Xiaowen looked at Liu Qing: "He is a performer. You are a big boss now, and you think it sounds good. Why don't you go and give me a reward?"

Chapter 158 Your cold hand, I want to make it warm

There are more street performers than ever before.

However, most of them have a mobile phone in front of them, performing live broadcasts while performing arts.

Liu Qing knew that in two years, there would be more people like that, even to the point of disturbing the people and being driven away by the police.

But looking at it from a distance, the singing girl didn't seem to be live broadcasting, and there was no mobile phone holder in front of her.

Originally, I just thought the singing was good, and I had no other ideas.

After Xiaowen made a noise, I suddenly felt that what she said was quite reasonable. Now that I am a big boss, I should develop the habit of paying for things I like.

For example, don’t watch pirated copies, download genuine music to listen to songs, and go to the cinema to watch movies. Even if you watch movies online, you can’t watch pirated resources.

——Unless there is no genuine version or the genuine version is illegal, for example, certain educational films.

He stood up: "Then I'll go over and make a reward."

Ye Wanrong also got up naturally and followed.

——As a bodyguard, of course you have to be with the boss, especially on the street.

The owner of the barbecue stall looked at the table nervously.

——I haven’t paid the bill yet, if all of this is gone, what’s the matter?

Xiaowen waved to him with a smile: "Boss, pay the bill, and pack the rest for me."

Anyway, I have almost eaten, and there is only so much left.

A person came to pay her the bill, and after counting, the three of them actually spent 400 yuan.

This was Xiaowen's first time treating guests, but this time she treated herself very happily, and even had a sense of pride when she paid for it.

This also made her understand that treating guests is also a joyful thing.

No wonder we often see news of some people fighting to pay the bill.

This thing is also addictive.

Of course, the premise is to have enough money.

The remaining barbecues packed two lunch boxes and put them in a plastic bag. Xiao Wen walked to the small square with the plastic bag.

In the small square, a thin girl was singing with a guitar in her arms, and her voice was a little sad:

"You listen to loneliness singing,

Gently, hard,

The singing is so cruel,

People couldn't help but burst into rivers of tears.

You listen to loneliness singing,

tender, crazy,

Sadness deepens,

How can it be stopped?


When Xiaowen walked over, there was still a smile on her face.

——She felt that it was the first time in her life to treat someone she liked. It felt so wonderful, and she was still immersed in that kind of pleasure.

However, as they got closer and closer, the singing became clearer and clearer, and there was an inexplicable sense of loss in my heart.

Everyone will have loneliness, but not everyone can sing about loneliness.

Listening to the girl's cold and sad singing, Xiaowen felt hit.

Suddenly remembered some past events, and some pictures appeared in my mind.

The girl who sang was sitting on the steps of the green belt on the edge of the square, more than one meter in front of her, and there was an iron box with some coins and a hundred-yuan bill in it.

That one hundred yuan bill was just thrown in by Liu Qing.

Without this hundred-yuan bill, the girl's income would only be a few dollars.

A few meters in front of this girl, there were more than a dozen idlers standing sparsely, some were listening to music, and some were taking pictures with their mobile phones.

It can be seen from the income in the iron box that there are still more prostitutes and less paid.

The girl sang with her back to the street lamp and bowed her head. Her hair was a little messy and fluffy, covering her eyebrows and eyes, and only her small nose and thin lips could be seen.

Xiaowen is already relatively thin. This girl is thinner than Xiaowen, giving people a feeling of falling down when the wind blows.

After Xiaowen came over with two packs of barbecue, the smell of cumin was gone. The girl raised her head and glanced, and there was an obvious movement of swallowing her saliva, and she didn't finish singing the lyrics.

The moment she raised her head, the hair covering her cheeks spread out, and everyone saw that there were many spots on her cheeks, like a butterfly covering her cheeks on both sides.

Butterflies are beautiful, but butterfly-shaped spots are not.

Just at that moment, someone exclaimed: "What is growing on her face, it's so scary!"

A few people who were excited to shoot videos with their mobile phones also put down their phones in disappointment and turned to leave.

There were also comments like this:

"The singing is pretty nice, but the appearance is too scary."


"I thought she was a pretty girl,"

The dozen or so people around suddenly became only four or five.

The girl lowered her head again and continued singing.

The singing grows sadder:

"It was so dark that it seemed like there would never be daylight again.

Tomorrow or not, it doesn't matter.

Just quietly, watching youth is hard to let go.

The tears are still hot, the traces of tears are cold,

Xiaowen didn't understand the sadness in her song, but listening to the song, there was a sense of sadness in her heart.

After singing the song, the girl stood up with her head down, went to get the iron box on the ground, and was about to leave.

She knew that when people saw those scary spots on her face, they wouldn't be interested in listening any more.

She has seen this kind of thing a lot.

At this time, Liu Qing took out another 100 yuan and put it in, saying: "You sing very well, can I listen to you sing a few more songs?"

The girl froze for a moment, then looked up at Liu Qing.

Under the street lights, the spots on her face were scary.

Two more left.

Only Liu Qing and the others were left.


The girl whispered something, then sat back on the steps of the green belt, hugged the guitar, played a few times, and sang again:

"The morning sun shines,

On the little lake,

With that little white sail,

Sail forward happily.

There was wind and rain last night,

Wet the floral shirt,

your cold hands,

I'm going to keep it warm,"

The singing is clear, and there is an indescribable sadness in the clearness.

Liu Qing took out her mobile phone and made a call:

"Boss Qin, are you free now?"

Qin Kun: "What's the matter?"

"Listen to you a song, sung by a little singing girl next to me."

As Liu Qing spoke, she turned on the speakerphone so that Qin Kun on the other side of the phone could hear it.

On the other side of the phone, Qin Kun didn't make a sound, just quietly listening to the singing.

After a song finished, Liu Qing turned off the speakerphone and asked Qin Kun:

"Boss Qin, what do you think?"

"Very good, the singing is very contagious." Qin Kun commented.

Then he asked Liu Qing: "This girl who sings, is she doing a live broadcast? Is the income good?"

"Without the live broadcast, the income, if you don't count the 200 yuan I gave, is only a few yuan." Liu Qing said.

"Does that girl look rich?" Qin Kun asked again.

"It seems quite difficult." Liu Qing said.

Qin Kun suddenly became excited:

"Boss, send me a location, I'll go there now!"

Chapter 159 Lupus Erythematosus

The girl sang there with her head down, singing one after another.

Even though she knew that the spots on her face had fallen into the eyes of the three people in front of her, knowing that they might not care that much, but she did.

She doesn't want others to see her ugly side.

It has become her habit to keep her head down.

Xiaowen stood beside Liu Qing, listening to the girl's cold and sad singing, suddenly grabbed Liu Qing's hand, and said in a low voice:

"The song she sang was so touching, it reminded me of a lot of past events."

Liu Qing didn't say anything, just held her hand tightly.

Every song has a story and an emotion.

Although he sings other people's songs, he can also sing his own story and express his own emotions in the singing.

It can also arouse other people's emotions in singing.

He also thought of many past events in those songs.

Some memories of the past are not so pleasant.

The people who saw the spots on her face in front left, but people came one after another from behind, and slowly around [-] people surrounded her.

However, basically just listening to songs.

There are rewards, but also one or two.

Xiaowen calculated, and within a few songs, the girl received about seven or eight dollars in tipping.

"It's not easy." She thought to herself.

When Qin Kun came over, the girl was singing a song called "Dedication" with her head bowed:

"The long road is dedicated to the distance, the rose is dedicated to love, what can I give to you, my love,"

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