After the official victory today, the official family is very happy. Because the right servant shot Li Gu before the central army, there is no discussion on rewards and punishments, but Jinkou Yu said on the spot that Xu Shiyanchao was the military governor of Huazhou!

Because Shi Yanchao led Long Jie's army to attack, defeated the elite central army of the Northern Han Dynasty, and established the overall victory.

Afterwards, Zhang Yongde made a statement and asked for the credit of the general Zhao Kuangyin of the Suwei. Zhao Kuangyin was also praised, and he became stricter with the prefect of the prefecture.

Shi Congyun almost jumped up when he heard this, and was overjoyed.The previous worries also dissipated in an instant. Guo Rong is still wise, and he can see who is the key and not be controlled by the words of others.

There are many people who have made merit in this battle, but the biggest credit is undoubtedly Shi Yanchao's Long Jie army. The battle will set the world and decide the overall victory. Liu Min is in the central army.

It can also be seen from the official's reward, probably because Zhang Yongde has temporarily added a prefect of Yanzhou to Zhao Kuangyin in the face of Zhang Yongde's words.

But Yanzhou is located in the Guangxi border of later generations, and it is still in the hands of the Southern Han Dynasty. It is equivalent to giving a false name and making a false check to encourage Lao Zhao to continue to work hard. This trick was first used by Liu Bang and the most skilled, and now Guo Rong is also using it. Handy.

But it's different for Shi Yanchao, Huazhou Jiedushi!

Huazhou Jiedushi also has another name: Tongguan Defense Ambassador, Probation Army Jiedushi, Zhen Guojun Jiedushi!

The boundaries of Chang'an, Huazhou, and Tongzhou are guarding the Guanzhong Plain!

Chapter 19, Li Gu

Guanzhong has been the hometown of emperors since ancient times. Qin, Han, and Tang seized the world almost all based on Guanzhong, with Shuofang and Hedong in the north, Bashu and Hanzhong in the south, and then east out of the Central Plains to gain the world.

Liu Bang took the old road of the Qin country and won the world, which shows the importance of Guanzhong. Now the official Guo Rong promised his old father on the spot that the army of the zhenguo army will be dispatched.

Of course, it's not that the envoy will be out of town. If Guo Rong wants to continue to use troops against the world, he will definitely be reluctant to let a fierce general like Shi Yanchao go out of town for a long time.

Shi Congyun is in a good mood. If his father is the Jiedu envoy of Huazhou, then he is also a decent second-generation ancestor in this world, and the comfortable days of cockfighting and running dogs are just around the corner.

Moreover, Zhao Kuangyin has Zhang Yongde who can speak for him, and he also has Xiang Xun. Xiang Xun also spoke for him twice. Maybe the officials already remember him as a person, and there is still room for improvement in the future.

After the sky was completely dark, the news from the front came back.

The Northern Han army collapsed, but failed to capture Liu Min. Liu Min, the ruler of the Northern Han Dynasty, led hundreds of horses to ride away from Diaochao Ridge in the northwest, but some soldiers captured and killed Wang Tingsi, the privy envoy of the Northern Han Dynasty.

It was a coincidence that at first the murdering soldiers didn't know who they were killing. Later, the passing Beihan Jiang generals found out and exclaimed to understand.

This is unbelievable. The whole country's military affairs, deployment of troops and horses, dispatching of troops, etc. of the Privy Council's All-China Federation, etc., the Privy Council is the highest military attache in a country, and he was also captured and killed, which can be said to be a great victory!

Luckily, the soldier who captured and killed Wang Tingsi was rewarded.

When everyone talked about it, they were very envious, saying that I didn't know which one had the bad luck, chasing after chasing and killing the Beihan Privy Council.

On the battlefield of Baogongyuan, there were countless discarded luggage, weapons, armor, camels and horses, vehicles, and clothing.

In the narrow area of ​​the road to the north, the corpses and armor completely blocked the road to the valley. Only specially sent people to clean up, and the follow-up army could pursue it.

That night, the killing in the front ended, and the killing in the rear started.

Shi Congyun waited from the mountain to see someone digging a hole with a torch under the mountain, and only knew the order from the official after asking.

What are you digging for?

Soon someone answered his doubts with practical actions, of course, killing people and burying their bodies!

At this time, the Zhou army had already captured more than [-] Northern Han soldiers, but not all of them were left behind, they were all let go.

Bai Qi was once killed in a battle here, bloodshed into rivers, bones into mountains, and Zhao Guo, who could compete with Qin Guo, declined. Now, the land of Changping has also escaped such a fate, and it is destined to be buried.

An hour later, the excavation of the large earthen pit was roughly completed. Taking advantage of the desolate night, generals and soldiers from the captured army of the Northern Han Dynasty who refused to surrender, as well as more than 2000 people who were seriously injured and difficult to take care of were brought up.

There were also more than 1000 soldiers who were the first to surrender without a fight, the first to flee, and the more than [-] soldiers who gathered at dusk were also escorted to the edge of the pit.

He was then beheaded one by one and pushed into a pit for burial.

Shi Congyun was condescending, and he could see clearly through the moonlight and starlight. The wailing and crying continued for more than four hours, until late at night, the smell of blood permeated, disturbing him and making it difficult for him to fall asleep.

Wang Zhong and Shao Ji slept like dead pigs...

Killing more than 3000 people who were helpless, this was the first time he witnessed such a scene.

This is completely different from killing people on the battlefield, and it is not much different from killing pigs.

He hacked to death a few soldiers of the Northern Han Dynasty, and he cut his blade sharply. I don't know how many times the executioner has to sharpen his knife to kill so many people in line tonight...

Before, he thought Guo Rong was kind and amiable, because Guo Rong Xu Shiyanchao was the military governor of Huazhou, but tonight he was instantly alert and a little terrified.

The emperor is always the emperor, and it is necessary to be cautious, otherwise one will not know how to die accidentally.


That night, the emperor stayed in the wild like them.

The next day, the former army had pursued northward, and their battalion needed to rest, so they followed the middle army.

However, some wounded soldiers could not move and could not continue to advance, so they stayed on the spot in the surrounding villages and towns, and were supported by the local people and officials, which was another burden on the people during the war.

It is impossible for the army to continue walking with wounded soldiers.

In this way, Shi Congyun originally had more than 150 people, but now there are only more than [-] people left.

They followed the escort of Xiang Xun and Zhang Yongde's imperial guards, and went north with the emperor Chengyu Luanyu.

The forwards such as Shi Yanchao, Bai Chongzan, Li Chongjin, etc. have already chased and killed the Northern Han soldiers and went north, and it is very likely that they will chase them all the way to Taiyuan.

Following the emperor's army, it is naturally a lot more leisurely, and a group of people brags and farts all day, which is also considered comfortable.

They are elites, but they are not the emperor's close relatives, so they have been at the end of the team, several miles away from the emperor's Chengyu.

Shi Congyun was also very happy with this, so if there was an emergency, it would definitely not be their turn, and he would not accidentally provoke the emperor to die inexplicably.

It is true that Guo Rong is a wise man, and it is true that Guo Rong can restrain himself, but Guo Rong does not blink when he kills people. For example, more than 3000 people were executed overnight last night.

A companion is like a companion tiger. If you accidentally touch the bad luck of the official family, you may be unlucky.

On March [-]th, when the army arrived in Gaoping County, the local officials went out to meet and drive. The army was stationed outside the city, and only a few people followed the officials into the city.

It is naturally impossible for Shi Congyun to enter the city. He and his brothers are stationed outside the city.

Although they don't have alcohol, they have several sheep, and their living standards rarely reach a moderately prosperous level.

The officials also felt that Long Jie's military merits were great, and in the morning they specially sent two carts of rewards to their battalion, all of which were meat, eggs, rice, oil, salt and the like.

Everyone was unhappy, and the battle suddenly turned into a picnic, and even the road was swift.

On the same day in Gaoping County, the officials ordered 2000 people from the nearby Hedong Army to be released back to the local area, and given them clothes and two bolts of silk cloth as money.

This move was very popular, and many Hedong soldiers kneeled and thanked them before they left.

After staying overnight in Gaoping, the army continued northward the next day.

Along the way, there are traces of war everywhere, houses swept up, corpses piled up on the roadside, and ashes from the camp stoves left by the army.

In short, the advance of the forward army was very fast, and the Chinese army did not encounter the slightest resistance and went straight to Jinyang.

On the 24th, a group of more than ten horsemen came from the rear.

Shi Congyun was at the end of the army, but he didn't think that there would be nothing in front of him, and that people would come from behind. Out of consideration for his duty, he quickly brought Wang Zhong, Shao Ji and others to lead more than ten cavalry to stop him.

"Those who come, stop, the emperor Chengyu ahead is not allowed to approach without authorization, please clarify the origin and name, and someone will report it to the official family for you." Although Shi Congyun was blocking people, he spoke very politely, isn't it, in such a chaotic world, speaking He even got [-] to [-] yuan, and he didn't know when he would offend people, and who could tell if they would have a background.

The opposite is also very reasonable, a tall and thin old man with gray hair and beard came forward on horseback and said, "I am the right servant to shoot Li Gu, please let this young general quickly report to the official's house."

Shi Congyun nodded, then he was shocked, and shot right?Isn't that the prime minister now?

It turned out to be a big man, so he didn't dare to delay, and hurriedly ran to the north to report.

Chapter 20, Meeting the Emperor

Chengyu in the north seemed to have noticed the situation early on. Halfway through Shi Congyun, soldiers from the Imperial Army came to the horse meeting, telling him to lead Li Xiang directly to see Jia.

Shi Congyun returned to the horse, explained the situation, and took the old man to the north.

Originally wanted to go fast, but seeing that Li Gu was old, he slowed down his horse without a trace. His beloved horse had already died in battle, and now he has another one.

Silent all the way, and soon to Chengyu.

Shi Congyun was nervous and excited, did he want to see the emperor...

Guo Rong's chariot is not very luxurious, it is moved by six white horses like a moving hut.

Gold pattern decoration on four corners, top canopy.

About a dozen steps before Long Nian, Shi Congyun dismounted from his horse and walked over with Li Gu, and many soldiers of the forbidden army gave way.

Before arriving at the chariot, Shi Congyun did not dare to take the liberty to look up, but knelt down on one knee and looked at the sand on the ground: "I have seen the official family, and Mr. Li is here."

"Get up." Guo Rong's voice was not pleasant, low and hoarse.

Shi Congyun glanced at him without a trace by getting up, and stepped aside, to be honest, a little disappointed in his heart.

Guo Rong is famous, but his appearance is nothing special, and he can even be regarded as bad-looking.

The man was wearing a yellow robe with a round neck, and he didn't have time to look at the crown.The eyes are long and narrow, and the face is fading, making Shi Congyun think of a word, aging before age.

It stands to reason that Guo Rong should be in his 30s at this time, in the prime of his life, but he looks like a man in his fifties, with white hair and beard, heavy bags under the eyes, and not that tall, probably because he has worked too much. .

He didn't dare to look at the more detailed appearance.

Li Gu and Guo Rong talked, but did not let him go, so they could only stand on the side.

It turned out that Li Gu went with the army. Later, because of his old age, he could not keep up with the progress of the army, so he fell behind by half a day. As a result, he encountered the Northern Han army suddenly in the south of Gaoping.

There were only a dozen or so people in their group. Seeing that disaster was imminent, luckily they discovered it early and hid in the surrounding woods for two days and one night before they dared to go north to chase the holy car.

Shi Congyun almost laughed when he heard it, but he quickly covered it up, this is the prime minister, he can't laugh, the emperor is still in front of him.

It's just that this old man was really unlucky, and what they encountered might even be the routed soldiers fleeing south.

Guo Rong said a few words of concern, Li Gu thanked him again and again, and then rewarded Li Gu with wine and meat, stopped the motorcade, and asked people to bring tables and chairs, eat next to him, and talk to him.

Guo Rong attaches great importance to the speed of the advance, and now he is taking a taxi for Li Gu, and he must attach great importance to it.

Shi Congyun watched silently from the side, remembering in his heart that Li Gu didn't have much memory, but it seemed that he was definitely a big man. The emperor gave him face like this, giving him food and waiting for him to eat.

But not all watching him eat, and the two of them said a lot during the banquet.

After a while, two big men in armor and swords also came back from the front.

One of them was Xiang Xun, and the other was younger, about 25-[-]. Shi Congyun guessed that it should be Zhang Yongde, Guo Wei's son-in-law, who was the commander in front of the palace.

After a few people were in place, Guo Rong gave them a seat, and a few eunuchs brought cushions and sat down in the field, and then began to talk.

When Xiang Xun saw him, but didn't say hello to him, Shi Congyun wouldn't be so stupid that he almost opened his mouth and stood silently on the side.

At this time, the wilderness was windy, and he listened intermittently, listening carefully.

"This trip to the north is actually hasty, and many of us are not prepared....

If we are victorious now, the former army will be able to encircle Taiyuan. I want to take this opportunity to take Taiyuan in one fell swoop and get rid of future troubles forever. However, there is a shortage of supplies and materials, and it will not last long if they are captured. …”

Shi Congyun understood, it turned out to be a logistical problem.

After everyone talked for a while, Xiang Xun felt that he could swept the northern land to fill the army. To put it bluntly, it was looting on the spot, anyway, it was the northern Han territory.

Guo Rong thought for a while and shook his head, "There is some truth to this statement, but I can't blame myself on the people.

Coming to Japan to exterminate the Northern Han Dynasty, the people of Hedong are also the people of the Zhou Dynasty, and An You has the principle of invading his own people. "

"The official family has the world in mind, but the minister is not thoughtful." Xiang Xun hurriedly handed over.

Zhang Yongde is young and seems to have no opinion.

Listening to the conversation between Xiang Xun and Guo Rong, this person said that he also nodded, and the other said that he also nodded, which seemed to be reasonable.

After a while, there is still no specific solution.

Li Gu, who had eaten almost the same, said, "The old minister may be able to share the worries of the official family."

The crowd looked at him.

Li Gu said: "It is feasible to take it from the people, it depends on how to take it, and it can be taken from the government and government offices.

The puppet Han states are not of the same mind, and the lord of the state is the emperor of his nephew, who is begging for mercy and serving the Liao state from the north, and many people with lofty ideals are very disdainful of it.

The minister thought that as long as he conquered the surrounding cities, he would use it as an example to inform the officials and people of the various states that I was destined to return in Dazhou, and as long as I surrendered, I could save my life.

In this way, many prefectures and counties will look down on the wind and take their treasuries to charge the three armies.

At the same time, the army was strictly ordered not to disturb the people, and in the name of the government, the people were charged the annual tax that should be handed over to the pseudo-han.

For those who have the ability to pay more, there are more incentives.

Able to pay five hundred dendrobium grains, five hundred bundles of forage, and he was granted an official position.It can pay one thousand dendrobium grains, and one thousand bundles of hay are awarded to state and county officials.

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