The subsequent negotiations became much smoother.

Liu Qing's quarterly settlement plan was not approved, but Mr. Wang took a step back and said that he could accept the settlement every two months.

Based on the natural month of the Gregorian calendar, the balance is settled every two months. Before the 5th of the settlement month, the payment for the previous two months will be settled.

The price per ton has also been lowered a bit.

After all, it is a big order of [-] tons a month, so it should be cheaper anyway.

For Mr. Wang, such a large order not only reduces production costs, but also saves a lot of sales costs.

The final agreed price was [-] per ton.

Now it is late September, and September will certainly not be able to supply so many meltblown cloths.

But Mr. Wang promised that in October, Liu Qing would be able to supply no less than [-] tons of melt blown cloth.

Starting in November, for the next two years, [-] tons will be supplied every month.

In terms of price constraints, taking into account changes in the market and the interests of both parties and the long-term relationship determined by the contract, the two parties agree that when the market price of the product agreed in the contract rises or falls by more than 20.00% for half a year in a row, the two parties should reach a supplementary agreement to re-determine unit price.

If the two parties cannot reach an agreement on the new unit price, it will be increased or decreased according to 50.00% of the difference between the unit price agreed in the contract and the actual unit price in the market, but no adjustment will be made to the previously settled unit price.

The product delivery method confirmed by both parties is to deliver the goods from Mr. Wang to Liuqing's mask factory, and Mr. Wang will bear the cost of delivery by himself.

Once the big framework is reached, the negotiation on the details becomes smooth.

Then the two parties went to a law firm to dig out the details one by one, including the constraints on breach of contract.

Both parties are afraid that the other party will breach the contract, and the proportion of compensation for breach of contract is also set relatively high.

After completing the contract, both parties sign it.

A big order is finally completed.

Mr. Wang has achieved results.

Liu Qing also breathed a sigh of relief, and finally didn't have to worry about not having enough raw materials for making masks.

In the evening, Mr. Wang hosted a banquet for Liu Qing and his party.

Their factory also has more than ten tons of medical BFE99 grade melt-blown non-woven fabrics, and Mr. Wang also decides to send them to Liuqing's mask factory according to the contract price they agreed.

The new production line will start preparations for construction the next day, and the original production line will also have to work overtime, and the extra production capacity will be sold to Liu Qing.

But for Liu Qing, that was not enough.

It is also necessary to increase the purchase of those raw materials.

That night, Ding Yun also called Liu Qing, and after making sure that there was no one else beside Liu Qing, she asked why Liu Qing asked her to call Mr. Wang.

When talking on the phone with Mr. Wang, she showed her support for Liu Qing.

She also wanted to push Liu Qing to the position of president of Tianyuan Group, to establish Liu Qing's prestige, and of course she would not dismantle him in front of outsiders.

But after all, I have some doubts in my heart, worrying that Liu Qing will do some dangerous things with her status as the chairman of Tianyuan Group.

She only gave Liu Qing [-] million yuan to develop, because she was worried that Liu Qing didn't know anything about shopping malls, so she made some immature investments and lost all her capital.

Given a limit of [-] million, even if you lose everything, you can still afford it. At most, Liu Qing will not be allowed to enter the business world in the future, and be a good playboy.

But now that Liu Qing is doing something, she is afraid that Liu Qing will use her reputation to borrow money or something, so she must ask clearly.

If she hadn't learned from Mr. Wang that it was a formal company and a subsidiary company of an industry giant, she wouldn't have dared to show too much support for Liu Qing during the call.

But after the call was over, he was still a little worried after all, so he called Liu Qing.

Liu Qing explained the whole story to her, and said that she actually had the ability to pay for the goods, but people didn't believe it, so she had to pull her banner.

Ding Yun was relieved after listening to his explanation.

Then said to him:

"My current status is also a beneficial resource for you. I have no objection to your use of this resource. I will cooperate if it is necessary. But I want to remind you that the water in the business world is very deep. That is A group of people who are a hundred times smarter than you are playing that game. If you want to enter, you have to be prepared to lose. It doesn’t matter how you use the [-] million, we can afford to lose it all. But you can’t take my reputation Give you some guarantees beyond your ability to bear."

This is her reminder and her warning.

Liu Qing quickly assured: "Mom, don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who messes around. I will never use your reputation to do risky things, and I will never do things beyond my ability."

Ding Yun was quite satisfied with his statement, and told him:

"You have to understand a truth. There is no end to money in this world. The capital is in your own hands. There will always be opportunities. There is no need to do some risky things to make money. It's not worth it."

After calling Liu Qing, Ding Yun made another call to Ye Wanrong to inquire about the specific situation.

After learning that Liu Qing didn't lie to her, she was really relieved.

He also told Ye Wanrong that if he found out that Liu Qing had invested more than [-] million yuan, he would report to her in time.

As a personal bodyguard, Ye Wanrong could know those things.

The next day, Liu Qing and Ye Wanrong flew back to Pengcheng by plane.

And the procurement supervisor, with Liu Qing's instructions, went to other melt blown cloth suppliers to scan the goods.

Even if you are buying several tons by family, you should try to stock up as much as possible.

No more, not much capacity at all.

It's just some piecemeal orders, one-time transactions.

Liu Qing didn't have the energy to confirm whether there were kickbacks in such purchases.

The market price is there, and now he is not a complete layman. Even if it is a little tricky, as long as there is no problem with the quality, there is not much room for maneuvering.

He didn't need to run around for that little money.

——This can be regarded as a little bit of wealth and nobility that he has cultivated, so he is not so fussy.

Chapter 126 You have to pay attention to your identity

After buying the mask factory from Nian Fengyan, Liu Qing knew that she was on the way to success.

However, my heart is not particularly at ease.

Even if he is a pure layman, he knows that after the outbreak of the epidemic, the lack of raw materials is the biggest problem restricting the production of masks.

Without buying enough production materials, his heart will not be at ease.

Now, after signing this contract, his heart is truly settled.

There is also an indescribable sense of accomplishment in my heart.

Because of his intervention, the production capacity of meltblown cloth has been expanded.

When the epidemic came, both the supply of masks and the supply of production materials were larger than before, which can be regarded as a contribution to the fight against the epidemic.

He feels very proud that a very small person can make a small contribution in such a big event.

It seems that he is more proud than being able to make a lot of money.

When boarding the plane, Liu Qing asked Ye Wanrong very seriously: "Have you noticed that I am a little different from before?"

Ye Wanrong turned her head and looked at him carefully for a while: "Do you mean you have dark circles?"

After signing the contract, Liu Qing felt rather excited. She didn't sleep well at night, and she did have dark circles under her eyes.

Liu Qing shook her head: "No, I want you to take a look, is my temperament different from before?"

Ye Wanrong couldn't help laughing: "First of all, you have to have temperament,"

Although they are in an employment relationship, it is not a master-servant relationship. From Ye Wanrong's point of view, this is just a job, as long as she can do her job well.

Her job doesn't include flattering her boss.

Although she felt that Liu Qing's temperament had really changed during this time, she didn't want to say that.

—Afraid that he would swell up.

It's a terrible thing for a man to swell up and only want to do big things, but he doesn't have the ability to match.

Liu Qing hadn't cultivated the demeanor of a rich local like Hangkang, she put on a gentleman's demeanor to her employees, and she didn't think there was anything wrong with Ye Wanrong's way of talking to him.

Of course, there is still some disappointment: "I have no temperament? Don't you take a closer look? I feel that the holy light is radiating from me now, a very great kind."

Ye Wanrong pursed her lips and said with a smile: "You're not Fuli Ji, what kind of holy light are you giving yourself?"

Liu Qing looked at her in surprise: "You even know this?"

Ye Wanrong gave him a blank look: "Is it strange to know this? I know a lot."

"So what?" Liu Qing hesitated for a moment, then asked embarrassedly, "Can you give me some seeds?"

Ye Wanrong shook her fist at him, and Liu Qing hurriedly said: "A good man will live a safe life!"

"You have to pay attention to your identity," Ye Wanrong couldn't help but said, "You are now a private entrepreneur, the son of the chairman of Tianyuan Group, and someone who will inherit tens of billions of assets in the future, you can't be so stupid."

"Yes, yes, you are absolutely right."

Liu Qing nodded in agreement, then raised her wrist to glance at the Rolex she was wearing, and flaunted her wealth to Ye Wanrong indiscriminately, which was also a counterattack to her.

——I am a person who wears a watch worth several million, you say I am a dick?

"What time is it?" Ye Wanrong thought he was looking at the time, and asked casually.

"Uh," Liu Qing had already lowered her wrist, but upon hearing this she had to raise her wrist to take a look again, "It's still early, it's only after ten o'clock, and I can catch lunch when I go back."

Only then did Ye Wanrong realize that the guy was looking at his watch just now, not just looking at the time on the watch.

Can't help but feel a little funny.

However, being a bodyguard for such a boss still feels quite relaxing.

Shaking his head, he didn't say anything.

In fact, Liu Qing is no longer as stupid as before. This time he took Ye Wanrong and the purchasing director of the mask factory to go out this time. It was his first time to fly on a plane. lock up.

Of course, there is another important reason, that is, Ye Wanrong is by his side, and he doesn't want to act so cowardly in front of Ye Wanrong.

If it was Xiaowen instead of Ye Wanrong who was beside him, then he would definitely take out his mobile phone to take a lot of special shots, and he would also consider posting a copy in Moments, how to show that he is not flying for the first time.

In front of Xiaowen, he has no human pressure.

We all worked as security guards in the same community and worked together for such a long time. We have seen each other when they were down and down, and know that the other party is not a tall and tall personality.

You know my roots, and I have explored your roots. People who know the roots and the bottom of the truth don't need to make any pretense.

In front of others, it is necessary to have some disguise.

In front of Ding Yun, he needs to pretend to be a good son.

In front of employees of media companies and mask factories, they need to pretend to be a dignified boss.

In front of those dismantling the second generation, they need to pretend to be a rich second generation with style and class.

In front of business partners, you need to pretend to be a successful person who understands business negotiations.

Even in front of the bodyguard Ye Wanrong, I hope to maintain a little style and not look too cowardly.

That's certainly growth, but it's a little tiring to look like that every day.

That is to say, in front of Xiaowen, and only when Xiaowen is there, can she unscrupulously show her inferiority, without worrying about being underestimated.

——Even when he was with Huo Zhenzhen before, he had to try his best to show his excellent qualities, even those that did not belong to him.

If you can't make money, you save as much as possible, and you don't even want to spend your breakfast money.

If you can't find a good job and have no future, you should show your thoughtfulness and gentleness as much as possible.

I hope that woman can see that even if he is with him and cannot live a prosperous life, at least he will treat her well, coax and care for her like a treasure, and make her believe that she can live well without money very happy.

There are some consumptions that he thinks are unnecessary. In order to show his generosity and willingness to his lover, he has to pay the bill as if he doesn't feel distressed at all.

This is also a disguise.

It also made him very tired.

But it doesn't have to be like this for Xiaowen, the two parties are just friends, not a couple relationship, and they haven't discussed what to do in the future, there is no meaning of pretending.

Even if something happens, it's just a friendship.

This made Liu Qing feel more relaxed.

The plane landed, and it took a lot of effort to get out of the airport. At this time, it was already past one o'clock in the afternoon.

Xiaowen is at work, and no one cooks when she gets home.

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