There was a glimmer of hope in the girl's eyes, but it quickly went out, and she said sadly: "I'm not worth that much money, I'm afraid I won't be able to earn you that much money in my life,"

"In terms of commercial value, please trust my judgment as a businessman," Qin Kun said, "I think you are worth it, and I am willing to make such an investment. If I lose, I won't blame you."

"But, if you lose, I will blame me." The girl said.

Chapter 161 A sensible child is the most distressing

After the freckles on the girl's face were revealed, the onlookers exclaimed.

In those people's minds, the one who can sing such a beautiful song should be a very beautiful girl.

Even if some people think that this singing girl is not necessarily beautiful, it is not ugly.

But I didn't expect that when the true face was revealed, the face was so terrifying, the cheeks on both sides seemed to be rotten.

This caused the imaginary image in their minds to collapse instantly.

However, he didn't leave right away.

They wanted to see the cripple who was going to sign the girl.After seeing the true face of this girl, what kind of embarrassing ending will it be.

——Before they were happy that this girl had a company and were willing to sign her, they felt that a good voice should not be buried. They even thought that their current crowd was one of the factors that made this girl discovered by new media companies. Belonging to Bole, there is a sense of accomplishment with a discerning eye.

But now, they just want to watch the excitement, and see how this awesome manager of a media company who walks over to sign someone will end up.

But after hearing the conversation between them, I realized that the spots on the singing girl's face were not born, but had a disease called "lupus erythematosus".

It still sounds like a serious disease that costs a lot of money and has no cure.

Suddenly I lost my heart to watch the excitement, and felt sympathy for this girl.

A girl suffering from that serious disease does not go to treatment, but sings here alone.

What this means can be understood when you think about it.

Looking at her thin figure, messy hair and worn clothes, and recalling her singing, I felt a sour feeling in my heart.

Compassion is what everyone has.

It's just that some people have a heart of compassion and will put it into action.

Some people have a heart of compassion, but only a heart of compassion.

They sympathized with the girl, but only with the girl.

Only a few people took out their wallets and wanted to support them materially.

Although this support cannot change the role of girls, at least it has done its part.

And the general manager of the media company didn't care about it, and expressed his willingness to bear all the treatment expenses of the girl, which shocked them.

——Is there such a conscientious capitalist in the world?

Yes, such capitalists must be described with the word conscience.

Although this girl sings well, there are many girls in this world who can sing well.

And among the girls who sing well, some of them are very beautiful.

It should be very easy for a media company to sign such a girl who sings well, and there are many choices.

Now it is necessary to sign such a girl who has a serious disease and her face has been destroyed. It costs more and takes more risks than others, which is not in line with business logic.

That can only be described with conscience.

Just want to help this girl.

None of them had heard of Tianyuan Media, but at this moment, they remembered the name of this company.

I don't know what kind of company it is, but a company that can do this kind of thing must be a warm company and a company with positive energy.

And the girl's refusal, "If you lose, I will blame me", is even more painful.

Sensible children are the most distressing.

Ordinary people, in such a desperate situation, if someone is willing to extend a hand, who would not hold on to that helping hand to get out of the desperate situation?

However, the girl refused.

There was only one reason for the refusal. I was afraid that I would not be able to earn so much money for the other party, and that the other party would lose money.

This is a little too kind, even the kind of kindness that would rather sacrifice oneself than owe others.

After saying this, the eyes of several people next to me were moist, and they all persuaded:

"Sister, just sign it, you sing so well, you will definitely become popular in the future."

"What the boss said is very reasonable. He is engaged in this. He has his professional vision. He is not afraid of losing money. What are you afraid of?"

"Let's sign the contract, girl, no matter whether you are releasing a record or becoming an anchor in the future, we will support you and bring you commercial value."

Qin Kun moved his hand to Liu Qing who was outside the crowd, and said to the girl:

"This one is the boss of our Tianyuan Media. He was moved by your singing, and then called me to sign you. When he called me, he knew that you had lupus erythematosus. But he still Making this call and asking the company to sign you shows that he also recognizes your commercial value. Please trust the professional vision of our professionals."

Liu Qing didn't expect that this guy would move himself out, and he couldn't hide all of a sudden, and became the focus of everyone's attention.

I could only stand up bravely and say to the girl: "Yes, I called the president of our company, Mr. Qin, to come over. I was moved by your singing, and I also saw that more people were attracted by your singing." I was moved by the singing, and I believe that as long as you sign with our company and get our promotion, you will be liked by tens of thousands of people."

Girls remember Liu Qing.

It is impossible not to remember.

Because the first tip of one hundred yuan she received since she sang was given by this person.

Moreover, after she showed the ugly acne on her face, everyone else left in disgust, and this person gave her another 100 yuan to continue singing.

At that time, she was quite moved in her heart, and she felt like crying.

——How cold the world is, she won't cry.However, approaching her with such a little warmth made her want to cry a lot.

She also knew about Liu Qing's phone call, after all, it was not far away.

Now he can match Qin Kun's words.

It turned out that the real kind-hearted man was the big brother in front of him.

Qin Kun smiled and said next to him:

"Even if you lose money, don't be afraid. Our boss is very rich. My Tianyuan Media Company is only one of the companies he invested in, and he has even bigger investments. The money for your medical treatment may be a big deal for you." Astronomical figures, but to our boss, it’s just a drop in the bucket, and he can afford to pay.”

Having said that, the people next to him persuaded the girl to sign a contract with Qin Kun.

Liu Qing also said: "Sign it, don't worry that you won't be able to earn the money for the company, I tell you, as long as you are alive, you have unlimited possibilities."

Xiaowen next to her also nodded, and said seriously:

"I can prove this. Our boss used to be a security guard, but now he has a net worth of hundreds of millions? As long as we work hard, we can create a bright future. Miss sister, why do you give up on yourself?"

Everyone exclaimed, looking at Liu Qing full of reverence.

——This person still looks young, but he was able to become a billionaire from a security guard, isn't it too inspirational?

Qin Kun, who knew the inside story, didn't change his face, and said affirmatively:

"Is such that."

Chapter 162 Mo Xiaodie

Under everyone's persuasion, the girl finally agreed, bowed deeply to Liu Qing, and said "thank you", her voice became even more speechless.

Some people only know how to hold grudges, and some people only know how to be grateful.

This girl seems to be a grateful person.

"Your illness is not suitable for being too tired. It's late now, so don't sing. Come with us. We will arrange a place for you to live in." Qin Kun said.

Then, he asked the girl again: "Do you have a place to live? Do you want to go back and get your things first?"

The girl hesitated for a while before saying:

"I have something to take."

The troublesome person is very embarrassed, but some things are very important to her, and after hesitation, she still decides to take those things back.

Qin Kun came here by taxi, and he didn't drive that broken van, so he turned his attention to Liu Qing:

"Boss, you have a car, why don't you take her to get her things, and I'll wait for you at my house."

Liu Qing asked: "Aren't you going with me?"

Qin Kun said: "It's getting late, I have to arrange a place for her to live."

Lupus erythematosus is a disease of the immune system. It looks scary, but it is not contagious.

However, that appearance is too scary, and there will always be people who think that this disease is contagious and that it is very unclean.

Ordinary hostels and hotels are unwilling to allow such guests to live.

It is not an easy task to arrange a place to live for this girl.

Qin Kun knew that Liu Qing had a big house, but he felt that young people would dislike such a patient, so he decided to arrange this girl in his home.

The boss has already promised to pay for the treatment, so he should provide a place to live.

He also has a two-bedroom, one-living room house, and now he lives alone. After tidying up, he can tidy up a bedroom and live there temporarily.

Tomorrow, the girl will be sent to the hospital, and it will take a while for hospitalization, so there is no need to worry about accommodation in a short time.

If the disease can be suppressed and the pimples on the girl's face disappear, then it will be no problem to rent her a house.

Although Liu Qing didn't understand these things very well, he thought that Qin Kun's life experience was richer than his own, so he just listened to him and did it.

So he said to the girl: "Then get in my car, tell me where you are going to get something, and I will take you there."

The girl said awkwardly: "I, I can walk there by myself, and it's only a few miles away,"

Before Liu Qing could speak, Qin Kun said first, "What you need most is rest due to your current illness. If you can save a little effort, save a little effort, so that we can also save a little on the treatment fee, don't you think?"

The girl didn't refuse, she could only bow to Liu Qing again, and said, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

Liu Qing smiled: "No trouble."

Then, he took her to the parking place.

Ye Wanrong and Xiaowen also followed.

At night, a big man takes away a young girl he just met. Under normal circumstances, the bystanders will not sit back and watch, worrying that the girl will be abducted.

But this time no one was worried about that.

Because the scars on this girl's face are so scary, no man will think wrongly of her.

What's more, Liu Qing was still a billionaire in their mouths, and he was surrounded by a very beautiful woman and a cute loli girl.

With such a configuration, it was impossible to think too much about a girl with those horrible spots on her face.

Looking at their backs, those people thought in their hearts: "What a good person."

Several people even recorded the whole process, and are already thinking about how to post this video online.

Qin Kun has some regrets:

"If I knew this earlier, I should have asked an employee to come over and take a video, so that I could hype it up and let the society know what a positive company our Tianyuan Media Company is."

After all, he is a businessman. No matter what happens to him, the first thing he thinks of is commercial interests.

This is something that has been carved into the bone.

Shaking his head, he turned to leave.

Liu Qing's big Benz was parked in a nearby parking lot.

At night, some cars can be parked on the side of the road, but Ye Wanrong still insists on parking in the paid parking lot.

Because the price of this big Benz is a bit high, if it is scratched by someone parked on the side of the road, it will cost more to repair.

Parking in the parking lot, although you have to pay a little parking fee, at least it is safer in terms of safety.

The distance was only more than 200 meters away. The three of them walked over and arrived in a short time.

Xiaowen still carried two packs of packed barbecue in her hand, and walked beside Ye Wanrong.

She sympathizes with this girl very much. Her own situation is not very good, and she can empathize with some sufferings.

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