Shi Congyun was hundreds of steps away from the city gate. From a distance, he couldn't understand the situation. Zhou Jun was surrounded in the city cave?How did they get in?Get out of town?In short, he was stunned and puzzled for a while, but it was too late to think about those.

"Can it be saved?" Shi Congyun adjusted his breathing and directly asked Wang Zhong and Shao Ji beside him.

"Yes! There are many people in the Northern Han Dynasty, but the door is too small. They surrounded the people inside, and now they have their backs to us, and it is not a big problem to rush over to save people." Wang Zhong quickly made a judgment.

Shi Congyun then stopped his horse and said: "Brothers, we are also the Paoze brothers of the banned army in front, and we can't see death without help.

After a while, we will rush over to break them up from behind, open a gap, don't fight, and leave after saving people! "

Everyone promises.

Shi Congyun was not in a hurry to go up, and made some detailed tactical arrangements.

Along the way, he can also call himself half a veteran.

He ordered Shao Ji to lead 150 heavy cavalry to charge the Northern Han army on the west side, and Wang Zhong led light cavalry to cover the east, and let the people inside retreat after tearing the opening.

After explaining the tactics and letting all the soldiers know, the three hundred cavalry divided into two groups and ran towards the west gate.

When they were about a hundred paces away, the Northern Han soldiers had already noticed their arrival, and they were also discovered by the surrounding troops.

When Zhou Jun, who was surrounded, saw his own people, his morale soared, and he fought back, desperately hacking from left to right.

Commanded by Shi Congyun in the middle, Wang Zhong led more than a hundred light cavalry around to the right flank, fired bows and crossbows, and shot down several Northern Han soldiers on the right flank. front.

At the moment of the battle, the horses neighed, the soldiers wailed, and the northern Han soldiers in the west were directly stabbed to death, knocking them into large pieces, and the Zhou army inside was fighting desperately, and the enemy was attacked on both sides. gap.

The besieged Zhou Jun quickly took the opportunity to rush out.

Afterwards, he did not retreat. Instead, he stabilized the formation again, and attacked with Shao Ji's left-wing cavalry, and cooperated with the right-wing Wang Zhong's light cavalry to attack the Northern Han army from left and right.

Hundreds of Northern Han soldiers who came out of the city were slaughtered, and they crowded into the door.

But the doorway was too narrow, and dozens of people were shot and killed by Wang Zhong's light cavalry in the doorway.

Shi Congyun watched from more than 50 steps away, and felt that this group of friendly troops was unusual. They were able to fight to the death when they were surrounded, and they were disciplined after they broke through.

This small-scale battle lasted for more than half an hour. The soldiers of the Northern Han Dynasty were caught off guard by their sudden siege relief force, and they left dozens of corpses and returned to the city.

The besieged Zhou soldiers also died a lot.

Shi Congyun also ordered the entire army to retreat, not to go deep.

After retreating to a mile away from the city gate, everyone put down their vigilance and breathed a sigh of relief.

Many Zhou Jun soldiers who survived the disaster were slumped on the ground, and some people stepped forward to thank them.

At this time, the flow of people separated, and a darker-skinned man with a tiger's back and a burly waist came out of the crowd, covered in blood, with half an arrow stuck in his arm.

"Many thanks to this general for rescuing my brothers and everyone, thank you here!" As he said that, he was about to kneel.

Shi Congyun quickly dismounted to support him: "Everyone is in the army, and the general doesn't have to do this."

The man looked about 27 or [-] years old, with a square face and strong Kong Wu. He stopped kneeling after being supported. After all, he still had injuries on his body. "Dare to ask the name of the little general. Zhao will report his great favor today!"

Shi Congyun replied: "Xia Shi Congyun is the capital of Longjie's army. You don't have to be polite, the general, and quickly deal with the serious injuries with the brothers."

The big man was stunned for a moment, and then nodded: "It turned out to be General Shi's followers, no wonder they are so brave! That certain will retire first, and thank you later!"

Shi Congyun handed over, and the black-faced man was supported by the surrounding soldiers to find the doctor.

After these days, Shi Congyun also gradually understood that his father's name in the Zhou army was known to almost everyone. Just like everyone knew that Zhang Yuanhui was the number one general in the Northern Han Dynasty, almost all the soldiers of the Zhou army also knew that Shi Yanchao was Zhou. The first general of the army.

He had never thought of this kind of reputation before, because his father was at home, and he was very ordinary to him, his aunt, his wife, and the waiters, and he didn't have the prestige of Zhou Jun's number one general.

It wasn't until he had been in the army for a long time that he knew that his father had such a great reputation!

Just like the black-faced general who was rescued just now, he actually knew Shi Yanchao's name.

Shi Congyun was quite proud, and he realized with hindsight that being "like your father" was such a compliment to him. He used to think that Xiang Xun was just polite to him by saying this.

Thinking about it now, saying "you are brave" and "you are as fierce as Zhou Jun's number one general" are completely two concepts.

On the day of the incident, their battalion also began to take care of the wounded. Shi Congyun thought it was over.

But in the evening, the sun was setting in the west, and everyone had just finished eating. When Shi Congyun was preparing to arrange a night patrol, someone came in and told him that the black-faced general during the day was waiting outside the camp and said to thank him.

Chapter 26, First Sight

Shi Congyun's military account was not large.

Inside is simple, except for the armor and weapons, there is also a wooden table, a few pear wood chairs, and a floor bed for sleeping.

Now it has been given to the surviving little mother in Hekou Village.

In the evening, Shi Congyun slept with the soldiers, which was nothing to him. Not to mention sleeping in tents when marching and fighting, many times he slept in the open air and slept in the field with a blanket.

A young man with strong blood like him naturally wanted to find a little girl to hold him to sleep.

There are so many girls in Shanxi, and others can rob him as well.

But Shi Congyun was someone who had seen the library after all. He kept reminding himself to exercise restraint, put himself in his shoes and think about things. He must not do this kind of thing and start this way, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

The little girl who was rescued was young, and her name was Wang Qiu.

Wang is a popular surname in Shanxi, and many people use it. Autumn is probably born in autumn, and ordinary people can name it casually, so they call it that.

She is very timid, probably only a little bit, and she doesn't even have the ability to speak eloquently in front of him on weekdays, so she tries her best not to speak.

Do things lightly and carefully, as if to make no noise.

She changed into Shi Congyun's sackcloth men's clothes, and she worked swiftly. She kept the army tent clean every day, and also helped to collect firewood, fetch water, and make rice.

Everyone was accustomed to her existence, and with Shi Congyun's protection, there was a place for her.

At this time, she heard that someone was coming, and she withdrew wisely.


The setting sun has slanted, and the lonely afterglow spilled in through the gap in the doorway.

The black-faced general came in, with clean cloth strips tied around his arms and also on his chest. It seemed that he was not seriously injured.

Shi Congyunlian gave him a chair, let him sit down, and poured two bowls of cold water into a porcelain bowl.

Because of the injury on his body, the man adjusted his posture before he could sit firmly, and then he said directly: "A certain Zhao Kuangyin, the head of the east and west squad of the forbidden army, thank the general for saving us today, and I came here to thank you!"

The bowl in Shi Congyun's hand almost fell to the ground, "What? Zhao Kuangyin!"

The big man was surprised by his reaction, "Little General has heard of a certain?"

Why haven't you heard of it!

Shi Congyun's heart was turbulent, and he carefully looked at the man in front of him. He was about 27 or [-] years old, with a sturdy body and a rough face. He looked like a strong general who could fight, but he didn't look like an emperor at all.

Shi Congyun quickly stopped the impolite gaze, calmed down, and laughed: "I heard about the general's name."

"Hahahaha, the general is joking. If you say Xiao's name, it will make Zunshi striker like thunder! This nickname is not worth mentioning." Zhao Kuangyin laughed heartily, revealing two rows of big white teeth.

Shi Congyun also reacted, yes, is he stupid.

Now Zhao Kuangyin is only the head of the east and west classes of the forbidden army, equivalent to the captain of the security guard beside the emperor.

Although there are many opportunities to perform in front of the emperor, he is not a powerful minister. After all, there are many unknown people in this position.

At this time, Zhao Kuangyin's direct commanders were at most several hundred, while Shi Yanchao was the general in command of the court's elite main cavalry. The two were not on the same level at all.

Probably only Shi Congyun himself regarded Zhao Kuangyin at this time so highly that it was puzzling.

Thinking about it carefully, even his Shi Congyun was qualified to compete with Zhao Kuangyin at this time.

So he hurriedly said: "If it wasn't for General Zhao to contain the right wing that day, it would be difficult for our central army to win, so I remembered it in my heart."

"It's overrated, a certain role is only where the responsibility lies. The key to victory is the Chinese army's ability to defeat the enemy." Lao Zhao was very good at things, and Shi Congyun felt comfortable when he said it.

Shi Congyun then asked what happened today.

Speaking of this, Zhao Kuangyin got excited and told him about today's events.

It turned out that Zhao Kuangyin found that the Northern Han Dynasty was neglecting the defense at Ximen, so he wanted to take a risk and suddenly attacked the west of the city with hundreds of elite soldiers.

The result really let him succeed!

Zhao Kuangyin led people to board first, and was caught off guard from the front of the city, then killed the city wall, and set fire to the gate, burning the city gate.

Seeing that it was about to be done, the Northern Han soldiers quickly reinforced and surrounded them soon. The soldiers of the Zhou army outside the city were not the forbidden army, but the army of Jiedu's outer teeth.

Zhao Kuangyin was hit by an arrow in the arm and suffered several injuries, but he finally escaped.

Shi Congyun sighed with emotion. It turns out that Lao Zhao is so brave. I'm afraid he is not stunned. No wonder he has been upgraded so quickly in the future. He has been promoted directly from the security captain to the emperor in five or six years.

After the officials strictly enforced military discipline, they were not allowed to drink alcohol while marching and fighting, especially the generals of the forbidden army should lead by example.

So the two of them chatted while drinking white water, and they felt a little drunk.

He talked a lot, mainly about his understanding of the front-line battle. When it comes to talking about soldiers on paper, Shi Congyun is instantly excited!He felt that if he wore it for another thousand years, then Zhao Kuo would have nothing to do with it.

Until it was completely dark, Zhao Kuangyin reluctantly left the camp, and it was not allowed to run around in the camp at night.

It was not until Zhao Kuangyin was sent to leave that Shi Congyun returned to his senses and was a little dazed.

Old Zhao is different from what he imagined. Specifically, it's like...not so high, and not so only looking up. Zhao Kuangyin is very good at speaking, with a bright personality and comfortable speaking.

In short, it is not as magical as what he read in the book, nor is it like the founding prince.

Rather...a warrior who can speak well.

Blown by the night wind, Shi Congyun slowly woke up.

Some understand why.

He knew that everything about Zhao Kuangyin came from historical books or legends, and in this era, people believed in the unity of heaven and man, the destiny of destiny, and the reincarnation of cause and effect.

It is believed that Zhao Kuangyin was destined to become emperor later, and God let him be, so there are many fictional records in historical books and stories that go back with the result.

For example, Lao Zhaoyi was born with a golden body, which remained unchanged for three days. He also said that his head was very iron and that he could not be killed by hitting it. Various "omens" records.

In short, it seems that Zhao Kuangyin was about to become an emperor as soon as he was born, and he had already started thinking about how to usurp the throne in his mother's womb.

Of course this is not credible.

In fact, there are many uncontrollable factors for Zhao Kuangyin to usurp the throne. The accumulation of these uncontrollable accidental factors gives him the opportunity to usurp the throne. Many of them can only be due to luck and non-human calculations.

At this time, Zhao Kuangyin, a security captain, dared to think about usurping the throne?

Shi Congyun didn't believe it, it must be that in the next five or six years, his military exploits were getting bigger and bigger, and his position was getting higher and higher, and then his ambitions slowly grew.

The current Zhao Kuangyin is probably the same as him. He just wants to let the officials take a look, so he almost lost his life today. As for the future, many things are not what he can predict.

As the common saying goes, "the head follows the butt".

Only when you get to that position will you think about the things in that position.

Thinking about it this way, Shi Congyun considered Zhao Kuangyin more as a comrade-in-arms and a competitor, and no longer felt so unattainable.

Shaking his head, he thought: Never mind him, as long as he doesn't threaten his father Shi Yanchao, Zhao Kuangyin has nothing to do with him, but if he threatens his father... Zhao Kuangyin is not as important as his father!


Chapter 27, Shi Yanchao, Minister of Humerus

At night, the central army tent is brightly lit, with tooth flags standing in front of the tent, the tent is luxuriously decorated, and even the door cloth is embroidered with gold patterns, which is beautiful and meticulous.

Guo Rong was dressed in a loose red robe and sat on a tiger-skin bed. The table in front of him was a little messy, and there were picture scriptures (maps), pen and ink, and neat and hardcover books on the red sandalwood bookshelf next to him.

In the tent, in addition to the official Guo Rong, there was also Zhang Yongde, who had removed his armor and was in uniform.

At the front of the tent stands a general of about [-] years old, dressed in military uniforms, and the dust is everywhere.

"I was ordered to lead more than a thousand soldiers to stop the thieves in Jiangzhuling. I didn't think that there were so many thieves who were defeated that day. One had no choice but to hold on, and let the leader of the thief Liu Min go. Please punish the officials!" Kneel down and kowtow.

Guo Rong's eyes were tired, and he nodded without punishment, "Get up.

On that day in Gaoping, I ordered you to hoard your troops in Jiangzhuling. I didn't expect the thieves to be defeated so quickly, and there were so many people who fled. I don't blame you for this. "

The generals thanked him again and again, and then Guo Rong waved his hand and let him go down to rest.

Zhang Yongde said: "The official's house should rest."

Guo Rong rubbed his temples and shook his head: "No, Li Gu hasn't come yet. If I don't listen to his report, I won't be able to sleep."

Zhang Yongde didn't say much, and Mu Leng stood aside and waited.

Outside the tent, the night wind was howling, Guo Rongqiang was in high spirits, and the attack has not been smooth in recent days. The Zhou army in Taiyuan City suffered heavy casualties, but still no progress was made.

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