In the singing, there is her longing, but also her regret.

Qin Kun listened carefully to her singing the song, and handed over a bottle of mineral water he just bought:

"Singing is great, let's drink some water first."

The girl froze for a moment, lowered her head and said "thank you", took the bottle of water, but didn't drink it right away.

There were already about twenty people here, and she was afraid that if she raised her head to drink water and exposed those ugly spots on her face, she would scare them away.

Qin Kun took out another 100 yuan bill, put it into the iron box, and said:

"Singing is really nice, I was moved, thank you for moving me."

The girl bowed deeply to him: "Thank you."

The voice is a little more pharynx.

The world is sometimes cold.

But this world is sometimes very warm.

"Go on singing," Qin Kun stepped back a few steps, "I'm listening."

With him as the leader, several people put money into the iron box.

There are coin tosses and banknotes.

There are ten yuan and 50 yuan in the banknotes, but it has increased the girl's income.

The girl thanked her a few times, adjusted the guitar, and started singing again.

This time they sang "Those Flowers".

This time, Qin Kun didn't listen to her singing too seriously.

Whether singing alone is contagious, just listen to one song.

Contagion is okay.

What he noticed was the girl's clothes.

Very cheap clothes, very old, even a little dirty.

her hairstyle,

It shouldn't be considered a hairstyle, but it looks dirty and messy, fluffy and fluffy, as if it hasn't been combed.

It was even a little hard for him to imagine that a girl who could sing such a clear and infectious voice didn't even comb her hair.

The dirty clothes, under the street lamps, others may not be able to notice, and may not have the consciousness to notice, but he saw it.

The guitar is also old, the paint is peeling off in some places, the sound quality is not that good.

Not to mention the body shape, it is very thin, even thinner than the one from P.

When singing, there will be some feeling of lack of breath.

Although this does not affect the appeal of singing.

He came to a conclusion-this girl was very poor, and her life was so difficult that she didn't even have a clean dress.

He even suspected that this girl was wandering without a place to live.

Maybe I lived in the ten-yuan-a-bed hostel, or maybe there was no ten-yuan-a-bed hotel, so I slept on the street.

Or in a park, or under a viaduct.

The only wealth on her body may be the guitar in her arms and the iron box in front of her for money.

Usually, those who sell and sing with a guitar, use the box for the guitar to hold the money, but there is no box for the guitar next to this girl, either it is broken or it is thrown away.

Through observation and analysis, he came to the conclusion that the girl is currently in financial difficulties and her body is very unhealthy.

I don't know if this unhealthy body is caused by malnutrition or because of my own disease.

This made him hesitate.

Of course he knew why Liu Qing called him, it was because this girl sang very well, and he wanted to ask her opinion on whether this girl could become the company's contract anchor.

Tianyuan Media Company has raised the basic salary of the contracted anchor this month to [-] a month, and the commission will be calculated separately.

Even if it is only 3000 yuan a month, having such a regular job is better than living on the streets as a performer.

Just because of the infectious power of singing, Qin Kun believes that as long as he spends money to promote it, it will definitely hit the hearts of some people.

Some anchors signed by the company can sing, but without such appeal, no matter how much money is spent on promotion, it will not have much effect.

With this voice, he is willing to sign it—as long as the other party has no objections.

As a listener, he is willing to pay 100 yuan to pay for this touching.

But if he signs her to be the anchor of the company, he has to consider the issue of economic benefits.

If there is any disease, it will face the question of whether the benefits can be recovered.

It's just malnutrition, that's no problem, with a stable job, you can ensure your nutritional intake, and you can take care of your body within a few months.

If there is any serious disease, especially a disease that cannot be cured, it will be troublesome.

Maybe the company invested a lot of resources to bring her traffic, but the signer couldn't wait for the day when the traffic was realized.

That is nothing to lose.

He is also just a migrant worker, and he is responsible for the boss's money.

He pulled Liu Qing back a few steps, and said in a low voice:

"Boss, this girl is really good at singing. If I can sign a contract with the company, I have the confidence to make her famous. But I am worried that she is not in good health, and I can't wait for the day to make her famous."

"There is something wrong with her body," Liu Qing also said in a low voice, "Do you know why she keeps her head down all the time? Because she has many spots on her face, like butterflies, covering almost the entire cheek."

Qin Kun was also a well-informed person. He was taken aback when he heard this, and said, "The spots cover her cheeks like butterflies. Could it be that she has lupus?"

Chapter 160 I Will Blame Me

"Lupus," Liu Qing froze for a moment, "What kind of disease is that? Is it serious?"

"It's a very troublesome disease, which is related to the immune system and cannot be cured." Qin Kun said depressingly.

"There is no cure?" Liu Qing couldn't help feeling depressed, "Is it an incurable disease?"

Looking at the girl singing again, I suddenly understood the sadness in her singing.

"Although it can't be cured, it can be controlled, but it will be inevitable to take medicine in the future." Qin Kun added.

Liu Qing breathed a sigh of relief: "It's the same as high blood pressure and diabetes, right?"

"It can also be understood in this way, but it is much more serious than this, and the patients will suffer more." Qin Kun said, "And the treatment costs are also much more expensive."

"How expensive?" Liu Qing asked.

"It depends," Qin Kun thought for a while, "More than ten years ago, among the friends I knew, a woman got this disease, spent hundreds of thousands of dollars, and had to eat thousands of dollars every month. medicine."

Liu Qing hurriedly asked: "Then she now,"

"She's still alive," Qin Kun said. "Fortunately, her family has money, and she has the ability to earn money herself, so she can support it all the time."

"Have the spots on your face faded?" Liu Qing asked again.

"Of course it subsided," Qin Kun said. "As long as this disease can be suppressed, it will be similar to normal people. It's no problem to get married and have children. It's just that the medicine can't be stopped, and you can't be too tired. It can be regarded as living under the shadow for the rest of your life." .”

"Don't be too tired," Liu Qing glanced at the singing girl again, "I'm afraid it won't be easy for her like this,"

Qin Kun was silent for a while, and said: "In her state, if she continues, it will be a question of whether she can live for half a year, and maybe she won't be able to survive for three months."

Liu Qing sighed.

Qin Kun looked at Liu Qing: "Boss, what do you think?"

"Can the company sign her? Can it help her cure her illness?" Liu Qing asked.

"From a business point of view, the company couldn't sign her and I refused to sign her," he said.

Qin Kun said honestly,

"The treatment may cost hundreds of thousands. I have a gambling agreement with you, the boss. If the profit for a year does not reach that amount, I will have to pay for it myself. I sympathize with this girl, and I hope her tomorrow will be better." Better, not no tomorrow, but boss, I also want to have a tomorrow, and I also think my tomorrow will be better."

After saying this, he looked at Liu Qing again:

"But boss, if you are moved by her singing, if you want to keep such singing in this world, I think you can pay for her treatment. If you can afford her medical expenses, the company is willing to sign her , bring her up."

Looking at Liu Qing's eyes, there is quite some expectation.

Such expectations are still out of commercial considerations.

The anchors of Tianyuan Media Company seemed to be enlightened, and began to work hard on content, interacting with fans more and more, getting better and better, and their performance getting better and better.

However, after all, they are not very popular anchors.

There is no anchor who can be the face of the company.

If anything, it was only him.

But all his popularity is based on hype. Every time he spends money on promotion to buy traffic, he does not have the ability to generate traffic.

If you can sign an infectious singer, generate traffic yourself, and then guide the traffic to every anchor in the company, you can save huge costs for the company.

That is profit.

——Even if you don’t bring goods, don’t accept gifts, you can bring huge profits to the company with such flow-manufacturing capabilities.

It's just that he has a gambling agreement with Liu Qing, so he doesn't dare to bet so much.

If Liu Qing was willing to bear the girl's medical expenses, then he would dare to fight.

Liu Qing was silent for a while, and said: "I personally pay for her treatment, will it be like a kind of charity, which will bring pressure to her?"

Qin Kun looked at the girl sitting there singing, and said:

"Throwing money in her iron box is also a kind of charity. It seems that she also accepted such a kind of charity, and she accepted it voluntarily."

"No," Liu Qing objected, "she's doing a show, and her singing is her commodity. This is an exchange of equivalent value, and it can't be regarded as receiving charity."

Accepting a handout would be a miserable sell.

Although this girl seemed to have suffered a lot, she hadn't sold herself out. She was just there, singing songs one after another.

Liu Qing respects such people very much.

"Or else," Qin Kun pondered for a while, before saying, "Boss, you pay the money, but the money is paid in the name of our Tianyuan Media. If the company signs her and the company is responsible for her treatment, she has to give us the money." Sign a five-year deal."

Liu Qing thought for a while, nodded and said, "Yes."

Qin Kun added: "But if that girl refuses to sign with us, boss, don't blame me for not being able to sign her."

Liu Qing said: "This is natural. We can't force people to sign a contract. We can only say, try our best."

After making a good plan, Qin Kun walked over.

After the girl finished singing a song, he walked up to the girl and said:

"Hello, please interrupt. I am the general manager of Tianyuan Media. Our Tianyuan Media is a new media company and is currently developing on a short video platform. I listened to your song and it is very infectious. I want to sign you to us Come to the company, we will train you to be an excellent singer."

As he spoke, he took out a business card, bent down and offered it with both hands.

The girl froze there, raised her head and stared at him blankly, forgetting to take that business card:

"Sign me?"

When he looked up, the hair that covered his face fell apart, and the horrible spots on his cheeks were revealed, causing a crowd of exclamations.

Qin Kun took a look and confirmed that it was lupus erythematosus.

He sighed secretly in his heart, but his expression remained unchanged, and he said:

"Yes, I want to sign you to our company. I think your singing voice is very contagious and has the potential to become a big hit."

The girl pointed to her face:

"Do you want a sick person like me?"

"This disease can be treated," Qin Kun looked very confident, "As long as you are willing to sign with our company, our company is willing to bear all your treatment expenses."

The girl whispered: "This is not a skin disease, it is a serious disease that requires a lot of money to treat,"

"Lupus erythematosus," Qin Kun said pretending not to care, "I know a friend who got this kind of disease more than ten years ago, but he was cured. Now the same marriage and childbirth have not affected her. Life. As long as you are willing to accept treatment, it can also be cured."

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