Different titles have different content, but it's all yesterday.

Some videos have hundreds of likes and more than 100 comments.

Some videos only have one like, but no comment at all, and I don’t know if it’s the like of the publisher himself.

However, even for the video with the highest number of likes, judging from the comments, it is the interaction of acquaintances, and there is no out of the circle.

The one with the highest number of followers, that is, more than 1000 people, does not know how many people get it through mutual relationship, so it has no influence.

In the mass of videos, it can be regarded as being overwhelmed.

Qin Kun had some promotion plans at that time.

But this kind of thing is a bit taboo.

A good operation is to promote positive energy.

If it is not done well, it will be ridiculed as eating human blood.

He had to ask Liu Qing for instructions.

Before asking Liu Qing for instructions, he had to seek Mo Xiaodie's opinion first.

If the patient himself disagrees, it would be too immoral to make such hype.

Although Qin Kun is not a person with a bottom line, he still has a bottom line.

If it falls below this bottom line, maybe the company will be destroyed.

After going to the hospital for an examination, before the results came out, he mentioned his thoughts to Mo Xiaodie.

In order to avoid causing Mo Xiaodie's displeasure, he also specifically stated:

"Whether we want to do this thing, we will listen to you. Publicity will definitely improve our company's public image, but if you think it is not good, then we will not do it. This is a icing on the cake, of course it is good , it doesn’t have any influence, you just make a decision according to your own ideas, there is no need to have any pressure.”

Mo Xiaodie asked: "Is it really good for the company?"

"Although it cannot produce direct economic benefits, it can improve the company's public image, which is also a benefit." Qin Kun said.

Mo Xiaodie thought for a while, then said embarrassedly: "I can cooperate, but can you cover my face? My face is too ugly."

"But," Qin Kun hesitated for a moment, and said, "A few people who took video yesterday have already uploaded your face,"

Then he quickly stated: "It was not someone from our company, but a passer-by at the time took the photo."

Mo Xiaodie remembered that someone took a video when she sang yesterday, including when Qin Kun said he wanted to sign her, someone was also taking a video next to her.

That is indeed a passerby.

Thinking that his ugly face had appeared on the Internet platform, he couldn't help but feel a little sad, and he pursed his lips and was speechless.

She is a very strong girl, but she is also just a girl, after all, she does not want her ugly side to appear in front of the public.

Qin Kun quickly said: "Don't worry, if you are worried about this, I will send a message to those who sent the video and ask them to delete the video. If they don't delete it, I will send them a lawyer's letter and send them Take it to court."

"Farewell, they are also kind." Mo Xiaodie said.

Last night, those onlookers at the end did show kindness, and she could feel that kindness.

Now someone posted a video about her and asked her to take him to court. She really can't do this kind of thing.

Even posting her ugly side on the Internet would make her feel ashamed.

After thinking for a while, he said, "It's because I'm being hypocritical. I should face my true self. Mr. Qin, you can publicize it however you want. I don't mind that. I'm willing to cooperate with your publicity, as long as this Really good for the company."

Saying this, it seemed that a shackle that trapped me was broken.

The Millennium Chronicle of Winning Kindness and Fruit.

Once you have received kindness from others, you must remember it for the rest of your life, and try your best to repay it.

As long as it can bring benefits to the company, what about sacrificing one's own face?

Face your true self.

Ugly is ugly.

Stop being secretive.

Don't be ashamed of the acne on your face.

That's not my fault.

After saying this, the habitually drooping head was raised.

Qin Kun was stunned for a moment, feeling that the girl's temperament seemed to have changed, but he couldn't say exactly what kind of change it was.

Said: "Then I'll ask the boss for his opinion. If the boss thinks it's okay, we'll come up with a plan."

He also assured Mo Xiaodie: "Don't worry, we are definitely not doing anything harmful, just promoting positive energy. Although we are promoting our company's corporate culture, we are also promoting positive energy and making this society feel love." It also makes this society more caring."

Hearing his explanation, the unhappiness in Mo Xiaodie's heart disappeared, and she said: "How to cooperate, Mr. Qin, please tell me, I will try my best to cooperate."

After obtaining her consent, Qin Kun called Liu Qing, and also persuaded Liu Qing with the excuse of promoting positive energy.

In the past, the key was to do good deeds without leaving a name, and publicizing them was just for fame.

Later, this society also gradually understood that good deeds must be publicized.

It is indeed inappropriate to only promote the bright spots of this society, and it seems too fake.

But for a while, the online world went to another extreme, and only liked to promote the darkness of this society.

That's equally inappropriate.

When surfing the Internet, all you see is negative energy, which makes people feel that the world is too depressing, and turns themselves into negative energy.

That's why the slogan of promoting positive energy was put forward later.

Positive energy, positive, and sunny things also need to be promoted, and they need to be vigorously promoted.

Only by using positive energy can we dilute the influence of those negative energies and let more people understand that there is still great love in this world.

Let more people understand that the virtues in the traditional concept of the public still exist in this world.

The main purpose of Qin Kun's hype about helping Mo Xiaodie is of course to improve the company's image.

However, as long as the hype is not excessive, promoting this matter in a realistic manner is indeed promoting positive energy and is a correct social orientation.

Chapter 167

After obtaining Liu Qing's consent, Qin Kun began to operate the matter.

His plan for Liu Qing is as follows:

The first is to buy traffic push for those videos.

Buy platform traffic directly.

This is the same as buying advertising space. How much money is spent depends on how many users the platform can promote those videos to.

As we all know, the algorithm of acne marks is particularly powerful, and the effect of big data push can be called terrifying.

These few accounts that post videos don’t have many fans, and they don’t spend a lot of money to buy tweets.

It will not buy much traffic.

Qin Kun hasn't spent money to make others popular.

However, to ferment this matter, the playback volume of those few videos is obviously difficult to convince the public, so it is necessary to push it.

Just spend a thousand dollars.

Then, spend money to a few cooperative new media companies to repost those videos on several social platforms.

Then, those accounts of your own company will claim it:

"Yes, there is such a thing. The cripple in the video is the general manager of our company, and the young man is the boss of our company. We are a positive media company."

Next, it should be interviewed by the media.

It is of course the best if the media takes the initiative to interview.

If there is no media to take the initiative to interview, then throw red envelopes and let the media take the initiative to interview.

It doesn't matter whether it's TV stations or newspapers and magazines.

Although the popularity of that thing is not so high now, it still belongs to authority in the minds of most ordinary people.

Next, the various accounts of Tianyuan Media displayed the articles and videos of the interviews, and created another wave of enthusiasm:

"Look, our company's charity has been certified by the authoritative media, and we are a new media company certified by the authoritative media as a positive energy."

Qin Kun mentioned such things again in the live broadcast:

"Recently, some media have reported that our company signed a terminally ill homeless singer and provided her with full medical expenses. Yes, this is true, but it is only a trivial matter. I believe that any When faced with such a situation, capable people will do the same thing as me. I hope everyone will pay more attention to her singing in the future, not on things other than singing."

After a wave of procedures, according to Qin Kun's estimation, it will take about 10,000+ to hundreds of thousands.

The promotion effect is good, 10,000+ is enough.

If the promotion effect is not good, then you have to continue to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars.

However, if it can improve the company's popularity and create a positive image for the company, the value is not worth hundreds of thousands.

Especially for their anchors, the public image is even more important.

It can create a positive image, and it is more convincing to carry the goods.

Later, many anchors who bring goods will choose to do charity, and it is also because of this reason.

——If it weren't for their terrible reputation, how could they possibly do charity work?

If you really have such high morality, you won't cut the leeks of your fans so hard.

The fact that Tianyuan Media signed Mo Xiaodie and borne all her treatment expenses was not done to improve the company's image, but it can indeed improve the company's image if it is publicized.

You have to actively hype this matter, but you can't let others see that you are actively hyping it—at least not let people outside the industry see that you are actively hyping it. This is very important.

Doing good deeds without leaving a name is still engraved in the subconscious mind of many people.

Good deeds done without leaving a name are really good deeds, and good deeds are publicized everywhere, which seems to be a bit of fame.

Qin Kun has no intention of challenging traditional concepts.

So the plan he provided to Liu Qing was more roundabout and cost extra money.

Seeing the messy plan, Liu Qing felt that the circle was quite dirty and there were too many routines.

Thinking back to the social news that moved me or made me angry, it probably came out of such a process, and I felt cheated.

"The hearts of those cultured people are really dirty." He thought in his heart.

However, as far as promoting the matter itself, he felt that there was no problem.

This not only creates a positive image for Tianyuan Media, but also allows Mo Xiaodie to appear in the public eye, which will also help her future career.

Systemic lupus erythematosus is a troublesome disease that cannot be cured, and one has to fight against the disease for life.

Mo Xiaodie's career can be better, and her future life will be much smoother, and she can live like a healthy person.

In addition, he had another not-so-glamorous idea—he also wanted to make a name for himself, in a positive way.

Therefore, he still agreed to Qin Kun's plan.

A quota of 15 was approved at the beginning.

However, the development of things was somewhat unexpected by Qin Kun.

After the videos uploaded by the few people who were present that day were sent out, the number of views was pitifully small, and there was no discussion.

When Qin Kun bought a total of 1000 yuan for Doujia Push for some of the videos, before he had time to contact other new media companies for promotion, those videos suddenly appeared on multiple social platforms, "Pengcheng's body Terminally ill homeless singer" was a trending search term, which made him a little confused.

"A throat kissed by an angel", this is the evaluation of Mo Xiaodie's singing voice on the Internet.

"The appearance destroyed by the devil", this is the evaluation of Mo Xiaodie's appearance on the Internet.

Such a girl who is terminally ill (in fact, it is not terminally ill, but the terminology used on the Internet platform will be exaggerated) with a clear singing voice suddenly became popular on the Internet and became the subject of heated discussions among many people.

1000 yuan can't buy such a large traffic push.

Moreover, the push bought on the acne printing platform can only be cashed on the acne printing platform, and it is impossible to work on other platforms.

At first, Qin Kun even thought that Liu Qing stepped up his efforts.

Called to verify, Liu Qing denied this:

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