It's just that the scars on this girl's face are really scary, she still looks a little scared, and moves away intentionally or unintentionally.

She didn't know if it was contagious, but she looked very scary and didn't dare to approach it that much.

That girl was also very self-conscious, and she was the closest to Liu Qing, but they were also separated by a few meters.

After getting this disease, she suffered too much cold stare, which also made her understand how odious she is in the eyes of others, so she has always kept a distance carefully, and tried her best to cover up the acne on her face.

In fact, Liu Qing also had some nervousness in her heart, but she didn't show it. She asked the girl how she was doing as she walked.

The girl's name is Mo Xiaodie, she is 23 years old, and she is a student of a music academy.

The family conditions were pretty good before, otherwise there would be no conditions for her to study at the conservatory.

Later, her father was tempted to take drugs. Within a year, a happy and happy family was broken, her parents divorced, and she became a person who no one cares about.

In the last year of the Conservatory of Music, her family did not give her any support, and she relied on the money she earned from singing in bars in her spare time to pay her tuition and living expenses.

But she didn't know how to mobilize the atmosphere when she sang. It was not very flattering in a place like a bar, and she could earn relatively little money.

If it weren't for some senior sisters introducing her, she wouldn't even have such a chance.

Busy every day, exhausted physically and mentally, various problems began to appear in the body.

I didn't pay much attention to it at first, only thinking that it was caused by excessive fatigue.

Later, acne began to appear on her face, and it became more and more serious, which affected her job opportunities.

I had no choice but to go to the hospital for an examination. The result of the examination was that there was something wrong with my immune system and I got systemic lupus erythematosus.

It's not that this disease cannot be treated, but the cost of treatment is far beyond her financial ability, and she has no ability to treat it.

As the acne on her face became more and more serious, and the people in the dormitory of the Conservatory of Music disliked her more and more, she finally chose to leave the college and the city.

Start wandering.

Chapter 163 Everything Will Be Okay

No money for treatment, no home to return to, the world is so big, there is no home for Mo Xiaodie.

She can only start wandering with that guitar.

The torment of illness, as well as the disgusting eyes of the world, once made her think about ending her life.

But when it came time to implement it, I still hesitated.

She thinks this world is still very beautiful, and she is the only one who is not beautiful, and she still wants to see this world a few more times.

In her view, running away is shameful, although life is very difficult, she still wants to face it.

——I can lose, but I don't want to escape.

She loves the world, and she also loves to sing, and she wants to use her singing to love the world.

Not knowing how much time is left in her life, she wants to sing until the day she can't sing.

"I don't know how long I can last. What I think is, if one day I really die, I will find a place where no one else can find me, and die quietly without disturbing anyone or scaring anyone. People. I have written a suicide note, and if my body is found one day, they won't have to waste police force trying to find out my death."

Mo Xiaodie said this to Liu Qing.

She understands the fate she has to face, and she is ready to accept it all, and walk through the last journey of her life in her own way.

Liu Qing felt quite uncomfortable hearing that.

Life is not easy for most people.

Especially those who are struggling at the bottom, a large part of the day have thought about ending their lives to escape the sufferings of the world.

Including Liu Qing, he also had this idea more than once.

Since I was a teenager, I have thought about why I have to suffer all this, whether I can see the light in this day?Does it make sense to persist?Where is the fun in living?

In the end, he was still alive, not because he loved life so much, but simply because he was afraid of death.

He thought, if he had encountered what Mo Xiaodie had encountered, he would have already collapsed.

And this girl is still able to live hard, still talking to the world with singing.

It's really not easy.

Such a girl is sympathetic.

Such a girl is also admirable.

"You are excellent," he said to Mo Xiaodie, "as long as you persevere, you will become even better and stronger."

Xiaowen and Ye Wanrong were listening in front, also sighing.

"Miss Xiaodie, it's not easy for you, you must persevere, and everything will be fine." Xiaowen said.

Her nose was a little sore.

Ye Wanrong also said to Mo Xiaodie: "The hardships that life gives you are also the motivation to make you stronger. As long as you persevere, there will be a day when you break out of your cocoon and become a butterfly."

Mo Xiaodie didn't know what to say, so she could only thank her.

Of course she knew that lupus was not an incurable disease, as long as she had money, it could be cured.

She just doesn't have the money.

In today's highly developed medicine, most of the time, what cannot be cured is not the disease, but the life.

Now suddenly there is such a noble person who is willing to sign her as an artist and is willing to bear all her treatment expenses, which also gives her hope of surviving.

For her, it was a ray of light that appeared in the darkness, illuminating her life.

This is the grace of regeneration.

I have seen too much disgust and cold eyes, and I understand the preciousness of this kindness.

"I must work hard to survive and repay this kindness."

She thought so.

Arriving in front of the big Benz, Liu Qing said to Xiaowen: "You can sit in the co-pilot, I will sit in the back with Xiaodie."

He could see that Xiaowen was very afraid of the acne on Mo Xiaodie's face, although he himself felt shy, but no matter what he was a man, he couldn't be so coquettish.

Mo Xiaodie has seen too many disgusting looks from people, so of course she knows how disgusting the acne on her face is.

—Even she disliked herself.

She blushed, sat in the back seat, and sat as far as possible on the side, for fear of bumping into Liu Qing who was also in the back seat.

This cautious look made Liu Qing feel particularly uncomfortable.

Xiaowen sat in the front, not yet fastened her seat belt, lifted up the two boxes of barbecue in her hand, and asked Mo Xiaodie:

"Miss Xiaodie, do you want to eat barbecue? It may be a bit cold, and the taste is not so good."

Mo Xiaodie was about to decline, but Liu Qing had already picked it up and handed it to her: "Eat, I heard your stomach growling, so don't be too polite."

He said to Xiaowen again: "If there is water in front, bring a bottle of water here."

Mo Xiaodie caught the two boxes of packed barbecue, and said thank you again, her voice became more choked.

She doesn't know if there is anything in it that is not suitable for patients with lupus erythematosus.

But in the case of hunger, dietary taboos are not so important, and it is more important to fill the stomach.

When the car started, Mo Xiaodie was sitting in the back eating barbecue, occasionally pointing the way and pointing to where she was going.

Liu Qing held a bottle of pure water in her hand, and she handed it over when she wanted to drink.

Sitting together in the back row, still in such a sealed space, so close to each other, Liu Qing also smelled Mo Xiaodie's body.

He didn't show it, for fear of hurting the girl's self-esteem.

He knew that it wasn't the girl's fault, and she shouldn't be allowed to suffer all that.

In fact, the other two girls in the car smelled it, and they all paid attention not to show it.

Liu Qing took her mobile phone and sent Qin Kun a WeChat message:

"If you pass by the clothing store, buy her a few sets of clothes, and I'll transfer the amount to you."

I didn't call because I was afraid that the girl would hear the call and cause her low self-esteem.

You don’t need to ask about the size, it’s almost enough, even if it doesn’t fit well, it’s still more decent than the current clothes.

If it doesn't fit, buy one that fits later.

What I have to do now is try not to embarrass this girl as much as possible.

Under Mo Xiaodie's guidance, the car drove under a viaduct and stopped.

Qin Kun's analysis is correct.

Mo Xiaodie is a homeless person who doesn't even have a hotel to live in, so she lives under this viaduct.

After getting off the car, walk over to a bridge pier and pass the green belt. In the middle of the pier, there is a mat that was thrown away by someone and a dirty quilt. That is Mo Xiaodie's home in this city .

When she came here, she didn't dare to look at the expressions of the three people in the same group. She walked over with her head down, lifted the dirty quilt, took out a photo album from it, then turned around and said:

"That's all I'm going to take,"

The photo album is not worth money, it is only valuable to the individual, and there is no need to worry that others will take it away if you put it here.

In the eyes of others, this is not even useful garbage.

In her eyes, that was half her life.

Chapter 164 I'm Not Afraid of Being Squeezed

The community where Qin Kun lived was not as high-end as the Hongjing Garden where Liu Qing lived, and it was a relatively dilapidated community.

There is no underground parking lot here. At night, all the parking spaces on the ground are full of cars. Qin Kun also specially told Liu Qing to stop when he can find a place outside, and don't think about driving the car. Parking in the community is basically an impossible task at this point in time.

There is also a property company in this community, but it is useless.

The car was parked outside, and several people entered the community, but no one asked at all.

The side door of the community was open, and Liu Qing originally wanted to be an excellent visitor, so she took the initiative to register.

But after looking for it, I didn't see the security guard at the gate, only the gate was there.

I couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "I should have come to work in the property here before, how much freedom is this?"

There are dozens of buildings in this community. The density of the buildings is relatively high, and the construction time is different. Some have already installed elevators, and some have not yet installed elevators.

It is quite big, and there is a supermarket and some shops inside.

The roadside is indeed full of cars, leaving only a width for one car to pass.

Qin Kun's house is okay, it was not built so early, the floors are relatively high, and there is an elevator installed.

After finally finding that building, take the elevator up.

There are also two residents of this building who take the elevator together.

Whenever there are lights, Mo Xiaodie keeps her head down, especially in the elevator.

She didn't want others to see the horrible spots on her face.

But in the sealed space of the elevator, she was able to hide the terrible acne on her face, but she couldn't hide the peculiar smell on her body.

The two residents of the same building who were in the same elevator had disgusted expressions on their faces and covered their noses.

Mo Xiaodie lowered her head even lower.

The two residents got out of the elevator first, and after getting out of the elevator, the elevator doors were not closed, so they talked there:

"Why are there still such dirty girls now?"

"Did she go into the cesspit?"

Xiaowen was so angry that she clenched her fists and opened her mouth to curse, but Liu Qing touched her to signal her to keep quiet.

If they really wanted to quarrel, it was Mo Xiaodie who was embarrassed.

When they reached Qin Kun's first floor, the elevator door opened, and three people walked out.

It feels like the air outside is much fresher.

After finding Qin Kun's house number, he knocked on the door. After half a minute, Qin Kun came out to open the door, and said apologetically:

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