"Still tidying up the room."

Liu Qing said: "Let's clean it up for you together."

Qin Kun is a cripple with inconvenient legs and feet, and it is not easy to clean it up by himself.

With a few more people to help clean up, it won't take too long.

Qin Kun did not refuse, and said with a smile, "That's fine."

After looking at Mo Xiaodie, she went back to her room and took out another bag of clothes, and said to her:

"You don't want the clothes you have now. Take a shower and change into this one. I don't know if it fits, so you wear it first. I'll take you to the hospital tomorrow, and it's better to wear clean clothes."

"Thank you." Mo Xiaodie took the clothes and bowed again to thank her.

She could refuse everything else, but she couldn't refuse this one.

She knew that the clothes on her body were too dirty, and she also knew that her body was too dirty.

You need to take a bath, and you need to change into clean clothes.

Because this is not only the torture she has to bear, but also the people around her.

There is a shower in the bathroom, so you don't have to worry about it not being clean.

Qin Kun also brought her a new towel.

On the dressing table outside, toothpaste and toothbrush are also ready.

That's all there is to do.

Liu Qing and the others helped Qin Kun clean out a room, put down a folding bed, and turned it into a temporary bedroom.

At this time, Mo Xiaodie also came out of the shower and put on new clothes.

Fair fit.

Qin Kun's vision was quite accurate, and the clothes he chose were more suitable for Mo Xiaodie's figure.

There was no need to keep the clothes she was wearing before, and they were put into a plastic bag, which was still tied up.

When Liu Qing and the others left, they took the plastic bag away and said to Mo Xiaodie:

"Tomorrow, you will go to the hospital with our President Qin. You don't have to worry about how much the treatment costs. You can treat as you want, and treat as effective as possible. Our company pays for it. You cooperate well with the treatment and recover from the illness." Well, come out and earn money for us when you are in good health."

After they left, Qin Kun smiled and said to Mo Xiaodie:

"Don't put too much pressure on yourself. Although our boss is a capitalist, he is not the kind of black-hearted capitalist—at least not yet. You don't have to worry about how to squeeze it."

Mo Xiaodie said in a low voice: "I'm not afraid of being oppressed, I'm only worried about not being able to repay him."

"The rest of life is very long, and there is plenty of time to pay back slowly." Qin Kun said, "You have to have confidence in yourself, your singing voice is very contagious, and you will succeed."

He knew what the girl was thinking, and said with a smile:

"You don't have to have too much moral pressure. This is a purely commercial transaction. We have taken a fancy to your potential and are willing to train you. Treating your diseases is also one of the training, although there are It may cost hundreds of thousands, but you have such a good foundation, saving more training costs, it is still cost-effective for the company."

Mo Xiaodie hummed.

If you have already accepted such a deal, then cooperate well.

In the future, I can only work hard to improve myself to repay this kindness of regeneration.

Qin Kun said with emotion: "Don't blame others too much, this fate has given you a lot of suffering, but these sufferings will also make your life more profound, and let you understand the meaning of life better for others. For a literary and art worker, this is also a huge fortune. If you survive a catastrophe, you must have a future blessing. After this ordeal, you will definitely shine."

"I know," Mo Xiaodie said, "I didn't complain, I'm very grateful."

Qin Kun told her about the contract again:

"Our company generally signs a contract for two or three years, but you are in a special situation because you have to bear the cost of treating lupus erythematosus. You should also know that at your current level, the treatment cost will not be less than a few dollars. One hundred thousand, the cost our company pays will be relatively high, and the time to recover the cost will be longer, so we will not sign with you for two or three years, and it will take at least five years, can you accept this?"

A dying person finally came to a savior, but he only needs to sign a five-year contract, and of course it is impossible to refuse.

Mo Xiaodie said: "I can accept it, and I can accept it for ten years—as long as you think I'm still valuable."

Qin Kun said: "Well, since you said that, I will be a black-hearted capitalist once. Ten years is too long, let's sign for eight years. Now the monthly guaranteed salary is 3000 yuan-the guaranteed salary is so One piece is not static, and it will increase with the increase in prices in the future. All the contracted anchors of the company are at the same level. As for the live broadcast revenue and advertising revenue, you will share it with the company. You three, the company seven, do you have any opinions? ?”

This attitude of talking about business made Mo Xiaodie feel less stressed, and made her feel that she really had commercial value, rather than receiving charity.

She nodded: "I have no objection."

"Then I'll have someone make a contract for you tomorrow. You just need to sign it, and you can get your salary next month." Qin Kun said with a smile.

Chapter 165 Promoting Positive Energy

Back in the car, Ye Wanrong sprayed air freshener on the inside of the car, and rolled down the windows to let it ventilate.

The three of them didn't get into the car right away, but stood beside them.

This has nothing to do with discrimination, there is no need to endure that.

"Miss Xiaodie is so pitiful," Xiaowen said with emotion, her nose sore, "I almost cried when I saw her like that. I always thought I was very unfortunate, born in such a patriarchal family , when I was a few years old, my parents treated me like a maid. I never thought that there would be such miserable people as Sister Xiaodie in this world, who are a hundred times worse than me."

"In this world, there are still many unfortunate people who don't even have a healthy body." Ye Wanrong said, "No matter how unfortunate a healthy person is, compared to them, they are all lucky."

"Sister Rong, you are right. I should be content, at least I am still healthy." Xiaowen said.

Liu Qing suddenly remembered something, and asked Ye Wanrong: "I heard that you paralyzed a person in a Sanda match, is she that kind of unfortunate person?"

He didn't ask this matter to be sarcastic, but he thought of this matter from Ye Wanrong's mention of her health.

Come to think of it, Ye Wanrong should be very guilty about this matter, right?Otherwise, it would not be a retirement.

Unexpectedly, after hearing his words, Ye Wanrong glanced at him and said, "She deserves it."

Both Liu Qing and Xiao Wen were taken aback for a moment.

Ye Wanrong said: "I deliberately paralyzed her. Originally, she was the favorite to win the kilogram class in our province that year, and I participated in the Sanda competition just to deal with her."

"Why?" Xiaowen asked curiously.

"For a scumbag, she forced my best sister to death." Ye Wanrong said, "If it wasn't for dealing with her, which girl would be willing to make herself so fat?"

Xiaowen was in a daze for a while, then gave a thumbs up and said, "Sister Rong is amazing! Sister Rong has a chivalrous demeanor!"

Ye Wanrong patted her on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Now you are my good sister, if anyone betrays you, just tell me, and I will definitely stand up for you."

Said, glanced at Liu Qing.

In the eyes, there are some warnings and some jokes.

Liu Qing was frightened, and quickly patted Xiaowen on the shoulder, saying: "If anyone betrays you, we will help you together!"

Ye Wanrong rolled his eyes at him and couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Wen was so touched, she said: "Brother Qing, Sister Rong, you two are so kind to me, I am so happy."

Recalling bitterness and thinking about sweetness can make people feel happy.

Seeing other people's misfortune can also make people feel their own happiness.

Now Xiaowen is quite satisfied with the status quo.

There is a decent and stable job, the work is relatively leisurely, you can learn something else, and you can also work as a part-time anchor.

Although they live in other people's homes, they are very good friends, the kind who can face it calmly, and they will not feel awkward living there.

The living environment is very good, and the daily meals are also very good.

She doesn't have to pay rent, water and electricity, and the monthly salary is purely earned. She thinks this is very good.

On the way back in the car, Xiaowen said to Liu Qing seriously: "Brother Qing, I think I should say thank you, without you, I would still be in the dormitory with a bunch of people in Jiayi Community. "

Being so serious made Liu Qing a little uncomfortable, and said with a smile: "Then you just repay me well."

"Well," Xiaowen said, "so I've decided, I want to make a promise to you."

Liu Qing: "If I didn't see that the steering wheel was in Ye Wanrong's hand, I would have thought it was you who was driving - do you have a driver's license and you just leave it and drive?"

Xiaowen said: "It's not driving, I'm serious, I'll repay you once a day from now on."

"Farewell," Liu Qing sternly refused, "I am malnourished."

"Then, once every other day?" Xiao Wen tentatively said, "One day, two days off?"

Liu Qing said to Ye Wanrong who was driving in front:

"Master, I actually don't know this person."

Ye Wanrong pursed her lips and said with a smile: "It's okay, you don't need to hide it from me, I don't know you either."

Xiaowen said again: "How about Sunday."

Liu Qing stopped talking.

This woman, in front of Ye Wanrong, even came to tease him, it was a bit too unrestrained.

When they got home, it was almost eleven o'clock, and they couldn't do anything else, so they rested after taking a shower.

Tomorrow, Xiaowen will go to work, and Liu Qing has to go to the mask factory to have a look.

If I have time, I have to go to the hospital to see Mo Xiaodie and find out about her physical condition.

The next morning, Liu Qing, who was inspecting the mask factory, received a message from Qin Kun, saying that Mo Xiaodie had been sent to the hospital for an examination, and she had been hospitalized.

The results of the examination did not come out that early, but according to the doctor, from the outside, Mo Xiaodie's illness was already quite serious.

Missed the best treatment time.

It's not that it can't be cured now, it's just that the treatment will be more difficult and it will be more painful for the patients.

Another point is that the need for medical expenses will be more.

Lupus erythematosus is not covered by medical insurance, so it can only be paid for in full.

As far as Mo Xiaodie's current physical condition is concerned, if she wants to recover, the medical expenses will probably be more than 50 yuan.

Moreover, it is necessary to ensure that there is sufficient rest time, that you should not be overworked during the treatment, and that you should not overwork after you recover.

Liu Qing didn't care about this, and said: "If it's more than 50, it's more than 50, and I'll accept 100 million, as long as she can be cured."

"During the treatment period, she needs to get a better rest and cannot live broadcast." Qin Kun reminded.

Liu Qing said helplessly: "We are not black-hearted capitalists. They are all sick like this. Should we let her broadcast live? Can we be a little bit human?"

Qin Kun smiled and said, "Of course I don't want to do that, but I'm just a part-time worker, and I still have to listen to your boss's opinion on what to do."

"You are considered a half-boss, and you should also consider the company's image and reputation, and don't just think about profits." Liu Qing said, "Let me tell you this, making money is very important, but if you can't make those unconscionable money, then If you have done too much of this kind of thing, it will be liquidated sooner or later.”

On this point, he gave advice from someone who has experienced it.

A lot of things can be done now, and no one will say anything.

But it will definitely not work in the future.

If it is exposed on the Internet, the image of the entire company will be ruined.

Qin Kun didn't refute, but said: "Boss, this matter can be regarded as a positive energy matter. I want to hype it up and improve the company's image. What do you think?"

"Is it inappropriate to hype this up?" Liu Qing raised doubts.

"It's not inappropriate," Qin Kun said, "Strictly speaking, what we do is not hype, but promoting positive energy."

"Promote positive energy?" Liu Qing immediately felt relieved, "That's okay, you can promote it."


Chapter 166

About what happened last night, several people have already made a short video and posted it on the acne printing platform.

Now is the Internet age, everyone can become a self-media.

It's just that some people sent out things that were not discovered, and some people's things went viral all of a sudden.

After Qin Kun settled Mo Xiaodie at night, he began to search for videos related to this matter in the same city. After changing a few keywords, he finally found a few short videos.

There was one before he came, and the title was "Surprised! The singing is so beautiful, I never thought I would be so ugly".

Some were taken after he came:

"A touching scene. A woman who is seriously ill and has no money to treat is singing on the street. The boss of the media company finds out and promises to pay for her medical expenses."

There is also such a headline: "Billionaire shows his identity on the street, it is for her,"

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