generals and school heads!Among them were generals like Fan Aineng and He Hui who led the army along the way. Many of them were frightened and did not dare to act recklessly.


A few days later, the army arrived in Luzhou, and the forwards who had been walking in front also gathered their troops and horses. Instead of rushing north, they waited for the holy car in Luzhou.

Shi Congyun once again met his father's Long Jiejun at the foot of Luzhou City, and once again saw his father's tall figure and stern face in the rushing army, there was a feeling of being separated from the world.

Shi Congyun showed his father the jade belt and brocade robe that the official family gave him. Shi Yanchao laughed happily and praised him for doing a good job.

Then he was transferred to the rear, and he was not allowed to stay in the forward.

Shi Congyun didn't tell him that the reward might be to use him as a tool, and it wasn't just a reward, because Dad couldn't understand it.

He remembered that after Shi Yanchao's death in battle, Guo Rong gave him a posthumous gift to his grand master. Presumably the emperor liked a man like Dad who was brave and did not have much thought.

But such a person is also easy to die unclearly, outsiders will not consider him, the emperor will not consider him, put himself in his shoes, only his son has the same interests.


In Luzhou, various armies gathered, not only the forbidden army following Guo Rong, but also the army of Jiedu in various fan towns.

The official family, Guo Rong, convened a military meeting with the generals around Luzhou.

About the content of the meeting, Shi Congyun certainly couldn't hear it, but he thought with his ass to know that the meeting discussed about how to deploy the capture of Taiyuan.

As for whether or not to attack Taiyuan, there is no need to discuss it at all. The officials have made up their minds. They have already called Li Gu to raise rations. Can they not fight?

In the next few days, many big figures and countless troops from all walks of life gathered in the territory of Luzhou, but Shi Congyun had no chance to meet.

He had no points in the military meetings convened by the emperor, and he was not allowed to run around in the military camp. During the Five Dynasties, there were many conflicts between generals and soldiers, which eventually led to wars and infighting.

Now it has become the consensus of military generals from all walks of life to restrain soldiers and let them settle their duties and not cause trouble.

And Shi Congyun has another thing to do, that is to reorganize the army.

His battalion originally had more than 300 people, but those who died in battle and stayed in the south to recuperate, now only have more than 150 people, almost halved.

Other troops were also scattered or not organized.

So they had no choice but to join forces, but many recruits came and wanted to follow him. Shi Congyun asked Shao Ji to count, there were about a hundred men, and his men expanded to about 270.

Guo Rong's order came within a few days of sleeping rough in Luzhou Fengfan.

First of all, Fu Yanqing, King of Wei, the Jiedu envoy of Tianxiong, was appointed to be the commander of the Hedong City and to know the affairs of the Taiyuan government. .

The people divided their troops and led 2 infantry and cavalry out of Luzhou, attacking northward along the way, and the soldiers pointed directly at Taiyuan!

Guo Rong himself led the army, waiting for the northern armies to sack the southern part of the Northern Han Dynasty, and then going north to join the armies, intending to break Taiyuan in one fell swoop.

The various armies set off one after another, and the situation was very good after Gaoping's decisive victory.

Shi Congyun once again followed his father's army and once again became the main force heading north. This time his destination was Taiyuan.

For the next few days, they had been on their way, and there was no decent resistance along the way, and they almost took Taiyuan directly.

On April [-], the Jiedu envoy Wang Yanchao in Hezhong reported that Dong Xiyan, the defense envoy of Fenzhou in the Northern Han Dynasty, had surrendered.

On April [-], Zhang Hanchao, the prefect of Liaozhou in the Northern Han Dynasty, offered the city to surrender.

And the army finally arrived at Taiyuan City.

Taiyuan City is a strong city, located between two mountains, separated by the Fen River in the middle, and divided into two urban areas on the left and right.

Taiyuan has been the representative of Jincheng Tangchi since ancient times. When the three families were divided into Jin Dynasty, the Zhao family relied on this city to resist the offensive of Zhibo. After so many years, the tall Taiyuan city has been managed by countless people, and it has become stronger and stronger.

At this time, Taiyuan City was still called Jinyang, which was actually the name of different urban areas, because it was divided into two parts by the river.

The army was mainly stationed in the east of the Fen River.

After Liu Min led the escape back, he had made careful arrangements, and the entire Taiyuan City was stronger.

Chapter 22, Li Gu's Follower

By the time they arrived, many moats had been dug outside the city, pits for horses had been dug, and the corners of the city walls were filled with sharpened wooden stakes and sharp spears.

There are parapets built on top of the strong and tall city wall, and there are many peg-board carts that block the siege troops, set up crossbows, catapults, and pile up pounding stones at intervals. Either hot oil or shit.

Shi Cong Yunguang looked at it from a distance and felt chills in his heart, attacking the city?How to attack, take the head attack...

Before the siege of the city started, Li Gu, Li Gu, the affairs of Zuobushe, Pingzhangshi, and the Sanshifu, was in charge of enumerating and preparing military supplies and reserves.

By the next day, the Zhou army had surrounded Taiyuan City with three layers inside and three layers outside.

As cavalry, the Longjie Army was not the main force in the siege of the city. It was mainly responsible for the peripheral vigilance and the capture of surrounding states and counties to ensure the food route of the army.

Shi Congyun also received a new order.

At first, he thought that he was going to be responsible for protecting the grain road in the rear, but he did not expect that he was ordered to lead the army to protect the Prime Minister Li Gu's safety and follow Li Gu to wait for dispatch.

Shi Congyun guessed that his father was afraid of his danger and deliberately pushed him away from the front line.

So at noon that day, Shi Congyun assembled more than 270 men, mounted his horses in armor, and found out Li Gu's location with Wang Zhong, Shao Ji and others, and prepared to report.

Li Gu was in the east of Taiyuan City. They crossed the barracks all the way. The soldiers in front had already begun to excavate and set up arrow barriers, build siege ladders, and big building cars. They set up some crossbows forward and were ready to attack. city.

Looking up at the majestic Taiyuan City covered with thorns in the distance, Shi Congyun felt lucky for the first time that he was a cavalryman. Fortunately, he didn't have to attack the city. It must have been a narrow escape...


When he came to Li Gu's tent on the east side, Shi Congyun recognized him at a glance, and he had seen him before.

Then he dismounted and walked over. Li Gu was instructing some officials. He didn't disturb him and waited quietly.

After Li Gu finished explaining, everyone stepped back and went forward to salute, "Your Excellency, a certain commander of the Longjie Army, Shi Congyun, has been ordered to protect Duke Li and wait for Duke Li's dispatch."

Li Gu said with a smile: "We met again, and I will trouble the little general in the future."

Shi Congyun was surprised that Li Gu had such a good memory, and quickly said: "I don't dare, my subordinates are at the mercy of Li Xianggong."

Li Gu nodded and said no more.

After that, Shi Congyun followed Li Gu all the time, running around Taiyuan, dispatching baggage and grain.


During this period, I did not encounter any enemies, and it was much better than those who attacked the city.

The next day, the siege had already begun, but there was no shortcut to the method of siege. First, they sent people to fill the trenches outside the city wall with sand and trap the horses.

There are fence carts in front of them for blocking arrows, and the losses are still quite large.

Only after filling the various pits on the periphery can the troops approach the city wall, but the sharp wooden stakes and many spears under the city wall are also a big trouble.

And because of the angle, it is more dangerous to get close to the city wall, and the shield and the fence car are almost completely useless.

So they can only send a large number of dead men, wearing heavy armor and a few layers of cowhide, to chop off stakes and spears with big axes.

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